16600/Feed the Bunny!

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Feed the Bunny!
Date of Scene: 17 December 2023
Location: SHIELD Facility somewhere in New York
Synopsis: Bunny gets food delivery and conversation is had all around.
Cast of Characters: Mark Grayson, Bunny Macleod, Sunny Harlow

Mark Grayson has posed:
Sunny and Mark had left the facility for a short time. They needed to get clothes for Bunny and themselves. Beeper needed to be fed. And Mark needed to place an order with Art for new costumes. After the stop at Mark and Bunny's place, there was a stop at Sunny's to gather her clothes as well as for Sunny to prepare a treat for Bunny.

Next up was Batburger. For food. And two kids meals for Bunny, as well as a pair of the holiday drinking glasses that glow in the dark. Now with what they needed secured, Mark led the way back to the portal to take them back to the facility.

Opening the door to Bunny's room, he's got the gym bag with clothes in one hand, and the kids meals in the other. "You awake, Bun?"

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Bunny was kept back for more healing. Her body had gone through the worst of it -- and there was the issue of the constant bed alert from her room going off. No one wanted to tell Mark, Sunny, or Debbie that Bunny's weight fluxuated weirdly at night.

    So Bunny was in her room, reading things on a new phone (a gift) with a bright pink case with a rainbow bunny on it, and she gives a bright grin as Sunny and Mark enter the room.

    "Hey guys!" she chipperly greets them in high spirits. "How'd it go? Ooooooooh Batmite meals!"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
It was kinda exciting? more reasons more than just Beeper cuddles. One of her designs getting made from super materials? It was a dream come true! Of course, the wafting of junk food had added to the mix as Sunny returned with Mark, her hair tied back and her form now wrapped in a pair of jeans and an obnoxiously bright yellow tank top rather than the borrowed shirt she'd had earlier.

Grinning to see the other girl upright Sunny nods, holding up her own bag with the meals for Mark and herself. "Impromptu picnic in the secret government base, right?"

Mark Grayson has posed:
"Welcome back." Mark says, and both of them could clearly heal the reflief in his voice. He still had healing scars on his face as he comes over to pay a kiss to Bunny's cheek and a little nuzzle before he pulls back and offers her the bags. "Got the Bat nuggets and the Bat burger. Didn't know which one you'd want." he admits as he sets the food down.

He moves to the side so that Sunny can bring her stuff over to Bunny as well. He moves towards the closet. "I brought some clothes from home, in case they allow you to change out of your gown. Or at least put on pajama pants."

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Bunny leans into Mark and the nuzzle as she gives a bright grin at having TWO Batmite meals.

    "Both are good, no worries at all." she gives a small smile, and she looks down at the blanket covering her legs, and then purses her lips.

    "Yeeeaaaaah Imma want some jammer pants. Did you grab me socks? They don't have the socks with the grippies on them here. How rude. I thought this was a world-class secret facility -- but no." Bunny sighs dramatically.

    And she grabs a bat nugget.

    "Impromptu base picnic ahoy!"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Onion rings, nuggets, shakes and plastic toys...truely it was a comfortable evening of much needed levity as Sunny scooted her way over to sit on the edge of the bed and then pass over Mark's own food before tilting her head. "You're right. Think we could leave a complaint form with Cecil? 2-stars, no grippy socks?"

Mark Grayson has posed:
At the request, Mark opens the bag and retieves a pair of pajama pants, covered with various Care Bears with a pink waist and footbands. The socks he takes out have Mistletoe on the base and across the bottom has written 'Kiss My Mistle-Toes'.

They were supposed to be part of her stocking for Christmas morning. She had earned getting them early, though.

He trades out the socks for the food, accepting the bag from Sunny with a smile before he smirks at the commentary. "Yeah, I don't think he'd care, to be honest. He's more used to me and..." he stops himself.

"Anyway, hope these will work as well?"

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Awwww... they were so cute. The socks. She gives a bright grin, and looks at them with almost as much excitement as she had looked at her non-SHIELD-hospital-bland-diet food and she gives a little wriggle of joy.

    "These are the cutest things!" she squees out, smiling to Mark. "I am definitely gonna put them on after I eat something that's not cornflakes." she gives a grin, setting the pajama pants and socks to the side.

    "A lot of high level superheros come through SHIELD. I don't imagine anyone else is any different." she offers, covering for Mark's quietness.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"They -are- adorable," Sunny agrees, her position leaving her sitting beside Bunny's legs, comforting but not pushing too far just yet. Instead she leans in, offering her box of onion rings to the pair. "Agreed, though I bet you can't wait to be back home, huh Bunny?"

Mark Grayson has posed:
"I'm glad you like them." Mark responds, opening the bag to go after his own meal. With Sunny talking to Bunny, he concentrates on the food. However, when Bunny covers for him, she may catch a flicker of a smile of gratitude for the help.

