15216/Intercepting Intergang

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Intercepting Intergang
Date of Scene: 29 June 2023
Location: Underground Intergang Base
Synopsis: A SHIELD raid on an Intergang base goes well for once without extrensive damage or injury to anyone! Even the base!
Cast of Characters: Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, Stefani Houston, Cinque Evers
Tinyplot: Intergang and Annihilation

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Thanks to tireless work by SWORD tracking planet-bound extraterrestrial technology, a cluster of tech that was likely an Intergang facility had been located. Out in the Utah desert, setup in an old, abandoned Hulkbuster base that in recent months had gone active again. Previously used by one Samuel Sterns for a short time thereafter so plenty of things for the picking. The layout of the base had been provided in briefing.
    The goal was to primarily gather intelligence - whether by capturing anyone high up in the organization that might be present, hacking any electronics, or securing the area. The group was currently in flight along in a stealthed Quinjet.

Bruce Banner has posed:
Doctor Banner sat with a small metal box attached to straps in an open chair next to him. He resembled a doctor in every sense, wearing a white jacket and glasses pushed up on his nose. His clothing was well-kept, although he appeared to have a fanny pack on. Bruce smiled to himself as he rummaged through the pack, ensuring that everything was in place. He moved the scanner aside and checked for first aid supplies, being careful not to overlook the large shot of adrenaline. While this injection would be lethal to a normal person, Bruce knew that if he took it, nothing would prevent the Hulk from emerging, even sedatives. It was merely a precautionary measure, as he typically didn't require such things.

After ensuring that those items, along with a few others, were securely packed, he closed the fanny pack and leaned back, resting his hand on it. The device he had hastily constructed was a somewhat low-tech machine that generated localized gravitational fields. Creating such a device was no easy task, but Banner hoped that even this small contraption would prove invaluable in locating any samples or traces of dark matter they might encounter along their journey. Glancing up from his box, Banner nodded silently to the others before returning his gaze downward, patiently awaiting the trip.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Throughout the briefing, Stef had just sat quietly and listened sharply... as she was one to do. With a black ballcap on her head, her brown hair tied in a ponytail that extends out behind the cap, the young woman just absorbs the mission information with an attentive respect for those who delivered it.

In the here and now, Agent Houston had been going over her gear throughout the ride. She had a thigh rig holster on her right thigh that she made sure was strapped tightly, secured well, and the weapon ready. Her backpack was organized perfectly once, then gone over a second time before she slipped her hat off of her head and rolled it up in to the bag itself. A canteen of cold fresh water was taken out of the bag, where it was enjoyed with a sip before she twisted the cap back on, and it too was slipped in to the bag before she set it aside. Her large brown eyes look over the others in the jet, affording them soft happy smiles should they look her way, though most know better than to try and engage her in a conversation that would be anything other than one-sided less they speak ASL.

Cinque Evers has posed:
Just like any goverment agency, ShIELD likes to save money, so when Cinque finish his disbriefing with SWORD about his encounters with the Brood, they decided it was more cost effective to just have him start his recruit SWORD rotation. Cinque listened to debriefing with great inteerest. This is one of the main reason he decided to join Shield. He wanted to brind down some of the higher profile players of the underworld.

He is surprise that this is leading him to Utah. Cinque makes a mental note to check on the activities around abandoned goverment bases in the future.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
In fairness to Cinque, this does involve aliens. Well, alien technology. So it's within the same jurisdictional mandate for deployment (not that SHIELD pays attention to the particulars when throwing agents into the field meagrinder). The Quinjet roars along through the skyline, nearing the deploy point. The pilot looks back over at Bruce and gives him a thumbs up. "We do want to take this place intact enough to get something useful from it, Doctor Banner. I know it might be theraputic for you though so I can sympathize." The agent actually did seem to mean it sincerely.

The scanners on the Quinjet are picking up evidence of power generators ahead as the Quinjet zooms along. The place is humming with tags that trace as some sort of cold fusion - or at least an alien technological equivalent.

The bunkered entrance to the old Hulkbuster base are ahead, tucked into the ground of the desert.

Bruce Banner has posed:
Bruce looked up as he was addressed, letting out a soft chuckle. "That's fair boss," he said with a slight smile. "I'll just follow from behind if that's alright with everyone." He glanced around to see if anyone objected before continuing, "As a scientist, I'm here because the kind of technology you're dealing with shouldn't be taken lightly." He looked around once more, ensuring that his message was heard, as mishandling such equipment could result in dangerous explosions when dealing with dark matter.

