14935/Monday Night Funday Fite

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Monday Night Funday Fite
Date of Scene: 17 May 2023
Location: Old Gotham Hospital
Synopsis: Discussion between three Bat Sibs and an Arrow, and fite
Cast of Characters: Phoebe Beacon, Damian Wayne, Austin Reese, Emiko Queen

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    It was a long abandoned building that had been slated for demolition at one point, the old Gotham Hospital has played host to impromptu flight lessons, grappling practice, kitten adoption and, tonight?

    There are hazards set up. Banks of concrete with deadly rebar sticking out of them at jagged angles. Holes in the floor that lead down one or more stories, dripping, molded-over floors that are slick with greasy, gross, green puddles.

    This place should have been demolished YEARS ago, it was a regular health hazard.

    Which is why it was one of Phoebe's favorite places to do her own training. Most of the other Bats wouldn't think to check here, which is why there's weird symbols amongst the regular F--- BATMAN and other fine examples of Gotham graffiti.

    Which is why Phoebe opted to open a portal here from her little grove on Wayne Manor's far west lawn.

    "-- so yeah. I kinda wanna make sure this place is structurally sound enough to really cut loose with some offensive magics, but really *can't* on account of it would require bringing engineers up here."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Batwing enters in on the other side of the portal, looking around with his cowl enhancements. The voice moduation was light, but still masked Damian's voice. "You have an engineer here now."

  The place was a regular den of ill repute. But that didn't bother him much. "The roof looks sound, no worries about a collapse that way." He looked around, and took in some of the hazards. "Tetanus shots should be in order at least."

Austin Reese has posed:
"Couldn't you put it under the guise of some Wayne Foundation thing?" Osprey asks, after wandering in through the portal as well, "But yeah I get what you're getting at." He says, giving Phoebe a grin. With his hood down at the moment he's figuring they're just going to be dealing with the usual dangers of the place.

"I'm all up to date already, so I should be good." He responds to Batwing, taking a bit of time to stretch out and get ready, "Anything in particular we should be looking for?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Pretty sure tetanus shots are a requirement of Bat Duty. Do you know how many rusty things I've been scraped by just wandering New York City?" Phoebe inquires, lowering the hood of the black jacket she was wearing, and she cracks a small smile as she looks over to Batwing.

    "Good to know, but the walls giving out and the roof or upper levels collapsing and losing that stability and the disruption of the place is kinda my fear. Not that it would kill the person I have in mind doing some training with -- but it would be Hella Uncomfortable explaining it to Batman." Phoebe makes *a face* at the idea of having to explain 'I accidentallied a derelict building cavorting with demons'.

    That wouldn't go over well at all.

    She takes out her own domino from its pocket in her hood, the black skullcap she was wearing to hide her hair helping to sleek her form as she pauses.

    "Eh. If I made it a Wayne project, I'd have to log things with the city. That has its own problems..." she mumbles "... like Phillip."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian looked to the walls, putting a hand to the cinderblocks. "The interior is one thing, but the structure itself...they don't make buildings like this anymore. The only way it will come down, is a wrecking ball, or demolition."

  Batwing surveyed more. "Just be aware of your surroundings. Realistically it is much like gang houses in here. So it provides some real-world use."

Emiko Queen has posed:
"And too many questions asked," a fourth voice joins the conversation as another figure clad in red steps from the shadows. "Politicians may seem like a lazy bunch, but as soon as it comes to where their money is going they get awefully snoopy," Emiko snorts. She's seen her older brother go through the ring-around a few times with them to know.

Then just shrugs to Phoebe. "You sure this is the place you wanted." She pauses a moment to look up, eyeing some of the lack of structural repair. "... This place could give that tower he bought a run for it's money in being run down..."

Austin Reese has posed:
"Yeah this is the place." Ospreay says, as he pulls his hood back up, shaking his head a bit as he takes a look around, "She and I have been through here a few times. Last few times nobody was here, thankfully." He wanders away from the entrance portal, but the mention of Phillip makes him frown, "You know, I could probably take care of that issue." He already knows she'll say no...Again...But he has to at least try.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "They certainly don't make structures like this anymore." Phoebe replies, and she almost gives a jump at Emiko's voice joining them.

