14478/Reconnecting Old Ties

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Reconnecting Old Ties
Date of Scene: 23 March 2023
Location: Roof - Four Freedoms Plaza
Synopsis: Julie visits Valeria to reconnect and gets leads to GIRL and other teams!
Cast of Characters: Valeria Richards, Julie Power

Valeria Richards has posed:
The superrhero community often turns out to be a small world. Even when it includes several worlds. Being the daughter of one of the most famous families in the business Valeria tends to be stuck dealing with tabloid paparazzi, social media influencing, standard rich girl stuff.

Normally she'd rather be in a lab working on some project or another. But occasionally you stumble onto something that takes you back a ways. That being someone you knew from actual childhood. Which in turn led to Val sliding into direct messaages. A bit of back and forth remeniscing, actual phone calls and then an invite for Julie to come visit the plaza. Security set to allow the young woman to land while Val is kicking back on one of the sunlounges dressed in some comfy faded bluejeans and a football jersey styled in the family colors with her last name and a numeral Four printed on the back. Landing pad it might be, it's a good place to get some sun. At least that's what is claimed by elder uncles in her family.

It's also good for friendly fliers to arrive and not get stuck in long, long elevator rides.

Julie Power has posed:
It's been years since Power Pack dissolved, bit in their hayday as kid heroes - they started as an all pre-teens - they actually had not just saved the world, but also been fighting on the same side of some of the established teams. They even had Franklin Richards as a honorary team member on the roll. But that all came to an end when the pack formally disbanded in 2018, all of them still underage.

But while the team was disbanded, Julie Power, second oldest of the Power children, was kind of the well connected one, at least keeping the numbers up to date who to call in case of emergency. Though for the Richards... calling might be more of a problem. Not because they might not pick up (probably likely) but because calling them had the inherent risk to accidentally start the world-end-emergency call chain. At least once it might have.

Instead, a rainbow streaking through New York arches down towards the landing pad on the Four Freedoms Plaza, sometimes also called F4-Tower, and touching down with a single stride, taking a short look around. "Valeria? I havn't seen you in like... ages!"

Valeria Richards has posed:
That refracted contrail is pretty telling and quite a sight. Luckily unless there's explosions no body generally looks up. And no world ending threats. Imminent ones at least. and at least Val managed to get along with everyone in the Power family. Know it all as she might have been when she was very little. To Franklin's occasional embarrassment.

"Julie hi! You actually made it! Awesome!" the blonde rising to stand and beam a massive smile to the other young woman. "How've ya been holding up? I've been kinda crappy keeping track of people I know till recently. Mom's been encouraging me to socialise more." she admits her side of losing contact. Franklin was the sociable kid after all.

Julie Power has posed:
"If I wouldn't manage, you'd have read on twitter why by now I bet." Julie offers in a little musing, offering a short hug with the hands lifted as she moves over. "After all, whenever there's a throwdown, social media is all about that these days. I bet your mom just wants the best for you. You know, Mom stuff."

A little chuckle comes from her as Julie gestures over New York. "The world is your oyster. Unless you don't like shellfish, then it's yours to explore. Good thing you reach out, so... what's up? I'm back in town since... like a little over a week? Reconnecting, meeting people. Maybe picking up the mantle for a solo career."

Valeria Richards has posed:
Hugs are given and Val does let it hold a little longer. Stepping back after to smile and nudge her head at the door inside. "She does. And I do actually listen and not be all blah, blah, and blah. Then lock myself in my lab. I just stay in there with the door unlocked. I usually let the HERBIEs manage my socials. But sometimes I do actually look at them. One in a million odds mathematically come up nine times out of ten!" it's a Pratchett gag but amazingly rings true in this world.

"Settled back in already? Going to school?" she asks curiously, the blonde happily inviting Julie into the elevator down to the building away from where it's actually still cold out. For Val at least. It's not that far into spring after all.

"Solo heroing's a big risk if you've been out of it. No shame in shopping for new teams either." she says warmly.

