16900/The Floor is Lava

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The Floor is Lava
Date of Scene: 13 January 2024
Location: SHIELD Outpost
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Kenesha, Lara Croft, Johnny Storm

Kenesha has posed:
A notice goes up at SHIELD.

Subject: Unknown Power Source

Information: Three days ago, SHIELD sensors picked up the sudden appearance of an unknown power source located deep in the Savage Lands. We need a team of 3-5 agens with experience in hostile environments and dealing with potential alien or ancient technology, likely to be found amidst ruins, traps, and hostiles.

Departure: ASAP

So.. of course Kenesha signs on immediately AND drags Johnny along so he can see what it is that she 'does'. When Lara signs on as well, Kenesha gets excited. The two have likely had a lot of 'ships in the night' encounters over the years, chasing after various relics or artifacts. Lara beat her to the Gevalian Sceptre a few years back. She got to the Eye of Zarathustra first back in '19. That sort of thing. So working WITH her is something that Kenesha's been looking forward to!

She offers to handle the transport, whether they would rather fly there, or be teleported, either way she's happy to do it! Once they reach the outpost, they're handed readouts of the power signature, and that it's started to 'pulse'. It will spike four times in power output, then go back to normal, another day, spike four times, then back to normal. They've arrived in time that if they hoof it, they can make it to the location of the power signature before the next spike.

Kenehsa straps on what looks almost like a sawed off shotgun along one thigh, but the metal and configuration of the weapon is definitely not from Earth. The other leg gets a machete-like blade but also of strange origin and make. Other than that, she simply taps the toes of her boots to the floor, settles her satchel at her side, and grins, "I"m good to go when you guys are!"

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara had an extensive amount of experience in the Savage Lands, both dealing with the locals, and exploring some of the more remote corners of it. She had even lead a large expedition in to a region of the Savage Lands known as 'The Pit'. That expedition had been savagely attacked by local wildlife, and members of the Brood... but the Brood had been eradicated earlier last year. Supposedly.

The trek back down to the SHIELD Outpost was routine to Lara now, the trip over Antarctica was always one to inspire her imagination, and the Savage Lands itself was the kind of environment that used to make Lara's wildest adventure dreams come alive at the mystery laden there-in.

She'd arrived at Kenesha and Johnny's location at the Outpost, wearing rugged hiking attire, with a backpack over her shoulders, and some sun shades over her brow. She offers a small smile, before motioning toward the vehicle pool outside. "I have the map ready, the route is set in to the GPS. I think we are good to go." The British explorer tells them.

Johnny Storm has posed:
SHIELD Job? Feh. Totally not Johnny's thing. There were a million other things that he could be doing tonight. But then Kenesha reminded him that he had made the statement that he wanted to see what she did because his only current reference point was the Indiana Jones movies.

And he totally bought that Indy would have survived that nuke in the lead lined fridge.

It is because of his big dumb flirty mouth that he finds himself along for the trip. Having come along with Kenesha's form of transport because it saves him time on using his flame form, the youngest of the Four hitched a ride with the two artifact hunters, dressed in his official uniform, in case he actually needs to flame up to help out. Which also means he made sure if he has to carry anything, it has quick strap releases to it so he doesn't burn it up.

Stepping out into the swampy heat of the Savage Lands, he gives a soft ugh of disgust. "It's so... swampy." he grouses. Though from the looks of it, this is not his first trip to the area, the Four has definetly been here. It's just been a while.

When Lara joins them, it takes him a moment, but he snaps his fingers. "Oh yeah, I've met you before! Been a while, though. Sup. Good when you two are!"

Kenesha has posed:
Kenesha will simply teleport JOhnny and herself there if Lara is coming in on her own transport. Makes things much easier, and saves time! When she arrives and states her readiness, Kenesha will nod, "Alright then. Lets go find out what sort of ancient battery or alarm clock or whatever this ends up being." Heading to the Jeep, she'll hop into the driver's seat and turn the engine over, pulling up the GPS so they have the location ready to go. "I looked over the sensor readings, the energy signature is vaguel familiar. Not far off from the type of energy used by an Atlantean-Aztec colony... they were big into elemental worship, did the whole sacrificial virgin thing. But that was... coastal South America, and like.. a couple thousand years ago. So, it might be similar, and if it is, we're going to have traps, maybe monsters, maybe constructs."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara had offered Johnny a small smile and a light nod. "It is good to see you again, Mister Storm." She tells him. "I hope the family is doing well." She stated on their way out toward the vehicle pool. In truth, Reed had donated a lot of tech to the fight against the Brood, here months back, and thus Lara had had an oportunity to meet Johnny's brother in law then too.

