15393/Steaks Make Great Thank Yous
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Steaks Make Great Thank Yous | |
Date of Scene: | 16 July 2023 |
Location: | The Strait Lace Steakhouse - Hellfire Club |
Synopsis: | Shaw pays for having his car fixed with a steak. |
Cast of Characters: | Sebastian Shaw, Mercy Thompson
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
The commission to do a tune-up on a 1959 BMW 507 was likely enough - between the cost to service such a fine automobile and the opportunity itself to handle one - but after Mercy had completed the work on the automobile, she found in addition to her generous payment an envelope bearing her name and sealed in black wax, the symbol of a chess King upon it. Within was a hand written thank you note, signed by Sebastian Shaw, owner of the Hellfire Club, along with a card good for a complimentary dinner at The Strait Lace Steakhouse. Reservations required.
It seems that Sebastian Shaw is the sort who appreciates those who handle his most prized possessions.
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
The chance to work on a car like that was a joy for Mercy. She doesn't get to touch classics like that so often. So of course she did her best to bring that baby to cherry as best she could. The additional payment she wasn't sure what to do with. Normally she's not a fan of tipping. But this is a chance to eat at a stake house with a great reputation. She'll ask a friend about Sebastian Shaw later. But she wasn't about to let that meal offer pass.
So she made a reservations and then she will put on a new simple black dress. Make sure to really wash under her nails and get her hair clean and out of a braid for once. She has a basic clutch with her phone and wallet with her, and then the invite just in case the doorman is less then believing she belongs. "You are so out of your bracket," Mercy says to herself.
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
The invitation certainly helps, but with the reservation in place Mercy's name was on a list. Which is good, since the line behind the velvet rope was robust. Immediately upon identifying herself she is let in and an attendant arrives to escort her to the steakhouse.
"Mr. Shaw really appreciates your fine handiwork," says the sable haired attendant who looks like she could be in Hollywood. Perhaps she will someday. "Will anyone be joining you this evening?" The attendant waves an arm in front of her to indicate for Mercy to head into the steakhouse. "Everything has been arranged, so please feel free to indulge." She glances around and then leans over to whisper, a hand covering her mouth. "The lobster ravioli is to _die_ for."
The steakhouse is roughly two thirds full, with most of the patrons dressed similarly to Mercy. If perhaps adorned with a bit more expensive jewelry. But no one is giving her a second glance. It seems as they say, the classic simple black dress works just about everywhere.
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy was already getting her to show her ID when they let her in on the name alone. "Well it was a rare treat to work on so fine a car. She was really well cared for and in good shape." Smiling as if the woman knows what she is even talking about before Mercy shakes her head. "No. Just me tonight unfortunately. " She will move in and is already sniffing subtly to take in all the scents and take in all the place has to show her. "Mr. Shaw may regret that. I have quiet the hardy appetite." The whisper is met with a smile. "I may try that, after I have the rib eye or tomahawk."
Mercy may be a thin and lean woman but she always has a pretty big appetite, and can appreciate meat better then most can. Mercy's doesn't tend to wear a lot of jewelry. Just a habit she's had for so long in most cases. "Wow you can tell this place is old," she says as she's led through. "You can feel," she means smell, "the age of it. Fresh new leather and paint of old cigars and wood."
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
The attendant nods in agreement. "Mr. Shaw always has the finest things, and takes fastidious care of them." When Mercy speaks of her appetite, the attendant simply laughs. "I do not know that he ever regrets anything." And then Mercy is delivered to the restaurant, and the attendant shuffles away.
Guided to a seat by the hostess, it is not long before her host of the evening manifests himself. Before even the waiter has had a chance to arrive with water and bread, Sebastian Shaw sweeps into the room. He is dressed with a style, to be sure - a luxurious purple Victorian style overcoat worn over a white silk shirt, the lace of which spills out from his collar and sleeves, and a tight black pair of breeches. Almost looking like he may be from the same age Mercy smelled of the club.
"Thank you for accepting my invitation, Miss Thompson," offers the man upon his arrival at her table. "I am Sebastian Shaw, owner of the Hellfire Club, and I deeply appreciate how well you cared for my second favorite possession."
