14568/Fist full of Dollars

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Fist full of Dollars
Date of Scene: 31 March 2023
Location: Third Gotham Bank and Trust
Synopsis: Jinx and Harley go to the bank so Jinx can retrieve HIVE documents. Johnny Karaoke turns up with his goons and tries to rob the place. Things go badly when the police mistakenly believe Jinx is responsible for the bank robbery.
Cast of Characters: Jinx, Harley Quinn, Dick Grayson

Jinx has posed:
A trip on the hyperloop is always fun. Metropolis to Gotham isn't particular far in that respect. And this is where she stashed the stuff. Papers, so many papers. Papers she thought might be useful and now in retrospect she's realising they might be critical in catching a break against H.I.V.E.

So Jinx did what any self respecting villain would do - she took out a safe deposit box under a false name and identity so that she could come back later and get it. The marble floors and high ceilings lend the bank an air of age and credibility. It's not a -terrible- bank but it has been robbed many times.

The trick, she knew, was to make the contents of the safe deposit books too unwieldy to steal - which is why it's mostly filled with heavy heavy lead lined plutonium. It's extremely heavy. No one in their right mind would try to steal what looks like a block of lead.

"Mrs Dixy Sonya Maya Diaz," says the banking clerk as he looks at the ID and then back to Jinx. Jinx smiles and nods her head. He looks back to the ID and then back to her again. "This way please. Ah, your friend is accompanying you?"

Jinx nods and motions to Harley who the clerk looks out with significant doubt. He's _pretty_ sure she has robbed this bank before and villains escape prison and arkham asylum all the time. "Uh huh."

The banking clerk leans in and whispers, "If you're being held under duress just wink three times and I'll hit the silent alarm." Jinx laughs and pats him on the shoulder, "Nope. We're all good. Harley is completely reformed. Wonder Woman vouches for her." This is what she's been told anyway. By Harley. It's probably true.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Also known as Dixy D." Harley is helping. "That's her stage name..." wink wink nudge nudge. Definitely helping!

What is Harley doing here today? Well, supervising Jinx's shift to goodness of course! Like a good sponsor would. She is all smiles with her pigtails, paleness and ..., the business suit. Because respectful. And also sexy with that loose tie, white buttoned shirt and dress pants. Mmmhmmm.

"Hey, no whispering or people may think you are stealin' the bank oh somethin'..." she tells Jinx with a slow shake of her head.

Then it's go time and off they are on their way to the deposit room. She whispers at Jinx (not following her own advice):

"Why you puttin' plutonium inside the bank? Isn't that radioactive..?" she saw Back to the Future, okay?

Jinx has posed:
"Ixnay on the Utonumiplay ArleyHey...," Jinx whispers back as they're lead down to the safety deposit box area. There are guards on duty of course. Cameras everywhere. The criminals of Gotham tend to go for show and force rather than stealth and finesse. Unless you're Catwoman.

The big steel gates are opened and swipe cards are used. Keypads are pressed. Finally they arrive in the room with the safety deposit boxes and the banking clerk stands there, waiting, to make sure that Mrs. Dixy D can actually open the deposit box in question.

Jinx lifts up a key and slides it in to the box. With a click, it unlocks. The bank clerk is satisfied and leaves the room, locking it behind him. "Ahh there we go.." she struggles to slide it out of its hollow because of the weight. When she does yank it out fully it clunks to the floor loudly. It really does look like someone just put a very heavy lump of lead in to a safety deposit box.

"Best security system ever. It's incredible heavy and because it's encased in lead it's not dangerous to anyone nor does it raise radiological alarms - or time traveller alarms." Because Jinx also loves Back to the Future. Unironically the plutonium is worth quite a lot of money. But it's not nearly as valuable to her as the documents hidden underneath it.

"The only real problem is picking it up. But - I have a special technique for that." She tugs a string in her pocket and dirt falls out of her pants on to the floor. She kicks off a shoe and stuffs her foot in to it. "Tadaaa! instant magic access."

Harley Quinn has posed:
Slow shake of her head again when Harley sees Jinx trying to handle that large block on her own. "You should know by now...." and she reaches over when the block falls to the ground loudly, hands on each side and starting to pick it up. Yes, she still has to grit her jaw but she manages! Because super strength.

Super clownette to the rescue.

