14152/Fist Fu Fighting

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Fist Fu Fighting
Date of Scene: 16 February 2023
Location: Bronx
Synopsis: Franklin gets in a bar fight. Then things get weird.
Cast of Characters: Monet St. Croix, Franklin Richards

Monet St. Croix has posed:
There's a post Valentines Day event. Namely 'everyone who didn't have dates' style of event. And by 'didn't have dates' we mean 'getting completely loaded and arguing over why we didn't have dates'. Then someone brought up the Super Bowl. Then someone from Boston yelled 'Yankees Suck' What hten escalated to a bunch of drunken New Yorkers beating on a bunch of Boston yuppies, and things have escalated now as there's roughly a sixty or seventy person brawl going through the area involving blackjacks, members of the Yancy Street Gang, brass knuckles, broken bottles, and a series of inflatable beer mascots.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin didn't have a date either which didn't bother him as much as he was married to his work or at least that is what he told himself as he sipped finishing his water, and deciding to go home as it was about that time. Walking outside he looked left, and saw a bunch of people, then looked right and saw a bunch of other people. With a sigh he adds a.. "Oh Boy.." as the Pro-Yankies, and the anti-yankies side start colliding together with him in the mix.

It was crazy people fighting others, and since there were not anything to signal which side anyone was on it was just a chaotic brawl as there was no such thing as 'friendly' fire here it was just no hold bared drunken brawliing, though thankfully Franklin had been practicing. As the sides came together Franklin backed up trying to put his bac against the wall as they came for him. Dodging a broken bottle Franklin swung with a haymaker to the mans face that had attempted it, though as he did another saw a chance to wack him in the shoulder with a blackjack that was aimed for his head the young adult just getting lucky.

"Ooow!" the young adult yelled as it did still hurt, but he still brought his hands up infront of him to block any further blows.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Someone goes on about the Mets and another person goes on about how it hasn't been the same since the DOdgers left town. Given the person looks to be in their early twenties no one is taking it seriously as the beatings continue to increase in frequency. Someone goes to yank up right out of the ground a large inflatable DuffMan dating back to the 1980's that's had 'Duff Beer' crossed out and had PBR written instead with permanent marker.

For reasons known onl yto the pose gods, it's gone to swing over and tries to hit Franklin over in the head with an 'OHHH YEAHH'!

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin is covering up as he is hit with an inflatable DuffMan.. Franklin used to fighting in Gotham where the guys carried knives, and crowbars expected a serious blow but then felt the lighter impact of it as it confuses him making him look up at the twenty something with a confused look to get a Oh ya yelled in his face as Franklin had to step back the smell of beer, scratch that cheap bear, filled up his nostrals making him back up into the wall. "What is wrong with..." though he is only hit again for his troubles as her ducks under the Duff-man assult!

Finally having enough he grabs the inflatable person, and tears it out of his hands. "knock it off.. Go home and sober up!" he yells at the..... kid... though they were about the same age. So this is what people his age acted like went through his mind as he caught there punch of the now angry man, as he had stollen his Duff-Man. Franklin could of put that person down right now with a punch as they were drunk and he was not, but instead just let go of his hand as the drunk man pulled back to let him run into someone else spilling their drink only making it worse!

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The man yelling about the Brooklyn DOdgers is then bludgeoned to the side over by someone that smelled bad enough to be an honorary Hell's Angel. "THAT'S FOR MURICA!" That.. Made about as much sense as anything else so far. There were dozens of people brawling in the streets now, it surging over like a roller coaster of unloaded passion. The Super Bowl. The lack of dates.

The world cricket championship and the high stakes wicket.

The man pulling Franklin gets distracted, even as a group of kids that are -definitely- identifiable as some of the ones that in the past had made Ben miserable race on by.

Franklin Richards has posed:
For a moment Franklin wondered if this was some scheme, some villian brainwashing people and making them fight for some distraction. There were plenty who could do it, and would do it, though he is about to start looking then see's those people race by.. "Hey!" he yells at them, though realises in the mix it would not do any good so while he had a moment of not getting pulled, or battered he yelled. "Those people think Football should only be used for Soccor!" and points at the ones trying to make their way past. He gives them a smile, pulling down his hoodie so they will defenitly reconise him!

Though that was all he could as the chaos surged, and pushed him back again, and he lost sight again having to try to shove people trying to find his way back to where they were last at!

Monet St. Croix has posed:
"HEATHEN!" That apparently has everyone's attention over as several people charge in.. Each direction. One screams, "I'M GOING TO USE YOU FOR A FIELD GOAL!" Right as several others go to hurtle each way. Ultimately, no one is going anywhere! Which seems to work the way it's intended to keep the chaos restricted to one area.