"Any timeline on how long you'll be here?" he asks curiously. "And don't let them give you an excuse that they are worried that he'll show up back at the apartment." Mark can't even say his name, apparently.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Bunny accepts an onion ring from the box, and noms down on it with a crunch, and gives a soft 'hrm' sound.

    "They are a bit worried that he'll target me specifically since I'm the weak link. I definitely don't have Double Viltrumite Power now." she breathes out, and rubs the back of her neck. "They wanna make sure my immune system level thingie doesn't go weird, and until I pass --" she pauses a moment, and closes her mouth.

    "Not good lunch conversation--"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"I mean you -do- have double Viltrumite power in one way," Sunny points put between munching her own meal, grinning at the pair brightly. "You've got -us-!"

Jokes aside, she takes the cue to move on and gives an excited 'Oh!' at a thought. "Mark was going to get Art to replace my costume, so no more worrying about accidently burning off my outfit or tearing it on...uh, bullets. Which is nice. My fabric costs have been crazy."

Mark Grayson has posed:
"Which means that they know where he is." Mark growls. Definetly not good lunch conversation. He's trying. He knows what both of the women in his life have said about the whole thing. But he's having a hard time parsing the idea that Bunny could be trapped down here until...

...when? When Nolan's dead? Depowered?

He closes his eyes, forcing the conversation out of the way, following Sunny's lead to change the subject. "I mean... I wouldn't complain if you had a wardrobe malfunction." Mark comments as he steals an onion ring to snack on finally.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "That's not true. They might not have any idea where he is and they're being cautious to prevent people from leaping before they look." Bunny gives a smile to Mark, reaching out for his hand as her foot presses against Sunny.

    "Let's keep the fanservice to a minimum, Romeo." she teases lightly, turning back to Sunny.

    "I'm glad you'll be getting a suit that is worthy of your skills designing them. Art's such a nice guy, he definitely appreciated my ideas when he built up mine."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
When in doubt, food an wardrobe malfunctions are a good distraction, certainly better than thinking about homicidal alien fathers or possible impending alien invasions.

"You say that, but I don't think every thug with a handgun or laser or molotov or...I dunno, mutant power beam, needs to get a glimpse of may favorite underwear every time the decide not to surrender!" Sunny grins, offering mark a light playful punch in the arm and a nod to Bunny.

"He seems great, and I'm sure he'll be sick of me soon enough."

Mark Grayson has posed:
And Mark would be the one to leap. "I could still reason with him. Try to talk him out of it. I'm his son. He'll listen." He may be huffing an obscene amount of copium to try to convince himself that he can somehow get Nolan to roll back his words and actions.

Bunny's hand stops him, his fingers lacing with hers, a breath used to clear his throat and his head at the same time.

Sunny's little punch draws a smirk. He gives up on eating for now, his appetite just not there as he nods. "You're right, my apologies." comes his response. "I'm terrible company, I know."

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "Like my dad listened to me?" Bunny asks quietly. And she holds his hand as she chows down on the nuggets. Omnomnom mechanically separated chicken.

    "If he doesn't... we'll stand together. In spirit if not physically." Bunny grins brightly.

    "I've always got your back. The both of you."

    she pauses.

    "You always wear your favorite underwear on patrol?"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Sunny didn't know Bunny's history with her father and today wasn't the day to probe, so instead she simply munches another nugget of her own and then flushes red at Bunny's comment.

"Not always!" she offers defensively, "but sometimes you want to dress cute or comfy and then...suddenly bad guys!"

Mark Grayson has posed:
Giving a squeeze of his hand to Bunny's, Mark lets go. "Here." he says, offering his bag to Bunny. "In case you're still hungry." His hand brushes and cups her cheek, a smile offered to her. "I know you'll be there." he responds to her. "I'm going to head back to the apartment to get some rest. And then start trying to reach out for help."

Because what he's not saying is that so far... noone has offered. Or responded to his request.

So he may just have to go knock on some doors. And maybe that way he can help in a little way. "I'll see you in the morning." he promises and smiles over at Sunny.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Bunny shakes her head, and she pushes the bag back to Mark.

    "Even if you don't feel like eating, you gotta eat. Takes calories to knock on doors." she states as she looks up to him with a small smile.

    "I love you. DOn't run off without me." she states with a grin, and digs into her batmite meal to pull out... Red Hood with a Sack of Toys.

    "Huh... he looks... differ-- *does this hood have a face*?!" she questions and looks mildly peturbed!

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Don't think I won't, or can't, chase you down Mark!" Sunny calls as she continues to sit and snack at her own meal, but the humor wasn't without it's own note of concern beneath. She wasn't dumb, she knew he'd be tempted to abandon sense and seek his father alone and she was sure Bunny had the same worries...but they'd just have to trust him.

"If there's any news I'll let you know."

Back to Bunny and her figure, Sunny squints, tilting her head. "That's...super weird."

Mark Grayson has posed:
A wave over his shoulder. "I love you too, Bunbun." The use of her nickname and Mark snorts down a laugh as he steps out of the room and into the hallway beyond for a portal back to the apartment, and his spare costume stored there.