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Date of Scene: 24 April 2023
Location: Danger Room
Synopsis: A quick Danger Room session with Blink vs Cybernetic Dinosaurs
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Clarice Ferguson

Emma Frost has posed:
Given the number of engagements in the Savage Land against infested native beasts, a number of enhanced training scenarios were being setup. Including a few with a randomizer setting. So for those going into the Danger Room, the backdrop of an active volcano against the beach, lava going down the sides..
    And along the base of the mountain, a large number of infected dinosaurs that according to the simulation required being neutralized and cleared out.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
Clarice Ferguson walks outside the simulated village the X-Men just saved and puts some hands on her hips, maybe critically assessing the environment. She then frowns and sighs as she hears the dinosaurs in the distance, "Didn't we just leave this party?" she wonders. She reports the sounds telepathically to the other X-Men.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost's tone comes from the monitoring room <<Oh, we'll be going back there soon enough. And one of the younger students came up with something so hideous that it felt natural to be included. Your instructions are to neutralize the threats along the mountain and clear it out. You odn't have to worry about collateral damage but please don't blow up the volcano in the process.>>

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
Clarice Ferguson raises her hand and zergs a tree with her powers, the portal splittering it apart like it might in real life. She nods her head in a way that makes her seem satisfied with that. She glances back at the small village and waits for the young X-Men to come over <<Yes Emma, we read you>> she tells her, <<I'll teleport everyone in and we'll take em out>>

Emma Frost has posed:
And Emma goes quiet. As Blink goes to scout ahead, she's immediately targeted by.. What looks like a Pteradactyl that has.. Missile launchers over on the wings! It lets out a cry as it sees her, and goes to unleash a barrage of heat seeking imssiles over at her!

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
Teleporting to the target zone, Blink looks up and narrows her eyes at the military Pteradactyl, "Oh sh&&," she mutters. She glances around to count the targets then suddenly disappears from sight, back to the village where she was a moment ago, <<Uhh Emma, there's a damn Dinosaur TIE bomber over the volcano forest. Do the youngins have any suggestions??>>

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost is currently going to file her nails up and over in the control room <<Why Clarice, this is for you to display your ingenuity! And it was some of the younger students that came up with the specific idea. You'll have to improvise your own way out of it>> The missiles all detonate about the ground as Blink teleports away. Even as she goes to land, she's over at the feet of a Brachiosaurus with dozens of rockets put along the sides of it! At Blink's presence it lets out a series of roars to alert the other dinosaurs around to her presence! A set of Velociraptors with rocket packs are going to charge her!

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
Blink mutters again, "Attacked by an 80s toy. Perfect," she says then turns around to see the Brachiosaurus yell at her <<Hey this isn't fair! I'm not a one woman army!!>> she lets out energetically. She raises her hand and attempts to BLINK the head right off the Brachiosaurus then barely jumps outta the way of the Velociraptors, teleporting behind them.

Emma Frost has posed:
The blink does as it's supposed to, decapitating the large dinosaur as the missiles go to blast over and then move to impact the area where the velociraptors were! The explosions vaporize them! Coming through the fires of the detonations is a large Triceratops iwsth a flamethrower because /why/

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
Clarice Ferguson screetches as she can even feel the heat from that distance. She stops running and turns around quickly as she remembers what Emma told her, forming a large portal under one of the village buildings she sees in the distance. She attempts to drop it on the Triceratops, "Eat that!" she lets out.

Emma Frost has posed:
The village building goes to drop! The triceratops is flattened, even as it's flames go to erupt and consume it! For Blink, it's a victory! Right as those ##!'ing Bomber Dactyls go to fly through the air! If she lived through 80's cartoons, the child her would love it

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
Blink smirks and stands there in an annoyed way, "Back for more huh?" she asks, putting a hand on her hip, <<The TIE Bombers are turning around for another run, Emma. Youngins, just be sure the targets are all done before celebrating>> she tells them. As the dinosaurs drop more missiles on her, she creates a large portal and tries to teleport them behind the dinosaurs instead of her.

Emma Frost has posed:
That's a rather ingenious idea, even as the detonations roll over the Pterror-Dons, leaving them imploded and crashing down over to the ground in flames! That marks the last of the cyber-dinos, leaving Blink to victory!

... With much of the village and jungle on fire, but a win is a win!

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
Blink shrugs as she looks around for some water, "Uhh where's the darn water tower," she mutters <<Targets down, Emma. Jungle is a bit on fire though>> she explains. She starts walking back to the village.

Emma Frost has posed:
There's a mental sigh from Emma <<Well, you accomplished the primary mission.. Which was to defeat the attackers. And I suppose that any other issues will be dealtw ith over in the brush fires. And you can evacuate the villagers rather handily, so I'll chalk this up as a mission success, Clarice. Well done.>>

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
Clarice Ferguson hmms as she observes the village once again and then states, <<Okay thanks Emma. But where's Beast? I can't engineer an idea that quick. Maybe I could blow open the village well? Or 'port all the dirt over here on top of the fire?>> she wonders. She obviously needs to work on her execution and leadership.

Emma Frost has posed:
The room would power down, even as Emma would chuckle <<That sort of thing is beyond the parameters of this exercise, Clarice. There will be separate training sessions for search and rescue. Don't worry, if you wish you'll be involved in those.>>