16318/Viltrumites and Holidays

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Viltrumites and Holidays
Date of Scene: 13 November 2023
Location: Earth - Other Locations
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Sunny Harlow, Mark Grayson

Sunny Harlow has posed:
It had been a heck of a week for plenty of people, but for superheroes it was no difference. Being bulletproof and able to lift enough to crush a human being didn't make you any safer from the drama of navigating social relationships.

Of course, for Indestructibelle? She did at least have a little distraction: a boat fire off the coast of Hawaii had required a little intervention. Helping put out fires, evacuating those who couldn't get to life rafts? Well...it was always nice to remind herself why she did what she did.

Of course, the fire was probably already on social media, let alone the more 'connected' resources. But for the time being Sunny was...well, litterally hovering nearby as she waited and watched the craft being towed back towards port.

Mark Grayson has posed:
He's late. Way late. Mark was on patrol and dealing with something else when the first alerts went out. And much like a blister, Invincible is cracking through the air and slowing down as he approaches the evacuation effort.

And seeing it well in hand, when he lays eyes on the blonde that was there, his first thought was to just turn and leave and go to the other side of the planet. He swallows that down, however.

"Hey. Good job. I mean, if you helped." he offers lamely, his hand running against the back of his suit's neck piece. "Doing alright?"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Given the singes and burns on her outfit, it was pretty clear that Sunny hadn't quite made it back to the tailor that day, or at least hadn't had a chance to get something made just yet. Coming to turn at the sound of the breaking sound barrier there was...well, probably a moment where she considered departing, but the blonde remains, lifting a hand in lame greeting.

"Yeah uh...I thought it was a supervillain trashing it at first, turned out to just be some crazy trying to blow up a ship after being let go from a..." she trails off, folding her arms under her bust in a little sheepish self-hug of comfort. "I mean, I'm okay. Are you? I mean...with." She pauses, sighing softly. "I didn't mean to make things akward or uncomfortable."

Mark Grayson has posed:
"Sometimes it's just a fire, right?" comes Invincible's response with a smirk. "And sometimes it's some idiot that's pissed off that he didn't get upgraded on his cabin and wants to watch the world burn. Glad to see you're okay." he offers sincerely to her.

When she brings up making things awkward, he shakes his head vehemthly. "That was not you!" he's quick to say. Though he's not sure he wants to talk about this while the evacuation is going on. His arms hang down to the side as he tries to figure out what to say. "I should have told my dad you were going to be with me. I didn't. So he made assumptions. The wrong assumptions. And I didn't get a chance to explain things. And did a piss poor job of defending Bunny."

He glances down, away from Sunny and towards the water. "She wants some time to sort it out. I can't blame her." he shrugs his shoulders. "I can only wait until she's ready and try to soothe things over. So I'm sorry that you got stuck in the middle of all that. Guess dad saw you in the news and assumed, since we were working together..." Awkward.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"You didn't do anything wrong at all Mark," Sunny speaks, her form unmoving but drifting a little further from the vessel as things seemed to be going well and she subconciously sought privacy. "I mean...I can kinda assume why your dad might think what he thought. I mean, maybe. And my whole...dumb word vomit just made things worse."

Starstruck and akward had been a potent mix...

Mark Grayson has posed:
"You were caught up in the moment. No harm, no foul." Mark replies easily to her, a small smile aimed at her as he manages to wrench his attention from the water and back to Sunny now that he's sure she's not going to slug him.

"And as far as I'm concerned, we're still friends. I don't know why... well, yes, I suppose I can guess why dad would have been so eager to assume we were together." He shrugs his shoulders. "Probably because you're a Viltrumite and probably a little better than I am, so that whole thing he's always gone on about."

"Seek out those stronger than you so that you can get toughened up and stronger yourself."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"You're joking right?" Sunny blinks, her hands drifting from their self-hugging position to point at herself. "I'm a cheerleader who woke up one day bulletproof, you're the son of Omni-man...there's no -way- I'm better than you at this. I'm just figuring it out as I go." a beat, she does at least offer a grin. "I mean...I might be way better at designing outfits."

