14543/Look Up There!

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Look Up There!
Date of Scene: 29 March 2023
Location: Xavier's School Front Yard
Synopsis: Rogue knocks Brick's ship out of the air, with her butt. She then proceeds to try to make it up to him, by making it worse.
Cast of Characters: Brick Bardo, Rogue

Brick Bardo has posed:
     If anyone was able to see him Brick might look that he knew what he was doing flying the tiny spacecraft at 2000 feet up as he flicked various controls and gave the stick a slight turn. In truth he was mostly playing with the lights and air conditioning, a quiet couple of days leading to what amounted to little more than a joyride in the first place, most of his leads for finding Garish having dried up. "Lousy no good scumbag probably found a way off this mudhole already. Can't believe not a single working interstellar drive that isn't the size of a goddamn skyscraper to be found," bemoans Brick as he slumps back in his seat and looks out the cockpit window. Everything else at least he'd gotten working again, the ship almost able to fly itse...

     It's right then that something strikes the ship hard on the right wing. "Oh come ON!" hollers Brick as he falls out of his chair and starts to slide backwards having decided buckling in was for chumps. The ship lists wildly and then starts to plummet, G forces pushing him back as he grits his teeth and starts grabbing whatever handholds he can as various warning bells start to sound, and the cockpit window starts showing a closer and closer view of the Earth. Lunging forward he grabs the stick and hauls back at the last moment, the ship leveling off of sorts even as it tries to smack him into the ceiling as the forces change. Tree branches crack across the front of it and then dirt is flying up as it plows a rut into a formerly well manicured front lawn. Brick just groans and continues to lay face down in the cockpit for a bit. "I hate this planet."

Rogue has posed:
It was Rogue.

Rogue ran in to his ship.

She was out flying around today, just enjoying the early spring weather, and filming some of it for her social media pages. The people loved seeing 'Mighty Woman' fly around, it always got a bunch of views!

She'd clipped his little ship, and didn't even know what the hell it had been...

She followed it to the ground, and not but a few moments after it crashed in to one of Storm's gardens, did Rogue's yellow boot press down in the dirt in front of it. A wedge-heeled boot, it lingers there for a moment before the heel twists, and she steps over closer to the ship.

Brick will feel it, a second later, his whole ship is being picked up. The view outside shows it too, the ship being spun around to look at a leg, then a lower body, green and gold bodysuit, as its lifted up and up her form until she's right there, peering inside the thing.

White bangs streak across her face, green eyes just look inside, half-lidded.

She does what you're never supposed to do then...

She taps on the glass!

Tap tap tap!

Brick Bardo has posed:
     He can faintly hear the thudding footsteps outside before everything starts to move. Can't a man have a moment's peace after crashing?! But no, Brick lifts his head in alarm and then finds himself sliding again as the ship tilts this way and that in Rogue's grip, a few more muttered curses coming with it as he gets a glimpse of a pretty but ginormous face, followed by a gloved fingertip thudding into it. Rogue would likely have a harder time peering in, the outside somewhat tinted to prevent glare though she may be able to pick up some signs of motion from Brick.

     "Nobody able to keep their hands to themselves around here," he growls as he snatches a handset off the console and presses down a button. It didn't even occur to him as he does that while he was small, his ship wasn't exactly petite, most wouldn't be comfortable hauling it up with one hand so they can tap it with another. Regardless the ship was technically built to police specifications on his homeworld, of course it came with a loudspeaker that makes his voice sound relatively normal. "Alright lady, put down the spacecraft, there's nothing to see here. Just walk away," he instructs.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's eyes do that thing where they sweep to one side, then sweep back to the other side, as if she does see something through the ship's canopy, tinted or not. But when Brick is up, and using a loud speaker to talk to her outside, she pulls her head back and he gets a better look at her face, youthful and quite attractive to traditional standards.

It takes her a second to process what he says, before she narrows her eyes again. "That's a lotta talk comin' from a remote control space ship. What is this? A drone? You monitoring our place? That's bad news, ya know.. Once we figure out where you're comin' from, you're gonna have a lotta questions t'answer for." The girl with the Mississippi Belle accent says over the speaker's return comm.

