16826/A Narrows Run

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A Narrows Run
Date of Scene: 08 January 2024
Location: The Narrows - Miagani Island
Synopsis: A brief encounter in the Narrows (incomplete)
Cast of Characters: Cole Cash, Barbara Gordon

Cole Cash has posed:
It is a Gotham January night and no one should be out here. It is dark, it is cold (so very cold), and it is Gotham. Also, it is the Narrows, where the cops are never around in the night (and only in large groups during the day).

It is really a bad idea to be here. But Cole is the king of all bad ideas. And he needed money, which is typical. But hey, he is a tough guy, right? Super-soldier, even. Currently he is a cold and grumpy tough guy, using the IR vision of his mask to avoid stumbling on light posts (which had the bubs broken at least since No Man's Land). And there is a door, finally. He -thinks- he knows the neighbourhood, but he is not a native, so he doesn't, probably never will.

Behind the metal door, there is a dive bar beyond. Technically closed, actually never legally open, but hey, it is warmer. There is only an old man cleaning, the bartender, and a ganger with many tattoos that is purchasing something not for drinking. Papers, fake driving licence, figures Cole.

Now, Cole pulled off the mask, and tries his usual friendly smile. But, really, it is not the right moment. The ganger bolts for the back door, and Cole mutters a curse. The bartender pulls a shotgun, and Cole punches him in the face as runs by, chasing the ganger.

Said ganger, Rob Davis, used to be a Demonz biker, worked for Scarface, did some time in jail. The usual. He left Blackgate a month ago, was in parole and didn't report. Moreover, it is suspect from an armed robbery just two days ago. Since it is the Narrows, the bounty is not pocket money. The odd thing is it was difficult actually difficult to find him. Now, Cole suspects he did something worse than just robbery. But it is not his business. His business is managing to catch him in the dark.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Rob Davis appeared in a security camera just the other night following the discovery of a murdered hacker of some notoriety. The hacker was someone that Batgirl had been keeping tabs on, and when his name came up as a corpse... she started digging. Mr. Davis was ID'd without much trouble, and for the bulk majority of the day, and now night, Batgirl had been tracking him to this location, with the intention of confronting him in an alley or on his way home after the bar visit.

As such, outside of the bar, and across the street, the armored and caped form of Batgirl stands atop the roof of a nearby building. Her black and gold cape fluttering in the cold January wind, snow flurries falling all around her as she operates a flock of black bat-shaped drones in the dark skies. Using her left bracer, Batgirl controls her drones via a holographic computer system that shines a gentle illumination up upon her masked face. Her green eyes stare at the footage outside of the bar, both at its front entrance, and its rear entrance, while she garners some garbled audio of what is taking place inside the bar.

Furthermore, using Wifi signals, Batgirl's computer is putting together a decent image of what is happening inside the bar as well, and with a gentle exhale, she mutters to herself. "Looks like it's heating up..."

Her quietly muttered words cause her breath to escape her pink hued lips in puffs of steam, as she directs her drones to prepare for a potential chase...

Cole Cash has posed:
Davis can run, he kept himself in shape in jail. But mostly, he has a motorcycle. It was hidden in the entrance of an abandoned building, covered by a dirty blanket. Cole needed a second to don his mask again, and by the time he is reaching the thug, he burst out with the motorcycle, evading the bounty hunter's grasp by mere inches.

The ganger narrowly avoid crashing against a burned out van, and again falling into a ten foot deep hole in the middle of the street. But he knows the area, and the lights of the motorcycle are good enough. Cole is not catching him... except, he pulls a large handgun and takes aim.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Cole might feel it as it happens. something moves above him. A shadow crosses over Cole's form, as the man draws that handgun... What follows next, is a sudden booming burst in front of Cole, followed by a burst of smoke spreading out in every direction between him and Davis!

The smoke doesn't target Cole alone, however, as another smoke bomb detonates ahead of Davis on his escape bike! A cloud of thick white smoke billows out all around in his pathway out of the area, and as the headlights of his bike pierce the smoke cloud, they come upon a near six foot tall figure standing in the bike's path. Shrouded in cape and cowl, the tall figure doesn't waste any time, and with the cover of smoke, the figure steps out of the way of the biker, and raises its left arm up, utilizing the strength enhancing features of their armor, Batgirl moves to rip Davis from his motorcycle, all while the smoke bombs fill the air around all of them with blinding visual obstruction!

Cole Cash has posed:
Cole takes aim. In the dark, to a fast-moving target, with a handgun. But he is one of the best marksmen of the world. He would have shattered the motorcycle rear wheel.

But suddenly. Smoke!

