15114/Digging in the Dirt
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Digging in the Dirt | |
Date of Scene: | 10 June 2023 |
Location: | SoHo |
Synopsis: | No description |
Cast of Characters: | Miguel O'Hara, Mary Jane Watson, River Banks
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Ahhh...the end of a decent day of work.
Miguel walked up to the boss, who has two large guys flanking him, and handed his chit to the boss with his signed start time. "Eight hours."
The boss nods, then counts out some cash. "Sixty dollars."
It's chump change, but Miguel takes out without a word of complaint. "Yes, sir."
The boss looks at the chit. "Miguel...O'Hara?"
Miguel smiles. "Hispanic mother...Irish father...and me, right there in the middle." He gives a small salute, then walks away from the construction site, stretching after stuffing the money in his pocket.
Panhandling may pay more, but this method leaves him with SOME kind of dignity and pride.
He looks around as he brushes the dirt from his pants.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson is currently working her way on past things, walking over with a bit of a limp and an arm over in a sling. She's moving a little slowly but surely, and hasn't noticed Miguel yet. She's over at a bit of a jog (current state comparison at least) with a purse slung over her shoulder. She goes at a half hop, moving to then take a break and lean over against the nearest wall, closin gher eyes.
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel picks up the stray thoughts. It's not cohesive sentences, but it is more of a harmonal footprint.
So when MJ says, "Ow," Miguel immediately looks in her direction. Ow, indeed.
Miguel walked over, his work shirt, pants, and boots still dotted with dirt, and raised a hand in greeting. "Hey...you okay?" he said pleasantly. Without much more than a slight smile, eyes unreadable behind the sunglasses he wears even as dusk is waning.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would shake her head, "I'm fine. Just.. Uh.. Well.. Two story giant robot wheel with spikes that was running on rocket engines. One of the things that Tinkerer did on a day that I think he was on a rush job and a budget or someone he really didn't care for. Do you not have weird gimmick things where you come from for baddies?"
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel rolls his eyes behind the lenses. "Where I come from...well, WHEN I come from, a bunch of people think that I am the harbinger for the return of Thor. Thor went away...at some point...but they think my existence signals his return. They're like the crazed fan club I never asked for..."
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would just look over at MIguel and rub her chin, "Well.. I'm sure that if you tell Thor that he's going to be very fascinated. And I guess you don't have to worry about all the, err.. Stuff ahead. That doesn't seem to be something that they tend to care about."
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel grimaces, the fangs revealed a little more. "I can't cherry-pick what to say or how much to say. No dates, no places, no details. It's...a little painful sometimes."
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would wince, "I' sorry. I don't really get it, but.. I won't push it." At the very least, apparently she does find the concept of a bunch of people having a cult of Thor in the future hilarious
- River Banks has posed:
Lack of dignity, pain, and gimmicks. Yep, for River that's a checklist.
Coming around a corner, discarding a paper envelope with a bank's address and imprint on it she counts out a number of Visa credit cards, and then stuffs them in an interior pocket of a backpack. She's got a healing black eye over her left eye and a new cut on her chin, held together with some butterfly bandages, a smudge of grease on her right cheek, and her brown eyes looking very, very tired, and she pulls out the remains of a day-old pretzel before she looks up at the people currently occupying the wall, and purses her lips.
"Looks like everyone's havin' a rough day." she drawls in her deep-South accent. "Y'all good or is this guy botherin' you, ma'am?"
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel is about to speak further when...
Well, whaddaya know, a familiar face.
"Uhm...we know each other. Uhm, this is Mary Jane, but she likes to go my MJ. MJ...I met this lady while...on the clock, as it were."
He doesn't say more than that. He knows enough to keep silent on CURRENT events as well as future ones.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would give a wave over at River, "No, he's not. He's the cousin of a friend that I've promised to check in on. I was on this side of town so I figured I'd do it on person rather than phoning. Was going to pickup lunch on my way back." She would wave over at River. "And nice to meet you. As Miguel said, I'm MJ. And what should I call you?" She would wave with her hand that wasn't in a sling.