While his face displayed no signs of anger or disappointment, there was a sense of seriousness as Bruce prioritized the safety of everyone involved. He nodded to Nat and glanced at the box he had brought with him, then turned his attention to the other agents. "I'm putting my trust in your hands," he expressed, appreciating their role in keeping everyone safe. However, being the hermit that he was, those few words were all Bruce managed to convey before casting his gaze downwards, falling silent, and allowing the others to proceed without his interference.

Stefani Houston has posed:
When some sensors started to report some information resulting in beeping sounds coming from the cockpit, Stefani stood up and dropped her bag in her seat. As Nat and Bruce spoke, Agent Houston used the hand-rails on the ceiling to slip between them to stare at the controls of the cockpit from behind the pilots. She sees the destination coming up, sees the information being brought up on the scanners, then turns back to move back toward her seat and once more between Nat and Bruce as they speak.

When Bruce says he's relying on them, Stef just pats him on the shoulder twice on her way past him, then drops a pair of green and red Starbursts in to one of his hands.

The Agent gathers up her backpack, pulls it on her shoulders and makes for the back of the Jet, grabbing one of her pre-loaded 'Butterfly' adorned rifles from the gun rack mounted to the bulkhead.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The group gets ready to drop in as the Quinjet goes to deposit the team on down towards the ground. The jet goes to hover close to the ground, a few hundred feet away from the bunker entrance, which looks like it's locked and latched rather solid - thick (thick for what Ross wrongly assumed was solid enough that Hulk couldn't break through). Fortunately though, it's not vacuum sealed.. And they do have thier own very, very capable shadow-girl in with the group.

Doctor Banner's device is, if looked at, not pinging- but that means little given they have several meters of heavy metal reinforcement down to an underground bunker complex to go through.

Bruce Banner has posed:
Banner smiled at Stefanie and quietly ate the candy she had given him. He neatly folded up the paper wrapper and placed it into his pack, ensuring he didn't litter. For a while, he remained silent as they landed and the others gathered their equipment and departed. Bruce stood there quietly, taking hold of the box and sliding his arms through the straps so that the box was positioned in front of him. He retrieved the detector from his pack.

"The distance isn't too far," he clarified, addressing the others. "I don't have the power to generate a large wave, but once we're inside, it should be easier." With his explanation given, he followed the rest of the team off the jet.

As they walked, Bruce couldn't help but smile a little. "Oh, look at that... No one is here. Maybe it's not as bad as we thought," he remarked, though deep down, he didn't truly believe his own words. This place had always been eerie. Finally, Bruce opened the box and retrieved a pair of large headphones. He plugged them into the box and put them over his ears, giving a smile and a thumbs-up. All he could hear now was static. He wouldn't miss the sound if he heard it, but he couldn't hear anyone else either. From this point forward, he would rely solely on visual cues to follow the team.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Stef stands at the back of the Jet waiting for it to be ready to unload them. She adjusted the harness strapped around her torso, wearing her black sleeveless bodysuit that was designed for high agility while also being highly brethable materials. Her rifle slung over her shoulder now, when the time comes to disembark she's trundling down the ramp with the others down to the ground.

On Bruce's left side now, the young woman looks out to the base in the distance, then over to the Good Doctor again.

She leans over to look at the device he's holding before she smiles once more...

Then poof. Stefanie vanishes in a puff of black smoke that wafts down to the ground where it begins to move almost like a snake weaving its way across the earth...

She seems to be leading the way, perhaps scanning for IEDs set in to the dirt itself?

When they reach the door, she begins to glide up it in smoke form, a wall of black haze covering the doorway before it begins to slip through the non-sealed crack to find a way inside...

Once inside, the Smkoke Elemental SHIELD Agent will manuever about in search of a door release mechanism to try and find a way to crack it open.

Cinque Evers has posed:
Departs the Quinjet, Cinque takes a moment to scan the area for any threat. A slight sigh escapes his lips as he realizes how quite and stable the desert is to his senses. If it wasn't for the dangers of this mission and the Hulkbuster base, the setting would be a perfect inspiration for landscape painting that one would find hanging in The Metropolitan Museum of Art. As he mind process this thought, it also process the fact that once he is higher enough rank that he is going to request a modified icers that resemeble his old weapons.