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy will seat herself and happily ignore the bread beyond giving one a small sniff and savoring it's smell and how well it is made. Being a baker herself she can appreciate well done bread. When the man himself shows up she can't help think about how some of her foster family moved. Filling a room beyond physical size and acting as if they own the place. With Shaw that is, however, literally true. She can admire a man who can casually pull of something more akin to an Edwardian fashion then something modern. "Thank you for offering it Mr. Shaw, Mercy Thompson." She introduces herself and smiles up at the taller man. "It was a pleasure, she is a beautiful creature and glad you trusted her with me. Though she really wasn't needing that much TLC compared to some that show up in my shop."
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Shaw extends his hand to Mercy. "I am glad you enjoyed her. She really is cared for well here, and truth be told, she probably does not need to be serviced with the frequency that she is, but I have a tendency to be overly attentive to everything I care about." His smile reaches his eyes, and he inclines his head to her respectfully.
"I hope that you have been taken care of well. Can we get you anything? We have a fairly broad selection of wines, and all but my private collection are at your disposal." His eyes twinkle with amusement. "And I suppose some of my private collection could be arranged for, at that."
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy will take the man's hand and do her best to give a polite shake if that's what he is going for as she watches him. She always feels weird when she shakes hands. "Nothing wrong with a little extra TLC. She's a lovely beauty and I always wanted to get to see one like her in my shop."
She shakes her head gently, "Sorry to disappoint but I never drink. For me water or a nice tea are often just fine. The offer is very generous, and I hope you aren't insulted by me refusing." She motions to herself casually. "I'm a pretty easy girl to keep happy. If the steaks are half as good as I hear about I'll be most pleased. Though I feel a bit strange getting the personal attention from the owner when I did only what you paid me to do, Mr. Shaw."
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Shaw does, in fact, shake her hand. As if somehow sensing that doing anything beyond might be even more weird for her. A kiss on the hand is certainly not for everyone. "Well, if she runs the way I am hoping she does the next time I take her out, perhaps you will get to see her more regularly in the future."
A wave of his hand staves off any sense of disappointment or insult. "Certainly not, plenty of my associates refrain. I wish perhaps I had had the wisdom to do so, but now I am far too accustomed to the relaxation that comes from a good bourbon." He laughs softly as she continues. "Well, I do have a thing for pretty easy girls, I must confess." A twinkle in his eye. "And like I said, I take great care of everything important to me, and that includes knowing who it is that is servicing them." He inclines his head once more. "But if you find it strange, I would not wish to disrupt your meal. I merely wished to introduce myself, and thank you personally."
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
To Mercy a kiss is close to a bite or nip. So he reads her properly in offering a more polite and modern shake. "You know where my shop is and if you let me know you're coming in I can always be sure I got the best oil for her to keep her going another 80 years I hope."
"Oh I have nothing against those that do. I'm not good at holding my alcohol and not making a fool of myself. Learned that lesson in collage so at least my education was not a total waste right?" Having a small laugh at her own joke and expense. "I may have learned well by the man that taught me was better. He just retired is all." She shakes her head, "I'm glad for the company. It will keep me from licking the plate," not that she would really do that. Probably. "I just did not want to make you felt held hostage by obligations. So besides fine German classic cars, which I can talk about for days, I'm not sure what else I can offer you for conversation. This is about as far removed from my upbringing as I can think of. Whereas I bet you were born like a fish to water to a lifestyle like this."
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"I should hope to live so long." Shaw releases her hand and gives her a nod. "I will be certain to let you know in advance."
There is a soft chuckle as Mercy speaks of her college days. "Learning a trade is always best done with an apprenticeship, I agree." Her wager seems to amuse him greatly. "If I were to take advantage of such a nice young woman as yourself, I would accept your bet in a moment." Sebastian Shaw looks around for a moment. "No, I was born nowhere near this."
He turns and regards her, and his accent shifts subtlety. "My father worked in a steel mill in Pittsburgh, and until I was able to get a scholarship to go to college, I worked in that same steel mill because he didn't bring home enough for us to eat on his own." He waves his hand around to indicate the Hellfire Club. "I came into this in a way unlike any prior owner, through my own hard work and sheer determination." He looks back to Mercy, his voice shifting back to his prior accent, somewhere between that generic mid-western newscaster accent and an upper crust British one, not precisely fitting in either. "A man appreciates more what he earns than what he is given."
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Oh I got a degree in college. I was going to be a history teacher. Then life took a swerve and I ended up in the shop and learning to work on old cars. Never once looked back." Mercy crosses her legs at her seat and sips some water. "I cannot even imagine myself in front of a group of children talking to them about the past. Especially if it came to say early American history."
