16789/Young Avenger Patrol Meet Up
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Young Avenger Patrol Meet Up | |
Date of Scene: | 05 January 2024 |
Location: | Brooklyn |
Synopsis: | While on patrol, Invinicble and Indestructibelle come across Spider-Man (the cool one) and discuss the events of Omni-Man and a pep talk for future working together. |
Cast of Characters: | Mark Grayson, Miles Morales, Sunny Harlow
- Mark Grayson has posed:
It's been nearly a full week since the battle in Hawai'i, Omni-Man's attempted invasion and the massive battle that broke out. Invincible is finally feeling well enough to patrol again, though there are probably still a few bruises underneath his costume.
However, he had to get back into the saddle at somepoint. But he did make the concession of not going alone. Dressed in the familiar blue and yellow of his costume, the young man is moving among the buildings of Brooklyn, glancing aside to make sure his partner is keeping up. "After patrol, want to do some speed training?" he asks. "Or we can work on your acceleration? Might be a couple of more days before we can get back to sparring again."
- Miles Morales has posed:
Calls the Spider-Man (II). Miles swings through the buildings of New York City's best borough (don't @ me) with intense speed and no small amount of hooping and hollering from the young hero. The light glints off of certain bits of metal in Miles's suit, still wearing a more advanced version of his normal design. Yet, the more things change the more things stay the same. The red spider motif that rests on his chest and back still giving hope to those who suffer on the streets.
The black suited Spider-Man tilts his head though when he notices not one, but TWO flying individuals in his neck of the woods. Only when he draws closer does he make the connection.
"Yo! Invincible! Good to see you in the land of the living, man." Miles swings and happens to land himself on one of the many billboards lying around. "How's the bruises healing up?"
- Sunny Harlow has posed:
"It is tricky," Sunny muses as they sweep through the air, her own form wrapped in a black and blue bodysuit with a small half-jacket of black trimmed in yellow. Her hair down, the blonde viltrumite gives a small little sweep of her gaze. "Finding that balance between 'go faster' and not 'explode things'...maybe it's like lifting weight with control rather than...panic lifting a car for normal people."
She'd say more, but then there's Spider-man!...the other one, in the black suit...but not venom or...girl venom.
Okay, this could be confusing.
Coming to a stop, she lifts her hand in greeting, Indestructibelle herself being a rather new member of the Young Avengers likely overshadowed by Omni-man's actions.
- Mark Grayson has posed:
"It can be! I got some advice on it when I was first learning. It was mainly about how we really don't need to brace against something to get to our fastest speeds, but..." Invincible rubs his hand on the back of his head. "I broke more than a few windows when I was starting out. The first time I panic lifted a car, I threw it halfway across the parking lot!" They both have had their embarassing moments starting out, after all.
As he's called out to, Invincible turns to move to be near Indestructibelle as he hears the words and ohs. "Hey, Spider-Man!" he greets back and winces. "Still not pitching at full strength, but getting there, thanks!" And then more somberly. "And... man, thanks for the assist. I couldn't have done it without help. And... he's left the solar system. I don't know where he went." A sigh at that. But he's quickly forcing it aside as he looks over at Sunny and smiles.
"Have you met Indestructibelle yet? She's new to the team, not new around here, though. She's like I am, powers and abilities wise. Indestructibelle, this is Spider-Man. The main one I know because well, he's the awesome one that hangs out with the Young Avengers."
- Miles Morales has posed:
~Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does whatever a Spider Can~
Spider-Man seems happy to chill for a minute. Though as Indestructibelle lifts her hand in greeting, Spidey decides to shoot a little wave right back at her! "Hi!" He greets her with warmth and a bit of a sunny (pun intended) personality. Though his attention shifts to Invincible, since Mark is the one talking to him primarily.
"Good to hear, man. We were worried about you. I know that's probably tough." He nods softly. "Yeah man, it's what friends do for each other, no questions asked. Sorry I couldn't be of more help though. Omni-Man's preeeettttyyy tough. My webs can stop a lot, and they were like cardboard to him." He shakes his head. "But don't worry, we'll get him."
He turns to Indestructibellee. "Haven't, but it's nice to meet ya!" Spidey smiles a little bit, though Mark's praise makes him smile behind that mask.
"Ahhh you're just sayin' that."
- Sunny Harlow has posed:
"We didn't really get to stop and say hello with everything going on," Sunny offers, the greeting given with a bright smile as good as her namesake. She'd been there for both fights against Omni-man after all, including the last. "Seriously, if you hadn't helped against the Maulers we'd have been in real trouble."
A light shift, she adjusts to cross her arms under her bust while they float. "And you weren't the only one. I hit him as hard as I could and he shrugged it off over and over again."
- Mark Grayson has posed:
"It took all of us." Invincible says quietly. "I can't take him alone. And nor would I have been able to." He drifts a little closer to Sunny, squeezing her shoulder for a moment before releasing, appparently needing that moment of support. "Yeah, if you hadn't helped Silverdane with the Maulers, we'd have the entire Viltrum Empire heading this way, apparently."
"I was going to do a little... get together or something. But it's hard to come up with party ideas when the theme is 'Thanks for kicking my space Hitler's dad's ass after he lied about everything he told me since the day I was born'." That said sourly, he takes a moment to recover from that and then he shakes his head. "We're not going to get him next time. Because all things willing..." His voice drips with the feeling of anger and hurt he's still working out.
