15388/A Sudden Power Move

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A Sudden Power Move
Date of Scene: 15 July 2023
Location: Location
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Miguel O'Hara, Julie Power

Miguel O'Hara has posed:
When your A.I. (okay, LYrate Lifeform Approximation) is more suited for a network that won't exist for another seven decades, there can be...complications.
But there are also benefits, like being about to data-mine various organizations that are not going to call the cops on you for doing it.
Which is how Miguel was able to pick up some info that corroborated a young, uhm, "lady of the night" whose Triad boyfriend had a penchant for talking in his sleep.

So, here he was, standing across the street, watching the Beklan building, a place that used to hold twelve thriving businesses. Now it only held two, and neither were paying rent - the Karenchov family, who was buying, and Mr. Johnson, the sales rep for Intergang, who was selling firearms from another planet. And the Russians...were ready to buy.

And the negotiations were about to commence...

Julie Power has posed:
If there's one thing Julie loves, it's flying. And to some, seeing the rainbos streak in New York might lighten the bood or raise the heart, knowing that someone was on patrol. Even if it was just a little speeding, violating FAA regulations and enjoying the wind on the face.

Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Enoch, the one speaking for the Karenchov, approached the metal table set in the middle of the wide-open fourth floor, all dividing walls and partitions either removed or graffitied. "Hello, Mr....Johnson?" He chuckled. "I was told about this when dealing with your people."
Mr. Johnson, his eyes hidden by expensive glasses, smiled thinly. "And I am also told that you Russians cannot say 'Good evening' without lying twice. The rates are set. We expect ten million for the 25 Sungard light weapons." He paused. "Set for red-shifted. Expecting someone in red and blue?"
"Better in low-light situations," Enoch said, crooking a finger to someone behind him, and another man stepped forward with a large duffel bag. "Now...show me the weapon."
Johnson smiled, then another man from his side came up, a silver briefcase in one hand. He set it on the table, opened it, and pulled out the sleek weapon. It was silvery ans simple, if designed for a larger hand.

Two hundred feet away, Miguel whispered, "Wait for it..." as he watched from the nearby rooftop.

Julie Power has posed:
There's a rainbow curving down on said rooftop, a short break point for Julie as she lands and gets a bottle of water from the pocket. Something to drink after a nice flight...

Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Johnson pointed the weapon at a display of three cinderblocks stacked on each other, pulling the trigger. A ball of red energy bursts from the end of the pistol, sreaks towards the top cinderblock...and it explodes outwards into a cloud of dust and small chunks.

"Sold," Enoch said with a growing smile.

Miguel nodded, then fired a webline and swung into action.
AND into the fourth-floor window. And through it.
The shattering glass window startles everyone as Cyber-Spider lands next to the cinderblocks, then looks at everyone. "Sorry...I missed the invite...so I crashed."

"SHOOT HIM!" Enoch bellowed, and suddenly everyone had guns. Three of them also had webbing applied to their gun hands before the opened fire.

Miguel sprang to the left, already running and firing weblines.

Three blasts of red fire shattered two windows and melted the frames. It was a very colorful sight...

Julie Power has posed:
Crashing windows. Then... Gunfire. Those are calls to action, and within moments Lightspeed is back up, the bottle dropped and dripping its water contents onto the ground.

The arching rainbow trail follows the crashed window path, and moments later, a fist impacts one of the Russian mafiosi's chin, his gun dropping from the flyby.

"Would you kindly put your hands up and let us arrest you?"

Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Cyber-Spider's eyes when a young woman zooms in...with a bright rainbow strip revealing her path.
Another female voice blurted out, "...It's RAINBOW-BRITE!"
"NOT NOW, Lyla!"

He had to admit, the heroine's sudden appearance gave him enough leeway to web up two Russian mafioso and start going after Johnson and his Intergang cohorts, who were arming up from the metal crate they had brought with them.
Webbing up standard guns was one things. He suspect the guns would burn through any webbing he could create.
"Time to make the DONUTS!" Cyber-Spider blurted out, firing at one guy to web him down before taking cover behind an exposed concrete pillar.

Julie Power has posed:
"No? It's Lightspeed." Julie remarks as she zooms towards the a goon that was just reloading his gun, giving her a heavy handed punch to separate her from her gun, then push her towards Miguel.

"One for bagging coming up!" she announces the toppling mobster girl as she dives for the next to grab and fly towards a pile of cardboard boxes... and let him loose as she pulls up, allowing his impact to be cushioned by the paper.

Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Okay. That wasn't bad, Miguel thought. She's...
Uh-oh. They still see me!

By this time, only Enoch, Johnson, and two Intergang members are still ambulatory, And Enoch is standing his ground, because loyalty is everything, and if he's got a choice between prison with his boss, or freedom as a marked man for fleeing, a concrete cell will always win.
Besides, the two Intergangers using the energy guns are...


Okay, ONE guy, because the other's stuck to the wall...
THWIPP!...and Johnson's webbed to the floor.
Who IS this guy?! Spider-Man isn't NEARLY that big! And what's the deal with the OTHER uninvited guest?

Julie Power has posed:
There's a song about monkeys or its much less political correct ancestor. In any way, it counts down. First there's 10, then 9... and when there's only four, and then three left, a moment later it will be two...

Two because as the energy gun blasts a piece of pillar when the Intergang member shoots after Julie, she zooms by and makes his next shot hit a beam above him, dislodging a rusty piece of gantry... Three little gangers out on a canou, one shot up and tumbled and then there were just two...

Johnson and Enoch left, the rainbow lowers behind the man in suit, her hand smacking down on his gun holding wrist, hefore staying there hovering. "So, want to surrender now or do you need more convincing?"

Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Enoch and Johnson looked at each other. Enoch didn't move, but Johnson suddenly ran for the door.

He ALMOST made it. He got to within five feet of the door when a blast of webbing shoved him forward and pinned him to the door.

Enoch did not move for a few seconds, then got down on his knees and placed his hands behind his head. "This suit costs more than yours, I'm sure," he said coldly.

"Uh-huh." Cyber-Spider webbed him where he was, anyway. He looked to Julie, then shrugged. "Okay. I'm petty. You're pretty good at this."

Julie Power has posed:
Julie Power gave a little shrug as Enoch gave up, searching her pocket for a phone. A litle photo, a text to 911 with geolocation and the note wrapped up for the taking.

"Well, if you judge by suit prices... then my suit outranks his by a long shot. As for pretty and good at this... I guess? I mean, pretty is in the eye of the beholder, and... well, I do stuff like this for... gosh, half my life by now?"

Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Cy-Spi opens his mouth, then closes it. He beckons with a finger to the other end of the building, then takes a deep breath before answering.

"I've been at it for...less than a year. Still learning the ropes. So...you call yourself Lightspeed? Must come in handy for beating Nueva...sorry, NEW York traffic."
A pause. "Did you know about this deal beforehand, or were you just in the neighborhood?"