When they reach the Jeep, Lara spends a moment at the back of it. She sets her travel pack inside it, and secures some of the extra supplies within its stow area. The point of using a Jeep was the very reason of its cargo storage area, great for bringing vital supplies, and great for carrying out anything that they may need to bring home.

Once she has the pack sorted, Lara joins them inside the Jeep. She settles in, glancing to the screens on its dash, before regarding the two of them. "I've seen just about every possible creature that could want to eat you, whilst exploring this region. So be prepared. From sabretooth tigers, to massive Tyrannosaur. I've even bared witness to giant man-eating plants latching on to people's ankles from the depths of the most dark corners of the jungle. Watch your steps..." She says to them both, punctuating her words with another sweet smile.

Before they set off, her sunglasses are dropped over her eyes, and she reaches for a thermos of tea she'd stowed in the Jeep prior to coming to get them from the staging area.

"Hopefully, we make good time, and get to the bottom of this latest ordeal. I'm quite curious as to what we'll find..." The English woman quietly expresses.

Johnny Storm has posed:
Hopping into the back of the Jeep, Johnny sets up to ride, standing up in the back and grabbing a hold of the rollover bar as he listens to Kenesha as she and Lara go over the details. "Okay, so it's not like a big heartbeat or the like... wait, did you say alarm clock? If that's an alarm clock, I don't wanna know what it's waking up!" he points out with a shake of his head.

But then she's continuing and there's the whole discussion on virgin sacrifices. Nope, not him either. "Don't think it would be related to that whole Monster Island thing that happened, huh? I missed last night because I had to go to some small country with a name I can't spell, much less pronounce to help evacuate a village at a base of a volcano that was being threatened with an eruption from that thing."

Traps, monsters and contructs? Oh my! "Well, it's a good thing I'm in the company of two experts on such things, then!" he offers brightly, a warm smile shot to the pair of women.

Squatting down once they're on the road, so he's not having to worry about bugs flying into his face, he gives Lara a quick grin. "Oh yeah, doing great. They're all in some tizzy over a play that Ben allowed to happen, I guess his next poker game is going to the Ben Grimm Legal Defense fund, ha." comes the comment, as he listens to the list of things that they may run across and he glances around warily. "Yeaaaaah. Only think worse than triggering a trap is stepping in some dino-dung."

Kenesha has posed:
"It's entirely possible. The monster has been setting off all manner of alarms and causing natural disasters in its wake. It's possible that something about it is triggering events that will draw out *more* monsters to join it. Which is a highly unsettling thought." Kenesha nods to Johnny as they bounce and zoom along through the jungle. She has excellent reflexes and seems to be familiar enough with the area that she knows to avoid certain spots where the Jeep would get bogged down. Flicking a glance towards the GPS to check their relative location, she does some quick math and gives a nod, "Barring any surprises along the way, we'll get there in plenty of time."

The ride does seem to go pretty smoothly for them, relatively speaking. No natives (or Nazis or mutated dino-human hybrids or anything else that's been found here) seem to be in a hurry to stop them. There's a few dinosaurs that can be spotted along the way, thankfully of the plant-eater variety. Nodding to Lara, she grins, "I"m not worried about being eaten, but the possibility of the constructs is worrisome. Especially if they're of an Atlantean nature. That means a mix of highly advanced tech and possibly fueled by magic. I can generally shut them down, but it takes time and if we're under assault it can be tricky."

To Johnny, Kenesha has a somewhat strange question, "Can you generate smoke while flaming? Also, pencil me in for the next poker game. I read the review on that musical.. he's going to need every penny he can get to deal with that mess. Though apparently whoever played Sue was fantastic." See? Johnny isn't the only one with puns.

Lara Croft has posed:
Once their Jeep passed through the gate of giant electric fencing surrounding the SHIELD outpost, Lara had her eyes out on the grassy plains surrounding the base. She listened to the other two, a small smile residing on her lips, as she was happy to be under way, and ever a bit more invigorated when she was on a trek that would take her to a place yet unknown. She did spare a glance back to Johnny when he lowered down to regard them both in the front seats. "Well that sounds rather entertaining." She states in respons, as her hand places the thermos back in to the cup holder between the seats.

With one hand gripping the hand-hold beside her door's frame, Lara looks out at the local megafauna roaming the grassy hills.

"There have been proposed theories, that when we shut down the technology that was dampening Mutations and Super Human powersets, that this place ... activated a response system, that may be the cause of a number of major environmental disasters around the globe. Some are suggesting that this place may have technology that reaches far beyond its borders, and extends to the far corners of the globe..."

