16794/Name this plz
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Name this plz | |
Date of Scene: | 06 January 2024 |
Location: | Level 4 - Recreation - The Roost |
Synopsis: | From prior player |
Cast of Characters: | Tim Drake, M'gann M'orzz, Bart Allen
- Tim Drake has posed:
Do Bats ever have nights off? The answer is usually no, to be honest: less due to any unspoken rule and more because of the general stubborness and dedication of the group. Really, the only time a Bat stays in at night is when they're benched to do medical reasons, which is exactly why Tim is sat in an armchair in the Roost's rec room right now.
His feet are up, he's in a pair of sweats and a t-shirt, and he's reading a book. There is of course a cup of coffee sitting on the table next to him, fresh enough that it's still steaming. And the television is on, but it's so quiet as to be nearly muted, showing the trail end of the evening news.
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
M'gann has returned to the Roost after some time away dealing with a few 'Martian issues'. She's spent most of her time since returning in Metropolis, but tonight finds her at the Roost, phasing up through the floors until she spots Tim lounging with a book. Solidifying once more, she offers a small wave and smile towards him, "Hey. You look like you could use a cookie. I can bake up a batch?"
She doesn't bother with the 'human' persona at the Roost, letting the green skin show, though she'll lose the 'costume' for something a little more 'cozy', yoga pants and an athletic top with a pair of house slippers. "I can make some cookies and we can catch up!" Flashing a smile towards Tim and glancing to the kitchen, "I haven't even exploded anything while cooking for months."
- Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen comes in from lower in the base. He has been on the route making sure Mister Murder Mittens and the rest of the animals that are around the roost have food and been cared for. So, now Bart is walking into the main room and says "Hey guys."
- Tim Drake has posed:
The posture Tim is maintaining while reading his book is pretty atrocious. He's definitely going to develop a crick in his neck, so it's a good thing M'gann phases in when she does. It's not like he flinches, but he does visibly pull himself away from the text in front of his eyes, blinking once or twice before he looks up. "Oh, hey," he says.
And then Bart arrives, so Tim repeats himself as he shifts in his seat, sitting up properly. "I mean, I'm not going to say no to cookies." As he sets his book aside, he smiles. "Things have been pretty quiet," he reports, which is probably just asking for trouble, but he doesn't seem to care. Tim's not one for superstitious.
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"Hi Bart!" She'll give him a little wave before looking back to Tim and smiling once more, "Cookies it is!" She's not as fast as Bart, but she's fast enough! The prep is done in moments, the oven heating up while the cookie batter gets whipped up and spread out across a few tins. Sure, most people have to wait for butter to soften, but super strength means being able to whip cold butter!
While waiting for the oven to heat up, she'll move back out into the rec room and give a nod to Tim, "There was an issue with the Kryptonians and their interstellar transport to the new Kryptonian homeworld, but we managed to return safely. And I helped on a mission for the Justice League, though I may have been a little too rough at the end." She offers a small grimace at the memory and shakes her head, "Otherwise, I have started classes at Metropolis U!" Her smile brightens once more, pleased with herself at having moved from human high school into human college!
- Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looka over and says "I am going pretty good, just met a girl who is worried Batman is going to verbally murderize her. A new hero, who did some helping in Gotham, but has heard the whole how protective Batman can be of Gotham, and was a bit scared for him talking to her.
- Tim Drake has posed:
Tim's expression falters slightly at the mention of the Kryptonians, but at hearing that things resolved alright, he brightens. "Glad to hear it," he says, then offers a sympathetic look regarding the Justice League situation. His attention shifts to Bart, and his head tilts, though judging by the faint smile he seems to know who Bart is talking about.
Or has his suspicions, at the very least.
"I've had a very unexciting holiday season, all told. Hope the both of you were able to rest some, at least."
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"Batman lets *me* be in Gotham, I can't imagine him having issue with too many other people, as long as they adhere to his rules," M'gann chuckles softly and moves to sit herself on a sofa, feet tucking up underneath her with the slippers left on the floor. Looking to Tim, she nods, "We took down a Hegemony ship and an evil Kryptonian, and had a living galaxy transport us back to the correct universe!" Because that doesn't sound horrible and terrifying at all.
She gives a quick nod and offers, "I had a date on New Years Eve, but otherwise it was very quiet. Uncle J'onn has been away for a bit, so the holiday was very quiet."
- Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen says, "Had a pretty decent holiday over all. She is a new hero, still worried about screwing things up and such, Has control over paper, and is a fledgling titan. She seems to want to help, but needs to work on the whole confidence thing."
