14747/My Interview with Billy

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My Interview with Billy
Date of Scene: 23 April 2023
Location: Vasquez Home
Synopsis: For once Billy doesn't get the word out -but this time it's about Mutants.
Cast of Characters: Billy Batson, Marie-Ange Colbert

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson decides on something different. The corner of his modest studio apartment has its red backdrop changed for black. He'd printed out and cut out a number of yellow X's and applied them and finally added a rainbow banner -for inclusion and his sister and sister-in-law, which was the way he was thinking Marie-Ange. He sets a pitcher of water out and some donuts and muffins on his card table. Then he waits for the Mutant Man'selle to arrive.

And he eats a muffin.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie's arrival, like almost always, if nothing but demure and understated. She's opted for normal clothes for the moment, unknowingly matching some of the changes that Billy's made to his little podcast area. A yellow silk blouse, and an ankle-length black chiffon skirt. Her hair's worn loose for a change, with no particular ornamentation to go along with it. Of course, her entrance doesn't come without being welcomed in, either. She'll knock at the door and call out, "Billy? Are you home?" -- not actually /entering/ before the door opens or at least getting the okay.

She might not have siblings, but she certainly lived in places full of teenagers before. You don't just barge in unless you want to see something you don't want to see.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson answers the door quickly. He's pretty sure some people are intolerant of Mutants, as well as the French. The technical term for such people is 'idiots.' "Hey! You came! You got the okay for the interview? Come in! Come in! I have water, coffee and donuts. Can I offer you anything?" He escorts her into the sparsely furnished room. As an afterthought he hangs out a shingle reading 'Recording.' He also sends a group text. Better not be any lightning around here! He shuts and locks the door.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Once the door opens, Billy's getting a warm hug in greeting; there's one more addition to her wardrobe, though; a backpack filled with something soft. He'll be able to feel it if nothing else if he hugs her back! "Not... exactly." Marie admits, bowing her head slightly. "But I trust you, and if there are certain topics I cannot go into, I know you will not push, oui?" A fond smile follows, "For example, my real name; were it just me to worry about it would not be an issue, but I do not wish for any of my enemies to seek out Mary, or you, or..." any of her friends, really. As she's talking, though, she's taking off the backpack and unzipping it; inside? Black fabric.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson certainly hugs her back! "I understand. I have n intention of asking about your group. This is about being... you in this day age. I surely won't push and I actually pulled a few tricks. The show is being taped without comments and with a ten minute delay, Tarot." Get used to calling her Tarot now." The backpack gets a curious look... "Uniform? Are you going to wear a mask?"

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"Sort of. A while back when Mary and I were /first/ dating, we thought about doing..." she motions at the bag, "/this/ together. So... I put something together. It is a bit old, and not as fancy as..." motioning vaguely towards Billy, "...but it does the job, oui?" Out of the bag comes a long, black, hooded cloak which Marie pulls over her normal clothing -- taking a moment to adjust the hood carefully so that it hangs down to cover her eyes, and bathe the rest of her face in shadows. Not perfect concealment, but effective enough. "One of these days I will get something more... me, but for now I borrow from Death. He does not mind." Was that a joke? The giggle that follows seems to imply it.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson ahs and sets up a light to favor, r rather not favor Marie. "That quick change I do is convenient. I'm kind of glad I'm sort of growing into it thought, well I think I stopped growing. Weird part is -Sunny seems to prefer Billy to Shazam. I mean Shazam is a 10 and as Billy, I'm half that -the '1' half. Anyway have a seat. I'll stat us off." He sits down and exhales slowly, getting ready for the show.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie flashes a grin beneath the hood; it's easiest enough to see because of the pearly white teeth being shown. Then she reaches out a finger to poke Billy in the chest. "Silly Billy." she tells him, before motioning towards him. "You speak of wrapping paper. The value is the present inside, and I am sure Mademoiselle Sunny sees this, too." With that said? She moves to settle into the other seat. It's just a conversation with Billy, Marie. Nothing earth-shaking. The fate of mutantkind doesn't rest on this. ... though sometimes it feels like it does.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson hehs at the poke, not completely convinced. Then he nods to Marie and throws a switch.

"Decades ago, and decades apart there were two spaceships. One took four dear friends on an interrupted journey. They came back to Earth changed. The other rocket came to Earth -with a strange visitor from another planet. All oof them had powers beyond those of ordinary men and women. The Fantastic Four, Superman are heroes worldwide."

