16950/Cats Take no Prisoners!

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Cats Take no Prisoners!
Date of Scene: 17 January 2024
Location: Grant's Apartment - Grant's Gym
Synopsis: Clara meets her governess head on and... neither seems to win.
Cast of Characters: Ted Grant, Clara Jennings

Ted Grant has posed:
Ted Grant had a very productive evening. He ran down the so called Merry Go Round Slasher, convinced a Joker imitator he didn't want to do that, dropped the same guy off at urgent care (hey he was convincing), and scored four free breakfast burritos from a grateful citizen )anything under $50 is not a bribe). He was heading home, running along rooftops, climbing fire escapes and doing Parkour like he was half his size... and spotting Clara, kitted out flying in. Well that little girl needs more sleep, and a breakfast burrito. She was going to get a talking to. Mask on or off. Ted moves to intercept.

Clara Jennings has posed:
    Clara is flying in. She had to buy paper. American paper. She misses her fancy usual stuff! Still, any sheet in the wind, as she says. She settles down not far from the gym. There is some ruffling, some removal of a mask, cameras are covered. The usual thing. She emerges after with a sigh. She is tired.

    "All that for a well done," she mutters to herself. The stabbing and healing was, in the end, only the start of her work. You ever try to find a single shipping container in New York Harbor? It is not fun. She is better, but she moves a bit stiffly. She is a paper master, and her endurance is human.

Ted Grant has posed:
Ted Grant snaps, "Hey Origami Lass! I see ya. Ya think I run a bed and breakfA... AH WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO YOUR LEG NOW?!" Ted comes out of the shadows, frowning. He is really good at it. It takes more muscles to frown than smile but Ted is far from lazy. If allowed he moves to scoop up the cartomancer. "Did you open up that gunshot wound?" Cue concerned voice.

Clara Jennings has posed:

    Clara nearly jumps out of her heels when Ted does that! She even flails her arms a bit in shock. Not the most useful response to a possible threat, really, but the paper around her responds, as well. But it ultimately does nothing as the startled young woman realizes she is in no danger.

    "You must not do things like that to me! Hey... oh!" He scooped her up easily enough. "I did not open it up," she says somewhat defensively. "Honestly I would have rather nothing have been opened up, but that just was not to be. You know people are so hasty here. I was just trying to talk through our impasse and that odd woman just stabs me right where I was shot before! I am cross. I had to go to the hospital, then visit a healer to get me fully healed-up, and then I could not contact the Director, so I had to complete my mission anyway. Which I did! I will probably just get lectured anyway."

    She is either pouting or that is just how she looks when she is exhausted. She has the whole dark rings under the eyes going on. Her eyes are a bit red, too. She cried. Not very heroic.

Ted Grant has posed:
Ted Grant cuddles Clara as he enters the apartment. "You should have some sympathy for the criminal element. If anything really bad happened to you... I'd make everyone forget about the Justice League for a while. I mean crooks got families too, kids. "Mommy why'd daddy come home lookin' like the Elephant Man?" "It was that fucking Wildcat, honey."

"Okay... you look like you went ten rounds with Tyson. Just go to bed and don't let Megan see you or she'll go all adulting on your little behind...."

Clara Jennings has posed:
    "Hmm? Oh, she is here?" It takes a moment for her to register. She knows the governess, but the whole Megan thing throws her off. She is still a bit confused. The idea that her governess has a life of her own is a new thing.

    Megan is awake, of course, and wearing a bright red, silk baby doll. She was just slipping into the hallway and heading to the kitchen when she notices Ted is not alone. And Clara is not walking on her own two feet. The pleased smile that was curving her lips gets drawn into an expression that indicates she is unsure just how much she needs to disapprove of Clara's state. But ultimately, she just bounds over more worried than upset, "Are you alright, Clara? You look terrible! Wait.. have you slept yet?"

    It is rather overwhelming, if admittedly really welcome. Clara manages a smile, "I am okay. I got the mission done and after the healing I can barely even tell where I was sta.." Wait. She was trying to conceal that part.

    Megan's expression sours as she gives Clara a /look/. Disapproval is extreme. "What were you doing last night, Clara?"

    Clara, now rather cornered (again!) is trying to figure out what to say. Then she realizes, "Governess... why are you wearing ribbons in your hair?"

    "Do not change the subject, young lady!" barks back the governess.

    "Drat," replies Clara.

Ted Grant has posed:
Ted Grant sets Clara down. "Now now, she's safe now. She was trying to do good deeds and her job. Let her sleep. She does look terrible... take a shower too, you smell like the pier and dusty books. No offense." He sidles over to the fuming Megan and throws an arm around her slim frame. "Gotta a smooch for me?"

Clara Jennings has posed:
    Clara finds herself, for the first time, a bit taller than her governess. It is a bit of an odd scenario for her. Still, were she a foot taller, Megan would still tower over her somehow. She is happy to accept the reprieve. "Yes, sir." She would dart off, but she is too damn tired for any of that.

    Megan looks... irritated that Theo stopped her, but her disapproval only locks onto him for a second and she realizes two things. First, he is never going to take her glower seriously. Second, he is right. Drat him.

    "You know I am supposed to be the good cop, not the bad one," she says. She cannot even pretend to be irritated by it. She grins at him instead and bounces on her toes to get that smooch.

    "You know we have to find out more, though. I mean honestly. She keeps getting hurt out there." Megan will not say more. It is too upsetting to even think how close a shave it was last time.