"No need to use your voodoo..." she just shrugs.

"So what are you hiding in heah?", she asks, "It's not the plutonium..." she knows better.

Jinx has posed:
Jinx stares at her as she -with great difficulty- lifts up the stupidly heavy block of lead and plutonium. She just stares... all that dirt on the floor. The great reveal wasted. She stares some more. "Damn it." From her pocket she takes out a long bag and crouches down and starts scooping the dirt back in to it.

In the safety deposit box though are financial papers on holdings. Locations around the world where H.I.V.E. operates commercial ventures - fronts. These are places they can hit if she wants to put a dent in HIVE. These are places she's pretty sure HIVE doesn't know she knows.

"Financial records on the cult I used to be part of. You know, for a rainy day. And since it's always raining in Gotham, that's any day I feel like it. Which is today." She finishes getting enough of the dirt back in to the bag and slides it back in to her pants, reloading it for quick access.

It's about then that they hear very muffled gun shots from upstairs and the faint yelling of 'NO BODY MOVE THIS IS A ROBBERY' ... Jinx has never been on this end of a bank robbery before. She looks at Harley with confusion and then tilts her head trying to hear more.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn dumps the plutonium into the deposit box with a grunt. Then adjusts her tie. "Tadaaaaaa..." she then rubbing at her arms. "You weren't joking when you said it was heavy..." she mutters, perhaps now second guessing having picked it up instead of letting Jinx just use the voodoo.

A pause as they hear sounds from upstairs. "Oh look, more rain..." she cackles, "And right on time too.. Gonna get your plutonium stolen on the 1st day?" she places her hands on her hips, grinning, "Must unlock an achiev somewheah.." she's been playing too many computer games..

"Okay. Let's go up theah and kick some bank robbah ass. Maybe they will give you a discount.." then she points, "And close the doouh behind us."

Jinx has posed:
Jinx says, "Wait wait wait - you're the big strong one you need to put the deposit box back in to the wall..." She stares and flails her arms. She just put all the dirt AWAY! She does move to the door and places her ear to it. There's more gun shots and then she blinkblinks.

"I can hear.. singing. Huh. He's not bad. Like, lounge lizard karaoke sort of." She raises an eyebrow, "Do you know any Gotham villains who do karaoke during bank robberies? I'm only asking because this is your old stomping ground and may be new bad guys have moved in since you moved out."

There's a click and the door opens. A guard and the banking clerk come in. The guard has his gun out and he says, "Ma'ams stay back there's a bank robbery going on."

Jinx throws up her arms, "Ya. We know. We're gunna go stop it," she states jumping on to Harley's plan as she stuffs her special papers in to her leather jacket top. "You just say here and be cool, okay? We're legit heroes. We stopped a monster at a roadhouse once." She waggles an eyebrow.

The guard pauses and looks at Harley, then looks back at Jinx. "Holy herrings it's Harley Quinn and Jinx." He points his gun at Jinx and then Harley and then back to Jinx. Jinx lifts up her hands, "Dude. Chill. I'm a legit customer here and both of us have turned over a new leaf. Now.. ya can either lower the gun and let us go be heroes and save your bank, or you can shoot us. What's it gunna be?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Fine, fine..." Harley lets out a sigh and goes back to the deposit box and sliiiides it into position. Urgh, now her shoulder hurts. But it will be fine. She closes the box after, it turns the key. Takes it off. Then tosses it to Jinx.

"Done, Ms. Dixy D!" she snickers at the name, then back to the door. Singing? She purses her lips together, "Well, theah's a lot of good singahs in Gotham.." yours truly included!

"But that guy ..., oh emm gee, it's Johnny!!!" she clearly seems to know the guy. "That guy is a riot. Johnny Karaoke. He's the best! Used to be a big fangirl back when I..."

The door opens and then there's an officer pointing a gun at them. "Pointin' is rude.." she tells the guard. "And we ain't robbin' this place, we'd be armed if we were.." she lifts her hands up.

"We may have to knock him out if we wanna go up theah and stop this.." Yes, she said it outloud in front of the guard.

Jinx has posed:
The guard is sweating already from the exertion and excitement. He looks around the room and nothing else is touched except the one safety deposit box that Jinx has the key for. She catches said key and puts it in to her pocket. Hesitantly, he lowers the gun.