    "Hey, Red Arrow." she greets the older Queen, and motions to Batwing "Batwing." and then to Austin "Osprey." she introduces everyone, to make sure that all know this is a casual codenames coed.

    Austin's commentary draws her attention, and Phoebe rubs the back of her neck.

    "He cornered me in an elevator at one of the Day Job's buildings. Had to hide in a panic room at the office after he stole Red robin's coffee and grabbed me." she admits, and she breathes out, kicking some rubble over. A fist-sized chunk of concrete rattles down an old vent.

    "Turns out he was in on the group that kidnapped me a while back. So he knows about my powers, and threatened to make my ID public. Which, as it turns out," she waves a hand to Batwing and Osprey "Makes it a little more difficult to keep you guys in the shadows. Except, maybe, Batwing."

    She sticks her tongue out. "All edge, you are." she jokes playfully, and from her jacket she pulls a nimble-looking straight sword, eyebrows rising up.

    "Everyone wants to put the hurt on Phillip Cupp. Robbie broke his nose the other day."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian turns his head to Austin, and glowers. "I bet you did not have to earn that hood either. >tt<" Clearly unamused he was the only one who had to work for a hood on his uniform.

  Then there was the other Titan showing up, anotherr glower. "Open house it seems."

  It was then that he heard about this Phillip guy, and a compromised ID. "He needs to be made to shut up, sooner rather than later." His mind immediately going to poisons. "This guy work for The Company?"

Austin Reese has posed:
"He would get the first shot." Osprey scoffs, the tone clearly teasing Oriole about her boyfriend. He shakes his head a little bit though, "I'm sure we'll be able to bring him down, but you're right. We'll do it the right way." Though Phillip will probably get a broken something or other else in the process. It's /so easy/ to let a punch slip a little to far north and break a collar bone.

When Batwing asks about him, Osprey makes a face, "He's running for Senate." He replies, clearly showing his distaste for politicians. Well, at least politicians like Cupp, anyway.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko Queen rolls her eyes a bit at the conversation about Philip. She didn't need to hear the name to know exactly who they were talking about. "She never accepts." She reachs over to pat Osprey's shoulder. "But keep asking. It shows you care." Osprey she knows. Batwing she knows of, of at least. Funny how despite being friends with several assassins, former assassins and vigilantes Phoebe doesn't want the problem handled that way.

Followed by a short sigh of her own. The ID thing was a pain in the butt, but it was a necessity. Especially with a past like hers, which would probably cause more issue for her family than herself. "Eventually he's going to make himself a pain in everyone's ass." The Senate run is mentioned. "Case in point."

Wonder what she'd think of someone sniping him without her permission...It'd still be for her own good...

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    There are so many people who want to kill Cupp. And Phoebe makes a Disapproving Face at Emiko, and she gives a sigh, and then pulls up an un-rebared chunk of concrete to take a seat.

    ""We had hoods before we were Bats. No one's going to rob you of the skill you had to show to earn yours. I punched the Right Hand of God and Osprey babysits me so that I don't go off and find additional bits of The Creator to punch." she jokes, and then she frowns, and removes her domino. She holds it in her hand a moment, looking to the others in the hospital floor.

    "No, Phillip Cupp's one of Dent's contemporaries. He's a lawyer and aims to work up through Politics to be President. He's responsible, in part," she holds up her left hand "... for breaking my hand in like, seven places. Repeatedly. To test my healing powers while I was chained to a wall when I was sixteen. He knew exactly how to trigger me in the elevator." she looks at the assembled heroes.

    "But my first job, my primary responsibility, is to you guys. To protect you all. My family -- and friends." she gives a nod to Emiko.

    "So trust me, when Robbie punched him in the face and snapped his nose, I kinda had a mini heart-attack on account of if Cupp announces that I have healing powers, and my adopted guardian only adopted me because he must have some Health Issue and implicates him on my kidnapping and holding in Montana?" she purses her lips a moment, and taps herself a moment, searching for something.