- Tim Drake has posed:
"That's the whole reason the Outsiders exist, to help manage the balance of power in Gotham. Sounds like she's found a home with the Titans though," Tim says. He tucks his chin against his fist and frowns, brow pinching. It's a thoughtful expression, his eyes distant as he considers something. Though M'gann's story brings him out of it, and he makes some big eyes at her. Then he shakes his head at her, fondly. "Sounds like quite an adventure. Anyway, I can try to make introductions?"
The offer sounds, not insincere, but not particularly optimistic. It's Batman, after all. He has a reputation for a reason, it's very well-earned. "At the least it might be good for her to meet some of the others if she's going to be Gotham-based. Is she Gotham-based?"
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
The timer goes off and M'gann floats up and into the kitchen to get the cookies into the oven, resetting the timer before drifting back out to seat herself again. Smiling towards Tim, she gives a nod, "It was very intense and interesting. I got to see the other side of the Kryptonians, that they're trying to pull away from. It will be interesting to learn more about them."
"Mmm, I can empathize with lacking self-confidence. I still struggle with human social interactions, constantly fearing if I'm going to say or do the wrong thing, or if I'm going to mess something up, or misunderstand some bit of Earth slang..." M'gann nods a little and offers a faint smile, "It can be difficult, trying to integrate into a new place, around new people. Especially people that have already formed friend groups or cliques... it becomes daunting, trying to join an existing group."
- Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen says, "I think she is more a bit roving but she wants to protect history and books, seems sorta her theme. I talked to her a while, and had an idea need to talk to Nadia that might help her out some.""
- Tim Drake has posed:
"I think we might be familiar with her already," Tim says. This comes after a moment of him scrolling through his phone, checking various text messages (and the Oracle app) to verify. He sets it down on the arm of his chair after and stretches out.
He looks over at M'gann and smiles at her. "The thing is, we all struggle with that. So you have plenty of company with you, plus you have the Outsiders to always fall back on."
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"Oh, was it that visiting lecturer at the university? The one doing the talk on Mongolia?" M'gann pipes up suddenly, after listening to the two talk about the new hero. She glances between them and smiles, "I was going to go to that, but I had an essay due in two days and I really needed to hit the library to make sure I had all my references listed correctly."
Smiling back at Tim, she nods, "Thank you. And you've all helped me immeasurably. But part of it is something that I don't think anyone can really help me with. I have to learn to navigate some of these situations myself. I suffer from bouts of self-doubt, or questioning my responses or reactions... but all the help you all have given me, that does help. It gives me experiences to draw from, and the knowledge that there are people that like me regardless."
- Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "You can always do like me, just do what ya feel is right and if someone looks at you weird, you just look at them like they are weird right back." He offers with a smile and moves to grab some snacks from the pantry a few bags of chips are opened and in bowls on the table now.
- Tim Drake has posed:
Tim nods. "A bunch of us went to that lecture, it was pretty interesting. Might have some crossover with some of my birth father's old work, I don't know." He waves his hand in the air, a dubious gesture, clearly uncertain. Then he leans forward to grab a handful of chips out of the nearest bowl Bart sat down, because Tim is an unrepentant chip-fiend.
"I believe in you, M'gann. You'll figure out your path forward. And we might not be able to understand exactly where you're coming from because of our differing backgrounds, but we'll be here for you anyway."
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Laughing at Bart's suggestion, M'gann nods, "That's not a bad idea.. though in this case... I'm not sure if that works so well. I'm... dating someone. And it's going very well, but trying to navigate those waters are... interesting and sometimes difficult. He's very sweet, though, and I enjoy his company." THe timer dings once more and she's off to the kitchen to serve up the fresh-from-the-oven chocolate chip cookies!
Bringing them out on a plate, they'll be added to the snacks on the table, nice big chewy cookies with melty chips all through them. She smiles at Tim and nods, "Thank you. It is difficult trying to navigate human courting rituals. But it is... enjoyable."
- Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmmms and nods a bit to this and says "Yea, just so ya know it can be hard for humans too, until met Emiko, I did not do very well in dating to be honest." He offers and says "Is it someone who you can let know your you?
- Tim Drake has posed:
"Oh, congrats," Tim says to the news of M'gann's dating. He doesn't offer up any particular advice of his own, as Tim's history with dating is fraught with drama, so he'll just be supportive from the sidelines on that one. To that, he nods at Bart, hoping he'll be able to have more impact.
He definitely goes for a freshly baked cookie as soon as his hands are free of chips, though. Melty though it is (and also piping hot) he takes nibbling bites in an attempt to eat it as fast as possible. Because they're definitely the best when they're fresh. "Amazing as always, M'gann," he says after.
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Shaking her head, M'gann offers a sheepish smile, "Not that I know of. If he is, then it has not come out yet. And, for obvious reason, he's never seen me like this. Only as Megan Morse." She lifts a small shrug and offers, "But he is very kind and respectful, and fun. I've enjoyed spending time with him."
