17011/America Needs Your Help!
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America Needs Your Help! | |
Date of Scene: | 25 January 2024 |
Location: | Lounge and Kitchen - Young Avengers HQ |
Synopsis: | America comes across Mark and Sunny in the YA HQ and they discuss get togethers and current/former relationships. America did not date Megatron. |
Cast of Characters: | Mark Grayson, Sunny Harlow, America Chavez
- Mark Grayson has posed:
"I figure that we should at least take a look around and check things out." Mark comments as he is taking in the Lounge area, a small frown creasing his features. "I think... we've had one meeting here since I joined the team?" he asks himself as much as Sunny as he puts his hands in his pockets.
"We should probably have a team meeting at some point... but that's not really my thing, I guess." He blows a breath out of the side of his mouth, apparently still working through some lingering thoughts his father put in his head and just his own restlessness and confidece. "Want a coffee? There's apparently an awesome one here."
- Sunny Harlow has posed:
"The team thing is new to me too," Sunny points out as she follows along, her own gaze looking over the space. "But it's always nice to be around friends, right?"
The blonde moves, making her way alongside Mark and giving him a little playful elbowing.
"Maybe, although I could go for something sweet. We could get something to eat with the others, or afterwards maybe?"
- America Chavez has posed:
From behind the couple comes a bright, dazzling display that momentarily lights up the room. Stars dance before their eyes--Quite literaly--As a star opening seems to erupt in space and time and dimension. From it steps America Chavez looking as if she's perhaps been dragged through the dirt a time or two. Not TOO dirty, but her hair was messed up, she had smudges on a cheek, and her clothes were dusty. A finger is flipped off behind her before the star closes and she's left standing there regarding the couple.
"Please for the love of everything tell me you two know how to work that stupid coffee machine." They couldn't just have a drip coffee pot. Really? She trudges over toward the kitchen area with a half-forgotten greeting of, "H'lo Mark." A quick look is run over Sunny recognizing her but not really catching a name. "And you too."
- Mark Grayson has posed:
"You know, the Titans are already doing pizza parties. We could do something else. I'm told pancakes are the tradition here? We could totally do a big pancake breakfast thing." Mark suggests to Sunny, a chuckle when she elbows him lightly and kisses her affectionately on the cheek. "Like, all types of pancakes. With blueberries or chocolate chips..." And that's when there is a disturbance and he goes quiet.
When there's that bright light, Mark immediately turns. Both hands are held, ready to go on the defense or offense, feet spread, just in case this is an attack... and it's just America. But he waits until she snaps closed that star-shaped portal before he relaxes. "You good?" he asks in slight concern as she dusts herself off.
But then there is the question about the coffee maker. "I figured it had instructions?" he asks, looking to Sunny. "You ever work as a barista?" he asks her teasingly, as they both worked in food service at one point.
And then he sees America's expression and he /ohs/. "America, this is Sunny Harlow, or Indestructibelle. She's the third part of Bunny and I. Sunny, this is America Chavez, she's the second in command around here after Hawkeye. The girl one."
- Sunny Harlow has posed:
"I could make pie?" Sunny offers lightly, the heroine already contemplating desserts. Though saying more comes to a stop at the starry display that has America stepping through in the rather dramatic entry.
Okay, Mark knew her so this probably wasn't an attack, but recognition took a moment longer given the other woman wasn't dressed up as she'd seen her on the previous outing. At least until she remembered Bunny's introduction.
"Oh! Right! Yes!"
A little sheepish lift of her hand and Sunny gives a little wave in greeting. "Good to meet you properly...are you alright? You look like you've had...an eventful day?"
- America Chavez has posed:
America Chavez reaches up to run a hand back through her hair as she catches sight of her current state in the reflection of one of the microwaves. A quick attempt at getting the curls a bit less dusty and more in order is made. "Mm. I'm fine, yeah. America Chavez, good to meet you, chica," she greets back with a quick smile tossed over her shoulder. "Just a small run in with some Sandcats. They sound way cuter than they are."
Turning again she regards the espresso machine with a crinkle of her nose. "I was shown once but it didn't really stick in my mind. I'm half afraid of breaking the damn thing." Heaving a heavy sigh over this fact she turns instead to the fridge to open it, and pull out a Coke. "Either of you want one?"
- Mark Grayson has posed:
"Sandcats... yeah, not exactly friendly. Got it." Mark chuckles and glances at Sunny. "Would you rather do pies instead of pancakes?" he asks, therefore looping America into their previous conversation. Though now that they are heading into the kitchen. And there's a realization.
