15976/And then, nothing happened
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And then, nothing happened | |
Date of Scene: | 28 September 2023 |
Location: | Madripoor |
Synopsis: | Monet and Domino are unsuccessful (by script) at baiting, so next best thing? Grabbing something to eat. |
Cast of Characters: | Neena Thurman, Monet St. Croix
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Madripoor. Even the name can evoke a grimace, a scowl, a sneer or a look of disgust. It's rarely a positive emotion that comes from its mention.
Today is no different, only there are some that are neck-deep in its ambiance.
The sun is setting in the sweaty low town area of the city that has taken its name from the country (very original there, Madripoor II), and Domino is taking a late afternoon 'constitutional', that is, walking deliberately and obviously through the streets, rubbing and bumping shoulders with the unwashed masses.
In short, making herself a target.
The albino merc is obvious; her black leathers are more a tank-cat suit even though they do hide more weapons than those revealed. Black hair sits upon sweaty brow, her black spot over the eye making the statement of who and what she is.
Spinning around to walk backwards, Domino gesticulated in the air, "Where are they? Jeez.. seriously."
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
Neena also has an extreme reputation. So likely anyone that goes after her will know what she can do and what what a danger she is. So that makes this situation tricky. But sometimes one has to play out as bait to trigger the wire after them. So Monet is floating along after her. What M is doing is veiling herself over in her psychic aura - hopefully with most of the attention (if any) on Neena it makes it simple for M to remain concealed.
She moves to cautiously sweep ahead - not telepahtically,b ut using her slightly enhanced senses instead. This lets her give her full focus to keeping up her mental cover while scanning.
"Perhaps Tyger Tyger is having a happy hour and everyone has gone there for thier own safety." Monet would muse while keeping herself present. "If you feel like we're not getting enouugh attention soon we can be somewhat more.. Proactive when it comes to ensuring that we're noticed by the powers that be." By which M (likely) meant smashing things. Then again, that wouldn't necessarily stand out a lot in Madripoor either.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino does indeed have a reputation. Some would hide at her approach and others might take the opportunity to try and make a name for themselves by taking on the (in)famous albino. Right now, though? It looks like no one is taking the bait.
"Happy hour sounds amazing. Assuming there is a bar with air conditioning, because," a hand draws through her hair to pull it back from blue eyes, "this is not doing anything for the frizz." A moment of girly, right there. Who is she trying to impress, anyway?
"Proactive is good, but not on that guy over there who is obviously grabbing something for dinner." 'Grabbing' is right. One of the many of the downtrodden is using a rather sophisticated sleight of hand to take a couple of vegetables here, and how does he fit that rabbit under his clothes, exactly?
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would pff, "And why would something that has air conditioning be open to the public? If it's too hot, that just menas the locals will buy more alcohol to stay cool. So what's the incentive? Particularly given the stability of the local power infrastructure which means you have to supply your own generators." M is being pragmatic here even to Neena's rhetorical question.
If they want air conditioning, they'll have to go to the -classy- part of the city. That's walled off. And has guards. And machine guns. And ninjas. Well.. Different ninjas.
Watching over at the man for a moment, musing. "Sloppy." Over at the man doing what to her is a clearly obvious maneuver. But not her concern. What a local isn't good enough to pick up on a con is their own fault. "But, if you -are- hungry I suppose I can treat you to something." Wait, she's offering to pay for Neena's dinner?
- Neena Thurman has posed:
"Or they'd spend longer inside and buy more," Domino counters quickly and easily, her tones light even in the heavy, wet air. Spinning around again to face front, the albino cants her head to the side to take a better look at the sloppy, obviously out of practice, picker. "He looks familiar," she begins slowly and softly before shaking her head. There's a soft *tchk* sound that sounds from the merc, but nothing more.
"Later." She'll find him later.
Perking up a little, perhaps Neena's on M's thought wave there a moment; classy part meaning something to //do//, or rather, someones trying to do something to them? Sign her up!
But then, that much better idea comes along. "Hey.. appreciate that, but if we go," that is, //when//, "I should pick something up for Nate, and he's not a cheap date. So, I'll cover his stuff."
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would glance over at Neena, "I'm surprised he has to eat at all. I presumed that he survived on raw grit and angst." Is she.. Making a joke over about Cable? Is it actually a good one though? At least she's not mentioning WD-40. That's probably mroe Wade's thing. She goes to turn her attention over tot he man as well once Neena sweeps him. But she trusts the woman's instincts more so if Neena isn't evaluating him as a threat, she won't go further.
"If you're ever so bored, I'm sure that we can find somewhere we can hit. Rather than limit ourselves to these downtrodden areas.. I'm sure there's something like an armory we could raid for hte guards that protect the walled city." Aww, how sweet. She cares!
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino grins broadly, her black lips accentuating the expression, the silent encouragement and acknowledgement of the jest. "All that plus pizza and beer." Guess there are just some things that can't be gotten in the future? How sad...
As for the man? Not a threat. Almost a distant ally, or at least a somewhat less hostile asset.
"Armory? I'm considering something a little more exciting. But first, yeah.. maybe a burger? Or.. they have this amazing pita bread thing with, well.. you don't ask about the meat." She's ready to go..
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would nod, "Very well, I trust your.. Knowledge of where to go." It's not often she lets someone else choose. But, it means less wandering through Madripoor aimlessly. And more importantly, it means that Neena is bored less. M has found that anyone who is good friends with Tabitha is highly, highly dangerous when they get bored. Neena is probably worse than most of them given her powers.
"Lead us then." She gestures over at Neena. And when, perhaps, was the last time that someone offered to treat Neena to a meal that wasn't when she was playing them, readying for a mission, or getting completely blitzed?