She shakes the ship then, causing it to rock violently. "What even is this?" Her voice can be heard asking as she does so. "I ain't never seen a drone like this before...."

The world outside is mayhem now, with Rogue's body, and the ground, AND the sky, flying around chaotically!

Brick Bardo has posed:
     Brick would never forget to buckle up again after this, so he told himself as he pings around the ship like a pinball. Only the sounds were a lot less cheerful as he grunts, hollers, and some might even say wails as he smacks into every hard surface a utilitarian spacecraft could possibly have. Which was all of them. She was going to kill him he was sure of it, he had to get away, and during a half second between one shake and the next he throws himself at the ship's door and cranks back on the emergency exit handle.

     A hiss of atmosphere as it decompresses and then Rogue is shaking it again, only now things are falling out. Things called Brick as he comes toppling out of the door and thumps against the top of her boot before sliding off into the grass, feeling like he's more bruise than man now. The world is still spinning as he tries to stand and then falls back to a knee and one hand pats haphazardly at his side before pulling his gun with the sound of creaking leather from its holster. He wasn't even sure she'd noticed him fall out yet but he was going to make sure she put his ship down intact one way or another! Soon as he could see straight, blades of grass as tall as he is tickling at his face yet.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue didn't know someone was inside it. She thought it was a remote control drone just made to look kind of like a space ship, or a sci fi prop replica. She's around nerds all day, she's used to seeing such things. But when a hatch opens, and something falls out, she catches sight of it on her peripheral sight.

"Oh shit." The Southern Belle utters when she feels it hit her thigh-high boot and slide down in to the surprisingly comfortable embrace of a well cultavated garden space... or what used to be one.

Rogue steps back then, lowering Brick's ship down to her side in her left hand, her eyes down in the dirt now, her right hand pulling her white bangs out of her face from the wind sweeping them across her nose.

"Wait, was that a person?" She asks...

And now Brick gets a full on view of the Belle crouching down where he'd fallen, whilst she sets his ship back down beside her upon some of the grass beside the garden's edge, her eyes scanning for where he'd fallen.

"You dead, Mistah?" She asks.

Brick Bardo has posed:
     "I'm not but you're getting dangerously close to it Toots," Brick's breathing a bit labored and accompanied with a cough as he finally staggers to his feet, which does absolutely nothing in terms of making up the difference in height as he looks up at Rogue's face looming overhead. His gun isn't pointed at her but it's not exactly hanging limp at his side either. Of course it didn't exactly look like a threat either given its size, his entire body would easily fit in the palm of her hand and his gun was likely smaller than some bits and bobs she wore as jewelery. The swelling black eye he had from cracking his face on his own flight stick when she'd been shaking things up made everything a fair bit blurry, but he felt confident if need be he could still hit someone the size of a small mountain.

     "What the hell you doing shaking things you don't know what they are? What did you EXPECT would happen? Goddamn candy was gonna drop out?" he chastises her, reminding himself to look at his ship now that it's settled. The one wing was bent where it had clipped...something, he still wasn't sure what having gotten no glimpse of anything in the sky. Hopefully her shaking hadn't made anything worse, a thin rivulet of blood leaking from his nose as he looks back up at her, his eyes squinting in a manner that might seem dangerous if he were several feet larger.

Rogue has posed:
"Oh, my, god..." Rogue utters as she sees him, how animated he is! She lowers down on to her knees, then puts her hands down on the ground and leans down to look right at him. "YOu're a real person?" She asks, as Brick gets a full-on Rogue-face in his face now.

"Shit, are you hurt?" She asks. "I didn't mean ta hurt ya. People fly drones around our house all the time, they think we're a cult or somethin'. We're a damn school. It's a danger to the students. I didn't see ya until it was too late. Clipped ya while flying home..."

She flies? She flies.

"You hurt bad?" She asks then, reaching a finger out in her right gloved hand to like... poke him? How is that going to help!

"I'm Rogue, by the by. I really am sorry too... It was a accident."