Cinque heads towards an access panel, and pulls out his hacker tools. Cinque had to relearn how to use SHIELD tool for hacking as he starts to access the panel. He begins to use his memories about the combination of what he knows about government codes during this time period, and the background information of the people who worked in the security and IT deparment at this former Hulkbuster base to come up with a possible passcode. Cinque bites his lips, hoping his enhance intuition pays off.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Ross was never known as a stickler for security - he was always about the man and the machine rather than the setup. So there are still afew backdoors in the system that Cinque can easily trace and use to get it open with some work. Inside, Agent Houston is able to quickly scout the area. There's chatting but it's downwards. Sounds like a group of thugs.. Talking about of all things baseball.

"C'mon, this is the Mets year." "I'm an Oakland fan." "Well you -were- one. They ain't gonna be--" "I'll /always/ be an Oakland fan if I gotta put a hit on the owner myself." Back and forth taunting going on.

Several heavy set thugs that were carrying weapons slung over their backs talking. Paying no attention to their surroundings, no remote idea as to they were about to get some drop-in sneaks. As the door opens, Bruce's device pings very, very lightly - there's no signs of dark matter here.. Well, now. But traces in the past - but very small amounts.

Bruce Banner has posed:
Bruce, unable to hear his own voice, spoke loudly as he noticed the door had been opened. "Hey, it looks like there might be someone down there!" he exclaimed, his voice resonating in the hallway. Without auditory feedback, he couldn't gauge his volume accurately. Realizing that they had been spotted, he took a step back, allowing the others to handle any potential threats or danger he finished, also loudly, "I think they spotted us." Bruce positioned himself to the side, preferring not to witness or hear the unfolding situation because at this place it might not be difficult to set him off. Maintaining his composure as Bruce, he aimed to distance himself from the Hulk's influence. Glancing at his watch, he felt some relief as his heart rate remained within a manageable range for the time being.

As the danger became apparent, Bruce chose to stay outside, finding a place to hide. Occasionally, he waved a scanner in front of the doorway, attempting to gather scans while the rest of the team dealt with the situation. With a frown, he muttered to himself, speaking loudly to compensate for his inability to hear, "Hmm... I think I need to go deeper." It was merely a thought spoken aloud as he contemplated how he could contribute further to the mission.

Stefani Houston has posed:
The door to the bunker is creaking open.

The sound of the men chatting within is heard.

The tendrils of black smoke creep toward them.

And the moment that the pair step further from their comrades the smoke sweeps up behind them, around them. They don't even see it as they talk about baseball, about boring ass baseball...

The smoke tendrils swirl around their legs, up their thighs and around their waists, looking for holstered weapons to remove and drop upon the floor behind them.

As Banner is calling out to alert them of the voices, the smoke puff sweeps around in front of the men, then back around behind them.

It culminates, forming once more in to the body of Agent Houston, who raises her ICER handgun up to fire in to the back of their necks. One shot. Second Shot.

Cinque Evers has posed:
Cinque gets the door open as he hears Bruce's warning about people inside. He quickly packs up his hacking tools, and runs pasts Banner with his icer out. He arrives just in time to see Agent Houston firing her Icer handgun in to the back of their necks. Cinque briefly shakes his head in frustration for not arriving in time to provide adequate backup, but relief is slowing appearing on his face as he realizes that she didn't really need it.

Cinque begins to look around the area for more computers terminals, crates, or any other intelligence that might be useful to SHIELD.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
There's a -pfft- over as Quiet goes in quickly and goes to silently drop each of the men. There's not so much as a peep from them as they each go to get dropped and don't move, quickly taken to the side and restrained. The base generator is humming - definitely something cold fusion. There are no more immediate voices - at least nearby. The sound of heavy fans thrumming inside from the automated cooling systems rumble like it was an old industrial processor.

There's no signs of any immediate computers beyond those that would just be for basic things - turning on the lights, opening/closing the security doors. Anything with direct terminal access will be in one of the command and control rooms. Of course, also likely elsewhere if Intergang has been using different areas for experimentation or built up their owns ections of the base.

There is the faint hum of Bruce's scanner as it would detect faded particles of whatever exotic energy was a byproduct of a few grams of antimatter generation. Not now, but in the recent past. Then down on further in the facility, there's sounds of metal clanking like.. Very, very heavy metal boots stomping.