She glances back to the two of them. "The Atlanteans have a major influence on almost every part of this place, but the level at which intelligence from beyond our star has impacted what this place's secrets are capable of, is ... well, it can't easily be quantified. We're just not sure yet, what ramifications our actions had, even if we had no choice but to take them. The Brood /had/ to be stopped."

Johnny Storm has posed:
Bouncing around in the back of the jeep, Johnny is pretty easily able to keep his balance. Between the skiing and surfing, it's a pretty easy ride for him. "Yeah, I should get Reed looking into it, but no telling what project he's on at the moment, and he may already be and just not telling anyone he's looking into it." When he's given a time frame on the arrival, there's a short little nod. "Sounds good!" he offers, as they continue along their way.

A frown creaes his features and a shake of his head. "Well, I've got some experience with Atlantean constructs, what, with Namor's totally creeping vibe on my sister and all. So, I've got experience in destroying some of those as long as they aren't using too powerful a water supply."

His attention swivels. "I can't make smoke myself, but give me some green wood or whatever and I can burn it at a low enough temperature to have roughly the same effect?" he asks, looking into the rear-view mirror to catch Kenesha's eyes. "I'll find out from Ben when it is." comes the warm offer and a smirk. "Probably why Sue wasn't there to grouse about it. I just went to have a good laugh. Especially when Doom and his personal protector showed up. But it was a DoomBot. It's always a DoomBot." A smirk.

"That would make sense," that offered to Lara as he turns his attention to the other woman. "After all, if this was some type of anctient containment zone where aliens came to run experiments unchecked, there would of course be leakage when the containment field was broken. And then everything's running amuck and it's a big mess and you have old experiments coming to life or things that had been removed reactivating." He seems to be grasping the idea at the least.

"I sometimes think that the Atlanteans found this place, but something else was here first. Something big and powerful." A glance to Kenesha. "After all, other aliens have used this planet as a test bed for breeding and experiments and who knows what. We're just the universe's petri dish!" He doesn't even seem to realize that he's engaging on a better level instead of fumbling through it. "And if this gives us a way to shut down the possible Brood infestation, so much the better." he glances up and gestures. "Is that our destination?" he asks, in an approximation of 'Are we there yet?'

Kenesha has posed:
"Mmmmmmmmm, you can thank the Kree for the Brood. They came across them millenia ago, captured them, experimented on them, then weaponized them to use against their enemies. They were unleashed against the Shi'ar in the Kree-Shi'ar war. Because of the Kree, the Brood were unified under a single patriarchal banner, rather than spread out across many multitudes of smaller matriarchal clutches. THey became evil, believing it their destiny to conquer and enslave the universe." Kenesha flicks a glance sidelong at Lara and shrugs, "That said, it was the vibranium meteor that drew them to Earth. So that was just bad luck.. the meteor's passage opened rifts in space thanks to the energies it gave off, that drew the Brood, and that lead to them finding Earth. You should have seen the battle fought against the Brood in Egypt in.. 2620? Yeah, that sounds about right. Ended the Second Great Dynasty."

Flicking a glance towards the rearview, she meets Johnny's eyes and smiles, "Not to worry, just something I thought I'd ask about. If it happens, I'll utilize it, but if not, then I have other options as well." Mention of the poker game has her chuckling, "Good. I enjoy a good poker game." She lifts a brow over the mention of Doom and his personal protector, then chuckles and shakes her head, "Now THAT man is a menace. Too smart for his own good." Game respects game!

Shaking her head, Kenesha murmurs, "There are so many things that have happened on and to Earth as the result of alien species... just be glad that some of us are attempting to make good on our progenitors' shennanigans. Nobody wants my people trying to show up en masse." She lets out a small breath and reaches back to attempt to flick Johnny on the ear (lightly!), "And I would appreciate not being reminded of THAT incident, thank you. I have enough mental and emotional scars as it stands." Checking the GPS once more, she pulls the Jeep over as a likely spot and suggests, "We're better off hoofing it the last half-mile, the whole area surrounding this place looks pretty marshy, we don't want to get it stuck in some quagmire."

Turning the engine off, she hops out of the Jeep and smiles, "See? And we still have... an hour before the next spike! Plenty of time!"

Lara Croft has posed:
"If only I could have been there..." Lara says with no small amount of British dry wit, and a smirk cast over to Kenesha beside her. She continues to grip the 'oh shit' handle on the side of her door as the Jeep makes its way across the less than smooth terrain. Her eyes are cast back to Johnny over her left shoulder, and she smiles lightly toward him. "I think that is what fascinates me about this place so much. Take for instance New York City. It is a veritable melting pot of all of Earth's contemporary cultures. While this place, feels like the after effects of something akin to that, only we're just finding it now, centuries past from its peak moments. It's left us a place that we... simply cannot ever know what to expect around each turn."

