15957/The Trouble with Terrors

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The Trouble with Terrors
Date of Scene: 26 September 2023
Location: Brooklyn
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Shredder, Victor Carson, Yukio

Shredder has posed:
    Mid afternoon in Brooklyn. Bebop and Rocksteady have gotten a late start after sleeping through the morning. That means they are really hungry. That means that Angelo's Pizza is getting a visit from them. They know it's a place that the Turtles like to visit, and while they don't have any specific orders to draw them out right now, it's always fun to punch them around for a while.

    "What do you want, Bop?" Rocksteady asks as he walks down the street, heading for the door of the pizza place.

    "I think I'll go for anchovies with sausage and peppers," comes the Warthog's answer. The door is flung open, and the two hulks step inside. "Hey, we want a few dozen pizzas," they demand, even though someone else is already ordering. The poor man is tossed carelessly aside, making a crack in the wall as he stumbles from the shove.

    "Ow!" he complains, turning around to berate his attacker. Or at least he was, before he realized that he's being pushed around by a couple of 8 foot tall mutant animals. His face goes a little white.

    "Wimp." Bebop snorts through his ring. "Youse gots a problem?"

Victor Carson has posed:
    Now Victor is a bit of a young'un, and he likes his pizzas unfettered. A plain of cheese and simple, circular meat disks, and he is a happy camper with his pepperoni pizza and his bottle of coca-cola when in walk two of the biggest, meanest sons-of-guns that he's EVER seen.

    And he tilts his head a moment as they go and begin to call out their order -- but then refuse to wait in line. That doesn't sit right with the fella as he stands up. He rolls his shoulder, and smooshes his cowboy hat on his head before the blonde college-lookin' fella with the wide shoulders mozies his way up to Bebop an' Rocksteady.

    "Hey. /I/ got a problem." he states, cowboy boots tapping against the tile floor.

    "You two fellas kin apologize the man, the counter, the wall an' the other fine people in this establishment, or I'm gonna make myself a problem to you two." he crosses his arms and does his finest Captain America impression.

    "Am I makin' myself clear?"

Shredder has posed:
    Woody, the gangly young man at the counter, backs slowly away as Victor challenges the two cretans. "Guys, could you just, take it outside?" he asks pitifully. "We just got the place fixed after last time."

    "Hear that?" Rocksteady asks. "He wants us to be gentle. Tell you what, Woody, you get makin' our pizzas right now, and we'll beat up this loser outside."

    Woody nods. "Absolutely, anything you say," he agrees, rushing to the back room.

    The two watch Woody go before looking back to Victor. "He's such a sucker." Bebop says. "Okay, Cowboy," he says to Victor. "You got balls, I like that. But they ain't gonna keep you from a beatin'." He punches his face. "Lets say we pick on someone..." he looks over Victor's person. "Still not our size."

Victor Carson has posed:
    "I'll do my best sir!" the Cowboy states, giving Woody a wave, and then turning his attention back to Bebop and Rocksteady, he was about to motion outside when the punch comes down. His head turns, but he doesn't go flying. He's leaning into the punch, his cheek smooshed a little bit as he brightens.

    And gives a smile of those perfect teeth.

    "Oh hey! You really think so?" he asks Bebop as he turns his head back around. "Well if you wanna pick on someone, y'all chose poorly anyway!" he states, stepping forward and then slamming his palms forward to Bebop's midsection to try and shove the mohawk'd porcine punk out of the pizza shop and into the street proper!

    "Punchin' down ain't gentlemanly, friend!"

Yukio has posed:
    "It is said, fighting needlessly, brings not honor, but disgrace," Yukio says as she walks into Angelo's Pizza, just in time to hear about Bebop and Rocksteady's plan to beat up on Victor. She doesn't look like much, pretty petite figure, and doesn't seem to bear any weapons on her person, other than a piece of chain that seems to be rolled up and attached to her belt.

"Maybe enjoy a pizza instead? This prace, very famous for good pizza."

