14188/=The STAR Labs Heist

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=The STAR Labs Heist
Date of Scene: 19 February 2023
Location: Manhattan
Synopsis: The Hawks prey on a Kobra in Manhattan.
Cast of Characters: Joseph Gardner, Shayera Thal

Joseph Gardner has posed:
Hawkman is not quite sure how much of Earth Shayera Thal has experienced. After being allowed to join her on patrol he suggested they drop down to an unassuming bakery. It was old New York style, with seating and espresso. Between them on te to small table is a plate with connolis, vanilla and chocolate. The meal commenced after his quick lecture on how to pronounce connoli. The 'c' was more a 'g' sound and you needed a certain lilt to it. He waits for the Thanagarian to try one, setting his mace against his chair leg. "SO 'gunol I think I was Italian once."

Shayera Thal has posed:
Shayera Thal mostly sticks to areas around Gotham and Metropolis to be honest. She looks the food over calmly before she takes a bite out of it, chewing it slowly as she tries to let her tastebuds decide if she likes it or not. She then nods her head, "It taste pretty good.." She has her helmet on the table right now but she still has on her signature wing harness, having learned the hard way not to leave the apartment without them. "I attended some Thangarian classes on language before coming her as an ambassador. English was the hardest language I had to learn because of all the odd sayings and euphemisms." She picks up her soda, she has a weakness and it is coca-cola. Much as she likes strong coffee she preference the sweetness and bubbles of soda. "So how many past lives have you had? You mentioned three before.

Joseph Gardner has posed:
Hawkman swallows his well chewed pastry before answering. "Mmmm at least a dozen. All of them seemed pretty eventful. All Pharoah Khufu comes through clearest. right after him comes a gunfighter named Gunhawk, then a Knight, and then a Gladiator. Then it's a jumble. I begin to understand why Thanagarians do not use absorbascons anymore. Do you think if I went to Thanagar they could help me make sense of these memories?" He starts to take a sip of espresso. There's a sudden flash of light from the street and whine from outside the quaint bistro. A beam from above has stopped a truck and none to gently. Hawkman grabs his mace and starts from his chair, making for the door. His Wingman memories are aggravating right now.

Whether on Thanagar or Earth, it is a bad idea to interrupt a police officer's meal break!

Shayera Thal has posed:
Hawk Woman sips her soda before taking another bite out of the pastry, she listens to the story with interest taking note of the many past lives you lived and then nods her head. "I believe so, if I had a jumble of memory in my head that kept me telling past from present I would be pretty confused. Right now I have no way of getting back to Thangar so I would have to make contact with them in order to get a ship to pick me up. But I believe I could arrange for both you and Hawk Girl to come along and see the planet." She is about to take another bite when the flash of light catches her vision. She turns her head to note the truck and the direction the beam came from. She picks up her Hawk Helm and places it on and then taps the side as the HUD comes up and she uses the communicator to call in a disturbance to the local PD, <<Manhatten PD this Hawk Woman of the Justice League. There is a disturbance going on, both Hawk Man and I are on it. Please send officers to corden off the area.>> She takes her mass and gives it a goft heft before looking at Hawkman. "Looks like now rest of the wicked." She taps a emblem on her harnes and the nth metal wings spread out and form over her normal wing giving them that extra protection.

Joseph Gardner has posed:
Hawkman is nearer the door and hits the street. Above an airship hovers on ion thrusters, a Kobra symbol painted on his side. The truck in the beam is stopped, its back wheels off the pavement. The truck is labeled S.T.A.R. Labs. He tsks at all the advertising. You might as well say, 'Rob me!' or 'We'll be your robbers today!' There is a ripple in the beam and the truck shakes violently. The driver is flung out and onto the street. "Oh hell no!" The truck starts to rise.

Shayera Thal has posed:
Hawk Woman comes out the door a moment after you, just in time to see the truck star to rise. She follows the path of the beam up to the airship. "Well this won't stand." She says as she engages the anti gravity generator on her harness and then beats her wings to shoot upwards. Without gravities pull she is able to soar upwards towards the airship in a matter of moments. She decides that the best point of attack would be the beam projector and thus starts to glide toward that ,using her wings to maneuver through the air with easy.

OOnce she is close enough she pulls back her mace and grips it in both strong arms before issuing the standard. "HEEYYYAAAHHH!!" She is famous for as she brings the mace wheeling around, electricty pulsing along the head of the mace, as she tries to smash the beam projector.

