16785/Bart's experimenting

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Bart's experimenting
Date of Scene: 05 January 2024
Location: The Danger Room - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Bart and Clara get to know one another
Cast of Characters: Bart Allen, Clara Jennings

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen has decided to play around with the danger room a bit this evening. He is standing in the middle of the bare room, and is typing on a hand held pad. He taps his chin a moment, but then types a bit more and the room takes on a bit of a futuristic looking city vibe.

Clara Jennings has posed:
    Clara has noticed that things are a bit busy today. There are often a lot of people coming and going, and sometimes, well, Clara needs to step away. She knows one place where she feels understood. Or rather she understands its purpose.

    This is why she is here, curiously looking around at what the danger room is setup for. "Hello!" she calls out, hesitating. The location looks different than she's ever seen it.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over as someone comes in and hits a button on the pad, and says "Oh hey." He offers in greeting and is from about half a football field away to within talking distance in the blink of an eye. He offers a hand "I'm Impulse."

Clara Jennings has posed:
    Clara is barely able to gasp in surprise as he is just suddenly there. "You.. are fast," she notes softly. She reaches out to take his hand, laughing at herself nervously. "That is amazing, Impulse. I am Clara. I mean, the other name is Charta, but I am kind of embarrasssed about it. Have you always been able to move that fast?"

    She straightens her hair a bit. The speed-created breeze having shifted it a bit from where she wanted it. She is wearing a black bodysuit. The bulk of it hints at light armor.

    "So what are you doing to do today? I have never seen anythign quite like this."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and nods his head and says "Yea, it was a bit of a problem when I was young, but yea, I have always been fast, and why are you embarrassed by your name? I mean it sounds ok , but if you don't like it, why not change it?

Clara Jennings has posed:
    "Oh, it is just.. well, I have not earned a name. Names are for heroes," replies Clara. "And it was picked in the moment, when I met Rook and Oriole. I was feeling a bit too proud of my work, I guess, and now I am embarrassed about it. I feel like maybe I should be named by others, not by myself. And only when I earn it."

    She looks away for a moment, letting out a sigh. "I bet you do amazing things all the time. With speed like that, you can really get almost anywhere in a short time."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen shrugs a bit and says "I am all over the place a bit to, but a lot of folks pick their own names. Plus you want to have a name or you could end up with a goofy one given to you by the news paper. I mean which sounds better Spider-man, or Masked Menance?"

Clara Jennings has posed:
    That example has Clara laughing. "Well, that is fair. If I do my job well, I do not get noticed." She pauses and realizes that is a silly thing to say. The security camera footage showing her in costume is all over the news in Gotham. "But I guess I do not always do my job well, then do I?"

    "Impulse, how do you learn how to do this? I am generally kind of smart. I mean I read a lot, and know things. Not amazing or anything, but I just... I wonder why I am so bad at seeing what my enemies will do ahead of time. I setup traps for them to use on me. But how could they be so sure that I would surrender if they had a little girl?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks to her, and says "Well the bad guy taking a hostage is sorta one of their go to. Well on a lot of bad guys not all, will see it more from the lower tier ones. The hero thing sorta runs in my family. No pun intended. What do you do it I may ask.

Clara Jennings has posed:
    "Well, I use my powers to defend historic objects. Like books, scrolls, art. Sometimes I protect museums, sometimes I am returning stolen work to them. I did that recently in New York. New York is very odd."

    She struggles to focus more clearly. "So if you were facing five men with guns, I bet that would be no problem for you. I mean to stop them without hurting them." Cause she put them all in the hospital.

    She struggles to maintain eye contact, shifting slightly on her feet. "I perform poorly when things are not what I could anticipate or practice for."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "Well, your new to the job, once you get more experience you will do better, I am sure. I had a reputation of acting before I could think, which aint really true, it is just I did not think all of the possible actions through just what I thought would happen.

Clara Jennings has posed:
    "Oh, so it happened to you, too? I mean, not this exactly, but something. I cannot deny that I am scared. I got to save the child, which was fun. And made me feel good, but the whole situation was kind of my fault, too. All to protect a library."

    Clara sighs softly. "And it happened in Gotham. Rook and Oriole warned me Batman would be angry if I got noticed by him. There is no way he did not notice."

