14447/Now Streaming: the Magic Word!

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Now Streaming: the Magic Word!
Date of Scene: 19 March 2023
Location: Billy Batson's apartment over a garage.
Synopsis: Two young but old friends reunite and talk shop.
Cast of Characters: Billy Batson, Julie Power

Billy Batson has posed:
Okay, it's not exactly a high tech studio. Billy hasn't taken Wade Shaw's offer to back him and provide facilities yet. That's his strong independent streak. He hung a red drape across one corner, bought a pressed board portable desk and a couple second hand roller chairs. His laptop Mikes and camera would have to do while he watched the comments on his phone. Finally a pitcher of water and glasses for his guest, an old friend of Mary's and a bonafide teen hero. Okay he was a teen hero too, but he was stuck in an adult wrapper. Finally Billy sets out some donuts, no powdered sugar, and leaves the window open. It's a great window to enter by shielded by trees.

Julie Power has posed:
Julie knocks, rings and then, once the door opens, she gets into the flat with a certain lightness. "Billy! It's been too long. Are you still doing the whole thing of being so much older in costume than without?" she greets with a smile, offering William not just the hand but a quick hug. "Gosh, has it been that long?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson returns the hug. It's been a while since he could just relax about being Shazam let alone with someone outside the Family. "He smirks and says, "I'll demonstrate later. I have my equipment set up and some of it doesn't react well to lightning. How are you and the rest of the Pack these days? You seem to be flying solo a bit but if you want to partner let one of us know, especially me. Listen before we start streaming I want to thank you... and get something off my chest." He motions her in and indicates the amenities and the 'studio'.

Julie Power has posed:
"Disbanded currently. Katie is looking for colleges last I heard, and Alex is takign college classes... And adulting is rather boring at times." Julie notes, shrugging a tad as she follows his invitation to the setup, settling where indicated. "Teaming up? Oh, we could do that occasionally, if things come to that. So, what's it you want to talk about off stream?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson puts his hands on the desk leaning towards Julie. He says in his most serious tone, "I had a huge crush on you almost from the moment I met you, especially after reading your pieces on being a teen hero. You can imagine how those spoke to me. I thought you were the most wonderful girl I ever met." He straightens up and lets out a breath. "I just had to say that. I mean I'm with someone now, so everything is working out for me. But, I wanted to let you know I'm a fan. But I mean when you're fifteen a seventeen year old woman is really daunting. Ironically, my girlfriend is about your age."

Julie Power has posed:
A little flush runs over Julie's cheeks, but then she smiles with a little smicker, offering a little push against the shoulder, more a teasing movement than encouraging. "Oh my. And I thought having been a pre-teen heroine was giving a bad example to everybody. Apparently it did help in making one hero or another to get by... so who is your dear, if you're ok with telling such to one you have had a secret crush about in the past?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson rolls his eyes a little. "Are you kidding? I want the world to know. She's incredible," he says. He grabs the phone and starts flipping through some pictures of an athletic blonde who is apparently a cheerleader. "Her name is Sunny. She's got the right name, she lights up everything. I plan to bring her around and introduce her to everyone. She knows about me... but I want her to meet Mary and Freddy and let them decide if they want to tell her." As to the pictures, Billy is indeed hitting outside his weight class but they are cute.

Julie Power has posed:
"Oh? And I thought lighting people up is reserved for fire-and-light-themed heroes." Julie muses as she watches the photo. "So your type is blondes with a personality, hm? Wait, tell me you have met her as Billy and not as Shazam please. Because I honestly want to think you don't use your power just to get a date..." There's a pleading look as she ends, hoping he properly met her as himself.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson struggles for a moment. "I met her as Shazam. When I met her again, I knew I liked her, so I let her in on the secret. It felt right. As it happens, pretty sure she likes me. Me. Not Captain Sparklefingers. I was worried about Shazam getting in the way. This happened before. I used to find it hard to keep the two of me separate. I'm a lot better. Victor and Rosa met her. She and the folks both decided to give me a house warming... only I invited her, not the folks. They just showed up with tacos. A little awkward, especially since she came from cheerleading. She has a cheerleading scholarship and is getting grants for fashion design. She loves cosplay... I tell you, some days I can't stop smiling."

Julie Power has posed:
Julie exhales audibly as he lets her in on the secret that Sunny is in on the secret as well, brushing her hair back a moment. "That's... good. I mean, that she knoes and chose you over Sparkly. Otherwise it would be really awkward. Not that I have to think about that part often, but then again, the Pack doesn't quite have the benefits of a secret identity since we went busting aliens at an average age of below 10."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson looks out the window. "You guys were and are incredible. If it's any solace, being fifteen and looking almost thirty wasn't an outing. I had grown women hitting on me. I had a girl who returned some feeling. She was a Mutant and had to leave for training. I had to fight the Juggernaut. He was the first person to actually injure me as Captain Thunder... It carried over to me as Billy. I-it... I remembered reading your writing and it made me persevere. I just realized... heroes don't pick their fights because they're winnable. Sometimes we win. Sometimes we lose or tie. Eventually, we fall."

"Anyway, ready for some streaming!?"

Julie Power has posed:
"Well, sometimes we win, sometimes we lose, but what makes us heroes isn't what we manage to do or where we fail, it is how we stand in the face of adversity. That's what makes us Heroes." Offering a genuine smile, Julie inhales deeply, closes the eyes and then returns with the focus to the room. "And now... let's face this most deadly foe called audience, for they can slaughter and eviscerate people with words."