Jinx winks, "Good man." She nods to Harley, "Let's go kick some karaoke butt. Oh. Race you to see who can stop this Johnny guy first..." Jinx steps out in to the hallway and takes a geisha leg wearing wooden clogs to the face. Damn, that's an impressive kick. She stumbles back and drops on to her butt and her nose starts bleeding. "Sunnova... Roight! that's it - no more nice Jinx."

She gets back up and watches as the woman dressed as a geisha does a spinning kick her way and rolls back. "Harley. Tag. You're in." Jinx jumps back up and runs -past- the geisha hench and leaves her for Harley to deal with.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Dixy D!" Harley exclaims when she gets a kick in the face, "That was right in the kissah...! And ewwww, wooden clogs too. No kissin' ya tonight eitha until you wash that darn face." Hol' up...

She is still making a face when Jinx announces that she will be fending off against the geisha while Jinx goes upstairs. "No faeh...! I am the one that knows Johnny boy!" she grumble grumbles, trying to follow after Jinx but the geisha blocks the path. "At least ask him foh an autograph! Oh, and say you awhe my friend, he will give you one easy."

"Now ..." And she rolls her shoulders, cracking knuckles. "Time to dance, baby gal. And in this case to some nice country music.." which is what Johnny is singing right now.

"I should tell ya I have been learning kung fu with some ninjas that may or may not be turtles."

Jinx has posed:
Jinx is ahead of Harley. That's important in an impromptu tournament. How long will it take Harley to dispatch ninja geisha? She's not sure. Though that white and pink kimono sure is fetching. She hugs the wall and peeks about the corner to take in the situation.

Has Jinx ever tried to stop a bank robbery before? nope -- really she should just split and leave this mess for Harley and actual heroes to figure out. Or the cops. The cops handle bank robberies right? Yet, she's itching to ditch some bad luck on someone other than herself. It was likely the bad luck that caused a robbery to happen while she was here to begin with.

There's a security guard bleeding out on the floor - a sliced neck he's trying to hold closed with his hand but the pool of blood is growing bigger. She raises an eyebrow - an effect strategy to create terror.

All the patrons of the bank are on their bellies with their hands on their heads. Geisha wearing different colors - blues, reds, yellows, blacks, are walking around with automatic assault rifles and making people toss their phones and wallets and jewellery in to canvas bags.

Johnny Karaoke has separated his sword from his microphone. Singing in to one as he twirls the sword about in the other. "Don't try to understand 'em, just rope an' pull an' brand 'em. Soon we'll be livin' high and wiiiide."

Jinx bobs her head to the tune and his singing. He really is quite decent. She shakes her head quickly, ~plan~ she needs a plan. How do heroes do this? they burst in with a big heroic pose and somehow shut off the lights.

Jinx feels the butt of a gun press against the side of her head. "You too! no hiding. You lay down on tummy and hand over all your things." Jinx slowly raises her hands and chuckles, "Oh honey. I'm already in a bad mood. You don't want to be pointing that thing at me..."

Harley Quinn has posed:
There is no retort from the geisha. Not even when Harley announces that she has trained with ninjas. That may be turtles. It's like talking to a wall. Or a mime, brrrr, she hates mimes.

"Tough crowd.." She tells the martial artist, circling over one way as she studies her opponent. At least for a whole 2 seconds before she is on the move. Because a clownette never stays idle!

*Punch* *kick* *KAPOW!*

There's an exchange of blows as the two go at it, the geisha girl nimbly evading as Harley does her own acrobatics, cartwheeling and swinging around. Some piece of the wall gets broken even, debris flying off.

"Hey...." she moves out of the way of a kick, "Ever heard of the harley hole?" the what now? "Place I got foh henches, I mean, I know Johnny is a great singah, but you deserve bettah..."

"And henches gotta unite."

Jinx has posed:
The thing about guns is they can fail. Failure is a mixture of bad maintenance and.. luck. Bad luck. Jinx can see how this might play out. She spreads her fingers and says, "See.. lifting my hands up above my head nice and slow." Because it's been a month since she vented her frustrations on Hank.

She thrusts her hands up in to the sky and lets loose the bad luck on -everyone- but Harley. Time for this B-grade villain to experience some A-grade bad times. Not to mention Jinx hears 'Harley Hole' and her eyes widen in wonder at what could possibly put that in to a sentence.