When they arrive, Lara takes a moment to indulge in one more sip from her thermos before she sets it down and snaps it shut. Her glasses are removed from over her eyes, and tucked in to the pocket on the dash. "We better seal the Jeep up before we leave it, we don't want anything rooting around in it if at all possible. We have a number of ration supplies in the back, just in case." She says, as her belt is removed, and her door popped open.

She heads to the back of the Jeep then, where she retrieves her backpack, and slips it on over her shoulders. Her smart phone is checked, the maps already preloaded upon it. "One hour then. It can be amazing how fast time flies when you're in places like this, though. So we best make haste." She states, coming around from the back of the Jeep.

Johnny Storm has posed:
"Come to Earth, meet the natives, try to enslave them all." Johnny makes a face. "/Ugh/." But that is set aside as he takes the rest of it in and was about to give Kenesha's shoulder when she decided to flick his ear instead. "Ow! I wasn't blaming /you/!" he protests with a small grumble, a shake of his head as he reaches up and rubs his ear.

"I'm surprised things are stable enough here that GPS is viable." Johnny admits. "I remember the first time we explored this place. Had to go in blind. None of the technology could be trusted. Guess it's changed a bit since those days." Well, now he feels old as he reaches up and brushes a finger through his hair, almost as if he could feel new grey showing up in his temples.

Giving up on trying to wish it away, Johnny moves to hop out of the back of the Jeep to help gather their gear and supplies, keeping his own load light. After all, if it's a quagmire, he may need to take to flight in his flame form to get over it. "A whole hour, huh? Even time for a picnic in there." A smirk crosses his face.

But as Lara points out, there are preparations to make, and Johnny is more than willing to assist with them, handing Kenesha her backpack with a swift smile to her before his attention is on securing the cover on the Jeep to keep critters from getting inside and to the supplies within. "Should be a milk run, right? Quick in, quick out, home in time for dinner and drinks."

Because nothing at all could happen here that would cause the three to become bogged down and trapped here, right? Right. He still hasn't flamed up yet, saving himself for when he needs or is asked to.

Kenesha has posed:
"Mmm, I doubt that would have been very enjoyable.. but there are ways to view the events, at least through one perspective. I can't say that anyone else from back then would volunteer," Kenesha lifts a shrug and offers a smile. "If it interests you, from a historical point." Then they're getting out and ready to head off, and she waits near the nose of the Jeep for Johnny and Lara to kit up. Nodding to Lara, she smiles, "Got it covered." Once they're clear of the Jeep, she tosses a small disc onto the hood that pops up a domed shield over the Jeep. "That should keep out anything *natural* at least. There's only so much protection we can do against powered individuals."

Settling her satchel at her hip, Kenesha flahses a quick grin at Johnny, "Most tech won't.. but between the upgrades to tech since your first venture here, as well as the various shields and generators that have been shut down or run down... good tech can get through. You should be able to get a signal on your phone, even. I can't believe Reed would be behind SHIELD in that regard." Then she's nodding to Lara, "But she's right that there are likely corners of this place that will remain unexplored for centuries to come." Which seems to be an exciting prospect to Kenesha!

Looking to Lara, she smiles, "How quickly do you want to reach the entrance? If you're okay with being carried, I can get us there in moments." She glances to Johnny with a smile, "You too, for that matter."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara is sliding a rather nice looking handgun in to a holster on her right thigh, as she moves toward the front of the vehicle. She glances back to see Johnny having put the cover on, only to see the dome of protective power bubble around the Jeep from Kenesha's thrown device. She smirks. A look is sent between the two of them, before Lara glances back at their ride. "I could use one of those for my Jeep back in Manhattahn..." She quips. "It was broken in to a few months back..." She states, chasing her words with a deep inhale, and a heavy exhale, her shoulders rising and falling in-time.

With her eyes looking out at the jungle, followed by the declaration for a fast travel option, Lara laughs openly. She shakes her head side to side. "The number of times I could have used such an option..." She says with amused disbelief. "Normally, I might say the adventure is largely the travel... But since we're on a time table here, with sensitive outcomes at-play... Maybe a lift is indeed, in order." She says, glancing toward Johnny. "I know you can fly, among other things. I've caught up on super hero culture enough to know what you, and your family, are famous for." She tells him, showing off another sly grin, before she looks toward Kenesha again. "Do what you need to get us there."