- River Banks has posed:
"... knew eating those pretzels would bite me in the ass." River mutters, and then she runs a hand over her hair as she delivers a bit of a cold look to Miguel. "They don't got secret identities or discreet-ness in the future or somethin' there?" she inquires, and then she looks to MJ, and frowns a moment. She rubs the back of her head and exhales.
"Riptide." she states dryly. "An' now ah know I've gotta mask up any time I'm in public." she states, eating the last of the day-old pretzel that was in her other hand, and she looks Miguel up and down a moment, before she gives a soft sound of consideration.
"Ain't got a better name than that ta use at the moment, Ah guess."
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel raises an eyebrow. "Uhm...Rip? I mentioned I met you during a situation like that. I never said ANYTHING about you being an active participant. So you kinda outed yourself there." He pause for a moment. "It's not a bad handle, though. I've heard worse. I was just talking to Red here about a cult of Thor where I come from."
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would look over at Miguel and goes to deadpan, "Wow, that comes as a big shock. Good to know that you're making friends. Didn't quite think you'd manage it while you were getting here in the big city. Well, I guess not as big." She would be relatively chipper. "So nice to meet you.. Riptide." She would cross her arms. "Appreciate you telling a complete stranger and everything, but isn't alwys smart to be so forward like that." SHe would say breezily wiht the attitude of someone that had come to take New York City anda ll of the associated weirdness in stride with it.
Not exactly playing up or down that she was surprised that Miguel had told someone else.
- River Banks has posed:
"Yeah, well, Ah don't know her. She could be some anti-meta or anti-mutant person collectin' infermation on th' doin's of others. Ain't that somethin' you were told 'bout? In the city? Can't trust nothin' --" she looks to MJ. "AN' no one." she replies, sizing MJ up. "Maybe they don't got that issue in the future, with a -- hold up -- Thor's gotta cult? When you're from?" she questions, distracted by the new thought process as she looks back to Miguel.
"What, they got an appreciation fer beefy arms an' L'Oreal hair?"
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel chuckles, covering his mouth as he does. "Sorry. It's just...strange to think of him like that. Let's just say I was far enough ahead to have a completely-useless Ph.D. and leave it at that. But this past isn't mine, so I can be a LITTLE less careful. As long as I don't publish anything, I should be all right." He looked back at the construction site. "At least I'm not begging on the streets anymore."
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would give a shrug, "I'm a townie." Well, not true, she'd only been in New York for a few years before life had gotten -really- weird. "So how did you two meet? Travler's anonymous? Paste Pot Pete robbing a convenience store? Blunt head trauma and seeing a porcine version of yourself?" She would inquire.
- River Banks has posed:
"Big ugly plant in need of a weed whackin'." Rip replies, as she sticks her hands in her pockets, her shoulders coming up a little as she looks to Miguel.
"No degree's useless. Least it proves y'all can learn somethin'. I ain't even got a highschool cert. An' look how sucsessful Ah am. Best of the Salvation Army's discount racks." she states, and points to a hole in her T-shirt with a small laugh.
"This guy was kind 'nough to grab me a pretzel and a cherry coke."
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel shrugged. "I had the funds, even though panhandling was souring on me. She got to eat. And she helped out when it counted. That ought to count for something, at least."
He smiled. "She knew what she was doing."
He looked around. "Listen, is there a fried chicken place called Popeye's? One of the foremen talked about it like it was something else. I've had chicken a lot of ways, but never fried..."
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would laugh, "Oh, you've only had fast food while you're here? You should take him somewhere real, Rip." She would call River that instead of her full 'codename' while they were out and about just in case. "And nothing's useless. Just some things have more life application than others. Liek an English degree. Or philosophy."
- River Banks has posed:
"See previous statement 'bout not havin' a highschool cert." Riptide states quietly, and wrings her hands again.
"Ain't my city, girl. I don't know what's 'round New York, but if you ever want proper fried chicken, there's a place in Mobile called Mama C's. Mama C can deepfry a whole-ass chicken and serve it up on a shingle an' it'll leave you wantin' to eat a roof." she states with the utmost seriousness, and she holds up her hands, pointing one at Mary Jane and one at Miguel.
