15651/Making Bank(s)
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Making Bank(s) | |
Date of Scene: | 19 August 2023 |
Location: | Midtown - Gotham City |
Synopsis: | Miguel and River reconnect and think about the future. The IMMEDIATE future. |
Cast of Characters: | Miguel O'Hara, River Banks
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
As Cyber-Spider swung past the GCPD building, he remarked quietly, "Y'know, Lyla, It may be Transylvania West, but I have to admit it's growing on me."
"...I think you can get treated for such medical conditions."
"It's a figure of SPEECH, Lyla. Jeez..."
"So, why are we in such a...COMMUNICABLE city?"
"Checking it out...maybe help some people...maybe run across someone I haven't seen in awhile."
A pause. "You certainly are high-maintenance, Miguel."
"I had to cannibalize a few high-tech gadgets to keep you running. Aren't WE the pot calling the kettle blacK?"
- River Banks has posed:
Pots calling kettles black is something River's used to. Especially when she's being called trash, and kicked out of a bar.
"YEAH WELL -- ya mother." she mutters crossly, picking herself off the sidewalk and giving a HUFF of breath as she adjusts an ill-won cowboy hat, gives a smile to herself, and begins to walk down the street.
And it's true, she hadn't seen Miguel -- err, Cyber-Spider in quite some time. She was almost sure he'd moved on from checking up on her by now.
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
"Miguel, Minor Disturbance three blocks over. Facial recognition matching the RIVER BANKS file."
Miguel blinked behind the mask. "Point the way."
A few minutes later, Cyber-Spider lands on a low ledge overlooking the sidewalk River is "moseying" along. She's wearing a cowboy hat, so she's moseying. Them's the Rules.
"Hey, there..." Cy-Spi says politely. "What's the haps?"
- River Banks has posed:
And she would entirely agree that the casual rate of which she was traveling counted as a mosey on along.
River pauses and she gives a huff as she hears the familiar voice.
"Hey there, Cy-Spi." she states with a wave of her hand. "Nothin' much. Just, y'know. Moseyin' along home. Tryin' my best ta stay outta trouble. How 'bout yourself?" she asks casually.
Someone passing by her looks at her very oddly.
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel drops down to land near River and waves to the passersby. "Relax. We're chooms."
Wheile the pedestrian pedests away, Miguel looked back to River. "Sorry I haven't been around. Been dealing with stuff and it got away from me. Also, I had to move - ICE staged a raid at the apartment place, looking for undocumented immigrants. And I'm more undocumented than most."
- River Banks has posed:
"I'm tellin' you there's gotta be some support group for people from the future an' past to get you hooked up with papers." River replies as she amicably ambles alongside the affable arachnid.
"... I could get you papers if you really wanted. I know where an' how. Gotta fella in Brooklyn that's had a boomin' business falsifyin' paperwork for all the mutants lookin' for a way to get outta the city." she comments breezily. "Can't you just... y'know, cyber yourself up some?"
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel chuckled as he walked alongside the River. "I've tried going that route. Either they think I'm a cop...or they think I'm a mark. The former doesn't work well for me, and the latter doesn't work well for ANYONE."
He sighed. "There is one option. Remember that support group idea? I was approached by a member of the organization SHIELD. Tall lady, redhead, carries a sword around. She and I have talked before. Well, she said that someone in SHIELD could help. IDs, credit chips...sorry, CARDS, not chips...and maybe even a legitimate job working in my field of expertise. The thing is, they'll want me to help them out with stuff. I double-checked them and they look clean. No corp influence, except for all the stuff Stark Industries has...but they didn't seem put out by me wanting the freedom to refuse to do anything that went against my principles."
- River Banks has posed:
"Shield? Ain't that like, Super-Cops?" River asks, taking a sharp turn down an alleyway. Thankfully, it's one of the rare times that Gotham ISN'T on a trash strike, so there's some clear spaces. She reaches for one of the tail ends of a fire escape ladder, but even when she jumps she can't reach it!
"Well, if you an' your AI lady-friend say there's good in 'em, more power to ya... jus'... probably means I won't see ya as much, won't it?"
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel smiles slightly under the mask. "Oh, I wouldn't go THAT far. If anything, it might make it easier. I am sure I don't have to tell you how EXHAUSTING being below the poverty line is. How much time it takes out of your life."
He pondered for a moment. "I dunno how your situation is shaping up, but if this actually works out for me...I might extend the offer to you, if everything's good. I'll scope it first, but hey...if you really want to apply yourself to this heroing thing..."
- River Banks has posed:
"I don't think a proper organization's gonna want a washed-up bank robber for their rank an' file, Cyber. An' I've got problems with authority." River states, adjusting her ponytail a bit to hide it under her new cowboy hat.
She struggles again to reach the fire escape ladder, and then gives up.
"Hey, don't suppose we could go up to the roof? 'Cause they tend ta go after anyone in a costume in this city."
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel hmms. "Not a bad idea. You can only get told the costume is wrong so many times..."
Cy-Spi fires a webline up, then pulls down hard. The line stays put, and he gets vaulted up to land on the wall near the roof, climbing up over the ledge to stand on the roof.
Yeah, he can do it faster, let's not make a big deal of it.
- River Banks has posed:
". . . AH STILL CAN'T REACH THE LADDER, CYBER-SPIDER!" River calls out, and gives a bright laugh. "Ah shucks. WELP looks like I'm walkin' home then!"