The geisha nudges jinx with the gun and Jinx just smiles. "Hey.. I'm movin' I'm movin'..." she does walk out in to the open space of the bank. The big marbled floors and rocks her hips a little to the singing by Johnny Karaoke. ~~ "Rawhiiiiide"

"Hey Broken Orcehstra...," Jinx says and gives the geisha ushering her a shove. She pulls the trigger and the gun explodes back against her violently. Unlucky that there's a casing lodged in the barrel from the last time it was shot. "Ya messed with the wrong sorceress."

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley is no pushover. She knows how to fight and is as nimble as they come. Yet this geisha has learned to fight as well too, so they are evenly matched for the moment. At least until Harley connects a blow because it will hurt like heck.

It comes by way of providence. A bad landing after a jump to dodge a leg sweep from Harley. The girl twists her foot with a curse and loses her balance.

Right into the pathway of a punch.

She flies against a wall and gets knocked unconscious. "Welp...!" says Harley, hands on her hips. "Harley Hole, remeber it..." she even goes over to the girl and slips a small card beneath the kimono for when she wakes up. Of course that the geisha may wake up in prison but hey! It's the thought that matters.

"Here I cooooooommmmeeee, Joooohnnnyyyy..." Is the echo of Harley's voice over the corridors as the clownette approaches the main event.

Jinx has posed:
Johnny spins around to face Jinx out in the open like that. One of his henchwomen down, he raises his hand and lowers it to tell the other henches not to shoot at this unexpected guest. TWO unexpected guests as Harley comes out too. He twists his jaw from left to right and points his sword back and forth between the two.

"Harley Quinn and Jinx. That's not a team up I ever expected to seeHeeheee HEeeeeeee," he sings the last bit in to his mic. "I don't play nice with others, so you're going to have to scram see. This is my heist."

Red and Blue lights begin to flash from outside as police cars begin to arrive. It doesn't take them long to get on the megaphone and tap in to internal security feeds. "JINX! WE KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE. COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP - NO BODY HAS TO GET HURT."

Jinx thumbs at the big doors behind her. "See, that's where they're wrong. I'm thinking there's gunna be some Karaoke punching." Jinx summarily dumps both leg pant contents of soil on the floor and kicks her shoes off. "'Cause you're playing with the top tier league here buddy and you're just a junior nobody who got in my way."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"You dun fucked up, Johny boy..." Harley sing songs, skipping into the room, "And you could had it aaalllllll..." yes, she is joining the musical. Its not as intense as when they went to Qatar because Johny as a bit of a C-league kinda dude. But hey.

"We'd be happy to scram, but we awhe real costumers heah, see? We can't just leave and ...." a pause as she hears the calls from outside. "Told ya it was a bad idea doin' this in Gotham.." she huffs.

"So, you know what comes next. You guys might be in foh gettin' yoh asses kicked and handed ovah to the cops. Ooooorrr, you can just leave and we forget this evah happened." a beat, "I just want my autograph."

Jinx has posed:
Johnny stares as he hears the declaration from the police, "What?! This is MY heist. MY heist. Damn you police." He waves at the security cameras trying to get their attention.

Jinx just laughs and nudges Harley and sings back to her, "Every little thing she does is maaagic." She wiggles her fingers as that tell tale glow of focused magical energy comes to her hands. Pink. Always pink.

The cameras shut off and the room goes dark. There we go, just how the heroes do it. Like Batman right? One of the geisha pulls the trigger and the firing pin snaps. Another pulls the trigger and the cartridge falls out while the chamber wasn't even loaded.

A hostage gets up and runs for the door, slips on a waxed spot and hits a tall stone column. "Everything she does just turns me on," she sings and does a twirl and then snaps her fingers and there is a burst of fireworks inside the bank lightning up the room in wild flashes as she watches the Geisha rush in to fight .. well .. Harley.

The police watch as what look like explosions take place inside the bank and their SWAT team starts to move in as helicopters start to gather in the sky and the news vans burn rubber breaking hard to deploy their rapid reporter team.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley ain't too sure about those lights being turned off. Because you sorta want the camera footage! But ...., when in Rome...

You punch like a goddamn barbarian.