    "He showed up at the university to get me into his car for a talk, alone. Robbie happened to take it personally and broke his stupid nose."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     A scowl under that faceplate of his forms when the senate is mentioned. "Of course."

  There were things that he would not abide by, and one of them would be the Wayne secret being known to anyone not trusted with that information.

  "Does the Bat know about him?" He asks, though honestly, just tempted to take him out anyway.

  "Bullshit." To what exactly, he doesn't specify.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "It's not bullshit. His nose is absolutely stupid and I hate it, along with the rest of his extremely punchable face." Phoebe interrupts.

Austin Reese has posed:
"Wait are we mad about Hood now? He doesn't even wear a hood most of the time now that I think about it." He knows the actual origin of Red Hood's name, but a joke's a joke. He claps his hands together afterwards, and points at Oriole with both hands, "So do we want to sweep the place for any squatters?"

"He's Batman. I'd be willing to bet he knows but wants to see how we handle it."

Emiko Queen has posed:
And here is Emiko, not a member of the Bat Clan but having eerie similar echoes to several of them in her own life. Weird how things work like that.

"Who does The Bat NOT know about?" she chips back. "Isn't that kind of his thing after all?... But the political situation is likely what is staying both hands. He doesn't want to muddle his affairs publicly unless it would benefit his run... And the backlash for most of us would be.. problematic." Most of us. The others are just being polite to Phoebe's wishes. Until doing so becomes too complicated most likely.

She holds up her hands to Phoebe. "No, I get it. Trust me. My family is far from perfect. It's pretty screwed up in fact. But it's mine, and I will defend it at any cost." A long pause. "... Sometimes in ways other than fighting."

It's possible her and Damian have been having similar thoughts. On the ways it -could- be done, to remove Cupp from the picture when it needs to be done.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "I'm sure he's aware. Whether or not he chooses to do anything about it's anyone's guess. And trust me," Phoebe states as she puts her domino back on. Her voice modulates a little.

    "If I wanted him gone, I wouldn't need anyone to do it for me." she replies with a dark edge in her voice, turning over the sword she had brought in her gloved hands a moment as she breathes out.

    "I swept this afternoon, the wards around the outside work pretty good on giving people the Heebie Jeebies if they try to come through the fences. Generally the only way you can comfortably come in is via swinging in or how we got here." she points out to Austin, and she stretches her hands.

    "So. Do we wanna draw straws on who goes first?"

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian stood by, crossing his arms, and not saying anything at the moment. It wouldn't take too much to know what was going on in that helmet. He made himself a long time talking to almost nobody but Goliath, so he was comfy being alone with his thoughts.

  He hated those hoods though, he'd love to take a knife to them.

  There were plenty of ways he could just make it look like a League of Assassins hit job. He wanted to dig up dirt on this guy, perhaps old fashioned blackmail would work. Nearly every politician had some skeletons in their closet, and he /was/ the son of the World's Greatest Detective.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko Queen strays a little from the group, looking over the site once more. She was no architect or contractor, just someone with sharp eyes and a keen sense of situational awareness. "Doesn't mean someone found their way into the upper floors. People can be quite... creative when desperate for the basic needs of survival." She kicks a random bit of rubble with one foot. "Your fortunate there's only been maybe the occasional squatter and someone didn't turn this into a crack house or ... worse..."

One hand adjusts her own domino mask, subtly switching it to a low-light setting. Still not seeing anything jumping out as a sign of trouble though.

Austin Reese has posed:
"Draw straws? That's old school." Osprey says, as he looks at the group, "I got a dice roller on my phone. Could go lowest roll instead." He offers as a suggestion, "Unless you have straws on you, I'm game for that method, sure."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives a small smile and rubs the back of her neck. "Sure, let's divvy with dice rolls." she states, hopping off from where she was sitting, but still standing a little bit apart from everyone, shoulders tight as she tucks her phone back into her jacket pocket.

    "Unless the two of you wanna take on Batwing and I'll just popcorn the show."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Batwing does break his silence with a chuckle.