Shredder has posed:
    The beaty eyes behind the sunglasses and those on Rocksteady's long face both open a little wider when Victor is able to just take the punch from Bebop. They are both surprised enough that Bebop doesn't even defend against the palm strike that comes back after him, sending him past Yukio and into the door, smashing it open as the glass shatters from the impact. Well, he is outside now, $1,200 in collateral later.

    Rocksteady ignores Yukio's comment, since he has now a beef with Victor. Unlike Bebop's punch, his comes in low, designed to be a gut punch to throw him up toward the ceiling if he can connect.

Victor Carson has posed:
    Luckily there is such thing as Bad Guy Insurance.

    For everything else, there's Mastercard.

    Victor side-steps the broadcasted punch from Rocksteady, and lifting off the ground he attempts to grab Rocksteady's belt from behind and lift him into the air to carry him out, flying, one-handed.

    His other hand he uses to tip his cowboy hat to Yukio. "'S what we were tryin' for, miss." he gives a grin, and then attempts to remove Rocksteady from the store with less damage than Bebop made on his exit.

    "Now if we're gonna have a fight boys, let's *fight*!"

Yukio has posed:
    Yukio shows exceptional reflexes in shifting out of the way just in time to avoid a full Bebop smashing her to the ground. "That's good form on the palm strike," she comments from her new position, giving Victor a thumb's up. She was initially here for pizza, but this impromptu fight is quite curious, particularly considering the way Victor is carrying himself. She could tell he's not a karate class twice a week kind of fighter.

Shredder has posed:
    Rocksteady swings behind him as he's hoisted out of the door by Victor, and spins around as he's released. Bebop is back on his feet by this time, and makes his way to a nearby parking meter, ripping it casually from the ground. The lights go out on it, and the wires rip free from the concrete. "Okay cowboy," he says with a sneer. "Batter up. You might wanna tell yer little girlfriend there to back up before she gets hurt."

    Bebop is definitely also not a karate class twice a week type of fighter. He's more of the brute strength you just have to deal with how hard he hits kind of fighter. The metal pipe of the meter squarely toward Victor's head.

    Rocksteady, for his part, is scrambling back to his feet, letting out a snort at the recent treatment.

Victor Carson has posed:
    Naw, Victor's more of a 'stop the bull from baring down' kinda fighter, the 'threw haybales up hill for the fun of it' and the 'occasionally had to knock a bully down' kinda fighter.

    "Oh." he states, and he holds his hands up "oh no she's not my girlfriend -- we just m--" ka SMASH.

    The meter hits Victor in the head as he's distracted trying to explain that he just met her, just like he just met Bebop and Rocksteady.

    Weirdly, though, the metal on the meter melts on the part that struck Victor. The chilly day in Brooklyn heats up a couple degrees as he grits his teeth, and Victor turns back to Bebop.

    He reaches to put his hat back on, and pulls it forward, some of the hot metal dripping onto and burning through his overshirt, but doesn't seem to bother the skin.

    "Y'all don't wanna make me angry. I don't even like me when I'm mad as a hornet, hog." he states, and then dashes forward to try and pick up Rocksteady by his nearest extension, swing him around and sling him into Bebop!

    "You should take your friend an' make like trees 'fore I get *real* mad!"

Yukio has posed:
    Yukio ever so surreptiously reaches to for a leg sweep to trip Rocksteady all over again as he tries to get on his feet, likely not expecting to be tripped, and she looks so believable in her careful retreat from Bebop's threat, one would be hard pressed to spot just when she managed to sweep out her leg in her backwards motion.

    "It's rude to assume, you could have just asked," Yukio helpfully adds other things Bebop could have done over assuming two perfect strangers were dating.

Shredder has posed:
    Bebop grins, "I do love that sound. I miss when they had coins in them, though," he admits. He looks at the melted end of the meter. "That's weird," he comments.

    Rocksteady is not so easily tripped as a leg sweep from someone that weighs so significantly less than he does, but he is that easily distracted. "Aww, that's cute," he comments. "Hey Bop-" he wasn't paying attention to Victor as a result, and finds himself being slung toward Bebop, smashing horn first into his buddy, sending them both sprawling on the ground.