And that's what Harley sets herself to do. To the beat. Lights flash on and off as rainbow-colored pigtails are seen swinging about. Followed by a geisha flying a moment later. Some screams, people going unconscious. Harley rolling under punches and kicks like she was in the freakin' Matrix.

"Call me Trinity, bitches...!"

Jinx has posed:
Jinx swishes her hand toward Johnny Karaoke and his microphone is ripped from his hands and flings across the room in to Jinx. He throws up his hands in dismay between photographic flashes of fireworks explosions.

Jinx bops from side to side and sings in to the mic, "Even though my life before was tragic - Now I know my love for her goes on." Because singing makes all tense situations more fun as she's learnt with Harley. Damn, did the Music Meister actually teach them a life lesson? that won't stand!

"Every little thing, every little thing... Every little thing, every little thing.. Every little thing, every little thing.." She sings and does that awkward hands punching up in the air dance as the lights flicker back on and Jinx does a Freddie Mercury pose with mic thrust up high. Because Harley has laid out all his henchmen.

"JINX THIS IS GCPD YOU HAVE 5 MINUTES TO SURRENDER OR WE WILL ENTER WITH DEADLY FORCE" go the loud speakers from outside. Johnny sits down dejectedly as several of his hench geisha come back out holding big bags of money. They stare at what has happened and then look at Harley and Jinx and lay down the money bags near their feet and do polite bows.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    It never fails... It seems like rainy days and trouble just go hand in hand in Gotham. Nightwing is currently navigating wet streets on his Wingcycle, the huge V10 engine threatening to bid traction goodbye as the tires spin. But when the call about the robbery came in, and especially when the suspects were named, he needed to get there ASAP. The cycle pulls into an alley about half a block from the bank and he hops off, setting the security system before raising an arm and firing a grappel to pull himself up to the roof.

    A bit of parkour and further grappling gets him to the roof of the bank. The door into the building is locked of course, but that has been taken care of long ago. Pulling up a link to the Batcomputer, he pulls down the access code for the door and punches it in, opening the door slowly and padding inside silently.

    As he starts down the stairs, he remembers some info Donna posted and pulls out his T-Comm. <<Jinx, tell me you're not robbing a bank.>>

Harley Quinn has posed:
Now that the various geisha are defeated Harley is huffing and puffing. One of her pigtails has come out but that's how it goes on stage! Always gotta be ready for those wardrobe failures. The music is pumping though and she sings in the last few...

"....every little thing she does is maaaagiiicccc..." good singing voice too. She does a lot of Karaoke! Not as much as Johnny Karaoke though!

With the geisha finally surrendering there's a wide grin. "Alright! You guys gonna take a card too. For the Harley Hole..." she nods at the henches.

She doesn't seem too worried yet that the police outside are blaming Jinx. She's busy singing some Police songs.

Jinx has posed:
Jinx was getting in to watching Harley kick some serious butt. SERIOUS butt. Geisha butt. In clogs and kimono. She too was kicking, kicking about the dirt as she danced and held out the microphone at pole's length - like a selfie stick with a mic on the end - to pick up Harley's wonderful singing.

Johnny rises up and points his sword at Harley. "No! You're not taking the credit for this -and- the money." He marches over to Harley and begins to cut at her with that sharp sharp sword that already killed one security guard.

Jinx opens her mouth and lifts a finger to respond to Johnny but instead gets interrupted by a buzzing in her ear. <<"Oh hai.. so.. funny story">>

She winks to Harley, "It's Nightwing." As if she could possibly hear the other end of the conversation. Ya never know - she's super strong ay be she has super hearing too.

<<"Came to make a withdrawal from my safety deposit box when this guy called Johnny Karaoke decides to rob the place. So we decided to, ya know, take them on. We're winning by the way...">> And by 'we' really it's all Harley doing the hard work. One pony tail is loose after all.

<<"So anyway the cops must have looked at the footage and saw me doing magic and now they think IIIII'm robbing the place. Soooo hey, do you have any super batty way to sneak us out of here before things get ugly between me and the GCPD?">>

Dick Grayson has posed:
    <<Ok, we can fix this. I assume you're all on the ground floor? I'm headed down now to make sure things are under control, then we'll look at fixing the problem. It would be helpful if we can hand this guy to the GCPD, so make sure he doesn't slip away.>>

    He takes the stairs several at a time, making his way to the main lobby. Opening a door marked 'Employees Only' on the lobby side, he steps into the room and takes in the scene. Harley fighting a guy with a sword, several unconscious geishas? and a number of moneybags closer to Jinx than Johnny right now.

