14400/Duty to Secure Stuff
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Duty to Secure Stuff | |
Date of Scene: | 13 March 2023 |
Location: | Security Center |
Synopsis: | Rogue is doing her duty in the security center, Logan comes in and relieves her of that duty. Nap time! |
Cast of Characters: | Rogue, Logan Howlett
- Rogue has posed:
Everyone has to do it now and then. It's the security monitoring duty.
Tonight, it is Rogue. She's in the security center's monitor room, with a whole wall of monitors spread out in front of her. She's in her green and gold bodysuit with her leather jacket slung over the back of the black leather office chair she's seated in. Her booted legs are up too, with her wedge heels up on the edge of the table in front of the camera monitors.
In her hand, she's got her phone, and it might look like she's slagging off at 'work' but truth be told she's using her phone to switch between cameras to watch the forest around Breakstone Lake. The weird animal death there the other day kinda freaked her out a bit, since there was no rhyme or reason as to what caused that much blood to be left behind in the snow.
The Belle just relaxes while she sweeps through the cameras, all the monitors showing different views across the property.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
"Hey, kid," Logan's gruff voice calls from the doorway, "Shift's over. Go get some shut-eye."
The Canuck takes a few steps into the room, leaning down to peer at the monitors with squinting eyes that crease at the corners. When he stands up, both hands go to the small of his back and he lets out a grunt.
"Not relishin' the idea of sittin' on my ass for hours."
- Rogue has posed:
Rogue's eyes shoot up to Logan upon hearing his voice. She sees him stride around the glass wall that views the hallway of the security center area. It makes her shoot him a smile. "They got you t'do this huh?" She asks, her feet coming down off of the desk. "I'm surprised. I figured you woulda just... gave'em the bird, or some such." She grins at him playfully before sitting up straight in her chair, her hands dropping down to her lap.
"Well. If it helps, ya can at least listen to the radio and watch for people sneakin' away ta dark corners ta smooch on each other." She states with a big grin at him.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
"Twisted my arm," Logan agrees with a bob of his head, "Plus, figured you ought to be out enjoyin' the night life so I offered to take the rest of your shift. Don't say I never did nothin' for you."
The mention of people sneaking away to smooch prompts a wrinkle at the bridge of his nose.
"Please, nothin' worse than teenage hormones. Gettin' all Romeo an' Juliet with each other, if Romeo an' Juliet were a movie you'd see in Times Square in the Seventies. If I catch any a' that, I'm turnin' the camera off."
- Rogue has posed:
Rogue just beams brightly at his response to that as she stands up then from her chair, reaching for her jacket, she just pauses and looks to the monitors. "Well, really, I've been watchin' out for whatever killed that deer last week. It was weird... ya know?" She asks as she looks back at him, her hand moving a bit on the chair that her jacket is draped over.
"Like, I know you're a good hunter, so you probably know when somethin' feels 'natural' and when it doesn't. I may not be some Joe Rogan-like super hunter, but whatever happened out there felt unnatural t'me..."
She glances back at the monitors. "So if it comes back, maybe it'll smile for ya in one'a the views..."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
"We sure it weren't our resident Dracula?"
Though he says it, Logan can't help but smirk in a way that shows he's not likely to believe it. Once the seat is vacated, he slips around to drop into it with a heavy slump that makes the framework creak loudly in protest.
"Tell you, if it's good enough to not leave enough of a trail for me to sniff it out? Then I'll gladly go chasin' it if it shows up again."
- Rogue has posed:
Rogue picks her jacket up off the chair when he sits down in it, and then folds it over her forearms as she walks over to the monitor desk and leans back against it, the monitors casting light on her back as she rests like that, her eyes over at him, a smirk on her lips.
"Nah, it's not really her style. I think if she did it, and left a mess that big... well, she'd probably tell one'a us. Plus, I mean... if you're in it for the blood, why leave that much of it on the ground. Plus it was fresh... like, if she'd done it, she'd still have been there..."
Rogue shakes her head side to side. "I dunno." She states then, looking over her right shoulder at the various displays. "Either way, thanks for bailin' me outta this place." She tells him with a little smirk, moving to stand up straight again. "I'll take ya out to Harry's some time for food'n drink?"
- Logan Howlett has posed:
"I was just yankin' yer chain, darlin'," Logan says with a shake of his head, "I know it weren't her. She ain't the great an' mighty hunter she might pretend to be. Whatever it is, I don't think it's local."
He looks at the monitors for a moment, spying a pair of students making out in the most awkward way possible on the tower rooftop and turning it off with a mildly disgusted grunt. The screen switches to a much more serene picture of Hambone raiding the fridge.
"I don't know that I'm welcome back at Harry's. Cut a guy's hand off last time I was there. Wanna put a good word in for me?"
- Rogue has posed:
Rogue didn't see the kids making out, but she does spy the Fridge Raider deep inside one of his missions. But, she just looks back to Logan when he speaks about Harry's and it makes her smirk. "A whole hand?" She asks. "Jesus. Fella musta really got undah your skin." She says in that sassy southern way of hers.
She steps over to him then and offers a pat from her gloved right hand to his shoulder. "I'll talk t'Harry about it. Guy loves ya like a brother, so I doubt he'll be angry for too long." She adds as she turns toward the doorway out to the hall.
"Sides, without you, who is he gonna bitch about hockey scores with? Most folks around here don't even understand what hockey is." She says with a grin as she makes for the doorway, tossing her jacket over her shoulder as she struts like she do.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
"Fella was showin' off in front of his pals. Pickin' fights. Picked the wrong one."
Logan shrugs his shoulders a little, leaning back in the chair and interlocking his fingers behind his head. Relaxation mode. He may well snooze while he's here, but whose gonna complain about it to him?
"Either way, I'm sure it'll blow over. Harry's got no love for those anti-mutant bastards anymore'n we do."
He doesn't turn when Rogue makes for the door, eyes closing.
"Have a good one. Don't do anythin' I'd do."