Bruce Banner has posed:
Bruce discovered the readings of the device he was looking for and felt a surge of happiness as it worked. He excitedly waved at the others, exclaiming, "I found it! It works!" Despite being a doctor and not an engineer, he relished in his own success. As he entered the hallway, Bruce removed the earphones from his ears and hung them around his neck. He intended to inform the team about the presence of a few grams of antimatter and possibly guide them in the right direction. However, his plans were interrupted by the distant sound of metal clanking coming from further inside the facility. His face turned pale, and he instinctively took a step back towards the door. Although his watch wasn't beeping, the numbers were steadily increasing, indicating the proximity of the approaching threat.

Bruce looked at the others, a sense of urgency in his voice. "They... They're coming. We need to defend ourselves," he warned, considering the possibility of falling back to a choke point for better protection. He wondered if he could entrust the task to the capable individuals in the team, reasured slightly after witnessing how efficiently the shadow lady had dispatched their earlier adversaries. Still edging towards the door, Bruce hesitated to venture further inside.

Gradually retreating towards the entrance, Bruce repeated a calming mantra to himself, "Gooosfaba... Gooosfaba..." Taking slow breaths, he focused on maintaining his composure, knowing that what was about to happen next would test their mettle, and his anger.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet offered Cinque a warm smile when he appeared over the two stunned men with the electro darts in the back of their necks. Then she was gone again, another wave of black smoke sweeping away from where the woman had been a moment before...

As the other two follow the device to what they came here for, Quiet moves toward the noises. She keeps a bit ahead, appearing again within a shadowy corner where there is a number of cargo shipping containers.

The Agent in the black sleeveless skin-suit takes a moment to peer inside the crates, seeing them to be empty, and the base cargo area itself seemingly dusty and unused. It's odd. Usually places like this are filled with a myriad of strange tech that Quiet loved to try and steal baubles and bits of either for herself, or for the smarty techs back at HQ....

But the sounds of Banner's voice causes Quiet's brown eyes to look back in the Good Doctor's direction, and once more she's smoke...

The cloud of black sweeps across the floor, keeping close to the walls to be as non-descript as possible.

Cinque Evers has posed:
After Quiet disappeared, Cinque rapidly singled out the generator that would be carrying power to more electronics like computes and other terminals. Cinque is descending when he hears Bruce state that the enemy is advancing. "Good!" Cinque is surprise by the word escaping his lips and the complete lack of fear that resonaitng through his body, it is like plethora of waves of ancient predatory instincts washing over him.

Just as quickly as the feeling enters his body, it leaves him and he quickly search for an ideal location. He position himself behind a crate to create a "icer zone" for approching targets. Cinque chuckles softly, "I have any taking my final exams yet."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The heavy steps go down the hall. As Quiet goes to sneak along past them, no one notices the dark shade of shadow and smoke going along the brightly lit corridor. Apparently one thing that the base veered from tradition was being very, very well lit. They had to use all that power for /something/ so it was like going onto the backstage of a movie production. You needed sunglases!

There are two large first generation Hulkbuster suits. Bulky, slow, in poor condition. Being used essentially as haulers taking along bulky pieces of equipment. Rusted, busted, and grating with each step. Apparently Intergang had learned to be pragmatic in what they used things for. Brightly lit corridors, old super soldier suits used like cargo shifts rather than superweapons.. And no sign that they've noticed anyone. The stompings go to retreat along another corridor if not stopped. The goons are chattering amongst themselves - but given the sheer noise the suits are making probably using radios to do it.

There's no one else along with them, though if they disable the suits the sudden lack of noise from them stomping along would be pretty noticable. But.. Along the way there are some laboratories that Bruce would recognize (possibly from life experience) as converted storage rooms. The thrum of equipment. The hum of the generator only putting out a fraction of the energy it could.

The layout of the place fiarly standardized - Intergang was running here with a fraction of the personnel that Ross would have back in the day. But there were definitely living quarters, labs, a control room..

And if one poked their head in that direction an /insanely/ well setup rec room that would put anything SHIELD had to shame.

Bruce Banner has posed:
As the Hulkbuster suits stepped out, their shabby presence catching Bruce's attention, he did something that might surprise others. He burst into laughter, unable to contain his amusement. Pausing briefly to regain his composure, he looked up at the thugs with a chuckle, shaking his head. "Really? Wow, you really had me fooled there," he admitted from his safe position in the back. With the others keeping the villains at bay and preventing them from causing widespread destruction, Bruce felt emboldened to engage in some banter with the antagonists. It provided a momentary release for his pent-up stress.

