16762/John Wick Film Festival
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John Wick Film Festival | |
Date of Scene: | 03 January 2024 |
Location: | Ravager's Room - The Robin's Roost |
Synopsis: | Rose and Laura settle in for a violent film-fest. |
Cast of Characters: | Rose Wilson, Laura Kinney
- Rose Wilson has posed:
As the weekend settles in, Rose settles in for a movie marathon. Not everyone has the attention span for ALL of the John Wick movies, but she wasn't disappointed when Laura took her up on the offer. She's rigged a TV output for her laptop, and everything is all set to go.
Rose is dressed comfortably, wearing an oversized concert T-shirt (not hers) and a pair of pink shorty-shorts (definitely hers). Popcorn is fresh and the fridge is stocked, all ready and waiting.
- Laura Kinney has posed:
People are always telling Laura she should relax more. Even her enemies probably wish she took vacations. And one of the main things the Outsiders have always done is movie nights.
Although they've been a little light on the ground with everyone getting a bit older and with lives filled with... Well /stuff/. Even Laura finds herself too busy with her quest for personal vengeance to hang out at the Roost as often.
So when a teammate asked her to hang out? Well clearly she should accept the olive branch and go hang out. "What I don't get," she starts. "Is why everyone uses gold coins. You'd think with the price of gold they'd melt them down and retire..."
Her own attire is pretty similar to usual. Yoga pants in charcoal grey with a t-shirt to match. Plus a hoodie that's currently been slung over the door (along with her guns). As all good guests should she brought a bottle. Something strong enough for healing factors.... It doesn't even have a name. Some sort of moonshine that's in a plastic container more suited for filling up with gasoline.
- Rose Wilson has posed:
Rose Wilson sits on the bed, two remotes in hand, as the two watch. "The gold is more symbolic, really. The -intrinsic- value of the coins is really higher, when you factor in all the favors and leverage."
There's a bowl of popcorn between them, and Rose drinks from a bottle of soda that's been heavily spiked with something stronger. Some things about the series go without saying. Does Laura ever wonder what it would be like, living like John Wick? Does Rose? Actually, they've both already done that, after a fashion.
Which is why the movie pairing makes so much sense.
- Laura Kinney has posed:
"It just doesn't make sense to buy a bottle of beer with a gold coin worth about..." Laura does some rough estimates. Being an Outsider weirdly means keeping up with things like the price of gold. It's used for payment in all sorts of nefarious schemes after all. "Two to five thousand dollars."
She shrugs.
"When I was 'in the trade' everything was wire transfers to the corporation. Not that I ever saw a penny of it." She was just a tool for the killing. A very very deadly tool at that. "It's why hunting the Facility down is taking so long. Everything is corporate shell games. I've had to learn how to think like them to hunt them."
She leans back and gets comfortable herself. Her own drink is just a pure glass of whatever it was she brought. There's a certain art to taking a drink without the vapour making her eyes burn but thankfully this sort of thing is just... well like water to her.
"I can understand using them for symbolic transactions. It's everything else I don't get. Although if I had a pet dog I would definitely react poorly if someone killed it."
- Rose Wilson has posed:
Rose Wilson settles back a little against a bolster cushion, uncrossing her ankles and recrossing them. She takes a deep swig of whiskey-coke. "Yeah, same here. Money was always some sort of invisible construct. The specially-stamped gold coins gives the whole thing a kind of... elegant... flare. Really complements the Continental vibe."
Rose also has a substantial asset base that's either off-shore or in the cloud, herself. Less easily traced.
"Yeah, me too." on the subject of the dog, at least. "It's also more symbolic, so when John goes to the shed and digs up his box of coins and ID's, you know that he's turning his back on the peaceful life."
- Laura Kinney has posed:
Since going rogue from The Facility X-23 has.. not exactly built up funds in the assassination business. But she has leveraged her position as a freelance superhero operative to fund her operations. Weapons, drugs, and cash. It's easy enough to divert portions away from heroic operations. Especially when the alternative is leaving them for Gotham or Bludhaven PD to steal.
Just don't ask why so much of her cash has blood on it.
And hey these days she's a lot less flighty. Not driven to constantly check that every bus station, train station, airport or actual port has a hidden bag of cash with fake IDs in. Now she just checks as regularly as needed to ensure her ability to vanish isn't compromised.
"Symbolism, must be. What idiot puts that much concrete over his go bag? No-one. Unless they can phase through solid matter anyway..." She leans back too. Offering her glass in a 'cheers' motion. Trying not to inhale too deeply. "This stuff could only burn more if I added a little hot sauce." Which she's done on occasion but today? Well she doesn't want to remove the paint from Rose's walls...
- Rose Wilson has posed:
Rose Wilson chuckles softly and nods. "He apparently didn't want to make it easy to go back." Yeah, that's a lot of concrete.
Rose lifts her bottle in the toast, being careful not to take too much of a whiff of the stuff Laura's drinking. Rose may have an enhanced physique, but that doesn't mean she'll drink rocket fuel.
The first movie passes and the girls take a bathroom break. Rose lights up and cues up Number 2 while Laura is out for a few minutes. She's also stocked up on cigarettes, conventional and otherwise.