16235/Goin' North
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Goin' North | |
Date of Scene: | 01 November 2023 |
Location: | Vermont |
Synopsis: | Logan and Rien reunite and shoot the breeze in rural Vermont. |
Cast of Characters: | Rien D'Arqueness, Logan Howlett
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
It's been some time sine Rien has seen her father. Only a few years since the TVA determined that enough time had passed that she could seek him out. So when she's told that Logan is out of the state, that he's gone off somewhere, maybe Vermont, maybe Maine... she decides to seek him out. A quick location spell gives her a basic area. A portal brings her there. From there... well... she IS his daughter.
She tracks him down, through scent and track, deep into the woods. The biting cold and wind, the snows, none of that stops a Howlett. And this Howlett... oh no. She wraps herself in a charm to keep the cold at bay and moves deeper into the forest, following a scent as familiar as her own.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan is out in the woods. There's a bed and breakfast not far down the road, and that's where his truck is parked. But he's a good few miles away from it, moving through the trees in a place where there's no hiking path. He's not looking anything, not moving like he's hunting. Just walking.
"C'mon out now," he calls, when Rien is close enough. There's an unfamiliar scent about him, but likely unrecognizable and fairly faint, "If I feel like you're sneakin' up on me I'm gonna have to cut you a new hole."
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
"Nobody is 'sneaking up on you', Logan. I have been tracking you from the inn. What *are* you doing out here?" Rien calls back as she catches up to him, breaking through the treeline into his line of sight. Looking exasperated as she moves towards him. She hasn't bothered with anything special for clothing, wearing the same outfit she'd worn the day she stepped out of a portal from Hell and into 1944 France.
"I tried to stop by the school, to let you know I was back in the country. They said you'd run off into the woods and weren't sure where you were."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
"I'm walkin'," Logan answers gruffly, hands plunged in his pockets as he continues along his way though not in any rush to try and get away from his sudden visitor, "What's it look like I'm doin'?"
He glances over his shoulder at the mention of the school, heavy brows knitting with concern.
"Yeah, and I'd like to keep it that way for now. So if it's all the same, keep it to yourself, okay?"
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rolling her eyes over the response, Rien picks up the pace to catch up with him, extending the charm around him as she reaches him. "It looks like you're being secretive again. Come on, Logan. You should know by now that you can be straight with me."
Glancing sidelong at him, she lifts a brow, "I wasn't planning on going over there again. You do realize the only time I go there is to visit you, yes? What use would I have for a school?" She shakes her head a little, keeping pace with him.
"So. What are *we* doing?"
- Logan Howlett has posed:
"Eh, I'm just playin' this one a little closer to my chest than usual," Logan answers, keeping his shoulders hunched as he pauses by a maple tree to regard it thoughtfully, "Tryin' to untangle the rat's nest in my brain. Got a few leads I want to follow."
He pauses, running his tongue over his teeth thoughtfully.
"'Cept, when I tell people that kind of thing, they insist on followin' me or helpin' me out and I ought to be doin' this alone."
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Chuckling low in her throat, Rien glances at him, "When are you *not* playing it close to the chest? No offense, but you sort of... define the expression." She leans against a pine while he looks over the maple and instead watches him.
Lifting both brows, she quirks a faint smile, "Logan, you're a grown man. If you want to be left alone... just say so. You're my father, I'll be here if you want me. But if you want to be alone, just say so."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
"I don't necessarily want to be left alone," Logan grumbles, "I'm happy to ... talk ... bond ... whatever the Hell you wanna call it. Just promise me that you ain't gonna follow me any further north. That's all I'm askin' for."
He pushes off the tree with a grunt.
"Now that we got the unpleasantness outta the way. What's new with my gun-runnin' magical kid?"
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Laughing softly, Rien shakes her head and smiles at him, "I think we're past bonding, Logan. I'm not a child that needs a daddy to raise her. I just.. enjoy spending time with you, now that I can." She lifts a brow at him, then gives a small nod, "Alright. But.. when you get back, we're going to talk. I get doing things on your own, but I want to hear about the adventure when you return."
Lifting a small shrug, she smiles, "Oh, you know, the usual. Deporting demons back to Hell, taking down drug cartels and dictators... hunting magical artifacts being held by people that don't know what to do with them, or worse, that DO know what to do with them but don't understand the consequences."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
"Well, I'm glad you don't need that because it ain't a job I'd be any good at doin'," Logan grunts, reaching around in his pocket for a cigar only to come up short and curse under his breath, "Bad enough they got me at that damn school teachin'. Sure, just woodworkin' and stuff, but figured you needed some sorta degree for that. Guess Chuck makes his own rules."
He sighs, kicking a stone across the leaf litter that has grown thick on the ground with the changing of the leaves.
"Oh yeah? Got any fancy magic toys I can borrow to impress at parties? Think I know an Avenger ... "
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Lifting a brow at Logan, Rien waves a hand and pulls a cigar from her own pocket and offers it out to Logan. It's his favored brand, by the scent of it. "I keep some ready these days, just in case." She curves a faint smile, "And that is why you won't see me at that school unless I'm visiting you. I have no intention of being guilted into teaching."
She snaps her fingers to produce a small flame for him and laughs.
"I could give you a runestone that wards against magic cast on you. Or perhaps a pendant that shields from psychic intrusion?" She lifts a shrug, "Not as flashy, but infinitely more useful."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
"Already got a metal skull that does shielding for me," Logan answers, tapping the side of his head with a rueful smirk, "And wards against magic? Don't get much magic cast on me, near as I can tell, but maybe it'll be worth it. Sure."
He takes the cigar, running it under his nose to test it before tucking it away into his pocket and leaving it unsmoked for the time being.
"C'mon, got a few more miles to go before I turn back around. Show you some of the sights then you can get back to bustin' cartels and wizards."