"Side a' corn bread an' collared greens and if you had a tail it'd be *waggin'*. Ain't no one up here doin' fried chicken proper-like. You gotta make it like you got the fancy health insurance an' a mechanical heart an' veins that'll pump spent motor oil."
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel blinks HARD behind the 'shades.
"Rip...if it's close by, I'm buying. Just lead the way."
He glanced to MJ. "You too...I've been hard at work for hours and I'm hungry enough to think Buck-A-Slice is haute cuisine."
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would laugh, "Can you afford somewhere like there though? I know you're not exactly getting more than minimum wage. So really, I'm fine with offering." She would laugh over at Riptide. "And I'm pretty sure that wiht the jobs that any of us can get here in the city one ofthe things we all can't afford is insurance. I'm not sure the premiums they charge would help keeping your heart doing well anyways."
- River Banks has posed:
"It's... it's in Mobile. Alabama? 'Bout two thousand miles or so, an' Hyper-Loop doesn't exactly have a stop." Rip replies, and then she takes a deep breath, she rubs the back of her neck again and states:
"Yeah, medical care's expensive anyway. Lucky for us rabbit food's cheap if you know where to get it." she adds, and there's a weight that hangs on her shoulders, something deep down tugging at her as she looks to the two, MJ and Miguel.
"Should y'all find yourself in Mobile, and hit up Mama C's though, definitely order yourselves the whole fried chicken. Gonna be worth it."
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel looks at River, and his whole body seems to deflate. "SHOCK. Well...how about a food truck that sells fresh chimichangas and burritos? I can still afford it, and the food's pretty good."
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
As Mary Jane is about to move to speak, there's a buzz over at her hip. She goes to pull out her cell phone. Still buzzing on her. Hand checking downwards to pull out a.. Pager. That's buzzing. "Sorry, gotta book it. Audition is being run by someone that hasn't moved out of the fax age and has a hate on against the Internet. So catch you later."
- River Banks has posed:
"That your cussin' again?" Rip questions as she purses her lips, crossing her arms a moment and as MJ hops off for a pager call, she gives a soft sound.
"... thought only nurses did that stuff." she mutters quietly, and gives her a wave before looking back to Miguel.
"So, someone's cousin, huh?"
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel smiled sheepishly. "Well...okay, I'm not great at this. It's all I can do to keep using terminology that's early 21st-century. It's like trying to use Old English or something. And I'm beginning to understand why the suicide rate for temporal physicists is so high..."
- River Banks has posed:
"Man I ain't got the vocabulary for that sh...ock." River protests, but she does motion with her head.
"Wanna keep walkin' 'less you know where that chimichanga an' burrito truck's at? This time it's my turn ta pay though. Don't gimmie no lip 'bout it sir, if you'd be so kind." she gives a rare smile, and sticks her hands back in her pockets. "'Less you got someplace better ta be like your friend MJ there."
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel points. "Thataway. It's parked a block over. Lyla is pretty good at tracking this sort of thing. The Matrix...wait, it's still called the Internet now...is developing pretty quickly."
He begins walking towards the food truck's location. "How have you been doing lately, really? I've been a bit worried about how you've been getting along."
- River Banks has posed:
"I get 'long jus' fine. Ain't got nothin' you need to worry yourself about." River replies, her shoulders drawing up as she gives a shrug.
"So... the Internet changes to The Matrix in your timeline, huh? Weird, considerin' the movies an' all." she replies thoughtfully, trying to remain conversational.
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel hmms. "Well, the first movie referring to the Matrix was in 2067, shortly after the name became official, after they changed the framework of the global network. That's not too bothersome to share, though." Miguel chuckled.
- River Banks has posed:
"... hey I mean, the ones from the 90's? The Nineteen-Nineties? ... Keanu Reeves? Not in your Ancient Movies repetroire?" Rip asks as she walks, giving a small shrug. "Or maybe didn't happen in your timeline. Or maybe Reeves did go on ta play Superman in a bio-pic and --" she pauses a moment, looking back over to Miguel.