    She laughs nervously and looks at her feet. "I am not looking forward to him talking to me."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head a bit to this and says "Well, lots of folks are scared, either for themselves or for others. As for Gotham, yea Batman is protective of Gotham from Villains and Heros, why I try to stay under the radar, when I am heroing there. Have you got access to the titans computers and such?

Clara Jennings has posed:
    "I am new, so I do not have access yet. I was allowed to use this room on low settings. Until Vivian detected that I was losing focused. I think she found my outbursts of joy a bit unprofessional."

    Clara looks up for just a moment and smiles shyly. "But it is so fun, you know? Just being able to move so freely. And to work in something this amazing."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmmms and nods his head a bit to this. He will type in a bit on the tablet and things change. There is a scene of a few years ago. One where the titans were fighting a group of villains. It got a decent amount of news coverage "Can probably find some of these you could run and watch study how they did things."

Clara Jennings has posed:
    Clara jumps at the change. "I.. I never get used to that! So I can watch previous encounters? Do you often wear cameras to make this happen? It would be very useful I suppose, to review things after. Though I imagine a camera would struggle with your speed."

    The villains make her nervous. "You know, I would rather not fight. Does that mean I should not be in the team? I can, you understand! I just find it stressful." She still seems to think heroes have no fear.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen says, "Well most times these are not actual recordings, but recreations from reports. If Cyborg was in them likely to have more actual footage in it. Has anyone ever taught you how to fight or are you just winging it?"

Clara Jennings has posed:
    Clara smiles and slips into a combat stance. "I know some. I was trained much of my life. But, well." She sighs softly, then resumes her normal stance. "I mostly have to rely on my powers and use my training to put distance between me and my attackers. I use paper. Oh!"

    She needs a moment to show what she means. She has to fetch a briefcase full of paper. "Here." She looks at the case, and the paper flows out in a shuffling of motion, then is crafted into the shape of a well, a cross between warthog and wolf. "This is Dickens! He's my frie... I mean he is a shape I can make with paper." And hopefully will not talk to in front of others. That is embarrassing.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "Cool, he is neat." She referred to him as a he so Bart does to." "It is ok if he is your friend. Does, he think on his own or do you control him?" He asks as he walks around looking over Dickens "Do you make others besides him?"

Clara Jennings has posed:
    "He is a puppet, really. And he can take other shapes. If I have enough paper, he can be as big as a rhinoceras. In time, I hope to make him larger, stronger. But, well, that is a lot of paper to go around with."

    She focuses a moment, and the paper breaks apart, spinning into a vortex. It winds around Clara and forms itself into wings. "I can fly. Well, not too fast, mind you, but I can. Umm, it also can protect me like a wall."

    Her wings shoot out, reforming as a barrier to the left of Bart. "It is what lets me do my job. And what let me alter the aim of five guns and pull their triggers. Thank goodness nobody died, but it was a near thing. It is hard to staunch wounds. If the paper gets well, well. It is useless."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmmms and says "Can you control wood, or does the paper have to be made out specific things?" He hmmms, and says "One moment." And he is off and back and off and back about a dozen times, each time a staples type box is left before he returns to stay

Clara Jennings has posed:
    "Oh, paper and things very similar. I had to levitate papyrus once when I was taking it from a museum." Clara blushes a bit. "That sounds terrible. But it was in the middle of a civil war breaking out. We returned everything once a government was stable again!" She is nervous.

    The sight of all those boxes makes her curious. "Oh, I can handle about 120 boxes at once. I recently had to fight zombies in Central Park. That was my limit. Thank goodness a store was open."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods and opens the boxes and there is different types of paper, and things people write on. He hmmms and says "I wonder if we could get you some paper with some metal threads in it, to reinforce it.

Clara Jennings has posed:
    "That would make it rather heavy," notes Clara. "But when I concentrate on it, it is pretty strong, too. I am trying to improve. I need to practice more. When I first learned, my governess says I could barely move a scrap of paper. But in time I got better."

    She looks over the paper again. "Did you want me to work with this?" She is thoughtful as she considers it. "Oh, color does not matter. I have worked with those pads of yellow paper, though they are not my favorite. That is PG Paper's wood-free coated paper. The matte coating. I really find it works best."