She glances to Tim and smiles brightly, "Thank you! I think I've gotten the ratio of chip to cookie just right. Please, help yourself. They are best when still fresh from the oven." This last part to both Tim and Bart, with a smile.
- Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods a bit and says "Well if you ever want us to meet him, just let us know, so we make sure it is Tim and Bart who show up and not Impulse and Red Robin." He offers her a grin
- Tim Drake has posed:
Mid-cookie, Tim nods. He wipes his mouth to make sure he hasn't smeared chocolate everywhere, then adds, "Yeah, happy to run any and all background checks on him too if you want." Then he pauses.
"That was probably a bit creepy. Just how the Bats show we care, I promise. Our love language is snooping."
- Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen 's phone beeps "I need to take this be back in a bit." He offers and steps out of the room
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"I'll definitely keep that in mind, thank you Bart," M'gann smiles at him, then nods as he heads out of the room. Looking back to Tim, she lifts both brows, "Background checks? We have only really been out the one time. I think I'll hold off on prying into his personal life until we know each other a little better." She offers a quick grin towards him, "But I will let you know if and when I'm ready for that. But tomorrow I have a date of another kind. Superboy has asked me to join him at the pizza party at Titans Tower. As friends, though. He thought I might enjoy being around some new people."
- Tim Drake has posed:
Clearly, judging by his offer, one date would be more than enough reason to run a background check for Tim. And possibly he might even do it before the date. But Tim just says, "Yeah, of course," and waves off his offer, before he scoots to the edge of his chair-cushion so that he can nab another cookie.
"Sounds fun," he says, and it's genuine enough even though Tim isn't the biggest fan of parties himself. But he's certainly much improved over how unsociable he was at the beginning of the Outsiders. "The Titans are good folks. Admittedly there's a lot of crossover between our two groups... really we should probably socialize with them more."
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
M'gann cants her head, watching him for a long moment, "You think I should have a check run on him already? Isn't that... invasive? I.. that is, we haven't even exchanged surnames yet. All I have is his first name and a picture..." Which, of course, is probably MORE than enough for the sort of checks that the Bats can do.
Smiling again, she gives a nod, "It is, apparently, to introduce people to Irie's boyfriend. I understand her father is going to be there. But all invited were encouraged to bring dates. Superboy said he could not bring the girl he is seeing, but asked if I would like to as a friend. It would allow me to meet some of the Titans and yes, to socialize with another group that performs a similar function to ours."
- Tim Drake has posed:
For a second, Tim seems paralyzed. He goes stock-still, and internally he's struggling with his answer. Naturally, as a Bat, he wants to say yes, absolutely, because if he were in M'gann's place he would have already done so. But on the other hand he acknowledges that very little about what he and his vigilante family do is healthy in any way shape or form.
So, eventually, he remembers the small but important fact that he needs to breathe to live, and takes a deep inhale. "You can take care of yourself," he says. "So it's probably fine. But if you ever get any kind of suspicious feeling at all, you just let me know."
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Watching him with a faintly concerned expression, M'gann lets him process whatever he needs to, though the expression doesn't ease immediately when he begins to breathe again. Instead, she watches him closely for another few beats before giving a small nod. "I will do that. I will always share any misgivings or suspicions I have with you. I can think of noone else that would be better able to investigate them and either confirm or decry them."
M'gann reaches out to take one of the cookies herself, biting into it with relish and enjoying the flavors. Oh yes. If there is one thing I'm not worried about, it's being able to defend myself. Though I do aprpeciate the concern. It's.. it's good to remember that I have friends."
- Tim Drake has posed:
Now that that internal crisis has been resolved, Tim can muster up a smile that he aims at M'gann. "Of course you do. We've got your back, M'gann. That's what friends are for."
And then he gives a sly sort of look around and decides that he is absolutely going to have a third cookie. No one needs to know! But he does lean back in his seat with an air of finality: no more snacking after this. Gotta be mindful of calories in when you're a regular human who has to maintain their figure for all the (frankly ridiculous amount of) cardio he does.
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Chuckling as he sneaks a third cookie, M'gann reaches out to grab another, streeetching her arm out to lay it on the arm of the chair he's in. Lifting her other hand, she puts a finger to her lips, "I won't tell if you don't. The rest can go into tupperware and I will leave them on the top shelf, third cupboard." So he knows where to go to get into them.
Speaking of which, she motions to him, "I don't believe I have ever seen you so... underdressed. Are you feeling well?" Clearly there's not an issue with his stomach since he's gotten into the chips and cookies. But there must be SOMETHING wrong if he's here and so casually clothed!