Joseph Gardner has posed:
Hawkman sees the tractor beam is already under attack. He rises and opts for a frontal assault. The tractor beam cuts out and red lights show up in the control cabin. He notes this because he's already at the window and bringing his mace down on the windshield with a... well he doesn't have a standard yell. Guys? Anything? "Ave Caesar! Nos Morituri te salute!" Crash. It'll do for now.

Shayera Thal has posed:
Once the tractor beam is dealt with Hawk girl steadies herself and then with a beat of her wing starts to swoop around it going for an attack on the other side of the airship. She opts to get some distances before stopping and forming her wings aaround her in a V as she shoots forward and uses them as a make shift ram. She crashes through the side window of the airship and comes to a three point stance super hero landing. Then has to instantly bring her wings up to shield her from a hail of gun fire. She angles her body using one wing as a shield while she advances then swings around with her mace cold clocking one person and then spinning and lashing out with the other wing to slice the barrel off a gun before hitting him over the head with her mace.

Joseph Gardner has posed:
The command crew has sidearms. A few even go for them as Hawkman caves in the framework of the window and showers them with plexiglass. Then he is in as shots pop off. One bullet hits his shoulder with minimal effect. His wings snap out, pinwheeling and creating a wind that blows them off their feet. Everyone thinks those wings are just for flight.

Shayera Thal has posed:
As the airship decides it has a Hawk problem it releases a pair of anti personal bombs. Shayera hears the bomb hatch open and quickly dives out of the window and then extends her wings and catches the air currents. Her helmet highlights the two bombs and she then relays the information to Hawk Man's helm. "Two Bombs. I got the one on the right.." She goes into the standard dive before she connects with it and then begins to beat her wings to push the bomb along. She flies with it adjusting the fall of the bomb towards the bay. "GET ClEAR FOLKS!" She calls out as with one final push sends the bomb spiraling into the bay with a giant splash. She then extends her wings stop her fall before hovering. The bomb goes off creating a large gyser of water.

Joseph Gardner has posed:
Hawkman never got a bomb before. Well Katar, what now? You were the Wingman! He's already out the window and diving before he knows it. the bullet wound on his shoulder is closing, He grabs at the chute and lacking any firm ideas just accelerates upward as hard as he can. Shrapnel has a limited range, the Wingman says.

The winged man flies upward, eating the miles. Vanishing int the clouds. the clouds are lit by a flash, the rumble reaching Shayera's sharp ears a few seconds later.

Shayera Thal has posed:
Shayera hears the explosion and looks up in time to see the Flash. She is quiet for a moment before she beats her wings and goes upwards, trying to get a clear view. "Shit.." She mumbles as she tries to see if there is any sign of Hawk Man in that explosion. She taps her communicator and tries to contact him. <<Hawk Man!? Did you make it clear!? Hawk Man!?>>

Joseph Gardner has posed:
Shayera gets no repy on her comm. The only answer offered to her is a familiar hawk helm tumbling out of the sky, looking a little bedraggled. A few feathers begin to appear out of the clouds.

Shayera Thal has posed:
Well that isn't good. Hawk Woman eyes track the helm and her wings beat to push her along, with no gravity to stop her she is able to soar over and catch the the helm then stare at it. She is quiet for a moment before her attention turns towards the air ship as it sails away. She then sighs and places her head on the helmet and just hovers there.

Joseph Gardner has posed:
Hawkman drops out of the cloud a moment later rubbing his bare head. The wings are missing some feathers, having been used to shield him. His ears are also ringing. But he notes the Thanagarian. "Hey you caught my helmet! Thanks! I would hate to lose that," he says, a little too loudly, over the ringing he hears. A few cuts and scrapes begin healing. His ears itch madly as his eardrums heal. "Shayera... are you all right?"

Shayera Thal has posed:
Hawk Woman instantly straightens up and then puts on that professional cop attitude. She wipes her eyes and then coughs a bit. "Yes just...Some particles in the eye that is all..." She turns and offers you back the helmet. "You had me worried there...I didn't think you made it..

Joseph Gardner has posed:
Hawkman flies over to get his helmet. "I didn't think I made it either. I wondered whether I was being downloaded into some other poor SOB... thank you." He takes the helmet, then pats her hand impulsively. Over his shoulder and spread wings Shayera can see the airship, trying to rise and escape. Apparently what damage they did was well placed, smoke from the control cabin and the engine room. She can also see SHIELD copters flying in the distance.

Shayera Thal has posed:
hawk Woman nods her head and then smiles. "You gave me a good scare...Just don't ever do that again." She begins to sail back down to the ground. "Lets let SHIELD handle the clean up."