Brick Bardo has posed:
     A real person?! For a moment Brick is almost more infuriated but then she's getting even closer looming over him and he finds himself taking a step back instead, her rapid fire Southern drawl rolling over him like a literal warm breeze. "Hey, hey, back up, ain't no...AARGH dammit," Brick breaking out into another coughing fit as her gloved finger jabs him with maybe a combination of too eager force and the fact he's got more than one bruised if not outright cracked rib after getting treated like a maraca. He snaps his teeth together and grinds them and stamps a foot, forcing himself to stand upright again and, was that the click of a safety coming off?

     "So you crashed me, tried shaking my ship AND me to pieces, and now you're jabbing me with those tree trunks you call fingers, but hey you're sorry about it, is that it?" he summarizes, his face red enough to maybe get mistaken for a cherry tomato. His finger brushes at the trigger of his gun which lifts JUST a fraction before he lets it fall limp at his side. "DAMN this planet! Why is everything out to kill me?! ESPECIALLY the women!?"

Rogue has posed:
It's a moment later that Rogue sees he's holding a gun. A tiny, cute as hell, gun! "Oh, shit. Sorry!" The Belle says then, as she draws back, now just up on her hands and knees in the grass, staring down at him, her hair flowing around her shoulders, and face in the wind.

"Now I feel bad." She adds, glancing over at his ship. "Uh. I can offer some help, maybe? We got some pretty good tech people on site. Even some doctors. Though I dunno if they can really give you a clean bill'a health, considerin... well... you're smaller than a stethoscope." She cracks a grin, apparently still finding some humor in this situation.

Now, she sits back on her heels, her hands go to the top of her thighs, and she looks over at his ship.

"I'm sure some'a our people can fix this though..." She states, poking at IT now. She just can't help herself.

Brick Bardo has posed:
     "YOU quit touchin that. You're a menace is what you are! If it's just the wing I can get that fixed. Wouldn't even matter if were in space where it belongs but need the damn things down in atmosphere," Brick grumbles as he stagger walks towards his ship, giving Rogue a somewhat wide berth as he pushes through the grass like she might have to were she in a cornfield. "Already told me it's a school, ain't turning my ship over to a bunch of shop class delinquents getting...hell are you a teacher or a student? You oughta be in detention ya no good blasted rabble..." Brick's rambling complaints perhaps mercifully ended, or at least muffled as he steps back inside his ship giving Rogue a moment peace, although she seemed less bothered by everything than he was. Then again she wasn't a pile of bruises.

     That peace ends less than a minute later as there's a shrill tiny scream from inside the ship and Brick comes almost tumbling out again in his haste to exit, something clutched in one hand that ISN'T a gun this time, his weapon holstered at last. For now. "Do you see this?! DO YOU SEE THIS?! This WAS the ONLY bottle of Arcturan Whiskey in this entire godsforsaken solar system! I was saving it for a special occasion and you BROKE it! Do any of your tech people know how to make 18 year aged whiskey from Arcturan galluvian fruit?! Don't answer that, I KNOW the answer, it's NO!" Brick chucking the chunk of darkened glass on the ground where it shatters into shards too small for Rogue to probably even make out. Brick leans over, hands on his knees breathing hard. Was he about to cry?

Rogue has posed:
When Brick re-enters his ship, Rogue just has to peer inside, and thus she's soon laying down on her side in the grass and looking inside his ship. She leans her head back when he comes raging back out of the hatch though, only to slam his little tiny bottle down on the ground. She winces at what she hears the tiny voice saying.

"Are sorries losing their effect?" She asks him. "I feel like they're losin their effect..."

Her eyes glance up and look over to where the school is on the other side of the garden, and beyond the circle driveway.

"We got plenty of nice liquors in the house, if ya want a replacement." She states then. "Why, I know where some'a the Professah keeps his best Scotch." She offers, leaning on her right elbow now on the grassy yard, her hair streaked across her face again.

"And I'm a teachah here, if it makes a difference. Poetry teachah... I'd say nice to meet ya, but I get the sense I'm on your Most Hated list now." She says with almost a visible underlayer of humor to it.

