17036/Central Park Shenanigans
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Central Park Shenanigans | |
Date of Scene: | 29 January 2024 |
Location: | Central Park |
Synopsis: | A meeting at a restaurant near Central Park ended up with a rather quirky encounter between Natasha Romanova, Nikolas Kamarov, and Kitora Alua, involving the imagery of mecha-Stalins and animate mushrooms. |
Cast of Characters: | Natasha Romanoff, Nikolas Kamarov, Kitora Alua
- Natasha Romanoff has posed:
It had been a long day. Halfway around the world (give or take). A mad villain with an oversized mustache, a shrink ray, and a plan to steal world monuments to build an amusement park to fund world domination schemes. Starting with the Kremlin. Intended to be put in a snow globe.
After that miserable mission where they had nearly lost if not for the outside intervention of an anthropomorphic Pteromyini and his fellow companion a likewise anthropomorphic Alces alces. In which things had been bad enough and almost fatale.
The two looked almost miserable, in a way like going to a bar and ordering booze, and finding out they only had non-alcoholic american beer.
- Nikolas Kamarov has posed:
"Look," A man oddly dressed in what looks more like a battle suit then something you'd wear out and about. His accent is thick, Russian. "All I am saying is if intelligence is that poor that it was a shrink ray not a think ray, I might as well get sent back to the Gulag."
The man turns to the woman and shakes his head. "Natasha. This was the third time this month some translation mix up." He shakes his head looking ahead on the path. "Something feels weird." He says slowly, looking around. "Something seems off. I feel something."
- Kitora Alua has posed:
Kitora Alua wanted to visit Central Park so was 'flying' through the sky to get there, sighing happily as she lands in the alley behind a nearby bar. She takes a deep breath as her eerie aura vanishes, leaving her looking relativel normal though with firetrick-red hair - and she's wearing sunglasses. She walks into the bar, curious - she's never been in one before and isn't sure if she's even allowed for she's only 19 as she sits down by a table, glancing at the colorful characters within.
- Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanova would just glance over at Nikolas and grumble, going again in a very distorted voice, "Zhem and vhat.." Going to focus her words out as if she were not trying to strangle someone. "I'm going to need a drink." It was a particularly bad day when even -she- admitted she needed a strong drink. In Central Park.
"Just make sure the mushrooms aren't moving on their own." They'd already had to deal with the militant uprising by the small fungoid colonies announcing the annexation of the surface world via a sing along and mind control ray made by an arrogant alchemist
- Nikolas Kamarov has posed:
He's all but abandoned the idea of a drink. Suddenly standing tall and staring straight at the wall of the alley. "Never felt this one before. Shifting gravity to fly." He's about to move but then he stops. "It's gone." He says looking to Natasha, "I really used to like mushrooms before that. No all I can hear is that blasted song when I see it."
His gaze flickers towards the door at the RED head entering. "I can't tell." He says cryptically to Natasha before watching her for a moment. "We're never going to get a drink are we?"
- Kitora Alua has posed:
Kitora Alua just blinks as the barkeep STARES at her. Fortunately it's not just a bar but a normal restaurant. "Okay, okay.." she mutters as she stays away from the 21-only bar area as she sits down, glancing over at someone talking about mushrooms... but... then... she STARES at Nikolas. He figured out what she was doing? She heads over, shooing away the barkeep's glare. "Talking about gravity?" she asks softly as she sits down next to him, wondering how he could know exactly what she was doing.
- Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanova would look over at Nikolas, "The next words out of your mouth had /better/ not be about Kansas or they will never find the gulag that you're imprisoned in for it was buried so deep." There's a grumble her. At least it's not involving the rising of Mecha-Stalin to try and take over the moon.
- Nikolas Kamarov has posed:
Nikolas Kamarov watches with keen interest as Kitora saunters over and when she all but confirms it, he gives a nod of his head. "Much like you, I have ways. You have a unique signature." He says levelly looking at the yiung woman a moment.
"I am Nikolas Kamarov. What is your name?" He shifts just slightly, his body posture ready to pounce like a cat if the moment should occur.
- Kitora Alua has posed:
Kitora Alua just sighs softly. "Kitora Alua," she states softl, glancing over between the rather-deranged-sounding Natasha and the one who just somehow KNEW what she was doing. "Your discretion would be greatly appreciated," she finally states, glancing over again to the one who's talking about mushrooms, Stalin, and Kansas.
