16369/Summer and Frost
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Summer and Frost | |
Date of Scene: | 18 November 2023 |
Location: | Faculty Lounge |
Synopsis: | Emma talks with Rachel, and finds out about perspectives and experiences from different worlds. |
Cast of Characters: | Emma Frost, Rachel Summers
- Emma Frost has posed:
It's a brisk and cool fall day at Xavier's. Emma Frost is sitting over in the faculty lounge where she's got several papers and tablets spread out around her. On them are an array of notes - looks like she's handling someone else's grading. By the rapid movements of her fingers along them, apparently she's giving quite a number of bad marks upon them for how things flash in red. On one of them is a readout that shows what is clearly Cypher's computer algorithms
- Rachel Summers has posed:
It would be hard for emma to miss her, she felt Emma just as she's sure emma felt her LONG before she got close.. It's impossible for two telepaths of thier level to miss each other.
she's mostly in red right now, with some comfy pj's it seems, and a hot cup of something steaming in her hands as she pads over.. the cup is floating behind her cause right now it's too hot to hold.
She cocks her head and sits down " Hello Emma," She says, a little curious and careful in her voice. She's a wall right now though mental
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would glance over at Rachel, "Ah, hello Rachel. I've not seen you in some time." Emma goes to keep her expression neutral and her shields up. Not out of any sense of paranoia, but just the general presumption that Rachel had inherited most if not all of Jean's psychic abilities, and it would be rather sloppy to have anything leak out after all.
"So were you having a walkabout or were you going back to the future?" She presumed that Cable came and went, so perhpas Rachel was the same way. "I do hope that whatever.. Route you've taken has been interesting."
- Rachel Summers has posed:
Sighs " Funny you should ask.. you know of everybody, your the one I think would give me the most truth.. I got attacked.. I remember getting attacked but no, by who.. the only thing I know is that I've been here for 3 years.. yet all my memories are a mess.. I remember some but most are just.' She holds up her hand and makes a tk projection of a giant ball of writhing things!
She sighs " A mess.. So now I'm trying to figure stuff out.. because the only memories are clear are showing up here and anything from before.. Everything else is hazy and I can't remember.. I know I've been here a while, but it's like I haven't. " She sighs " I mean, for you, the last I remember was you teaching me how to put up my mental shields " .
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would frown, "That's.." She would let her hand tap over on her knee. "I'm sorry. That's something you could possibly work on with Jean or Charles." That sort of work would be delicate.. Presuming the girl even /wanted/ to try and reconstruct what she had lost. And if Rachel did it would have to be with someone that she trusted immensely. Which should most definitely not be Emma.
She would frown over in thought. "That was some years ago. I presume you've gotten better since then and have not quite focused on wielding your consciousness like a sledgehammer when it comes to shielding."
- Rachel Summers has posed:
Rachel Summers Grins " I was a little girl, and you were far older than you are now," she says softly. " I'm from the future, remember.. or A future?" She says as she blows on her mug to cool it down a little bit. She grins " You and your kids helped me a lot before I got caught ".
she sighs and reaches out and touches Emma's leg." I know your are diffrent now, but you helped raise me along with Kitty.. so I trust ya.. but it's okay I'm working with Jean.. I dunno I feel like I was a diffrent person.. the memories are coming back just slowly " . She smirks. " You were the best when it comes to shields and breaking them.. " She winks
- Emma Frost has posed:
That.. That's the sort of thing that gives Emma a headache. "I see." A different version of her. And.. Her kids? Emma's expression softens from her usual frigidity before it returns over to diamond. Opportunities other her's have had - and taken. Not ones that she has earned here.
"That's.." She doesn't voice the words. Her tone indicating total surprise at them. She's about to go on to the nature of mental shields before stopping herself. Tha twould be a pure redirection. "You were a different person. You haven't lost anything. Experiences change us. Even if things are somewhat difficult to grasp now of what happened and what parts you may have lost, they are still there."
- Rachel Summers has posed:
Laughs and smirks before you feel her tap on your mind < You let your shields down > She says with a mischievous smile, having used her moment of mental confusion to slip inside.. But all she did was show she went inside and left.. She sips her cup and smirks." Your cute this young," she laughs ..
She nods. "But you still talk like you all teacher.. but less mom." She smiles. "You were a good mother if it helps .. and I hope in this timeline you get to have that, but less, you know, end of the world .. my understanding is I stopped it.. So not sure what to do with myself " .
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would go to just rub at her temples, "Thank you on that regards.." Then Rachel would go on as the pictures would go to her and she would keep her face passive. "And thank you for sharing that, Rachel." Her voice holds back as she would resist the temptation to correct the girl or get defensive. It was just a time to accept it. The exchange brought Rachel some degree of happiness. The girl deserved that much.
"There are a.. Few individuals who have come to this timeline and from others that have had difficulties adjusting. You could form a support group."
- Rachel Summers has posed:
Rachel Summers Cocks her head " i heard a little I need to talk to them to be sure when I can catch them.. So you and Hank together in this timeline? "s he asks, curious, and of course, she asks this when you're trying to drink something because comedy!
" I figure I'll just start over with everybody till my memories get sorted " . She grins " So if you need help with anything I can help " .
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would look overa t Rachel, "No, we are not." She would kee her expression very neutral. "And it's not going to happen here." She would offer very kindly. "So please don't attempt any sort of pressure on us to fit with your memories. I'm glad that the two there and their children brought you camraderie."
- Rachel Summers has posed:
Rachel Summers Laughs and shakes her head " No I won't do that.. I'm not pushing anybody to be together " she says softly " I don't want my timeline .. not at all so if you end up with somebody else right their is one less reason for my time to happen " She says simply. She rubs her cheek a little bit " I'm not going to push anybody to do anything they don't want unless they cross me of course "
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would give a nod, "I understand. We'll do all in our power to stop such a thing." They already had - but the worst could always come back. It was the way humanity was. Had they not already had enough crisises? "But thank you for the reminder, Rachel. That even though we must be vigilant.. We can find friendship and camraderie within it."
- Rachel Summers has posed:
Rachel Summers cocks her head " You are very diffrent," she chuckles " You almost sound like you're trying to convince yourself of your own words " . She says honestly. She smiles. "You're a good person Emma.. Don't forget that, you don't have to try so hard " .
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile sadly, "Thank you for your.. Faith in her, Rachel." She doesn't say faith in me - it's another Emma that's earned it. "But please don't give me credit for the sake of memory. It has to be earned."
- Rachel Summers has posed:
Rachel Summers Stands up and stretches. "You're still the same person," She says. "She's diffrent because of what she went through, yes.. but the core of people is the same." she looks at emma.
She smirks. " With our powers, we know that better than most what is inside people ". She sits back down and sighs sipping her coacoa