Johnny Storm has posed:
"You can dazzle me with all over dinner later, Kenesha." Johnny smirks wryly as he moves to join the others, and as the shield pops up, he gives a shrug of his shoulders. "Reed probably has, but again, Reed really only brags when he does something big - or wants to impress Sue." Another smirk at that as he turns back around to the women in charge.

"Yeah, I didn't want to humble brag." Johnny offers to Lara with a wink as he approaches the pair. "And I think Kenesha is just looking for an excuse to get an arm around me. I'm good with that." he offers in amusement as he steps up. "And likewise, I've read your file, Lady Croft. I'm acquainted and can totally respect the contributions you've made." comes his comment as he glances towards the entrance. "Alright, ready when you are, Kenesha!"

Kenesha has posed:
"You can have that one when we're done here. Best part is, it's really hard to see, so if some asshole tries to fling their door open into yours, its just going to bounce off and slam closed on them. No more dents or dings or scratches from random strangers!" Also no bullet holes while being chased back to the vehicle in a hurry! Giving a nod, to Lara, she grins, "I would normally agree about the adventure, but... yes, time crunch." With Lara's assent, she'll look to Johnny.

Laughing at his remark, she nods, "Dinner it is. Pick a place... Paris, Cairo, Brasilia... somewhere fun. We'll have dinner and I'll dazzle." Kenesha nods at his assent as wel and moves in between the two, bending slightly to get an arm around either of them, hefting them up onto a shoulder each and offering, "Keep your head down and hang on!" Then she's taking off! Kenesha can, apparently, run faster than most planes can fly! More than that, she runs on top of the water, so nobody has to deal with that nasty marshy water.

They arrive at the old temple in literal moments, the stone pillars and walls overtaken by lush vegetation in a way that all but hides the existence of the building from sight, looking like a wall of moss and vines with a few trees scattered about. She'll set them both down once she's assured that it's safe to stand, then nods, "Thank you for choosing Air Kenesha for your travel needs. Now, lets get in there so we can start disarming traps and beating down hostiles before that power source surges again. 58 minutes, 32 seconds."

Lara Croft has posed:
Needless to say, the ride is its own whole adventure!

When all is said, and done, Lara touches boot back to earth, and runs her fingers through her wind swept hair. "Well, that certainly just happened..." She says as her ponytail is pulled over a shoulder, her fingers brushing through the length of dark hair. Her eyes go from her two traveling companions, a smile touching her lips again, as she regards their final destination. "Impressive structure, clear Atlantean architectural influences..." She says, already starting forward, her boots carrying her across soft grass, and softer earth toward the ruins ahead. She glances about, the sounds of the jungle thickly layered upon the ambience around them, as Croft advances toward the temple. She glances back over her shoulder. "I saw a place similar to this one when on expedition with Captain Rogers a few months back... I believe we can find the main entrance up ahead." She explains, as she moves on out, her ponytail once more behind her shoulders, bouncing around behind her back as she moves across mostly buried stone path markers, her eyes down upon the etchings engraved in them, studying them, reading them as she heads further along.

Johnny Storm has posed:
"Like I said, when Reed meets you, he's probably going to flip his shit." Johnny admits to Kenesha and he chuckles. "He'll probably want to explore every piece of gear you own and compare it to what he already has. I don't know if that's such a great idea. A gal should have some secrets, right?" he asks with a good-natured smile.

And then she's suggesting he pick a place, and he laughs. "Oh, Kenesha." he offers with a smirk as he folds his arms across his chest. "I'm just as home eating at the Weiner Hut in Metropolis as I am at the steakhouse in the Hellfire Club. But if you want me to pick, I'll figure it out." he offers - just as he's lifted onto a shoulder and he laughs with a small yelp of surprise. He grips his arms around Savant, holding tight to her as he ducks down to avoid getting hit upside the head.

As they arrive at the path, he glances aside to Lara as she starts ahead, and he's moving slightly behind the pair, allowing them to lead. "Oh, then you're familiar? That's awesome." he says as he looks up at the forboding entrance and all those vines and stuff and he considers it all. "Looks like something from the Legends of the Hidden Temple..." he starts to say, and then notices that Lara is sticking to a certain path - and he makes sure to try to shadow behind her in her steps - not close enough to get a ponytail to the face, but enough so that he can focus on her feet and DDR behind her.

Kenesha has posed:
Kenesha chuckles as she rolls her shoulders and nods to Lara, "The return trip will be faster since I know where the Jeep is. We can just teleport back, in case we need to make a hasty exit." Otherwise, they can simply walk back! Because seriously, who wants to be carried around when there's stuff to look at! She'll take out the machete-like blade, keeping it at her side and in her hand, just in case they need to get through some of the vegetation that's overtaken the area.