"Last time I was here, it was with Bunny. She's the one that made the coffee." he comments and frowns. "And I didn't pay a lick of attention, because we've dated for long enough that I assumed we'd be together down here." He laughs and rubs the back of his head. And he peers at the machine again. "Why can't we just have a Mr. Coffee?"
- Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Sandcats?" They certainly did sound cuter, but given America's current state? Well, Sunny was going to assume not so muc.
Mark's offer turned moment of panic gets a playful nudge and an exaggerated roll of her eyes before she pushes towards the kitchen. "I'll figure it out. Sit down and relax you goober."
America's offer? It's politely declined with a shake of her head before the blonde speaks up. "Mark and I were talking about...team meal things I guess? Like a breakfast or dinner get-together, or catered meeting I suppose."
- America Chavez has posed:
"I never say no to pie," America supplies with a grin as she turns to lean against the counter with her hips. One arm crosses lightly over her stomach as the other raises to take a few gulps off the Coke. Sandcats were also dusty darnit. Being made of sand and all. "Yeah, we usually did breakfasts. Pancakes, bacon, greasy good things. Great for the morning after a fight or being up too late for one reason or another. Plus," she adds with a shrug. "Breakfast diners usually aren't that expensive." They were a bunch of kids when things started of course 'cheap' was high priority. So was breakfast.
"I always figured dinner was just one of those things you'd dread all day going to, or get distracted and forget. That might just be me though." She glances to the side slightly. "I've been accused of a short attention span in the past. It's more like I've got a lot I keep an eye on."
- Mark Grayson has posed:
Taking a seat at the bar, Mark shakes his head at the offer of a Coke. "If Sunny's gonna use the machine, I'd be a terrible boyfriend if I didn't at least try to enjoy what she makes." he teases. "I was just considering team building exercies, America." he admits. "I know that's not really in my wheelhouse." A small pause.
"But after it was announced that my father..." Air quotes, "...passed away, mom sent me a pic of all of the dishes from people I never met have been brought to the house. She's buried in meals." A small smirk, but one can see the sadness in it. "And it made me realize, outside of missions, we haven't really done the meet the team thing. So... I was just spitballing ideas. Because I'd rather know who's on the team here than out in the field when I'm trying to figure out who someone is. If that makes sense?"
- Sunny Harlow has posed:
Part-time job experience away! Sunny's attention moved to the coffee machine as she began the strange ritual that was making sure the thing was actually turned on and ready.
The hiss of steam and the commencement of brewing, she looks past the machine to the pair. "Being in a team is still strange to me, but I'm glad I'm getting to meet so many people."
- America Chavez has posed:
"My first boyfriend shot me," America states with another sip of her Coke being taken as she shrugs the thought off. "He was an asshole with an over-powered gun. Bad decision on my part." Very bad, but she'd been trying at the time with her first team and it just... No.
"I'll still drink coffee too. I just needed a drink one way or another pronto." The talk of meeting the other teammates earns a nod of thought. "Guess it has been awhile. We had a dance party once, that was fun. One of the guys DJed it. Another got us some booze--" Here she pauses looking to the pair. "Anyway. It was fun. We could call a hangout or meeting or whatever I guess."
- Mark Grayson has posed:
"Was your first boyfriend Megatron?" Mark asks. What, he couldn't pass it up and America literally goes to other dimensions! But he hears the hiss as the machine goes off. "I want no whip." A teasing tone to Sunny, before he considers the option as America lays them out. Though it does bring a small smirk to Mark's face.
"Sunny hits twenty-one first. Pretty soon at that. I'm twenty-one in August. Bunny will be lagging behind us by about a year. But yeah. Not a must have thing. Just... considering it."
- Sunny Harlow has posed:
Well, Sunny wasn't going to be complaining about her first boyfriend dumping via text message while she was rescuing people. At least he didn't shoot her!
A little shrug, she she continues the coffee prep before placing the mug aside towards Mark for him to collect and chasing up her own hot chocolate.
- America Chavez has posed:
"Nope. Fellow on my first team. He didn't really have a power so much as the gun which could take away people's powers. He didn't take kindly when I told him I wanted to break up." America polishes off the soda only to crunch it up in her grasp, and toss it toward the trash.
It misses.
Cursing under her breath she pushes off from her leaning spot to stride over and scoop it up. It makes it to the trash NOW, but it was far less impressive.
"So I know you're an alien-hybrid Mark. What about you Sunny? Since we're here and talking knowing team-mate powers. Mine are flying, strength, invulnerability, and punching through dimensions."