    First step is to get the fighting finished, so he pulls a batarang (Wingding is a font, not a throwing weapon) from his belt and throws it at Johnny, knocking the sword from his hand. Since he has faith in Harley's ability to render an unarmed opponent unconcious, he walks over to Jinx.

    "Ok, this isn't as bad as it could be. Since you have the actual robber here, we should be able to fix this." Without even looking in her direction, he says "Harley, don't pick up the sword, I don't want your prints on it." Better to be safe than sorry in these situations.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Nightwing?!" Ooooohh, big eager smile out of Harley Quinn. And distracted just enough that a sword swing comes close to chopping her head off! But instead it cuts off a wee bit of her hair.

Collective gasp!

"Not the hair...!!!" but Johnny is mad now and after her. So Harley runs, starting to play a sort of deadly tag around the bank, jumping over counters, throwing chairs in the way. All while Johnny comes after her a-swinging. "It's ok, if you don't want to give me an autograph you don't gotta!" sure Harley, that's why he's mad.

Another jump, a cartwheel. She is running all the way to the door when it opens up and there's Nightwing. "The Bat Savior!" she ducks under the batarang, hearing that sword clatter to the ground...

And then kicks Johnny between his legs. Poor guy, now his only tone will be high pitched when he sings.

Jinx has posed:
"How?! How are you -already- here?!" Jinx throws up her arms in surprise and amazement. "Were you follow us or something?" Some of the hostages peek up, not at all sure what's going on now.

Jinx raises an eyebrow at the whole 'we can fix this' as Nightwing goes in to damage control. Don't touch the sword. She definitely didn't touch the money. Nope, everything is as it should be - except the bit where she's being blamed for something she didn't do.

"Harls," Jinx says and gives her a big thumbs up and a wink. "Awesome work." Johnny doesn't think so as he doubles over clutching his family jewels.

"So - what. Do you have a bat tunnel out of the bank. Or a bat chopper on the roof. Or may be some bat smoke grenades and we sneak past the police?" Jinx is really not sure how the Bat people do their Bat things. "Because not at all technically I'm a very wanted international criminal and the Titan's are kinda bending the law a bit to keep me alive. Which I totally appreciate even if it means sharing a building with Hawk and Beast Boy." She folds her arms and shakes out the last of the dirt from her legs and leaves her little position of power.

"YOU HAVE THREE MINUTES TO SURRENDER JINX OR WE WILL TAKE THE BUILDING BY FORCE!" call out the police and she glances over to the big doors that enter the bank. "They're probably bluffing right?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
    "Unfortunately not. They're getting tired of having to respond to a bank robbery every other day, so there's a new response policy that takes a harder line than they used to. I don't know that it's a good idea to be rushing possible supervillains, but I guess I'm not one to talk. Ok, perp is basically immobilized, henchwomen are unconscious or surrendered, I don't think Harley is currently wanted for anything since she's given up the criminal life, so that just leaves you. Not guilty of this, but still wanted for other crimes. Hmm."

    He considers things for a moment, not too long since they're on a countdown here, then heads for the outside doors. "Do me a favor and stay put for a moment while I talk to the police, we'll see if I can talk this out."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"They really gettin' loud out theah..." Harley comments about the police threatening to come in. She lets out a sigh and waggles a finger negatively at Jinx. "We can't just run or we gonna be hunted, and I don't want that foh ya. I am yoh sponsor, remembah? This is just a misunderstanding..."

"Nightwing can fix it!" Or so she hopes. It's when the man turns to walk outside that she folds her arms to watch him go.

"Mmmmhmmm." Yep, she's looking at it.

Jinx has posed:
Jinx gives Harley a wide eyed look, "It's not like I've been given clemency by the US Department of Justice Harls.. the only reason I'm not in jail is because Donna believed me when I told her I'd get killed in prison." She patpats the papers in her leather jacket.

"That's why we came here today. And yeah, may be choosing Gotham First was a really bad life choice as my bank - but that was past Jinx's doing, not current Jinx and really I never thought I'd have to contend with a bank robbery."