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Cy-Spi looks over the ledge, then waves.
"Hold still."
In the next moment, a thin webline hits River's shoulder, seeming to adhere to the clothing and the skin beneath. In the next moment, she is being lifted up to the roof. Miguel is lifting her quickly, too, even going hand-over-hand.
As River reaches the roof, Miguel cuts the webline close to River's shoulder.
"The only other option was grabbing you and takin you up with me, but I don't get slapped while trying to lift you."
- River Banks has posed:
TWIP. THe webbing hits her shoulder. River looks at it, and then panicking looks up to Cy-Spi.
"eeEeEEEEEEEE--!!!" is River's reply as she ascends towards the sky, her arms flailing a moment, just a little bit before she's brought up over the side of the roof, and then she stands for a moment, wide-eyed, and looks down.
"Well that was only MILDLY terrifyin'." she murmurs, mostly to herself
"BUt... thanks. An' really, people tell you the costume's wrong? You're a mite bit bigger than the other guy."
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel shrugs. "The truth is, unstable-molecule fabric is pretty ubiquitous in 2099. This is actually converted from a costume made for Day of the Dead, which was going on around the time I got gene-jacked. Had I but known, I would have grabbed a few more suits..."
And then he realized he frightened River, and says apologetically, "Uhm...sorry about that. I should have told you, instad of just...doing it. I forget not everyone would enjoy webslinging."
- River Banks has posed:
"Nah, nah it's cool. I mean, I ain't ever been webslingin' on account a' I don't make webbies. I reckon it's a bit like being on a trapeeze roller-coaster combo though?"
SHe blinks, brown eyes still wide.
"Ain't never been on a trapeeze or a roller coaster though, so really I ain't got much to compare it to."
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Another sheepish smile. "If you can do it, it's actually...kinda relaxing. It's like flying, really. I have the strength and stamina to do it for hours at a time, and the Spider-Sense actually helps with it. It's...kinda tough to describe. Maybe if you're feeling brave enough, I can web up a harness so you can see what it's like..."
- River Banks has posed:
"I'm pretty sure I am /not/ brave enough to be flyin' through the air hooked up to handsome gentlemen. Might get the wrong idea." River gives a laugh, and rubs the back of her head. "Maybe gimmie a bit to settle into not bein' in constant flight mode. Even my kid brother's settin' down roots."
She makes a face. "Unfortunately it's *Gotham*."
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel looked around. "Gotham's weird, but...there's good and bad all over, River. It's not what happens to you, but how you respond to it, that makes you who you are." He sat down on the ledge. "I could have gone full Mirror Universe and cashed in with all the extra tech, and to Shock with the future. But...being responsible is what heroes are."
- River Banks has posed:
"Well thank you for bein' the responsible one, I guess." River states as she draws close to the edge and looks down. She visibly swallows in fear, and then sucking it up, she -- very, very carefully -- also sits on the edge of the building.
"You ever gonna cuss in the modern parlance or is it always gonna be 'shock this'?" she questions, raising her eyebrows as she looks over to the masked Cyber-Spider.
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel chuckles. "Sorry. I've been a vocal person ever since I realized I didn't have to put up with being bullied. Basides...when you're scared out of your mind half the time like I have been frequently over the last year, it's eather profanities or incoherent screaming...and people look at you MUCH more worriedly at the latter. And some times in your life...like when a cult says you are the harbinger of an Asgardian who will return and destroy corporations...when saying 'Oh...' is nowhere NEAR enough."
- River Banks has posed:
"Well, we both know I ain't as special as all that. Jus' a bank robber, retired, doin' gigs like 'show up at a whoppie cushion' factory an' look pretty' and 'attempt ta git this one guy at a bar ta say he's cheatin' on his girl' -- which now I learned gets me thrown outta bars. But free hat." she states, motioning to her cowboy hat.
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel nods. "That is a very nice cowboy hat. Looks like it fits you pretty good. Maybe you and Outlaw should get together. She's a bounty hunter, but she dresses like a gunslinger out of an old neo-Western."
Mguel gives River a wry look. "The fact that you retired counts. That you're doing this instead of going back to it...that is STRENGTH, River. Don't let anyone tell you different."
- River Banks has posed:
"Naw. It's the fact that I got caught by this Red Hood fella an' he gave me the choice of 'don't do that' or 'get tazed until I lose bladder control an' go to jail'."
She motions out towards Blackgate "AND THEIR JAIL IS LITERALLY A PRISON ISLAND. You can't even swim it 'cause the currents will take ya down ta the bottom an' then like, groupers eat you and there ain't nothin' left but fish farts!" she points out. And there is levity in her expression as she states with all the seriosuness she can muster: "/Fish. Farts. Miguel./"
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel is silent for a few seconds after River reveals the unsettling fate. "Okay...yeah, I can see why ending your career as a catfish BM would be a bad move. Shock me..."
He paused again, then said, "I remmber reading about Alcatraz, out near San Francisco. Doesn't sound much different. Only two people escaped from there."
"River, Miguel, there is a gang fight happening four black to the east of your position."
Miguel looked to River. "Whaddaya say? Crimefighting time?"
- River Banks has posed:
"Well, 's long as we don't run across the Bats. They're a bit protective of their turf." River agrees, and she looks down, and then closes her eyes, and digs out the paintball mask she's been using to hide her identity.
"Look, jus' ... don't lemmie splat."