15040/Spontaneous Pizza
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Spontaneous Pizza | |
Date of Scene: | 30 May 2023 |
Location: | Angelo's Pizza |
Synopsis: | After dealing with a pretty lame villain, Gabby and Miguel chat over pizza. |
Cast of Characters: | Miguel O'Hara, Gabby Kinney
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel had to put on some clothes over the costume, but he still looked like a guy who might be there to beg outside. He doesn't get there first, of course. She has a motorbike and less to change.
So when Miguel walks in, he is wearing faded jeans, tennis shoes, a light brown jacket...and cheap sunglasses.
He looks around, trying to find the young lady from the spontaneous team-up.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
It wasn't too hard to miss her. She was short, her hair was dark, her eyes were green. Not a combination that most had unless it was with contacts or hair color. That, along with the scars on her face made her obvious as soon as he spots her. She's seated in a booth with her back to the wall so she can keep an eye on the door just to help her try to keep a good eye out for him.
She's already sipping from a soda having intended to do that eating thing as suggested. When Miguel walks in her eyes dart up to regard him uncertain if it was the person she was waiting for or not. Usually she could tell by smell these days, but the sewers certainly made it more complicated.
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel spots Gabby and smiles walking over to the table. "Don't worry...the costume doesn't retain smells. Uhm...I'm Miguel. Miguel O'Hara. Pleased to meet you again, Miss...?"
He doesn't sit down just yet.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney grins around her straw at Miguel when he approaches to greet her. A little bit of tension releases from her shoulders as well, and she gestures to the seat across from her. "Gabby Kinney. Nice to meet you Miguel. You've got some neat gear there, that's for sure."
"So what brings you to Brooklyn?"
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel nods, then sits across from Gabby. So far, so good.
"A series of very weird events. Uhm...I probably already know the answer to this, but how much Weird can you handle? There's a little to deal with..."
He talks, but quietly, and oddly, without a lot of lip movement. It's like he's trying to talk with his mouth closed as much as possible.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney leans her head in one propped up hand to regard Miguel at that. Though she doesn't outright stare, the remark has her pause considering how to answer it properly. A slow, deep breath is taken as she gathers her thoughts.
"You'd be surprised. I mean, I'm not going to go all tough guy shtick and say I can't be surprised at all, but..." Her shoulders roll in a shrug as she leans down just a bit to take another slurp off the straw of her soda.
"I'm good at rolling with things. What's up? You got a tongue peircing you don't want to show off?"
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel nods. "Yeah...something like that."
Miguel reached up to remove the sunglasses, revealing Weird Bit #1 - instead of dark eyes as a result of his Latino heritage, the irises are a rich, bright crimson. The irises contract quickly in response to the light.
Then he smiles slightly and reveals Weird Bit #2...namely, the fangs. They are fairly pronounced, too.
The first words out of his mouth are, "...Before you ask, no, I'm not a vampire."
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby does stare now, but not with any sort of expression that may betray she was feeling uneasy. She just remains silent allowing him to start speaking again. An old trick, stay quiet and they will usually fill in the quiet with explanations of their own. It was one she rarely used being the chatterbox she could be.
Another grin is offered while sitting up properly in her seat. "No problem even if you were, I know a few. I run with a group that deal with the supernatural side of things a lot. So..." Here she pauses to tilt her head a little. "You got the spider guy thing going on, got the webs. And fangs. I can't say the other spider guys don't have fangs--Never saw them without their masks. So, uh. Can't say if that's 'normal' for you lot or not." Here she pauses to scratch at the nape of her neck uncertainly.
"Can you really eat pizza with those, though? Seems like it'd be hard to chew."
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel relaxed slightly. Maybe it was because vampires DID exist, but she was sub-zero with everything as a result.
"There was...something of a learning curve. With a LOT of things. Between the fangs, the talons, and everything, it's kinda like having to deal with an unexpected cyber-upgrade. I should be fine, now. The trick is trying to deal with the venom from the fangs. It's a non-lethal paralytic, but if I'm not careful, it leaves my lips a little numb while I'm eating."
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Wow. Okay. So you really did get all the spider goodies then," Gabby realizes looking just a little ... surprised. Maybe just a little.
"I can understand learning curves though. After I had a small issue with kind of dying a few times a year and a half ago I got enhanced senses. It runs in my family, but I hadn't gotten it so it was.. IS... kind of hard to get used to." Lifting a hand she taps the side of her nose. "Got the trick of the bandana from a friend with similar abilities. Helps when things are a bit too strong."
