16665/Christmas Cheer

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Christmas Cheer
Date of Scene: 24 December 2023
Location: 4B - Mark and Bunny's Apartment
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Sunny Harlow, Mark Grayson

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Most people wouldn't be going to practice before christmas, school term being halted for the holidays as it were. But that didn't mean that they weren't going to take part in a charity game event for New Years, so here she was. A routine with her teammates, her form wrapped in her uniform, her form thrown into the air, their cries and cheers filling the practice space as Sunny was...

Well, as close to normal as the young woman really managed this week.

Mark Grayson has posed:
When Sunny had told him that she was having to stay late for practice, Mark decided to surprise her. It was only a short trip to the coffee shop, where he had scrolled through his phone and found an order she had asked for back when they were just two Vitrumites getting to know each other.

Having waited in line and picked up the drinks, a short flight later and a few steps later, the door to the gym opens and he moves within. Dressed in a brown leather jacket over a black sweater with blue jeans and sneakers, he doesn't look like a jock or someone that works out. In his clothes, he looks like any other normal student.

He doesn't want to interrupt Sunny, so he moves to sit in the bleachers. And while there may be other cheerleaders there? His eyes are only for his girlfriend.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
There wasn't a heap more time left in the practice, noone -really- enjoyed moving about in skirts and baring navels in the winter weather, even with the heaters turned on. Then again, Sunny herself could stand upper atmosphere so...she'd be okay. Still, as the last of the pyramid was completed and she was let down, there was a grin on Sunny's face as she spotted the sight of the student in the bleachers with the drinks, lifting a hand to wave as she and the other girls wrapped up.

Mark Grayson has posed:
As they worked on their final formation, Mark resisted the urge to take out his phone and snap a picture to send to their other girlfriend. Instead, he grinned when Sunny recognized him and raised a hand in greeting back. The drinks and a small bag are set on the seat next to him.

With them wrapping up, he picked up the containers and made his way from the bleachers to stand near, but not interrupting any conversations. He's just close enough that if Sunny wants to acknowledge their relationship, she can without having to yell for him to come over. "You looked great today." he offers up with an encouraging smile.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Last hugs, cheek kisses and exchanges given before Sunny turns around and starts to make her way towards Mark, leaving almost certainly a view curious glances from her teammates in the background and fuel for a little gossip in her wake. Coming towards Mark she grins, arms coming up to claim a hug and a little peck of a kiss before she tilts her head. "Practice makes perfect, y'know?" she teases lightly.

Mark Grayson has posed:
Mark manages to move the containers and bags to the side as Sunny comes in for the embrace and kiss. He returns it warmly, short as it is, before pulling back. His whisper is light, almost shy as he comments for Sunny. "I think they're wondering who I am." he teases lightly.

He leans into her for a momentary second kiss and then balances the items he's carrying. "Do you need to go change and stuff? I figured we can walk back together." he offers to her. "I hope I got you the right drink. And one of those little ham and cheese sandwiches on chibatta bread."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Either that or they're talking about how cute you are..." she teases softly before grinning and claiming the drink offered with a smile and another little peck of thanks. "I mean, they're not wrong..." She looks on to her bag where it sits nearby and the coat she'd intended to wear over the uniform to lot look entirely insane in the weather. "Sounds perfect," she smiles before stretching out. "So what did you think?"

Mark Grayson has posed:
Mark offers a little laugh, but his cheeks brighten with warmth when Sunny calls him cute. After she takes the bag and coat, he points out amusingly. "They're probably wondering why you're slumming it." he points out to her with a smirk. While he's confident in a lot of things, he still has that personal self-depreciation going on.

Then she's stretching out as he looks her up and down. "First time I've seen you in it." he admits quietly. "And while I've seen you in costumes that show off a lot more... I mean. We're dating a cheerleader. That's pretty hot."

Another quick peck, though the quickness of them is starting to increase by a few seconds now and again. "Go ahead and get your coat on." Even though he's well aware that neither of them need it. Once she has the coat on, his hand is offered to her.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Pffft!" was the elegant rebuttal from Sunny as she slid her coat back into place before his comment brings a laugh and she sips her drink.

"Mark Grayson...are you admitting to having a cheerleader kink? I wonder what Bunny would say," she teases lightly before taking the hand as they walk. "To be fair, a lot more people have seen me in this than most of my costumes...though that might be because of how many of them I go through."

Mark Grayson has posed:
"She'd probably want to get one too." Mark responds with a smirk and a playful eyeroll as he takes the other drink after tossing away the tray. His fingers slide between Sunny's to hold onto her. "Yes, and I remember you telling my about some of your early wardrobe malfunctions when you first started out."

"Speaking of costumes. Mom talked to Art." he starts up. "With... what's going on, and considering that he just lost his biggest customer..." he squeezes Sunny's hand, probably more for his own comfort than hers. "He's considering opening a shop nearer to where as he put it -- 'where the action is'."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"I'm sure I could find a spare," Sunny muses lightly before she takes another drain of her drink and promptly tosses it aside. She was thirsty after practice it seemed, even if the 'effort' was more about being careful than exhausting herself.

"Oh yeah?" she questions as they move, squeezing his hand. "Well, there's always plenty going on here in the city..."

Mark Grayson has posed:
"Oh yeah? You trying to feed my kink, Sunny?" Mark asks with a smirk before he adds, "She'd pobably forgo wearing the bloomers beneath." That, to tease Sunny in paticular. But the conversation was more on Art, so he pivots that way pretty easily.

"Yeah. Mom said she was looking for a shop space nearby." he points out. "Perhaps if he does move here, and business picks up, since he'd be a more affordabe option than like... Jan van Dyne or whoever. Maybe he'll need an assistant?" he suggests to her as they walk. He finishes off his own drink, tossing the cup in a trash can.

"Think we're far enough away that we can fly back from here?" he asks, looking aside to her.