  "By all means. It has been a while since I was challenged."

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko Queen glances back over her shoulder. "If that is how you want to handle it." She turns to walk back over to the group. "Knowing what allies are capable of in the field never hurts." One hand reachs over a shoulder to pull her bow from her back.

Austin Reese has posed:
"You want us both to take him on?" Osprey asks, looking back at Batwing, "I suppose it'll be good to really give that new gear a test run. Sure." He takes a few steps back away from Batwing, and shakes himself out a bit to get loose, "Ready when you are."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "This wasn't what I was planning but I'm going to enjoy the heck out of this." Phoebe states as she re-assumes her perch on the hole in the concrete wall.

    "Just don't hurt each other past the point where I can bring you back. That would mean a talkin'-to. And no one wants disappointed Bat."

    She grimmaces.

    "Or Green Arrow."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian's arms rested at his side, while he walked to the middle of the area.

  He waited for the right time to move. He looked at the bow and nodded, and then to Austin. But he turned back to face Emiko. Clearly regarding one over the other. Sorry Osprey.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko Queen pulled an arrow from her quiver and twirled it between her fingers. "Just say the word." Though whem her gaze meets with Damian's, some of that casual demeanor fades. Different clans, different teachers... but both trained to be one-person killing machines.

The gears in her head are already turning, assessing the situation and those around her. A pillar over there could be used as cover. A pile of debris would make a tripping hazard if careless. Situational awareness was a skill harshly ground into her until it was practically reflex. Even as she drew the arrow back in her bow. "And bring it."

Austin Reese has posed:
Osprey knows one thing for sure about Batwing, and that's not to give him the first move. So once he sees that attention turn back to Red Arrow, he immediately swings out with a knife from the bandolier he wears, sending the blade sailing at Batwing. He knows that Damian will block it, but the idea is to get him to react and then go from there.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian had made sure Osprey was in his periphery at least. The knife that hurled its way towards him was intercepted by his gauntlet, raised up to the side while he took out a marble-sized object from his belt and tossed it at Osprey.

  The marble clacked on the ground in front of Austin. It was inocuous, but the mini flash grenade that followed it made a large flash when it crashed to the ground.

Emiko Queen has posed:
The oppritunity is there and even knowing it might not result in much Osprey goes for it. She can appreciate that. And he's got the right idea, trying to get Batwing to react before acting. But that could be a dangerous game to play... Which Damian seems keen on demonstrating. As the small shape is flicked in Austin's direction she does a dive and roll in the opposite direction even though it wasn't directed at her. But she expects it to be some manner of visual disruption and is moving so it won't interfer with her as well.

She comes up from the roll while at the same time raising her bow and firing the readied arrow in Damian's direction.

Austin Reese has posed:
The domino masks are designed to compensate for flashes like that, but the natural reaction is still to look away, as Osprey does exactly that, stepping back and turning away from the flash grenade as it goes off. He knows taking his eye off of Damian is a risk, so he shifts his stance to a defensive one to compensate for the distraction as he backs off, hoping it'll give Emiko an open shot.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian's flash was only a distraction to get Austin to look away. But as he saw Emiko roll up, and cheek that arrow, he stepped to the side and turned, whilst looking at Emiko, the fletching passing by his helmet he would have felt the wind on his face if he hadn't a face shield.

  That was when he started running toward Red Arrow, before he leapt and ran on the column, using the momentum to power up a kick to the bow.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko Queen actually smirks a little when Damian smoothly sidesteppped the arrow -just- enough for it to dramatically miss. "Good, you didn't let there being two of us distract you. Wouldn't want this to be too easy."

He moves quickly, as expected. Uses the environment to his advantage. As a proper assassin should, anything and everything as a potential use.

Her stance shifts slightly, bracing herself. The bow is brought up with both hands to block the kick, getting a grunt of effort out of her as she has to push back to resist being knocked over backwards. But the bow was made to be used as more than a shooting weapon.

Then Emiko twists, both to pull the bow away as Damian is recoiling off his kick, and to swing around her own foot in a kick of her own.