Following along, letting Lara take the lead, Kenesha is ready to get in the way if anything rears its ugly head. Looking at the markings on the stones and the design of the pillars, she smiles faintly, "I knew it. Atlanteans... there's nowhere they can't get to. I bet there's a whole network of underground rivers and springs that they can use to get around. Old lava tubes that filled with water, or even tunnels they made themselves exactly for this."

Then Kenesha is glancing to Johnny with a grin, "Hey, I like hot dogs. But since we're already out of the country, we may as well stop somewhere on the way back home."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara is continuing to advance down the pathway, brushing aside some of the thick foliage. She pauses a few stone blocks away from the incline toward the ruins archway. "Watch out." Lara says, motioning just off of the pathway where there is a rather visible red and purple coiled snake. It's huge, and visible between the roots of a tree, though its head is not openly visible, rather just the length of its body wrapped up, with buldges in the side indicating it has recently fed. "Looks like you two are not the only ones thinking about food options." Lara dryly jests as she starts up the stairs, which are really just massive stone levels, requiring her to almost lunge up each one to get over it. "Tehse likely had wooden steps, ages ago, that have dissolved away now, sadly for us." She explains, as she reaches the top, and pauses with a hand on the stone structure, her fingerless black gloves allowing her fingertips to feel the cold stone of the old structure. Her eyes roam up it, her neck stretching as she looks almost straight up. "This one is shorter than the last I saw." She states, voice a little strained with her head back like that. But wen she looks down and back to the two of them, she smiles softly. "Come on. There should be a door just within, that I might need your heroic help with." She tells them, as she slips in to the shadows of the ruin's interior narthax.

Once in the dark, a little spotlight of LED light comes on, mounted on Lara's left shoulder, it shines ahead for them, and indeed there is a doorway before them, marked with massive engravings of worn-away figures, staring down at the trio, the stone they're carved in to glittering in the light from Lara's lamp.

"The last one had three plates that we had to insert in to proper fittings. But this looks a little... different." She states. "If either of you have super strength though, or that teleporting power, we might be able to find another way through this."

She crouches down beside one corner, running her hands along a series of grooves. "I can see where the door is meant to roll in to the wall... But still unsure of what triggers it..."

Johnny Storm has posed:
When Kenesha verifies that it's Atlantean in design and goes on about pools and water tubes and all that, Johnny looks visibly concerned. He knows if he gets submerged, he's useless. It's just the crux of his powers and being one of the first heroes, he didn't get all the neat resistances that the current generation has. He's a relic of a bygone era, himself, down here looking for... who knows what. "Yeah. Sounds like fun." he comments, a glance around him as his left arm crosses his chest to rub at the top of his right arm. Well, you wanted a thrill right, Johnothan? Here we are!

The comment about hot dogs is forgotten about for the moment as he concentrates on the situation, trekking back to let Kenesha past him and then following after her as well so he can take up the rear and let Kenesha's position be more flexible.

And then Lara is pointing out the snake and Johnny is back far far away. "Nope. Nope Nope. We're not doing snakes." he mutters, a face at the creature. Does not like snakes, at all.

Once he gets a safe distance from said snake, his attention turns to whatever may be next. "I assume she can't teleport to someplace she's not been before?" he asks curiously, "Since she had made the comment about the Jeep earlier?" a glance towards Kenesha for verification on that he chuckles. "Fortunately, she also meets the first requirement." After all, she carried both of them with ease. He's just going to remain back here. Away from the snake.

Kenesha has posed:
Kenesha doesn't struggle up the giant stone steps, she simply teleports to the top of them and offers a smile and shrug to Lara, "This is how I managed to the Egg of Amahla. If I can see it, I can teleport to it. Or if I've been there before." The glance given to the snake is a quick one, still not terribly worried about being eaten. But then, super speed and teleportation tend to help avoid attacks. Most of them, anyways. She glances back to Johnny and smiles at him, "Just because it's Atlantean in make doesn't mean there's going to be a bunch of water inside. The temple I found was dedicated to an air elemental. It was all huge pitfalls and massive pillars. Hugely high ceilings, giant dome at the top to let in the air. This could just as easily be an Earth or Lava elemental temple, given the location."

Moving further in, Kenesha approaches the door, glancing up and around, looking at the size of it, knocking on it lightly to determine the density of the stone. "I might be able to force it open, but that could also spring a trap... ancient cultures loved their trapped doors. But I might have something..." She reaches into her satchel and calls up what looks like a vaguely smartphone sized and shaped piece of glass, powering it on with a touch and waiting for the symbols to appear. Kenesha will scan the door, then turns the glass towards the rest of the alcove. "This one IS different... Johnny, we're going to need you for this..." She points to recessions carved into the door, all of which wind a path towards a center bowl-shaped recession. "We need fire. At these outer points, then travelling inward. It needs to be roughly the temperature of lava." She glances at him, "Think you can oblige?" There's a faint smile. She's pretty sure that he can.