To the side, the extremely smelly biker goes to pick up an empty keg, and goes to launch it through the air towards the back of Franklin's head.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin chuckles to himself, and is forced to reconsider this is just drunk people acting out as they normally did and though he was in a brawl perhaps where he could be seriously injured he had a smile on his face. It wasn't that he enjoyed the fight, well there was that, but even in this the 'worst' he was happy because it was actually people being people. Not some supervillian monologing, or Hydra threat, really it was just normal.. Ouch!

Franklin doesn't see the blow that hits ya, as one almost never did, but in the chaos he guesses someone though it was him they were talking about and taken a swing. Stumbling to the side Franklin see's the second as some other kid also about his age swing, though misses as Franklin leans back. Stepping forward Franklin stomps on his foot using the pain to straighten him up so his swing all the way from the other side of his body could hit the man in the jaw. Sure it was a dirty tricks, but as the Marine who trained him told him.. There wasn't dirty just not losing.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
It's a bunch of drunk people with things boiling over in a.. Well, it had to be rather absurd because this was New York. But no people in costumes, no monologues.. Franklin is able to dodge out of the worst of it as the man going to attack him would be flung backwards and would drop down hard, dumped down and unconsciuos.

That'sw hen the blonde, who looks to be about nineteen and a nerd (That was going on about the Dodgers) moves to approahc Franklin, "you! Nerd!" He moves to advance, fists held up. Then he goes to dart to the side to try ands hove Franklin in passing!

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin looks at the fallen man, "Sorry Fri....end" as he is tackled from the side only turning in time to face him though it doesn't help as he is off balance, lifting him up and down Franklin goes seeing a bit of starts as he hits the ground, though remembering to keep up his hands as the punches come down. He thinks it is thankful to his dad, but he was flexale... Not that Flexable, but enough as a pair of legs try to wrap around the mans neck, and yank him back to the ground.

Franklin was still thinking, and he knew the last place ya wanted to be was the ground, so if he got his grip he would not hold back as he tried to get the person off of him, and then back to standing.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The man is shoved right off Franklin over and moves to roll away. But instead as Franklin's going to twist back to his feet the man goes to roughhouse and then moves to grab Franklin not by the throat.. Or the arm.. But instead the.. Top of his pants? What happens is something right out of primary school as he goes to yank the pants up and away.

And Franklin is victimized by the frat boy style atomic wedgie.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin was ready for the blow, ready to kick back but as the person reached grabbing his pants, and this confused him.. He had not expected the wedgie attack, and as his Fantastic-Four undies shown as they were pulled he didn't feel embarassed, at first he was mad, but then he looked at the man giving him a wedgie in the middle of the brawl with a sad look. This kid didn't deserve the beating he was going to get. Though as the wedgie ended and got Franklin up first, the torn piece of undies still in the other mans hand as Franklin swings down at him, once, twice, then a third time a pause... and then one final time, as he then grabbs the torn piece out of the mans hands...

"Frats... why does it have to be Frats." he says with a sigh, as they were one of the few people he could not get along with. He was way too smart to fit into a lot of their groups, or they would of been smart enough to realise he was a friend. Though he looks up and eyes the crowd with a 'Who's next' look and now smile again on his face.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The fratboy would be bounced away, a dazed look over on his face as a thug that was short, pudgy, and had a very tanned complexion face and horrid hair would point at him and go 'HA-HA' before beings hoved over by someone else.

And as if they had risen to the challenge, two freakish looking teenagers would approach him. Almost monstrous looking faces, one with brown hair, the other with blonde, both with braces. One wearing an AC/DC shirt, the other one for Metallica. Something, perhaps, morbidly familiar about them.

"Huhuhuh what a wuss!" The other would giggle maniacally at a pitch normally only supervillains could achieve, "Hehehehehe!"

Franklin Richards has posed:
Standing up now with a bruse on the side of his face from a hit before undies torn a asunder, Franklin looked as two more stepped out, and giggled manically. "What the..!" he just says at them, and looks around a bit at the fight to see if it is calming down, or if he saw cops as he did not want to have to call his sister to come bail him out of jail. Second this had to be some evil villian, or was he dreaming again as these two were a bit wierd. "Hey guys, what is going on here." he had to calm himself down again after that last one, as maybe Franklin was doing this.

He looks around a bit for key things like writing that wasn't the right way, or reflections that were off. Right now he could be the only one on the block and just not know it. So it might mean getting hit, but he must be sure this was real.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Franklin can't help perhaps but blink for a moment as he sees someone wearing a set of what looks like red pajamas with a.. Pot over on his head that somehow acted as an expressive facemask, a white cape, and on the front of the pajamas a large 'FM' initial on it. Oh yes, it was definitely one of -those- sorts of things even if he perhaps didn't know exactly who the guy was.

Franklin Richards has posed:
With a blink Franklin looks up and sighs a bit, though he didn't reconise the person in pajamas. He tilts his head a bit and looks at him.. "Who are you?" using his powers for the first time, though just his very weak Tp. He couldn't read minds, but he had to know how to block his mind from other telepaths so comunication was easy. Not sure what this means, but taking it as a focus to head towards he moved towards the person pushing the others away need be as he would try to cut a path through.