Brick Bardo has posed:
     "You're in the top 10 at the moment I'll tell ya that," Brick concedes, a growling noise still emanating from the pipsqueak of a man that would mean sudden and immediate violence in most cases. But even with his temper he couldn't just start shooting some pretty girl laying in the grass trying her best to make it up to him. No matter how little it was helping. "Poetry. Bah. Only poem I ever knew, how'd it go? There once was lady from Pluge Crest, with two...no wait there was another line in there," pausing in his dirty limericks to try the only thing that MIGHT settle him down as he plucks a cigarette smaller than a rice grain from his pocket and lights it with a similarly small flick of flame. Sucking in a deep drag he doesn't bother aiming the smoke away from Rogue's face as he looks at her accusingly yet, but given how little smoke it is he wasn't likely to make even an asthmatic cough.

     "Fine, lets go raid your Professor's hooch. Shouldn't be keeping liquor around a bunch of kids anyhow, you know the lil bastards are gonna try and steal it sooner or later," his use of 'lil' made without a hint of irony considering even the smallest students were more than ten times his size. "Name's Brick by the way," no sign of apology yet for how he'd acted but at least he was up to giving a name. And then, "Nice curves on ya too. You from Pluge Crest?" Was he daring her to smack him into orbit?

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just listens, watches, and even tilts her head at some of what he says to her in response. She ends up grinning through her white locks that flutter in the wind, and just shakes her head ultimately. "I'm from Mississippi. It's down southa here, the kinda place that people around here fear." She idly chides the locals for their dreaded fears of the dreaded south.

"Oh, I don't think any'a the students are brave enough t'try'n steal the Professah's booze supply. They all know where that'd end up." She says, pushing herself up on to her hip again as she motions to his ship.

"Ya wanna jump inside? I'll take ya down to our tech lab. I'll be extra careful this time..." She smiles down at him as he just puffs on his cigarette.

"Scout's honor." She says, raising her right hand up, doing the Vulcan hand gesture to him, as if he'd know what it is!

"And yes, I'm Rogue. Anna-Marie. Or Mighty Woman. Whichever ya like sayin' most, all good with me."

Brick Bardo has posed:
     A noncommittal noise emanates from Brick who looks up at her still with a decent amount of suspiscion. His gut told him she was on the level as far as it being an accident. His gut also told him she was trouble the way most curvy dames could be, complete with the word 'dame' running through his mind. Just as the pause of silence is about to get awkward though he lets out a drag of smoke which turns into a sigh, dropping the remaining butt to stub out. "Yea sure. Turns out you're the dance teacher too and you drag me into some clog nightmare though I'm out for blood," he warns her, taking one hand and making his own gesture as he points to his eyes and then at her. Oh yes, he was watching her, she had better be on her BEST behavior or else...she'd have a mouse-sized man angry at her, which given her grins so far might only be tempting fate. Brick does finally step back into his ship though, most of his limp gone, the pain thankfully mostly bruising rather than anything broken or badly hurt, plopping back down in his pilot's seat with a heavy groan...and then pulling the safety straps into place with a click. He wasn't risking it.

Rogue has posed:
Curvy Dame that she is, Rogue just grins at what he says as he climbs back toward his ship. "Oh, don't worry. If I were t'somehow force ya to do a dance, it'd be a Square Dance. Doesn't get more country than that, right?" She asks, assuming he has no damn Earthly idea what a Square Dance even is.

When he gets back in his ship, she moves to stand up. Back on her wedge-heels, he'll feel his ship start to raise up again, this time much more carefully.

"Can ya still hear me in there?" She asks, tucking the ship under her right arm, and turning for the big mansion house to the north. "I'll get ya some new booze, I'll make sure your ship gets all pretty'd up, and I'll even make sure that Scribbles the Cat doesn't see ya, and turn ya inta a late night snack." She says, setting off on a leisurely walk toward the house again.

"That's only just fair, considerin I bumped ya outta the sky with my butt." She says down to the ship, nestled up against her now.