"... also, for the record? Not mad at you. Mad at myself. Ain't like it does a whole lotta good anyway."
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel slows down slightly, glancing to River.
"Uhm...who's Keanu Reeves?"
He shakes his head. "I guess it's not important. I suppose you can show me who this Keanu guy is sometime."
He smiled as the bright red food truck appeared. "There it is. I hope you're hungry."
- River Banks has posed:
"So, we're gonna start off with a movie from before I was born called 'Bill and Ted' and really it just goes uphill from there for the guy." River replies to the question Miguel asks, and then stuffs her hands back in her pockets.
"So. You doin' construction an' bein' a hero from the future? Gotta be hell on the laundry bill."
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel nods. "The costume is easy to repair, just run the repair script. The work clothes are another matter, but I found a few places where I can find durable clothing on the cheap. There's a laundromat near the shelter, and it's not too expensive." He shrugs. "I tend to carry my cash on me. After all..."
He grins, showing his fangs for a moment. "...BANKS get ROBBED."
- River Banks has posed:
River stops in her tracks as Miguel shows his teeth. Jovility leaves her face, and her shoulders tighten. She grips her hands into loose fists as she takes a step back from him, her eyes narrowing.
"On second thought, ain't in the mood for chimi-whatsits." she states. "I should hop the 'loop an' git myself home."
There's the crinkle of plastic as she reaches into her sling bag, gripping a waterbottle.
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
For a moment, he doesn't understand the sudden change of demeanor. All he did was smi-OhhhhhCHIP.
He stops quickly, immediately closing his mouth. "...IIIIIIIIIII can explain."
He glances around, then back to River. "Uhm...look. Sorry. Someone mixed up my DNA with a spider and that's where the teeth came from. It's my fault...I'm getting more used to them, but I'm sorry if I startled you. Look...I'm not a vampire, okay? It's just...it's my problem."
- River Banks has posed:
". . . ain't the teeth that bothered me." River states, Her right hand is shaking a little. She takes a step back, eyes drawing narrow as she breathes out. "Saw 'em yesterday." her right hand stops shaking.
"All manner of people body-mod. Go down to Naw'leans sometime. Lotta folks with fangs down there. Some even bigger."
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel frowns. "Then...I don't get it. If you knew about them, then...why'd you go from overclocked to liquid-hydrogen cooled in nothing flat?"
- River Banks has posed:
"... wouldn't... that make sense the other way 'round? Liquid-hydrogen cooled to overclocked?" River asks, and she shifts her weight a moment, then looks to Miguel.
"Look.. jes' ... nevermind it none." she states, and then runs her hands over her hair again.
"So, you rob banks an' do heroin'?"
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel paused for a moment, then shook his head. "Banks are all online. It's all data where I come from, anyway. It is kinda interesting to handle cash."
He pondered. "Well, the reason I got the spider DNA was because I found out my company was cementing my loyalty by getting me hooked on a designer drug called Rapture. I was trying to run a gene-therapy process to get me unhooked."
- River Banks has posed:
"... in which case I owe you an apology. Thought that... y'know what it's fine. So, you became a spider person 'cause they were manipulatin' yer loyalty with addiction. Geez. Sounds awful familiar." she states, her shoulders drawing up a bit.
"I thought you meant that you were robbin' banks to get cash."
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel blinks twice. You can see it around the lenses, the crinkling of the corners.
He doesn't laugh. She was being serious, so he had to be, too.
"...No. I apologize, I didn't mean it that way. I was speaking in the context that it was easier to rob a bank than it is to rob *me.*" He looks down. "Shock me, sometimes it's like I only open my mouth to change feet."
- River Banks has posed:
"Happens." RIp replies quietly, and she crosses her arms a moment before she leans against a handy wall.
"What a shocker." she replies, and drawing her brown eyes upwards as she regards Miguel.
"Told y'all I ain't 'xactly the sharpest knife in the drawer."
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
"Yeah, well, I have Stupid Days, too. So what say we begin again, and go for a full food download? I'm still hungry as a Blitzballer at midfield."