    She quirks her lips. "I umm, I like how it feels and how it sounds. Oh! And the smell is nice. When I just want to relax with Dickens, that is the scent that I am used to."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head a bit to this and says "We should maybe talk to Nadia, she might be able to do something where she can give ya some paper that is shrunk down till you need it and as you need it, it shoots out and will go to normal size. Allow you to carry more."

Clara Jennings has posed:
    That suggestion amazes Clara. "That.. is a thing that could be done? Who is Nadia?" She reaches out to the papers that have been gathered. The mix of them is a bit odd, of course. She usually works with a single type of paper. Each feels different.

    "Let's see oh. Um, is there a thing I can hit? I can show you! Or things I can push around?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will hmmm and nods his head a bit to this and says "Possible, she is Waspete, part of the family of heroes who can shrink and grow, so she might be able to do something like that I aint sure." He hmmms and taps on the tablet again and the room changes to a hero version of a target range.

Clara Jennings has posed:
    "My range is limited," Clara admits. "I'm unable match a rifle, but I can get out pretty far. After about 100 meters it just kinda stops. However." She lifts a hand and a dozen or so of the sheets of paper responds, floating in front of her. With a narrowing of her eyes, these all shoot forward, racing forward rather like an arrow or thrown knife, each tearing into the target.

    "It looks scary, but honestly it is not useful. I would hate to hurt someone like that. And if they could help me with the whole matter of moving paper around, that would help. Usually I carry it in or use it to fly in."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "We will have to talk to her about it, and maybe my girlfriend can help ya learn how to shoot at things and not do serious damage, She uses a bow, she has special arrows but uses some normal ones also.

Clara Jennings has posed:
    "Of course there is tying people up and the like, too. And, well.." She sighs, and in a gesture stops. Dickens returns to her side. She rests her hands on the familiar shape while she cleans up the other paper and puts it back neatly.

    "With your speed, what things do you have to watch out for in a fight?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen says, "Well things you can't see, teleporters, or people doing things your not expecting. Other speedsters, things that do different than they look like they should, traps and such"

Clara Jennings has posed:
    "Are you really strong, too?" she asks curiously. "Or, wait. Are these secrets? I am not a full member yet. Do not tell me things I should not know." She cannot quite relax. And she continues to have trouble with the whole normal eye contact thing.

    She leans against Dickens. Then something occurs to her. Something obvious. She can ride Dickens. Huh. This is filed away in her head. "I imagine to work as a team, we all have to know what we can do, and how to help each other."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen shakes his head and says "Na, just fast, but I can make others fast or slow at times. There are different tricks though like this. He will move towards one of the boxes of paper she has not messed with and waves his arms to make a wind to make the paper blow all over.

Clara Jennings has posed:
    "Ohhh, that is helpful!"

    Clara immediately grabs hold of it, then with far less accuracy than before, peppers a distant target with the same 'blades' of paper. She looks curious now.

    "I could see how helpful that is, though. Can you put out fire that way, too?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen says, "Well with fire, more often I would want to try to pull the oxygen away rather than adding more to it."

Clara Jennings has posed:
    "As you can imagine, fire is not my friend," replies Clara. She pauses then, feeling one of those awful, awkward lulls in conversation. It is easy to imagine that she is working way at another topic. Then it occurs to her.

    "Do you hide all this from the people who know the real you?" she asks suddenly.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen makes a soso motion and says "Depends on who it is, most of my friends know me as both Impulse, and as my civilian id. Work though just knows me as Bart, the Vet student, not as a super hero.

Clara Jennings has posed:
    Clara is surprised that he tells her so quickly. "Oh. Oh. It is nice to meet you, Bart. I am Clara Jennings. I was told I am not good at secret identities, but I can protect the secrets of others." She smiles, "I have training for that kind of thing. And I will not tell others."

    There is the sound of a phone vibrating and Clara frowns. "Drat. My time is up. Wish me luck! I am going to work in Gotham tonight. You.. Batman would not hurt me, right? I mean.. he is a hero, right?"

    But the phone demands her attention, so she must get moving, and quickly! Hopefully Batman will not hurt her. She is obviously terrified of him.