She frowns, "It's fine - if Nightwing fails to convince them... just grab all the potted plants. Not the fake ones -- and bring them to me. I'll try the portal thing again." The last time she tried the portal thing around Jinx she inverted an undead monster and exploded its guts everywhere.

Granted, she did successfully pull it off with Kate on a random trip to New York for a few beers at a pub called The Wick. But that's still only a 50% success rate. She hasn't even started learning the magical sword thing Harley suggested.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Nightwing opens the door slowly and steps outside with his hands raised. Once the police see who it is, they relax a bit, lowering weapons and the like. He heads over to the command post and starts talking to the detective there. "Detective McLafferty, isn't it? I wanted to talk to you about the situation we all seem to find ourselves in." The detective, looking no happier for having to do this in the rain nods, "Well, start talking, cause so far I've got a wanted criminal robbing a bank."

    Nodding, Nightwing says "Well, that's where I need to fill you in on some info. She's not actually robbing the bank, in fact she just helped take down the people actually doing it. The Titans are working with her the way we did with Harley Quinn, trying to rehabilitate her instead of just sticking her in a cell she'll probably be broken out of within months. I'd take it as a personal favor if you could remand her into my custody so we can keep up the progress we're making."

    The detective hrmms, absently scratching at the spotty beard he's attempting to grow. "Well, I suppose it -" Another officer cuts in with "Comon McLafferty, you know how much trouble you'll get into if you let her go? We've got tons of evidence she was here, it's not like we can keep it secret."

    McLafferty had been about to agree, but the officer's words make him nod slowly. "Mike is right, I'd be risking my job if I let her go. Sorry Nightwing, I gotta arrest her."

Jinx has posed:
The sound of the rain suddenly gets louder as the door opens. Then shuts again dulling once more. She looks to Harley and takes the papers out of her jacket and hands them to her. "Give these to Donna.. Robin.. Kate.. whoever. May be they can figure it out. Odds are I'm not going to live very long once they have me in custody."

Because she won't fight back. Not this time. No, she's really trying to do the right thing. The supervillain would just use a heap of magic on them. Instead.. quietly, and expecting Nightwing to fail, she gathers up the potted plants and dumps out their soil on the marble floor.


"Hey. Harls. It was a good run. You're legit one of my only friends in the whole wide world." She begins her magic, twirling her hand. She made it work with Kate -- but she failed to do it with Harley previously. She learnt she needed circular motions and a clear mind. It's hard to have a clear mind when all she can think about is her impending doom.

The air starts to crackle in a circle and then fizzles out. The soil is too old, not well connected to the Earth and Jinx used all her power jinxing everybody in the building. Her face turns serious and she shuts her eyes in resignation.

"Yeah. Not much more to say than that then right?" She drops to her knees and places her hands on her head. "See you in another life or whatever."

Harley Quinn has posed:
Lower lip tremblin' Harley watches Jinx get ready to be arrested. Eyes are wide. "What a buncha bullshit. She's innocent!"

But who's gonna believe a clownette that was Gotham's terror just a few years back? And while she could go berserk and most likely cleave through a way out past the cops she is not that loose cannon no moouh! So showing some sign of maturity she lowers her hands, still holding the papers Jinx gave her.

"Don't worry, we gonna get you out soon.."

One way or the other! She is sorta good at prison breaks. Or Asylum breaks, however you wanna call it.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    "Ok then, let me go back in and get her, we don't need things to escalate." He turns and walks back into the banks, closing the door behind himself. Walking over to where Jinx is currently kneeling. "I couldn't get them to let you go, too many people saw the footage and know you're here. I'd suggest going quietly with them, but try not to worry too much. You won't have an overworked public defender, we'll pay for a really good lawyer. I'm going to shoot for getting the judge to put you in the Titans custody. This isn't over yet, we Titans are a stubborn bunch."

    He offers her a hand to pull herself up off the floor, then walks with her to the front door. Several cops are there, but seeing Nightwing come out followed by Jinx, they relax a little. One of the officers steps over to her and says, "Hands behind your back please." When she does so, the man handcuffs her and starts leading her to one of the vehicles. Nightwing tells her "We'll be in touch soon, hang in there."

    Jinx is last seen being put into a police cruiser which then pulls out, headed to the nearest police station.