Continuing to gaze at the two Hulkbuster suits, Bruce's demeanor turned slightly more serious. "Who is your engineer? We shouldn't let them get away with the crimes they've committed against that tech. Despite its flaws, the fact that it still stands is quite remarkable," he remarked, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. Rubbing his chin, he pondered the situation. "Mark one, though... let's see."

Suddenly, Bruce's demeanor shifted, and he snapped his fingers, uttering, "Tony Stark 194563: Shut down." Having memorized shutdown codes for previous versions, he was grateful for the connection he had with the original creator. Bruce started walking slowly toward the suits, fully aware that he lacked combat skills and had no intention of engaging in a physical confrontation. Instead, his purpose was to get closer to Cinque and relay vital information. "I detected the presence of dark matter further inside. If I can scan it, it suggests that the complex isn't overly complex. If you can keep the attention of our adversaries, or defeat them, I'll move past and try to find the source for further study," he informed the team, expressing his intent to venture deeper into the facility.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Escort Missions...

The key to this for Quiet was always to let the targets see the escort first, in this case Banner. It generally meant their full attention would be ON him, and as he and Cinque setup for the arriving hulking forms of industrial designed war machine madness, Quiet swirls around the Hulk Buster on the left side of the duo.

He'll likely see the smoke entering his control cabin and working its way up his body moments before it sweeps over his shoulders... and takes form atop his machine.

Then she is there, staring down at the man with black streaks across her eyes, an angry expression aimed at the man as she just makes eye contact with him, and shakes her head.

Quiet's ICER pistol is brought up once again, this time slipped in to the cabin through a gap in the metal frame, and she depresses the trigger aimed at the man's neck beneath his left ear.

Cinque Evers has posed:
Cinque's recalls day 3 of SHIELD training, when a senior SHIELD instructor if you assisting in an agent recovery mission, and a known Hydra agent is able to be captured. What do you do? Cinque recalls answering with hubris, 'I help assist in capturing the Hydra agent." 200 eight count body builders as the instructor shouted, "No, you are a recruit. You will continue the primary mission unless someone orders you not too. Cinque remembered that he really didn't need the 8 count body builders to remember that point.

When Bruce tells him of his plan, he agains bite the bottom of his lip, "Okay, I better not end up having to do 10,000 eight count body builders.: Cinque peers up at the Hulkbuster and predatory instinct washes over him again as he jumps on the other Hulkbuster and begins firing his icer into the communication port.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
What happens over as Quiet goes to smoke up and over into the Hulkbuster suits is that the pilot only has a moment to stare over at the sudden pair of angry eyes looking over at him right over as he's -pffted- hard and down as he drops. The enxt quickly does in turna s Bruce's override goes to immediatley shutdown both of the armors. They sit still in the middle of the corridor, propped upright like puppets, staying completely still with the suits in shutdown mode still holding up the large containers they were being used to haul. Like statues.

The silence echos through the halls, only broken over by the thrumming of the generator. Bruce can definitely tell where the labs are, and the control room - and Cinque can tell where he cang et data from. The only issue now is the sudden number of yells going off now and alerts.

Bruce Banner has posed:
Banner was walking past one of the Hulkbusters when the alarms suddenly went off. Bruce looked around and a mischievous smile formed on his face. "Actually, I have a new idea," he said to Cinque. Removing the box he had been carrying, Bruce carefully placed it down and approached the Hulkbuster with the functioning communication system. Climbing up its side, he began tinkering with the suit while the alarm blared in the background.

Despite the impending attack and the alarm's blaring sound, Bruce's stress levels remained low after the earlier laughter. His focus shifted entirely to the task at hand. Suddenly, he exclaimed sharply, "Frell!" and licked his fingers after encountering a spark from the suit. Miraculously, the suit powered back on, and a fainted individual fell out onto the floor as it opened. Unaware of the human element, Bruce continued his work. Placing his hand on the panel inside the suit, he quickly connected its network to their own, granting him full control. Bruce even modified the suit's voice to sound deeper and gruffer. Turning to Cinque, he pointed a hand at him, as if the Hulkbuster still had a functioning repulsor. Grinning beneath the closed Hulkbuster helmet, Bruce asked, "You ever seen Star Wars?" He then gestured down the hallway with his other hand. "Go on, prisoner!" he said, hoping that Cinque would catch his reference and understand the plan.