It doesn't bother him much, he has filters. And the IR still shows the machine and the rider. But making the shoot is much harder. Plus someone is going ninja on him, and his first instinct is diving for cover. So many ninja groups want to kill him, it is not funny.

He almost misses the bat-shape. "Ah, damnit..." he complains. Davis killed someone, he is sure. Or maybe works for a big name. "Can't you wait until he is back in jail?!" He yells to... oh, not big enough to be the Big Bat.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Batgirl definitely doesn't look as big as her mentor, to be sure, but she's still large enough to impose on the average Gotham thug's state of comfort! Case in point, she clothes-lines Davis right off the back of his bike, causing him to fall upon the pavement, and his bike to roll out of control in to a wall! With the man left sputtering in pain and anger upon the ground, Batgirl steps toward him, over him, and glares down at him within the flowing white smoke all around them.

Cole is not given much attention at the moment, as Batgirl's primary focus is on Rob for the time being. She crouches down to grab him by his clothing, and hoist him up off the ground, her long hair and long cape flowing about her form as she lifts the man right up off the ground...

Above Cole's head, the buzing sounds of something flying overhead can be heard, and should he look up he'll see what looks like a half a dozen bats swirling above him, each one moving in a seemingly different direction, wildly patterned flight that seems as though they're about to either decide him to be a friend, or a foe...

Or they're just trying to distract him from what Batgirl is doing with his bounty target!

Cole Cash has posed:
Drones, lots of drones, all bat-shaped. Someone has money to spare. Cole is kind of jealous, but also kind of angry. And contrarily than almost every one else in the city. Bats don't shoot to kill. Well, most of them.

So, he comes from the smoke waving his gun. "Hey, lady. Some of us need to pay the rent, you know? There is a nice bounty for this bail jumper." Not impressed by the bat-outfit, apparently. Although he does stare a bit, and then warns. "Gun!"

Rob has one: a small revolver, still deadly at point blank range. And he will go for Batgirl's unarmored lower face. Fortunately for her, he is stunned from the fall, a little slower than normal.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
The drones above continue to keep close wach on Cole, likely waiting for him to present himself as a threat to Batgirl's safety. With the smoke clearing up more with every passing second, the street is looking more foggy now than smoke filled as it had seconds earlier. Batgirl holds Davis up on his feet, her green eyes upon his face, as she stares with a even expression from behind her mask. She spares a glance toward Cole then, which is when Davis goes for his gun!

The warning from Cole draws Batgirl's eyes back on to her current captive, and her left arm snaps down to slam those pointed spikes on her golden bracer down in to the man's arm, keeping it from raising his gun up in to her exposed chin and mouth!

The handgun goes off with a bang, right against her chestplate, a flash of sparks and a loud ringing of the gunshot echoing down the street!

Batgirl tosses the man backward, the power-suit she's wearing allowing her to throw him across the street, right in to the base of the building positioned there, slamming him spine-first in to brick.

The suit that Batgirl is wearing is designed to specifically be most protective across her chest, which is why there's a golden bat adorning it, meant to draw attention there, and more specifically attacks to her chest. As such her armor absorbs the gunshot, the bullet already on the ground in a flattened state.

Batgirl spares a look down at herself, then over at Cole. "I need him for questioning." She says, her voice modulated to sound quite a lot like a female demon!

She starts toward Davis, marching on tall golden bronze boots toward where she'd thrown him.

Cole Cash has posed:
"Can't you do that when he is in the precinct?" Cole has no idea if the cops let the bats do that, but he is guessing probably yes. After all, they have never arrested any bat-person he knows. Waller had a dossier about them Cole skimmed over, not paying much attention.

Mostly because he was sure it was all what Waller wanted him to know, not the reality.

Rob seems to have been knocked out, maybe with broken bones. Which is not Cole's problem, and might make him easier to handle. But it would make him less talkative.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
When Batgirl approaches Davis, she stares down at him, assessing his condition as Cole continues to speak to her. She spares another glance toward him then, before she turns to face him. "Davis killed a man named Peter Ebbins two nights ago." She tells the hunter, her voice likely intimidating to most Gotham street thugs, but maybe not to Cole.

"He was a hacker, known for pushing ever closer toward some serious jobs, jobs that I was tracking. I want to know who hired him to kill Ebbins." She says, the angry and demonic edge to her voice still present, and still ultimately masking her true voice.

With the smoke quite thinned out on the street now, the Batgirl is much more visible, her cape flowing behind her shoulders, with her long red hair draped across her left armored bicep. "Once I'm done with him, if you are indeed a true legal Bounty Hunter, then I'll turn him over to you." She says with determined confidence as she looms between Cole and his mark.