Mercy politely listens and is sure not to interrupt Shaw as he talks about his past. "I meant to imply you took to this life and status well. Not that you were just born to it. Sorry if I was not quiet clear. I value my independence and can appreciate those who earned what they have. Why I value you my shop so much. Sure she's small and I have to work hard. But she is mine. Success or failure it will be on me. I like that." She shrugs one shoulder, "Besides I don't do too bad for being the daughter a buckle bunny and a bull rider."
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"I find it rare that anyone arrives at the destination they initially planned for themselves," offers Shaw as he regards Mercy. "And you are quite right - we set out on a path that is based largely in our assumptions, and then we find something that challenges them." He shrugs. "It is hard to walk back from that, and we have to adjust. I can imagine one with honor such as yourself being unable to force feed the rather favorable take on the history of this country to a group of innocents."
A simple nod of acceptance. "Of course. And yes, I can tell that you appreciate. Your handiwork is a testament to that." He laughs softly at her comment, nodding. "Nor I, for being the son of a steeler and a housekeeper." He considers her quietly for a moment. "Although I must confess, your lineage sounds far more exciting than mine."
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
"I hate lying. Crappy or real, it is best if we face the truth and try to deal with it. But you are right. I wouldn't be force feeding the youth about the um... sterilized past of America. If I was to be a teacher. I'd be fired as a teacher pretty quick." Mercy laughs and says, "if I ever got hired. Which I didn't."
When Sebastian mentions her lineage she manages to keep her smile. "You mean that my father was a pure blooded member of the Blackfoot tribe? Not that I have a lot of upbringing with that. Mom is about as close to Native American as Dolly Parton is. That and I had foster parents for a while, because my biological mother had me very very young." No spite or pain really in her voice though.
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"We must face the unpleasantries of the past if we are to understand our present, not sugarcoat or conceal." Sebastian shrugs slightly. "There is little place for honesty in some professions, much to my constant disappointment."
An eyebrow arches when Mercy mentions her father. "Ah, I was speaking purely based on what you had said of him being a bull rider. I did not mean your ancestry, although certainly there must be compelling stories behind that, as well." He considers her for a long moment, and then simply nods. "Not everyone can be born of this," he says, his hand once again waving to indicate the environs of the Hellfire Club.
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
"While few believe me at first, I find being an 'honest mechanic' helps a lot in the long run with customer loyalty." She will of course make her not at all lady like proportion order. Nor does she feel the need to cook her steaks well like many do instead favoring a much more rarer treatment.
"Never met my dad. He had a fatal car accident before mom even knew she was pregnant with me. Nothing like being the really big surprise baby." Again there's no pain or shame. It is what it is. She looks around about the club and says. "No. Some can fit well be it a boardroom or a battlefield. Others need one or the other. You wear it well though, Mr. Shaw. Also I should thank you for being wonderful dinner company."
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Honesty is a priceless commodity these days," agrees Sebastian. He seems to smile at her order, not finding anything amiss. If anything, there may be a touch of admiration in his smile.
"I am sorry to hear that," he says. "I imagine it made things quite challenging for you, not just growing up, but seeking to connect with your past, if your link to that had been somewhat severed." He smiles at her compliment, again a dip of his head. "I appreciate your compliment. I do find that I can adapt to most environments fairly well. A gift of my birth, perhaps, as well as a trained skill." A soft sigh. "And I must also thank you, Miss Thompson, for being rather the same. You are quite a refreshing change from most who find themselves in here."
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
"I have no spite to my mother. She and my step-family keep in touch and while I stick out in any group family photos, we are still family. You are right in that it isn't easy connecting and finding information about my father and his family connections if any." She has managed to mostly tune out anything beyond the smell of her food and the host across from her. She isn't paying attention to whispers or other conversations.
"So if you grew up in Philly, does that make you a Steelers fan? A secret admirer of all things Sixth Sense? Were you a rural city guy or what? I mean I grew up mostly in Montana in a place on no map with an interesting foster family but I've been rambling about myself far too much."
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"I imagine you would stand out in any photo, Miss Thompson, if I may be so bold as to say." Sebastian reaches up to stroke at his chin for a moment in thought. "While it is not necessarily an area in which I personally am an expert, I have considerable resources that are rather adept at uncovering information. If you would like, I would be happy to make an introduction, perhaps one of them could be helpful in establishing that." He, himself, appears to be thoroughly unaware of anything else that is going on around him. The attendants seem to know, and make their presence barely known as they see to each aspect of Mercy's meal.