"...he won't come back."
- Miles Morales has posed:
"That's true, it was kinda busy. But hey, least we were all able to make it home in time for dinner. That's what matters. No one on the team died and nobody helping us died either. At least...not that I could tell. Against someone like Omni-Man, who could probably give even Superman some trouble? I think we did okay." Spider-Man encourages the pair of Viltrumites in front of him. "Heh, that was small change in comparison. You two were doing the real work. But I was just happy to have been able to help people."
He turns his head to Mark. "Oh wow. Okay, I guess we did do something major. Didn't know that part, I only knew we had to take them down quick, fast, and in a hurry. Not to oshabby, staving off planetary invasion." One the films on his eyes seem to 'wink' almost. The lenses around the eyes seemingly to prevent an overinflation of information most likely.
Yet, Spider-Man seems to stand up a little bit. "Don't make me slap you, Invincible. We won. I know it's the overbearing theme that your dad turned out to be not super great, but you need that support system. You both do. And if he doesn't come back? All the power to you. But if he does? We'll be ready."
- Sunny Harlow has posed:
Small change? "Last I checked, preventing a galactic invasion isn't a small thing," she points out, but she doesn't push it more, instead gently leaning into Invincible for a moment more before she actually grins despite herself at Miles words, looking back at Mark. "I like him, he's right."
- Mark Grayson has posed:
When Indestructibelle leanes into him, Invincible slips an arm around her waist in a little hold. "You would." he comments with a playful smirk to Sunny before he blows out a breath. "I've been hearing that a lot lately. And Hawkeye and Wiccan are working to get the government leash off me that I apparently inherited from my father."
But he finally blows out a breath. "And I know he's right. I know I couldn't have done it without help. Hell, even he acknowledged that he needed the both of us to enact his plans. I'm just... whatever it is that he was hoping for. It blew up in his face." A sigh to go with a shake of his head and a firmer squeeze on Sunny before loosening. Hugs are nice.
"Maybe someday he'll realize how much he blew in the whole 'I have to follow orders' thing he tried to pull." He straightens up a little. "And I know I have friends and loved ones I can rely on." Because both of them here have already figured out who he is underneath the mask.
- Miles Morales has posed:
"Well, I like you too. You seem a cool cat." Miles remarks to Sunny with two thumbs up sent her way. Though he looks at the pair of them. "Agh, get a room you two." He laughs. "Just kidding, you don't have to. You two are cute." He looks at Mark then with a litle bit of a smile. "Oh, they'll get you sorted out. I hear they're really good at making that stuff kinda disappear in terms of it being problematic."
"He will. If he ewas ever a good day? He'll realize it sooner than later. Nobody's /that/ good of an actor." Plus, it's a gut feeling. "And we know we can rely on you. We're returning that favor. No conditions or contracts pal." He smirks at Mark.
"'Sides, I'd say that was a pretty good practice working as a team. Haven't had too much time I feell ike to help out the Young Avengers with stuff. So...you know, kudos."
- Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Maybe later," Sunny laughs lightly, grinning at Mark playfully before clearing her throat and giving a little shake of her head and then she came to look out over the streets below them. "It's just good to be around others, others who do this, who understand...I'd been solo since I started till...well, this month gone."
- Mark Grayson has posed:
There's a chuckle that comes from Invincible. He hasn't had one of those in the last few days. "Look, we're still getting Prisma used to her new powers. Pretty sure that soon enough she's going to be buzzing around here with the rest of us. Though I think she'd really like to be able to just skate again without worrying about floating off the ground."
There's a bump to Sunny's hip before Mark floats back a little. "You're not alone anymore. You got Prisma and I. The other Young Avengers." he points out to her. "We should do a get together thing soon. The Titans have pizza parties all the time, I feel like we're missing out on something." A shrug. "Maybe the Avengers will let us use their indoor pool or whatever." A pause, "Though wearing a swimsuit and a mask seems silly."
- Miles Morales has posed:
Miles gags in his mask a litlte bit as Sunny seems to be VERY on board with the idea of getting a room with Mark, though it's done in jest and play. He knows how love is, so he won't try and shame them for that. Thoug hhe does seem amused! "Yeah. That was the worst part for me. It was the waiting. The loneliness." He sighs.
"But got it sorted out just fine." He chuckles. He looks at Mark then a moment. "Prisma? New powers? Do tell." He smiles big and wide. Though he nods. "Agreed. Maybe we can have a cheeseburger party? You know, gotta differentiate." He smirks a little bit. "Indoor pool? Oh man. But I'm keeping the mask on." He laughs. "No getting my secret ID that easy."
- Sunny Harlow has posed:
Jokes aside, Sunny herself nods at his words and Miles' own before glancing down once more. "I mean, this might be as close to social hang-outs as we all get, unless we order pizza on patrols. Side effect of having to keep the mask on, y'know?"
- Mark Grayson has posed:
"Burgers are a good idea. Maybe I'll start a thread on the group board, see if we can get our powers that be on board. Or one of the responsible adults might have an idea." Invincible suggests with a nod of his head. "But yeah, I get the whole need to keep a secret thing." There's a chuckle.
"Back in high school, I actually had to get powers before I realized that Atom Eve and I went to the same school together and she never wore a mask!" a smirk. "As powerful as she is, I suppose I can't blame her." he admits with a little sigh. A glance towards the east and a shake of his head. Hopefully she'll be back soon.