Johnny Storm has posed:
There's a lot of talk about what needs to be done, and Johnny is paying attention, really. Nevermind the little spout of flame that he sends towards the snake to send it on it's merry little way. But then there's the mention of fire being needed. "A water temple that needs fire? That makes perfect sense!" he offers with a small smirk. He missed the part about it being an Earth or Lava temple. He's focused on Atlantean and probably thinking this is one of those places Namor would try to kidnap his sister to.

As Kenesha points out all of the spots he needs to hit, and he considers. "Like. All at once? And the same temperature as lava? I think I can bring the fire." There's a grin and a wink at the two women as he steps back. And then he announces. "Flame on!"

Exploding into flames, Lara and Kenesha will find that even though the space isn't very large, the flames are not burning them or even felt. He's have almost forty years to get finite control of his powers as he rises into the air. And he starts to glow, a brighter color, increasing his core temperature. As he hits the point he realizes he's near what lava would be, he lifts his hands and aims them forward.

Small gouts of plasma-driven flame leap out, striking the targets that Kenesha has pointed out as he starts to apply the pressure to create lava from the rock to fill the bowl in the center.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara was in the process of doing what she does, searching the corridor for clues. She doesn't have the fancy tech, or controlled self immolation powers! She relies on her ingenuity, and awareness of her surroundings. In fact, she's in the process of pulling out a large metal sconce from a small alcove in the wall, one covered in dust and stringy webs, when Kenesha and Johnny devise a plan. She holds on to the large metal torch, holding it in both of her fingerless-gloved hands as she watches Johnny ignite. It is impressive, and a bit unnerving... all the people she's ever seen engulfed in flames, they didn't.. really ever come back from it!

With the light from Johnny illuminating her profile, Lara steps closer to watch, holding the metal torch yet still in front of her lap. "Impressive." She quietly says as she watches the after-effects of the Fantastic One's efforts, her eyes roaming over the stone door blocking their pathway.

Kenesha has posed:
Kenesha rolls her eyes and sends Johnny a 'you're lucky you aren't on my payroll' sort of look, albeit tempered with fondness. Mostly because he's not really paying attention. But he knows how to do his thing, and once the center bowl is filled, the door groans and shifts, pebbles and dust scatter, and it rolls itself into the wall. There's a short corridor beyond that is likely laced with traps, if Lara's experience has taught her anything. And beyond that, what looks to be a large open space.

Glancing at the pair, Kenesha grins, "So! Who wants to check for the traps, and how to disarm them? Technically, I suppose I could carry Lara through, and Johnny could fly, since I know he and I can move faster than the traps... but one, I'm hesitant to speed up when we don't know what's in the room at the end, and two, if we need to retreat quickly, Lara should have an open path that won't be dependent on someone else carting her along." She glances to Lara and smiles, "You take the left and I'll take the right? We can see if there's any sort of visible triggering system?"

There's not even a question of IF it's trapped. That hallway is MADE for traps. Just wide enough for one person to walk with their arms outstretched, or two people to shuffle along shoulder to shoulder. The walls, ceiling, and floor are all rough-hewn stone. There's potential pitfalls in every dip, divot, and alcove. Even the ceiling has some indents and creases that look a little suspicious.

Johnny Storm has posed:
"Oh if you think this is impressive, you should see what I can do when I have time to warm up!" Johnny offers to Lara with a quick grin as he continues to melt the stone until he hears the click and the loud grinding of the stone as the door is opened. And he takes out his phone and after a moment of scrolling...

The Legend of Zelda secret door opening chime plays. *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWRz1zXnqTg)

As he completes his task, he cuts the gouts of flames, but the Human Torch remains floating in the air as he listens to the question. See, he's paying attention - now. And even while on fire, the outline of his clothing is still visible. "I mean. I could take all the fun out of this for you ladies and just stroll through. Most of what's in there probably wouldn't affect me like this - but I'm all for reverting back and letting you two strut your stuff. I'll just stay back here and enjoy the view." Forever the flirt, he is.