Bruce knew there were risks involved, but he considered being inside a Hulkbuster, even an impaired one, would offer more safety than simply navigating through the facility. While the Hulkbuster had visible openings, he would need to stand to prevent anyone from seeing inside. Bruce believed the idea was solid, offering a two-in-one advantage. He hoped that the adversaries would fall for the ruse as he intended, giving him and Cinque an opportunity to proceed towards the location of the dark matter without further delay.

Cinque Evers has posed:
"Aren't you a little small to be a Hulkbuster?" Cinque jests as he pretends to be Bruce-Hulkbuster's prisoner to move towards the control room and labs. The predatory feelings again wash over him and he is feeling back to his normal self. He is hoping that Quiet is able to silent anyone who sees through this ruse, before everything goes pearshape.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Bruce has gotten his power up mode! ... Which is something no one ever thought they would say in this sort of way, likely. Bruce has mangaged to get over into the power armor.. Right as there are sounds of alerts going off! Cinque has some very nice cover over behind Bruce even as several thugs run on out.

One of them looks over at Bruce, squinting even as the other Hulkbuster suit blocks the disabled one. "Didn't know we were getting any prisoners. So who sent 'em and why they here?" His hand over on his waist, ready to draw out a very, very old school 80's sytle laser pistol. No one had seen Quiet. For she was quiet as a smoke and her namesake's poof.

Cinque does however have perfect and total cover to get around and towards the control room while everyone stares at Power Bruce.

Bruce Banner has posed:
As they are halted, Bruce quickly adjusts his position to conceal the opening of the Hulkbuster suit, determined to seize this opportunity to help as Bruce, not the Hulk. Taking a deep breath, he looks at Cinque, remembering that Quiet is somewhere nearby. Bruce steel himself, pushing aside his shyness and embarrassment, determined not to fail them and to embody Bruce, the Avenger.

With newfound confidence, Bruce strides forward towards the individual questioning him. Pointing at them, he demands to know who dares to ask him such questions before insisting on being taken to their leader. However, things quickly go awry as Bruce begins admonishing the henchmen for their incompetence, boasting about his own prowess as a henchman. He turns to face them, accusingly pointing his finger.

Just as Bruce finishes his tirade and fully faces them, the Hulkbuster armor malfunctions, opening up unexpectedly. At the worst possible moment, right after his grand speech, everyone can see the small scientist inside the armor. Bruce sheepishly waves at them, his face turning beet red with embarrassment. Slowly backing up, he tries to close the front of the armor again, but shots start ringing out in his direction.

Although Bruce manages to avoid getting hit, the armor is slowly closing, but the chaos ensues. People swarm around him, either firing their guns or attempting to open the lid of the Hulkbuster again. In the midst of the commotion, Bruce slips, causing the Hulkbuster to fall backward onto the ground. Meanwhile, Bruce tries to reason with the people outside, desperately attempting to negotiate his way out rather than resorting to direct conflict. He pleads, "Come on, guys, can't we talk about this?" hoping to find a peaceful resolution amidst the chaos.

Cinque Evers has posed:
Cinque Evers escapes to the control room and accesses the first computer. Cinque begins to download the information from the terminal onto a SHIELD storage device. Cinque is his own storage device, so he begins to look for hard copies of intelligence that are not stored on a computer and might be laying around the control room. As the files continue to download, Cinque access the cameras and tries to get a look at the entire operation that is going on here.

Cinque commits everything to memory that he sees are comes across, and realizes that Doctor Banner is in a bad predicament. Cinque calculates that the odds that people firing on him are more likely going to be in a bad prediccament, and that really didn't take his enhanced mental powers to figure that out.

Once the files are dowmloaded, Cinque quickly heads to the lab to explore and look for traces of the antimatter. Cinque taps his right foot on the floor, "This is really not my specialty." Someone way above Cinque's paygrade thinks of ever angle, including if Dr. Banner was "preoccupied" with other activities during the mission. They made sure that other people can search for antimatter traces once they synch up their units. Cinque quickly gets to work searching for traces of antimatter and other information in the lab.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Bruce is able to very, very quickly get any of teh goons around the area to stand down. Once they realize who he is, that is. They're mor ethan happy to. However, they know very little of use - production was done here for awhile then moved elsewhere, along with the equipment. but they definitely have some tantalizing readings to startw ith.. And some records they can sort through.

But it's decrypted and sorting through them all will take time. But it's still a win. A litlte bit information to add to the growing pot!