"Call it Southern Hospitality, ya see?"

Brick Bardo has posed:
     It was a strange feeling being in his ship moving but not being in control of it. Sure the computer did a lot of the work but at least Brick could tell it where to go. Being at the mercy of a stranger he just met, even one as hospitable as Rogue, there was still an uneasy feeling of being a prisoner he couldn't shake, not exactly able to just leave if he wanted. Trying not to dwell on it he leans back in the chair and picks up the handset again, his normally squeaky voice carrying a bit more weight to it while amplified. "Yea I hear ya. I see a cat though this thing is armed. I've figured out what those damned things are by now," he warns and there's no hint of teasing in his voice as he says it. He would absolutely shoot that cat on sight, consequences be damned, he'd already been attacked a few times. Something else she says then grabs his attention, his brow furrowing up quizzically as the school grows in size the closer they get, starting to realize how huge the place was.

     "You did all that with your butt? Why the hell ain't you the gym teacher? And by the way you can keep it away from me if it does that kinda damage regularly," he adds. The up and down motion of her steps at least was soothing, like being on a ship at sea in steady waters.

Rogue has posed:
There comes a laugh from the Belle then upon hearing that question. Rogue steps up on to the side pathway and starts around to the western edge of the house, toward the garage doors, one of which is open, showing off the front end of one of the cars parked inside it.

"Well. Class like that usually means shorts an' skin. I got a bit of a skin condition, ya might say... Bein' that if anyone touches mine, they basically drop dead, and I claim their soul, their memories, an' their various ... perks or short comins. There's ways around it, but it's best to be safe, ya know? Especially with silly youngsters doin' silly things all around."

Rogue leads them in to the garage then, the garage alone looking like something out of a Mtv Cribs show, not that he'd know that show either!

"And you're from space, I take it?" She asks, glancing down at his little vessel under her right arm. "I should warn ya, I notoriously hate space... nothin' but trouble comes from it."

Brick Bardo has posed:
     "You...you poked me before. Wait did your butt suck the soul out of my ship's wing is that why it broke? I don't...you know what don't answer, this planet confuses me enough. And I'm not FROM space. Your planet is in space too you know, we're all in space. I'm just from another world. One where it turns out my people are a bit shorter than a lot of other ones. Never really left our solar system but there was this whole...accident," Brick settles on calling it after a pause, waving his hands as he tries to find the best word not that she could see it. Meanwhile his eyes were taking in the garage and while everything everywhere looked huge he still got the idea this was a measure greater than most.

     "You're limiting yourself thinking nothing but trouble comes from space too. Nothing but trouble comes from people. You ready to set me down yet?" he questions, sounding perhaps a bit anxious even as he tries to hide it.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just has a grin on her lips as she passes through the garage toward the small hallway at the back of it. "I had my glove on when I poked you, and my suit keeps the rest of ya save, I promise." She says then. "As for your ship, well... I do a lot of squats, so take that as you will." She jests with him, leaving out the part where she's almost indestructible, including her butt.

Rogue reaches a series of cabinets, glances around, then activates a secret code in a touch panel, causing it to spread open. "Gonna take you inta the base through a side entry way. Can't take this thing in through the school. If some'a our rowdy kids see me holding a remote control space ship, they're gonna flip their damn lids t'want t'play with it." She speaks whilst stepping in to a metallic paneled lift.

The door sweeps shut behind her, and she speaks something to the AI that controls it. The AI voice speaks softly back, identifying her as Rogue. There's a ding, and then the lift starts to move.

"But yeah, this place... I agree, it's in space too... but... Alright, fine. I'll yield to your logic there. I just mean, we've dealt with a lot of bad stuff from space around here. It kinda wears ya down after awhile, ya know?" She asks, glancing down under her arm at the ship and its tinted canopy. "Maybe you're cool, and maybe your planet is full'a cool people too... But... a lotta the ones we've interacted with are just full'a big assholes."

There's a pause then. "Hey, maybe I could visit your world some day? Think I'd fit in?" She asks with a grin on her visage as the lift doors open up to a silvery-hued hallway.