There is a warm smile from Sebastian as he shakes his head. "No, you are hardly speaking too much. I am enjoying hearing about you. My story is, to be honest, not particularly interesting. As I said, after the death of my father I left to go to university, and found an acuity for engineering. I started my own business while still a student and grew it until..." He trails off for a moment. "Let us just say that I found himself in the coveted position of being recruited by organizations such as this one, as well as several fine corporations. But I choose to write my own rules, and ultimately purchased this club outright. Hardly one of my most profitable investments, but certainly the most personally rewarding."
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
"No thank you," says Mercy to the offer of investigating her family. "I think it is something I should do for myself. I appreciate the offer, but that seems like the sort of journey I should make sure to do myself." Mercy will take bites of her food, remembering to keep the 'polite' sized while Shaw talks. Though she is giving her steaks when they come a lot more attention while it is hot and fresh. Commenting on the flavor and quality of meat. "I have a lot of respect for a man that makes his own way and doesn't follow others or just feel he has to play by their rules." She licks her lips, glad not all the tinted lip balm she put on is gone. "I myself prefer not fitting into labels too easily. Save beyond a few very basic ones." She is sure he has traveled and so asks, "Favorite place you been to on Earth and dream car you don't already own?"
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
There is a short nod in understanding. "I admire that, and it is what I expected, but I felt I should at least offer." Sebastian seems content to pace the conversation around Mercy's consumption of the steaks, clearly accustomed to having conversation pause during meals. "Yes, well. I am a firm believer that rules are not written for those who would follow them, but by those who would keep them in line. And so to me, if I have the capability to bypass them, then that is their fault for not accounting for me in the first place." He weighs her words. "I imagine you would be entirely impossible to classify beyond the basics, indeed. A unique perspective, to be sure."
"I would have to say the Alps. There is something majestic about them, timeless." A dream car? Sebastian grins. "I must confess, that is one area in which I am satisfied. I could not think of any that is out of my grasp, and yet within my desires."
He shifts a bit, his gaze more piercing on her now. "What is your ambition, if you have one, beyond your shop?" Another pause. "And what would be _your_ dream car to work on, that you have yet to get your hands upon?"
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
For as slim as she is, she will not be shy about cleaning her plate of that steak. Pausing every now and a then to savor the meal with her eyes closed and really focus in on the flavors. "In house butter," she comments after one point. "Hints or white pepper on there too. I approve." Before taking a sip of her water and being more focused on her host and not too lost in the fine meal.
"Save the laws that can land you in jail, I haven't been great at following the rules." Even then she's broken a few. His answers seem to please Mercy as she nods. "I haven't been to Europe and the one time I left the country was an unplanned trip from a friend whisking me away. I can respect the mountains though."
She smiles at the questions aimed at her and answers them in the opposite order. "The car one is an easy one. I'd just love to get my hands on a late 30's 328 Roadster. They built less then 500 of them and not even half of those are still around."
The other question about ambition is a lot harder. "I'm weird like that. My shop is my ambition. Sure there are things that I like. Questions I wish I had some answers to. But as a whole as long as I got my shop, some friends and am not about to be living in my van again. I'm a pretty happy girl. When I need family I can visit them. I have plenty of access to country if I feel the city is too tight around me. I even got an awesome steak dinner. Life is great Mr. Shaw." She then stops and her smile falters.
"Oh hell." Shaking her head. "That means my luck is about to go interesting as hell again."
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Sebastian seems, if anything, to admire the zeal with which Mercy tackles the dinner. He inclines his head once more, raising a hand in the direction of the kitchen. "I will pass along your compliments to the team, as I am sure they will be quite happy to hear it. I have spent quite a lot of time in assembling the finest crew possible."
There is a certain laugh from Sebastian. "Why stop at the ones that can land you in jail?" His eyes twinkle in amusement. "I kid. It is important to know which rules are at best guidelines, and which must be strictly adhered to." There is a nod. "If you ever have a desire to journey there, I do highly recommend the Alps. But so much of Europe remains untamed, untouched by industry, purer even than the vast swatches of this country, most of which have been pillaged entirely."
"A 328 roadster," Shaw repeats, considering the choice. "A fine selection, I would say. Not common at all, and most certainly something to be treasured."
He listens as she ticks through her life, his smile broadening. "It does sound as if you have all the makings of contentment. I am happy to hear that." But he is forced to laugh at her last concern.