- Tim Drake has posed:
Secret safe, Tim winks at M'gann and polishes off his last cookie. Definitely the last one. No one will catch him sneaking any others, definitely.
"I'm fine. Got a pretty nasty cut a few days ago that got infected, so I'm off-duty until I'm back at 100." To demonstrate, he reaches to lift his pant leg up, showing a swath of bandages that wrap around his lower leg, just above his ankle. "Nothing major."
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
M'gann chuckles at the wink and leans back in her own seat to relax a little and just enjoy the moment. And should any of the cookies 'mysteriously vanish'.. well, it's not an unknown occurrence in the Roost. Clearly the animals are up to mischief!
Shaking her head as he mentions the cut getting infected, she mutters, "It is a miracle that everyone in Gotham does not glow in the dark and have three eyes. As many toxins and chemicals are dumped into your water supply, you should all either be mutates or worse by now." Then she's huffing out a breath and smiling at him, "You know your limitations better than anyone. Do not make us hold you down for over-exceeding them." Because that's what friends do. She also floats the coffee pot out into the room to refill Tim's mug, then floats it back to the machine so it stays hot.
- Tim Drake has posed:
Tim's too good at what he does to ever be caught, so the animals are a good deflection. He straightens his pant leg and stretches it back out in front of him again, on the footrest, then folds his hands in his lap. "You're not wrong," he admits, looking to the side a little. Clearly caught up in memory as he considers just how many times he and the other Bats have been exposed to various dangerous substances.
Just a hazard of the job. He shrugs one shoulder. "I'm better at managing than I used to be. Something about growing up, I guess... I don't know if I ever thought I was invulnerable in the way a lot of teenagers think, but I definitely tried way too hard sometimes." His eyes widen at the floating coffee pot and dutifully he holds out his mug for a refill. "Thanks, M'gann."
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Settling into a lotus position that seems comfortable for her, M'gann gives a nod, "And not just you and the other Bats. The entire city. Think of how many toxins or chemicals the entire city is exposed to. Between Joker, Scarecrow, Poison Ivy... there are an astounding number of unsafe compounds that end up spread around. And those are just off the top of my head. That's not even getting into the mafia and corporations that dump who knows what into the bay and ocean around Gotham."
Lifting a brow at him, she offers a faint smile, "You simply try to take on too much for a single person in a single day. Even I would not attempt to accomplish as much as you do, and I require significantly less sleep." M'gann gives a nod, smiling at him, "You're welcome. Just ensure you drink an equable amount of water to prevent dehydration."
- Tim Drake has posed:
"Plus every new villain who is trying to copy them," Tim points out. He nods along to the rest of what M'gann says, clearly in agreement, and then he sighs. It's a deep sigh, one mingling frustration and resignation. He's been in Gotham all his life, after all.
He takes a slurping sip of his freshly refilled coffee, and then when M'gann mentions water, he winces. "Yeah, uh..." That's when he gets up, and it seems like the injury to his leg isn't too severe, as his walking isn't impeded. He immediately goes to get a glass of water in the kitchen. "Thanks for the reminder!"
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"Or the ones doing genetic experiments and then dumping the 'failures' into the sewers." M'gann lets out a small sigh and glances at him with a wry smile. She lets out a sigh of her own, though one softer and less resigned. "What you need is a team of scientists that can come up with a filtration system for your water and sewer processing.. one that's capable of recognizing and filtering out all the known 'extra' toxins in Gotham. It wouldn't be perfect by any means, but it would at least ensure clean water for the city."
Watching him go, she can't really hide the smile over his belated remembering, giving a nod to him and chuckling, "You're welcome! I think we need to get you one of those helmets, but instead of beer, one side has water, the other side has coffee. That way you have to refill them both at the same time."
- Tim Drake has posed:
Mention of experiments has Tim grimacing, but in a mostly good-natured way. "Yeah... we have a surprising amount of that as well," he admits. He downs the entirety of the glass in a few gulps, then goes back for a refill and does the same thing. Shotgunning water isn't exactly impressive, but at least he is a little bit less dehydrated now.
When Tim returns to the rec room's main area it's just to fetch his coffee. "I think I'm going to lay down and have a nap, since that's something I never get to do. Let me know how pizza with the Titans goes, maybe we can set something up in the future for our team to hang out with them. And thanks for the cookies, M'gann!"
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Nodding to Tim, M'gann offers a smile, "The rest will surely do you good. I think I will take the time to meditate and then perhaps some studying. I've decided that after the current 'year' ends at the university, I'm going to declare dual majors in linguistics and political science. Which means I need to get through these general courses first." She looks to him and seems pleased to have helped, "I will do so, and you're welcome, Tim. I am always happy to be able to make the team happier, even if it's through cookies."