Deep breath. "And there are people here now -of this planet, people who are born here and who don't intend to be fantastic with strange abilities who are demonized and persecuted. My guest tonight is called Tarot. She's one of the persecuted. I'm Billy Batson and this is my show: The Magic Word. The word for tonight is Humanity!" Another breath. "Thank you for coming Tarot. Can you say a few words about yourself?"

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
On her side of things, Marie is mentally coaching herself. Things like 'Don't call him Shazam' even while he's calling her Tarot. Before she knows it, the questions are coming! "Well..." Asking a modest girl to talk about herself? Tough question out the gate! "...I suppose, going on your words Billy, I am the subject of many people's hate. A mutant. An immigrant to your fine country... and I like girls." A slight shrug. "These things are part of who I am, oui, but when I look in the mirror I do not see labels, I see me, non?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson says, 'True enough. We see people. It's out backgrounds that make us attach labels. Do you think any of this animosity is the result of misunderstanding or ignorance that we might clear up tonight? Have Mutants done anything people might misunderstand or been misrepresented?"

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie lifts her hand to her mouth to stifle a giggle, swallows a breath, and replies. "I may be able to see the future, Billy, but this does not mean I have all the answers that lie in peoples' hearts." A shake of her head. "I would like to think that it is simply fear. There are... very bad people out there who use their abilities to hurt others, and some of those people are mutants." Her tone lowers a bit. "...and simply being /near/ a mutant can be dangerous sometimes because of the way others look at us. Like when the Brainiac made us a target."

That was the day she told Mary what she was, in hopes of keeping the 'normal' girl far away to keep her safe.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson takes a quick drink of water. "Fair enough. I... wait a minute... Relax a minute, were not streaming, delayed or otherwise." He taps several keys on his laptop. Then he gets a chat screen up and running. His face darkens after a moment.

"A bot moderator just shut down my show for 'questionable content'. Hold it just a darned minute!" He maks sure the camera and the audio is powered off and steps away from the laptop to say, "Shazam!" Then the larger heroic figure begins typing with the speed of Mercury... evidently a very good typist as well.

He flips through the terms of service at errr lightning speed. "Apparently they can. I've been banned for 72 hours. We never got the show out. They pulled it before we recorded ten minutes. Those lousy..." He looks like he's about to pound his fist on his interview table, and be out a table.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie blinks, watching Billy wordlessly for a few moments... at least until he starts going on his rant. A pale hand reaches out to rest on the boy's shoulder, watching him -- and then jumping a little in her seat when he summons the lightning down. It's at this point that she lowers the hood to watch him a little more carefully. There were a lot of things he said that didn't quite parse from English to French to Low-Tech-Girl, but she gathers the jist of it after a bit of listening.

"...did I say something wrong, Billy? I am so very sorry if I did anything to get you banned..." Because, of course, Marie's going to assume it's her fault.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam turns to look at Marie. "You did nothing wrong. My... the company putting my show on has robots to... wait. It will be easier in French. <<You did nothing wrong. The company has programs to monitor shows for questionable content. What they consider questionable or bad taste. One of these robots called upon a human moderator and they banned me for three days from streaming.>>"

Shazam gets up to. give Marie a huge hug, partly to make amends for nearly zapping her. "Marie... you've never done anything to deserve the bad things that happened to you. Some people are just in denial about stuff they do but... in your case it is true. Well I guess we're through for tonight... but they aren't getting away with this. I have a Patreon page and an official site and am letting my fans know what happened!"

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie nods as Billy explains, frowning a bit as she switches to her mother tongue with ease. That, she'd admit, was the best part about the 'other guy'. The lack of language barrier is definitely a bonus, there. <<I am truly sorry that you got banned... if you need some money to make up for it, please let me know.>> She knows he does this for a living, afterall. Though, she straightens up a bit. Smiling, now, as she returns the larger man's embrace.

<<I was born, Billy.>> she corrects. <<My road has been a very broken one. Exiled from my family and practically my country. Hated by many out there... but these things do not matter as much as the things that do. If I were not who I was, I might not be blessed with your sister, with your family in my life. With my wonderful friends.>>

She met the X-folks /because/ she's a mutant. The series of events that led her to asking Mary out? Happened because she could see the future. While Marie is often beaten down by life, she can't help but look at the silver lining. It keeps her going. It's who she is.