"Do not borrow trouble from the future, Miss Thompson." A pause. "And there is nothing wrong with interesting, I would submit."
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
"I know better then to break tax laws," quips the mechanic. "Uncle Sam is good at taking what he wants if he thinks it is his due." She has to shake her head, "I can't agree with you as much there, Mr. Shaw. There are plenty of mostly untouched land in this country. Not counting Alaska alone. Granted not on the east coast at all."
Mercy pauses to gently use her napkin for her mouth near the corners to be polite. "Oh I don't borrow from the future. I just been around long enough to know my own luck. Every time my life gets too quiet for too long something comes into my life. May be small like a wedding invitation to a half-sister. To something much more grand. I enjoy interesting. Though a few times the hospital bills can be a bit rough." She flashes her teeth in a grin and reaches out with her fork to stab the last vegi on her plate and bite it with pride. "Now the real question. Do I try the lobster I heard about or go for dessert?"
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Oh yes, it would be better off committing murder or some other far more dastardly deed than to try to evade the IRS." Sebastian raises his hand slightly as Mercy schools him. "True, true. I just feel as if we have over industrialized our nation a bit more than some of the other countries on the planet."
Another shake of his head. "Those are challenges that are placed in our way so that we may remind ourselves of how strong we are to overcome them." He glances at that last morsel, and then back to Mercy. "I can present an ideal solution to that. Enjoy a dessert, and I can have them prepare the lobster ravioli in a container that you can take with you." He flashes a smile. "I did, after all, extend the invitation for two dinners." A pause. "Although, I suppose, if you enjoyed the meal, and the company, perhaps I could offer to allow you to split it over two visits, and you can come and join us again some time."
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy is about to offer up a less then tasteful joke but bites it back in time. "You make that offer for another meal and I'd love to do that. I could even get my friend who probably can afford to be a member to show up sometime with me. You can see what I do with a more modern attempt at a car then." It's clear that Mercy had a good time and she will et her fore down. "Was a wonderful steak. I rarely get cuts that fine whenever I get to go hunting. I tend for smaller game when it is just me." She is so going to just curl into a meat coma ball when she sleeps tonight.
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"I would not make an offer that I did not intend to honor, Miss Thompson." Sebastian laughs softly, nodding in agreement. "Your friend would be welcome as well, of course." A hunter? "Well, I can respect someone that can obtain their own food, and not rely upon others." A grin. "Even if it is not necessarily quite as good."
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Oh I definitely can live off the land and grid. But I would miss my shop, the internet and more. You don't get Great British Bake Off from squirrels." Mercy will drain her water for now and says, "Where I don't think the tip of the meal was needed, I am very grateful for the experience, Mr. Shaw. So thanks for this. Even fi I'm going to have to make sure to do a few extra hard workouts to burn the calories off." But her grin suggests Mercy looks forward to those as well.
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Seeming to finally have an invite to do so, Sebastian takes a moment to truly consider Mercy's physique. "Oh, I do not think you would have much to do there," he says, his gaze perhaps lingering a bit overlong before drifting back up to meet her gaze. "And of course, you are most welcome. Thank you for taking such exquisite care of my ride. And I do hope you come back again sometime soon."
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
She doesn't see herself as pretty. Then again she compares herself to some pretty high standards. She's brown skinned, brown eyed, and usually dirty hands and hair in braids. Far from the model look. The dress does hide all her tattoos at least. "As I said the pleasure was all mine. You will surely talk to me again. Besides you know where I work if you ever really need to find me." Mercy seems to be skipping the dessert this time. Truth be told she wants to saver th taste fo the meal longer. "We'll get to do this at least once more."
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
There is deep nod from Sebastian. With no dessert to come, and certainly no check, he offers her his hand. "At least once more," he echoes, as he offers to escort her out. "Perhaps next time, if you would like, you could avail yourself of some of the other luxuries of the Hellfire Club. As decadent and delightful as the restaurant it is, in my humble opinion it barely scratches the surface of the pleasures to be found within these walls."
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy takes his offered hand and will happily walk with him back toward the exit. "Well I'm always willing to see but not sure about topping that steak. I'm a pretty simple woman," grinning wide as she gets ready to being her trip home.
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
A soft smile crosses Sebastian's face. "I will accept that as a challenge," he says. And then as she heads out, he smiles to himself. "Little I enjoy more than a pretty simple woman..."