- Natasha Romanoff has posed:
There's always a risk of flying monkeys. Natasha slowly slinks about and then glances over at Kitora, "I believe that you'll find we're discrete. Well, at least he is." To the Russian wearing heavy power armor and seeing auras.
- Nikolas Kamarov has posed:
It's slimming though!
"Ah? Are you going to do to something young Kitora, that you need things hushed up about?" He asks with a tilt of his head to look down at the younger woman. He glares at Natasha a moment before looking back to Kitora. "So long as you don't become a threat, I see no reason to tell the world." Shield on the other hand? You betcha! Kitora is totally getting a file made.
- Kitora Alua has posed:
Kitora Alua sighs soflty. "Let's just say that there are intolerant people around and drop it." She then orders a Mountain Dew and a rather LARGE double cheeseburger with curly fries. She smiles softly. "I'll check hte mushrooms for you - I ordered extra and I'll see if they're moving." She grins. "What was your name?" she asks Natasha.
- Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanova would look over at Kitora, "There are intolerant people everywhere. Here. Underground." Mole Men. "In space." Shi'Ar. "It's a consistent thing. One can let it smother you and restrain you or accept and ignore it. And I'm Natalia."
- Nikolas Kamarov has posed:
"Ahh, yeah. I can understand that, young Kitora." Nikolas says with a nod of hie head before hiseyes squints at her when she says she's ordering the mushroom burger. He shrugs his shoulders to Nat. "We are much too sober, Comrade, to be having philosophically conversationa about the state of the world."
- Kitora Alua has posed:
Kitora Alua nods as she gets her food and chows down, nodding slowly. "Yeah... I even got glared at by a fish when I scubadive in a lake." She sighs softly. "People suck everywhere - but it's a whole spectrum of sucking that makes the world the wonderful awful place it is," she states softly as she glances between Natasha and Nikolas, shoveling food like she's Michael Phelps. "Why would Stalin want the moon? Still salty about Apollo 11?"
- Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanova would shrug over at Kitora, "He sought to take it before the Capitalists did. The greedy west thought they would take it over before the glorious people's republic would do so." She's got that line of deadpan where she's perfectly sincere or walking the line of a 50's propaganda cartoon.
- Nikolas Kamarov has posed:
"Da," Nikolas says with a nod of his head. "We should have reached it first, Imagine. Russian flag planted on the moon before the American's." Nikolas sighs wistfully for a moment before shaking his head looking to Kitora. "It could be worse, young Kitora. You could be in Siberia. Where nature will kill you faster then a blink of an eye if she so chooses."
- Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanova would nod over at Nikolas, "Da, comrade. Imagine, up in space, giant head of glorious Stalin gazing down upon all, judging." Her managing to do the commentary with complete sincerity. "Or somewhere worse than Siberia. Australia."
- Kitora Alua has posed:
Kitora Alua blinks. "Australia's wildlife is rather dangerous, but at least it _can_ support life." She shrugs as she wor ks on her food. "By the way, the mushrooms are not attacking. They're delicious." She finished her large plate of food rather quickly.
- Nikolas Kamarov has posed:
"It would have been glorious." Nikolas says with a nod. "But the world has moved on as they say." He tilts his head to look at Kitora. "I grew up in Siberia. I survived. Even survived two years in the Gulag." He shrugs his shoulders at that. "Man can survive anywhere. Even space I would imagine."
- Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanova would shrug, "Well, if you can survive in space then you are but exposed to the endless void, drifting perpetually in nothingness at a few meters an hour until you are pulled in by a gravitic body."
- Kitora Alua has posed:
Kitora Alua smiles. "You were in a gulag?" she asks softly. "I'm so sorry - that's awful..." She sighs softly, clicking her tongue. "Well... ummm...." She sighs softly, glancing over at the other two, not really sure what to say.
- Nikolas Kamarov has posed:
Shots of vodka some how got ordered. Just as Nikolas reaches for it, something beeps in his ear. He lowers his head and looks to Natasha as he listens. "Well, Kitora, stay safe." And in a blink he is gone, faster then any man can normally move. A Shield Agents job is never done.