But no, Kenesha has to go and be the flirt-killer. Snapping off his flames for now, he drops back to the floor, and looks between the two. "Well, if she's left, and you're right, I guess I'm straight down the middle, eh?" he asks casually, but he's definetly going to make sure that he stays a few steps behind.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara steps over to where the door had opened. She leaned the torch against a small nook in the frame of the now yawning maw. She smiles back at them both then, as she raises up once more, adjusting the straps of her backpack over her shoulders. "Traps... have been light in these places, as generally they are complicated to build... intended for protecting the most self-righteous of deceased monarchs. Take the Emperor's tomb in China. It has yet to ever be explored, as it is said to be completely surrounded by flowing rivers of liquid mercury... A tantalizing level of mystery, danger, and intrigue, that one..." She states as she heads toward the open doorway, showing them both a slight smirk before she peers within it. "Being that a lot of the underlying technology that powers the region, the traps we have come across can even vary in what manner of odd damage they can dish out too. Best not to underestimate what lies ahead, though now that John is offering, I say we do send him ahead, and let him spring them all... should they exist."

She laughs softly, and pauses. "I'm kidding, of course..."

Lara nods to Kenesha once, before she starts in to the corridor. Her footfalls are even, measured, and casually paced, her eyes roaming over the stonework, both on the walls, and upon the floor. "there is a track here, along the wall." She notes, her bare fingertips dipping in to it as she swipes them over the dusty groove. "Could signal trouble, but could have just been used for the moving of heavy construction elements too."

Kenesha has posed:
"Even plasma is not entirely immune to certain chemicals. I'd rather not risk our 'big gun' with a hallway we could easily disarm," Kenesha winks at Johnny, then adds, "But feel free to stay in flames. There's something about this place that's niggling at me. Like it's familiar but I know I haven't been here. And I'm thinking that fire is going to be needed." Maybe not RIGHT now, but she definitely expects something sooner rather than later.

Taking the right side of the corridor, Kenesha pulls her gloves off to let her fingers run across the stone, eyes darting this way and that to check for any obvious triggers. There's a similar grooce along her side of the wall, which has her examining it more closely. "Hmm.. I can see tiny bits of metal embedded in the stone... I'd say you're right that they definitely had these tracks to carry something... not sure it was construction equipment. Atlantis was highly advanced when most humans were still using bronze weapons and armor. That this tunnel is so.. almost natural looking, suggests they used something that was already at least partially there and they just expanded on it for their purposes."

"Hey Johnny, think you could shoot a small fireball into the room past this hallway? I'd like to get a look at where we're going." Kenesha glances back to Johnny with a smile before looking back to Lara, "And trust me, the Emperor's Tomb in China has been explored. He had some alien tech that he wasn't supposed to have, it was easier to remove it from his tomb than his treasure room." Which is saying something, if the tomb is supposed to be surrounded by rivers of liquid mercury."

Johnny Storm has posed:
"I think I was here in Minecraft once." Johnny comments to himself as he follows the pair, coming to a halt when the two women do, and he casts a smirk towards Lara. "At least buy a guy a drink first before you try to send him to certain doom." With that, he's listening to the bit about tracks. Oh yeah, definetly getting Minecraft vibes.

"There was this planet that Reed took us to one time... I so can't remember the name of it. Might have been in the microverse. But anyway, they had all these crazy tunnels and such. Turned out that they were made by really big bugs. Which I guess would be normal sized bugs in the normal universe." He puzzles over that. Is it relevant? No. But he's just trying to stay in the conversation? It's progress!

Oh right, fireball! "One fireball coming up, even if you didn't use the magic word." A wink at Kenesha as he winds up like a pitcher and throws his hand forward. A perfect little ball of fire leaps from his hand and takes off to illuminate the next room with a small 'flash' of brilliance to illuminate it.

Lara Croft has posed:
The response about the infamous Chinese Emperor's tomb catches Lara's attention. She stares with a curious look for a moment, before a smirk spreads across her lips. "Of course it has..." She quietly says. "No stones left unturned. the Mona Lisa isn't even real." She laughs a little again, as she pauses her advance down the corridor, her eyes looking around the floor ahead of them, when Johnny's flames are once more requested.

Stepping back against the wall, pressing her back to it, Lara watches the man do what he does best. The fireball is so bright it's hard to even look at, causing Lara to glance away, her eyelids squeezed for a moment, before she watches the aftermath of what he unleashed. "I already said 'impressive' didn't I?" She comments, as she loosens up from her position against the stone column behind her, and glances at the both of them.

Movement along the floor draws Lara's eyes, large football sized rats moving away from the explosive blast in the once darkened room. "Now we see what is making the local snake population so large.." She says, watching a pair of the rats scurry past her booted feet. "Don't step on that one." Lara warns, even seeing a rat move around a particular section of the hallway. "There's a breeze coming out from beneath it." She clarifies. "It could be a breakaway, but more likely functions in opening the doorway we came through..."