Julie Power has posed:
"Thinking about if I pick up new college classes, it's not yet April when the semesters really start. But indeed. Teams are a safety. Like the Avengers might be an option. The stipend they get is minuscle compared to a banker, but have you seen the health benefits?" Julie muses back as she follows to the elevator. "Though, if there's an invitation, I can look into it. Wait, that wasn't an offer or something, right?"

Valeria Richards has posed:
"Trust me, the health benefits will come in handy. Everyone still gets worried when I get into that stuff. No powers despite being able to build power armor on par with Iron Man, better really." Valeria proudly explains as the lift into the living area is quick and the door opens to give Val the honor of an arm sweeping in invitation. "You want a drink or something?" one of the nearby HERBIEs floating around doing house chores perking a moment just in case.

"Well I'm not funding any teams but I know a few people in the game. I spend a lot of time working with a bunch of sciency types. Research, development, collaberation. Most of us are girls and women roughly around my age, a few younger a few older. But we've mostly got our backing from my parents, Janet Van Dyne, Wakanda has a presence as well. We've even built our own star ship. Genius In Action Research Labs!" she says and beams with even more pride. "You should take a look at the place. It is pretty full on SCIENCE, but that shouldn't stop anyone wanting to see how they can contribute." she adds.

Julie Power has posed:
"Tony himself is not powered but for being loaded and a good engineer." Julie remarks, giving Val an apprechiated nod. "Get yourself a power armor and a name, and people instantly forget you are fragile inside. As for drinks, it's not even afternoon, so something non alcoholic. Ice tea?"

"Wakanda? Wow, they pop up like on a nigh daily basis for me since I returned. I mean, first I have a beatdown with Klaw, then meet princess Shuri in a burger joint, it turns out my Ex is working at the Hellfire Club that king T'Challa is part of and now you say they fund a team here? Wait, which team are we talking about? I mean, there's kinda many these days. Though, there always have been many many."

Valeria Richards has posed:
"Shuri herself is a member of GIRL. It's just a think tank. We sometimes end up in adventures together but heroing is not the primary focus. And weah the acronym is a stretch too. I'm also kind of a member of the Hellfire Club. HFC isn't funding a team I know of. They sometimes hire mercenaries for stuff. But that's outside my membership privelegaes. It's a place where a lot of people can have the kind of night out they like with no one getting on their backs and scandals. Discretion is kind of the major factor. Making sure it's a safe place for all of us is the biggest goal." Explaination comes as the floating robot heads for the kitchen to start brewing up some iced tea. A pair of fingers waved indicating a second one for herself.

"Your ex works there? Just asking in case I do already know him? Or... her?"

Julie Power has posed:
"Oh, Marie-Ange Colbert. She's doing card stuff. We dated like... in 2020? A couple months... Anyway, it's not a big deal. So... back to the GIRL thing... Who do I talk to about stuff? I mean, who's in charge of PR and HR?" Julie inquires, nodding at the talk about the Hellfire club.

"I mean, is it like invite only as the Avengers or family like the F4 or some sort of application process?"

Valeria Richards has posed:
Val hmms and tries to recall the name. "I think I know of her. Isn't she like an an X-Man or something." she wonders and may have to bug Franklin about who's who at the school.

"Well we definitely do invites. I mean, have you invented or discovered anything awesome that could benefit the world? But just hanging out and helping and learning by osmosis is always good and probably great for like extra curriculars for school. I didn't really do the school thing." she states and shrugs while the tea is brought up on a platter via HERBIE. Highball glasses, a slice of lemon to match the citrus and honey sweetening it.

Tell ya what. I'll give you the address of the place. Top lady running it is Nadia Van Dyne, badass smart, really cute but is more into the science and hero stuff than dating. You should totally catch Vivian Vision as well Synthezoid awesome in as cute a mold as it gets. Just tell them Val sent ya. Networking!" she encourages.