"That's a big change though."
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel is about to respond when the waiter approaches. "Uhm," Miguel says quickly, "Large pepperoni pizza, red pepper flakes."
He looked to Gabby. "What would you like? I can cover it tonight."
He focuses on Gabby, but it's just to keep from creeping out their server.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
There's a quick tap and clack of Gabby's cup back on the tabletop while she grins broadly at the server. "Another Coke please, and I'll have the same as him. Oh use the spicy pepperoni too if you have it, please? Or do you have the little pepperoni that curls up when it cooks? Is that a different type? I don't know, I never really thought much about it. Oh but yeah I'll still take a pepperoni, maybe a medium for me though. I can eat a lot but I need to keep my figure! Thanks! You're the best!" She croons out with giddy energy as if she were perhaps a bit hyperactive from the soda she drank.
It's enough to get the server to hurry off before he's caught up in further babbling with their orders. Gabby watches after him a moment only to look back across the table at Miguel with a grin. "I'm good at distractions."
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel blinks, then recognition clicks in those crimson eyes.
"Hey...you are. You did. There's definitely more upstairs than your hair." He looks to the departing server, then continues, "You did that without me catching on, too. Very subtle."
He sips from his water glass, then says, "Is being someone people feel comfortable talking to another skill you learned?"
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney gives a little chuff of laughter at that. "Naw, that comes from being the youngest of ten sisters, I think. They did most of the dirty work to keep me safe, and I... Well, I tried to keep their spirits up." There's a moment she pauses after this to glance away staring at a spot on the floor. It doesn't last long at all though as she darts her eyes back toward him with her grin emerging again.
"I think the rest is just my personality in general. I *can* be pretty hyper, but I've mellowed a bit with age."
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel raises an eyebrow. "You must have been a gas molecule when you were younger."
He hmmed. "I was relatively normal until about five months ago. I found out my company was going to ensure my loyalty by getting me addicted to a designer drug called Rapture, I tried to fix it by using gene therapy using my untainted genome. However, my boss wanted to sabotage it and replaced the genome with spider DNA before the process started." He shrugged. "So...spider-powers I never asked for. At least I was able to shake the Rapture addiction."
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney purses her lips a little at the tale that's told. Without thinking she goes to take another sip of her drink only to glance down realizing it was empty still. Drat. No excuse for a distraction. "Yeah, messing with genes is not the best idea a lot of times. Sounds like a real dick of a boss, too. Glad you didn't get the addiction at least?" She tries to sound hopeful that it was a good thing.
"Sorry you had to go through all of that, though. I'm a mutant so it's kind of expected to have things, but going through that as an adult is... well. I can see how it'd be hard to get used to."
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel shrugged. "At least you had training to use your gifts. No matter where they came from, you've got that to work with. You're definitely a force to be reckoned with." He looks around, then says, "The most I can attest to training is a degree in genetics. The rest is just...instinct. Training always beats instinct, that's what it is there for."
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney draws a deep breath ... and lets it out slowly. "Actually, I didn't. Not really. Not in the way you think." A finger traces around the edge of her empty cup idly. "I was trained to be a 'bodyguard' for executives. Polite way to say an assassin I guess. My sisters and I are clones. Failed ones, because no one got the mutation they were hoping for. By the time they made the last of us they had given up on it. I hid what I was before we escaped."
Her hand lifts away from her cup to tap one of the scars on her cheek indicating it. "This is how they told us apart."
There's a bit of an awkward silence from her after this during which the server comes back to set down the requested pizzas, and drink refill. He quickly scurries off again.
"Sorry," Gabby offers after a moment. "I don't get all mopey over this much anymore, but the whole geneticist thing kind of reminded me of the labs." A rueful smile is offered up.
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel nods, his face sober. "I...wasn't going to ask about the scars. I figured you'd gotten enough of that already. I just...figured you'd tell me when you felt it was the right time. That's...pretty borked. Seriously. I know that's not really much to say, being a smart guy, but I doubt you want me to patronize you. 'Oh, I know how you feel.' When I don't. I'm just...glad you're here, that it was great to work with you, and I'd like to do it again."
He sniffs the pizza and grins, which has the effect of baring his fangs without meaning to. "DEFINITELY better than Buck-A-Slice."