That was wierd, or at least Franklin wierd as usually that was a sign he needed to investigae. Maybe he had invaded someones dream again, though as he rubbed his jaw that did not feel like a dream punch though with Franklin the line was paper-thin.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
It's like staring over the edge of an abyss that's staring back, making thumbs up signs, and running around with his arms in front of him making 'whoohs' sounds like he was flying. THe mind of the being that Franklin is staring into is just gazing bcak over then - empty, empty.. Like one might say Johnny's reputation was - far from the truth, of course..

The people would, as if under some sort of guidance all start meandering along in that direction, even as the man with a pot on his head would be rolling his hands over to a pose from the Macarena.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Pushing through was difficult enough though he watched the being as he approached. It didn't seem millicent, but it was so empty he wasn't sure what it was then stopped. "Not again..." he says as he looks around. He had been draged through space, and time before and though it took him a minute he realised what this was as he walks up to the boy with the FM, and kneals infront of him. "King Richards!" loudly and non-embarasedly. He had remembered this, as he considers what he did next having a hard time remembering as it had been when he was so young.

Standing he smiles, "My Liege, what are you doing here? I thought you would be shooting up engins in the wild west.. Though we call them Native Americans as they were here first." taking a moment to teach the boy a little bit.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Fobrush Man goes to salute, "Oh, hey dude! Didn't see you about. Was just looking for a place to eat lunch at. Wanna join me?" Definitely not one of the maliscious ones. Still one of the weirder types. "Uh.. Have we met before? Sorry, I get hit on the head a lot so it can be easy to lose track of things. I think I tend to get panned whenever I go out."

He would take out a small windchime to make a 'ding'. "I got some sandwiches."

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin looks at Fobrush, and smiles. "Hello! And I think I do, but who I am is a secret!" he whispers the last part with a chuckle streaching the truth just a little bit. "I would love to if thats okay! What you eating today?" he half waitied to hear some wierd combination of candies, or fruits. He chuckles a bit when they are sandwiches though gives a small clap, "Those look simply delicious... Thank you for sharing." he notes though looks at the crowd to see what happened to them, or if they poofed as soon as they were not the focus.

He takes a seat, and will nom on his sandwitch as he askes, "So.. whatcha doing here? I mean aren't you supposed to be back in the 2000s?" he asks with a grin.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The man with the F on his chest gives a thumbs up, "Sure!" It would be passed over to Franklin, "Eh, I dunno! I just sort of hang and go back and forth. Kinda chill thing to do. Go in, be a bit silly, get out before I ruin the mood. Nice to not to take everything seriuosly sometimes and I don't mess things up." The sandwich is deliscious - from a nearby deli.

Somehow the pot opens to show a mouth for him to take a chunk of it out.

Of course everything else is gone'ish but hte two.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin smiles, and nods as he gets that time is somewhat relative once you were beyond a certain level. "And fair enough, though I hope I didn't interupt your fun." Franklin puts a hand on his chest, and nods. "Believe or not I wasn't paying attention, and thought it was reality for a moment!" and then chuckles as if that mattered joke. He shakes his head at least able to laugh at himself. "Why here though? Was it the soccor comment, was that too much?" he asks with a grin as he doubted that was true.

He had been in fights before, but usually they ended up with him bruised he then stops.. "Maybe I did get a hit to the had myself." he looks over at the other person with him. "And if your supposed to be an angel, I want a refund." he jokes again as if he were dead supposedly angels come.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The man would shrug, "Nah, it's fine! I was just wandering along and looking for soething to eat. Sorry, I kind of get things caught up around me sometime." He would shrug, "I was just hanging with Obnoxio the Clown and lost track of things. And just a bunch of fans going on about sportsballs and I got sidetracked! So, uh, sorry. I shouldn't watch college movies while I'm doing other things."

Franklin Richards has posed:
With a chuckle Franklin nods, as he looks back into the nothingness that was there now that it had lost focus, and smiles. "No it is fine, you would not actually believe how many times this has happened." and gives the other a wink. He then considers, with a name like that one is glad that he came alone as he had a hard enough time just dealing with Miss. Frost. Though he shoke his head, no stay focus as losing focus here, while not bad, could make him lost away from his new friend only to return again without a free meal.

"So what do you normally do?" Franklin asks? a bit curious as it seemed he knew not only others here, or at least that there were others perhaps he had worked for one. Though he does nod, "Sports in the background when I go to sleep often leads me to wierd places as well."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Finishing his sandwich, the man wih the F on his chest would get up, "Well.. That'd take a bit moe time than I have and I just finished lunch. Catch you later sometime but we might try and justify it a bit more when it happens so pepole stare at us a bit less weirdly?" HE would offer and then begin to meander off, leaving things back and about