Brick Bardo has posed:
     Something wasn't adding up with Rogue's story and that was everything he was seeing through his canopy. Hidden passages, voice activated lifts, something he knew from his time on Earth was far from standards, the opulent garage. This was no school this was...well he wasn't sure what yet, only that he was getting dragged into the middle of something a lot more dangerous. "My planet just got through a global war 20 years ago and when I left I'm pretty sure we were headed for another in the next 10...suppose a giant woman from space that can smash our best military spacecraft with her ass though might make an impression. Not sure about fit in but, you would turn heads alright," Brick says aloud into the handset before dropping it to his lap. It was a ridiculous idea, wasn't it? But he had met a few other giants here with powers who seemed on the up and up. He shoves it away in his brain for later, he couldn't even contact home much less get there just yet.

     "Tell ya wouldn't be very comfortable though, you ain't gonna find a chair in sight for ya. Hell given what seen it do don't think we can build anything that strong," Brick teases, setting down the handset and pulling his gun free again. Rogue couldn't see it of course but he quietly loads a few stun bullets, the talk of rowdy students and the general sense he was getting pulled into the middle of a top secret military complex putting him on edge, but also figuring if he had to shoot his way out, stun might get him in less trouble than lethal force.

Rogue has posed:
Why would Rogue just take him straight down in to the base like this? Well... because he's a tiny little man, and her butt took his ship out of the sky. How dangerous could he be? What's he gonna do, run to some authorities and tell them there's a secret base beneath a school in Westchester? He's so tiny, they'd probably set a donut on him, or a coffee cup!

His words do get her to laugh though, as they progress down one of the silver shining corridors. "True, I don't wanna sit on some kinda Fraggle Rock skyscraper, and crush all your people's homes." She chides back down to the talking ship tucked under her arm.

A left is taken, and a door sweeps open... and there, across a very big room, is a huge stealthy looking jet, in black. They're in a giant hangar now...

"So this is where our tech works. He's around here somewhere, hopefully not out for the evenin'. I'll set your ship down over here, an' see if I can't track him down for ya." She says, moving through the mostly dark hangar, she sets the Brick Shiphouse down on a work bench resting at the back of the hangar near some more doorways. She sets his ship down carefully, even considerately as she crouches down then to stare nose to nose at his ship, her gloved hands going down to her knees. "You good in there?" She asks. "I'll be back in just a few, okay?"

Brick Bardo has posed:
     If Brick knew what she was thinking he'd probably be cussing and infuriated all over again. Harmless? Him? He locks the gun shut again and holsters it. Only a few people on this planet knew that the toy-sized firearm could punch holes the size of an Earthling's fist through their torso, and most of em were dead. The stun bullets at least just hit like a truck that was also electrified. Unbuckling himself he opens the door once more and steps down, this time using the small set of stairs that unfold instead of falling out onto her boots. He stretches and looks around, his face impassive.

     "You have a jet. You know, I ain't been on this planet long but last I heard most schools used these things called buses. I...yeah go on I'll be fine. I'm a grown man for crying out loud," Brick's comment no doubt warranting at least a half dozen witty retorts in response to 'grown man.' He looks around some more with a low whistle though. Sure, he'd just hang out and, not touch anything.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is just holding on to her knees when he exits his ship, and she's still face-down on his level to watch him emerge. She flashes him a grin. "Don't be so grumpy. Things could be worse." She says at him before straightening up again, her right hand on her hip, her eyes looking around Forge's office area... he's not here, that's for sure.

She drops her emerald gaze back down upon him then on the metal workbench, and she just draws in a breath. "Alright. I'll be back. Don't go no where, or our weird secret bases defenses will come alive and ... well... then things will get worse." With that, the Belle smiles, and turns to leave, her form walking off back toward that entrance doorway in the distance.

Once she's gone, the place just looms, large, mostly in shadow... with that huge black jet sitting off in the distance, and the super long launch tunnel extending out past it...

There's a quiet hum in the background...

And then a cat's very soft meow, coming from... somewhere...