Julie Power has posed:
"Hmmm, that's tough..." Julie ponders, thinking about the question. "Does a joint discovery count? Kymellia and the Snarks might count. Sorry, should pronounce that better. The Zn'rx. And I got access to a spaceship. I could write you a treatiese on them and the wars of succession and culture. Might be a tad outdated, since I havn't been out there since almost a decade..."

As Valeria starts rattling down names, Julie nods, remembering them to try and give them a call later. "I totally will! And we'll see what comes from that. And if nothing, I might have to poke Tony about an Avenger placement."

Valeria Richards has posed:
"If you know your way around a starship. Engines, flight controlls, all that. It might actually help. They'll love the hell out of you anyway. But bonus!" Val snappoints with her glass holding hand. Taking a small sip first.

"Snark does sound very Lewis Carroll." she adds and giggles. "Lots of species probably have names that translate badly into English. There's only so many sounds a human tongue can make before something sounds dirty!" she adds.

"You might also want to try chasing up Janet Van Dyne, Nadia's mom. That's an Avenger hook as well. Natasha Romanova as well. Again, name drop me. Be your awesome self and you'll be climbing!" she encourages.

Julie Power has posed:
"Comeon, I was 10 and loved the hunting of the snark when we encountered the Zn'rx. Plus it was pronounceable." Julie elaborates, chuchling a tad at the silly pun even a decade or such later.

As Valeria starts to namedrop more, she nods, but then chuckles. "Val, I know who Janet is, I havn't spent a decade under a rock. I would need to look up through whom I am connected to her though. I mean, it's getting complicated who when was a teammate of whom, you know? But I guess being connected has a lot of benefits."

Valeria Richards has posed:
"Some of those rocks do look pretty liveable. But if I moved under one people are going to expect me to end up a supervillain. I can't even wear green without tabloids thinking I've gone all DOOM!" Valeria jokes at her own expense.

At the same time a Doombot covered in sequins trudges out carrying a load of what looks like laundry from what appears to ve Valeria's own living space. WHile unable to emote, the sparkly facimile of the ruler of Latveria and godfather to Val herself can only curse, "RICHAAAAAAAAARDS!" clearly not a fan of the menial task.

"Well like I said, you know me. You know Franklin. He practically knows everyone. The only person I know with more connections to the life is Uncle Ben."

Julie Power has posed:
Julie Power says, "Maybe, that is unless you count Cap. I mean, he is in the business since WW2." Julie notes, stopping to take a long look at the doombot. "Is that... Did you kind of reprogram a Doombot? A literal Doombot, that usually have a self destruction device and are made to make thje life of your father and everyone else miserable?"

"Uh... the whole green and Doom thing... I guess they have a bad feeling about that stuff if it gets up? Probably... overreacting...""

Valeria Richards has posed:
"Pierre is reprogrammed. His self destruct is removed. Dad and Uncle Doom are also more like an old married couple. They are pretty old themselves after all. Kind of like Uncles Ben and Johnny. They mellowed." Valeria confirms with a nod of her head.

"And I think most folks are over reacting I mean if I was going to conquer the world I'd have done it already. And wore blue and white. But governance is soooooo dull." she adds and really sounds like leading the subjugated world under the pax valeria would really just suck.

Julie Power has posed:
"Why not try Black and White for an instance?" Julie suggests, inspecting the reprogrammed 'Pierre'. "Are you sure you properly wiped him? I mean, he does seem rather angry on your dad... Residual code or something?"

Valeria Richards has posed:
Pierre is soon headed for the laundry. Val grinning as the standard Doom response is yelled again in the elevator. "He's totally safe, just does my own chores like the HERBIEs do for everyone else. All the normal Doombots recognize me as their goddaughter and would back off if I told them. But this is still funny." she admits and grins as she gives the rest of the tour.

More contact details are shared. There's even hugs and cheek kisses.

Catching up with friends after years can be very productive as Julie and Val both will have found when she finally takes off!