A breath, she turns her gaze towards the tropical horizon that was starting to surrender to the winter months. "I really care about both of you, you and Bunny...and I don't want to break any of that."

Mark Grayson has posed:
"Dad told me since I was little, I'd have these powers someday. Even if he didn't have them himself anymore." Mark shrugs his shoulders. "I learned I had them when I threw a trashbag into low orbit." A smirk and he reaches out to give Sunny's shoulder a small squeeze.

"You're a good friend and a sweetheart, Sunny. I'm sure Bunny feels the same way, which is something you can talk to her about. She just needs some time, as we all do, to process what happened and figure out what happens from here. I'm pissed that dad may have ruined the holiday plans I had, but at the same time, this is a chance I get to discover who I am." His hand lowers from her shoulder.

"And if you don't have a place for Thanksgiving, if we've gotten this figured out by then, I'm sure Bunny wouldn't mind the company."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"I threw my phone through a wall..." Sunny offers, a sheepish laugh given towards her fellow viltrumite and then exhaling a breath. "I want to talk to her, really. But I want to give her space till she's ready too..." the blonde trails off, considering for a moment and then exhaling a breath. "I mean, I don't want to make it akward for either of you, or be making things uncomfortable and ruining your holidays just because I'm the friend with the akward crush on -both- my friends who happen to be dating."

A beat, a sigh, Sunny shakes her head in a way that made her hair blow across her face thanks to the wind, really punctuating the 'akward' comment. Laughing despite herself, her hand comes up to brush the locks out of her eyes. "Would you believe I'm bad at this?"

Mark Grayson has posed:
Mark was working on trying to build Sunny back up, to get her back to that cheerful disposition he's used to seeing from her when she makes her confession. He looks momentarily confused and stunned. "Okay..." he manages and draws in a breath. "First things first, can we table this until we're sure that the friends you have a crush on are still dating?"

"I'm fairly sure we are. But until I make sure of that with Bunny, I'm not going to try to muddy the waters further, if that makes sense?" he asks of her. "I'm not in a good headspace right now with all that's going on, and I'm no good at it either. Just... stay my friend, alright?" he asks her in almost a plead. "Bunny knows way more about this. She's been in that type of relationship. So. Just... let me figure out where things are."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Of course I..." Sunny begins only to lift her hand to her face, a low groan of frustration escaping her lips and then both her hands coming to her temples to rub lightly. "I'm really bad at this but...I'm trying to say I want to make sure I'm your friend, both of you. Really. I don't want to break any of that." One last exhalation, she extends her hands almost like she were bracing or willing circumstance to just 'pause' for the time being.

"Lets just...pause all the akwardness of that day, file it away till any of us know what to do with it and..." she looks up at him, doing her best to give her usual smile that radiated her namesake. "Just keep being awesome superheroes saving people and stuff. Because alien invasions, supervillains and monsters like that are all way simpler."

Mark Grayson has posed:
Pausing is good. It gives Mark time to untangle all of this. He considers her for a moment and runs a hand through his dark locks. "Hey. At no point did I say we weren't friends. I just need to make sure I'm in my own head, alright?"

He sweeps in and wraps her up in a hug, giving her a firm squeeze that she can feel before he pulls back. "I'll let you know when I talk to Bunny." he promises her. "And until then, there's plenty that's happening that we need to deal with. No running away." A wink and he glances ashore. "I have class in the morning, I should Zeta tube my way back home. But keep being Sunny, Sunny."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Thanks for coming to find me Mark...even if it was due to a boat fire. Maybe I owe the lunatic a thanks," she muses with a grin before the hug is returned and then nods her head lightly. "Stay safe out there, and good luck talking to Bunny. Truely."

A shift, she seems to be intending to fly the long way home herself. "Maybe we'll manage to hang out sometime soon without supervillains trying to break things."

One last wave and Indestructibelle took to the air, zooming towards her home and bidding Invincible farewell.