17047/Juggernaut v Green Goblin

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Juggernaut v Green Goblin
Date of Scene: 30 January 2024
Location: Atlantic Ocean
Synopsis: Juggernaut is hired to protect a Roxxon exec that Green Goblin is out to kill in revenge. They face off when Goblin finds them aboard a ship off the African coast.
Cast of Characters: Norman Osborn, Cain Marko

Norman Osborn has posed:
The MS Swallow moves through the deep blue of the Atlantic, rolling on the light swells as it parallels the African coast just visible on the edge of the horizon.

The Dutch-registered ship is owned by Roxxon Corporation, and usually services their oil platforms along the African contintent. Ferrying supplies and equipment back and forth, the ship is NOT an oil tanker.

Today though the ship has a slightly different mission. Having left a platform, they are steaming north with an ultimate destination of a European port. The captain stands looking out at his ship, though keeps stealing glances over at the unusual sight on his bridge. A man in an expensive tailored suit with an irritable look on his face. And two other men in suits standing back out of the way. Bodyguards. If not the worst of the bodyguards, by the captain's estimation.

Roger Brinkley turns towards the captain. In a cross tone, he asks, "Are you sure we can't make any better time than this?"

The captain raises both hands slightly in an unsure gesture. "The Swallow can go faster. But I was told not to deviate in a way that would make us stand out to anyone. Running faster than this would be unusual since Roxxon is strict about fuel economy on her vessels," he says.

Roger lets out an annoyed sigh and nods. This might be the safest way that Roxxon corporate security could come up with to get him home from the African oil field where he was overseeing a project. But it's certainly not the most enjoyable. Another four days before they'll make port.

Looking over his shoulder to one of his two bodyguards who are present, Roger asks, "Where's our insurance policy? Sleeping in his cabin?"

Cain Marko has posed:
If by cabin Mr. Roger Brinkley means a furnished cargo contained intended to temporarily act as a private residents for the one known as Juggernaut? Then yes, Cain Marko is in his cabin. The double doors have been flung open to permit the sea air to infiltrate the container and an old sofa acts as an arm chair for the Unstoppable Juggernaut. The domed helmet that he wears may remain fixed in place on account of the covered bolts that secure it in place, but that doesn't prevent his shoulders shifting and taking in the sights that the sea has to offer.

He spits a mighty glob of spit to the side, with it landing heavily on account of the sheer volume of it. "Time to check in," he rumbles deeply and begins to rise up from his seat. He pushes himself up with massive hands upon equally massive knees until he's attained his full, towering height. He's like a mid-size car as he moves, weaving his way away from the luxury cargo container suite and among the other features of the ship's short deck. He walks and each stomping stump sends a shudder through the ship which will surely result in at least a few wary glances between crewmembers.

The Juggernaut's headed for the bridge and is clearly visible doing so as the big crimson truck marches his way toward it and there's nothing that can stop him.

Norman Osborn has posed:
A trio of crewmembers are positioned here and there about the ship, keeping watch with binoculars. Is that normal? Probably not. Especially during daylight and with just a few clouds in the sky.

The captain winces slightly at the sound of those footsteps, but doesn't make comment. Instead he turns to go over to the navigation table, busying himself looking at the displays as if he could will his ship to Europe to unload these unusual passengers more quickly.

Roger turns at the Juggernaut's approach. His hair is slicked back, his aristocratic face carrying the frown that has been his perpetual expression since learning he'd be stealthy taking the slow boat back to Europe.

When Juggernaut arrives at the bridge, Roger looks him over before turning his gaze back outside. "I never thought to ask, can you swim in that? Looks like the helmet alone would pull a man under," the Roxxon executive asks.

Outside one of the men on watch takes a few steps over to one side of the ship, focusing his binoculars. "I think there's a plane coming this way," he calls to the bridge.

The captain moves over to get his own binoculars and look out from the bridge. "It's far away still. Or small. Or both," he says. He turns and asks a crewman, "Anything on radar? Can you get a distance?"

The crewman turns a few dials and then shakes his head. "Not showing at all yet. Maybe when it's closer, captain."

Cain Marko has posed:
"I can do a lot of shit in this," Juggernaut answers brusquely without shifting his dome-covered head about to regard Roger. He doesn't quite make it into the bridge itself, because of the tight quarters. Instead the Juggernaut stands outside of it, leans down, and peers within like some great beast peering into a small hole or cave in search of something that may prove a tasty morself. The ice blue of the Juggernaut's eyes dance between those tucked away within the bridge while he peers from the doorway. It's obvious that he's taking a read of the room and the people in it. Tense. Jumpy. A grunt escapes the Juggernaut and it's not an entirely pleasant sound to be subjected to as he leans up to peer in the direction indicated.

The next question is firm, spoken loud enough that Cain's voice may carry into the bridge without harming their tender ear drums, "Maps indicate any airfields on or near the coast?" The answer to that question may better inform whether or not the supposed plane might be of concern.

Regardless of the urgency or danger of it, Juggernaut corrects his bent posture and begins to stomp his way fore. Better to be on the deck, watching and waiting. Better to watch and wait, than be forced to react under less than ideal circumstances. A fist comes to meet it's opposites palm and the crackling of knuckles sounds like popcorn bursting as it cooks. The same can be said of his neck and shoulders as he begins to roll those as well.

Norman Osborn has posed:
At the question from the Juggernaut, Roger Brinkley turns with an expectant expression towards the captain. Who turns towards his navigator. "A few small airstrips, the nearest... forty-five miles away. But they probably fly inland mainly," he tells the captain.

The captain nods and returns to looking through his binoculars. "Seems like it's approaching," he says. He turns back towards the crewman who has moved to stay at the radar screen. He gives a shake of his head in silent answer. Still nothing there.

The man on watch outside is leaning against the railing of the walkway that rings the bridge, as if that extra few inches will help him see better. "I don't... I don't think it's a plane," he says, peering through the binoculars.

"I think... wait, what are those!?" he says, the last part turning into a shout.

The speck in the sky has grown larger, easier to track with the naked eye. Definitely coming closer. And now two smaller specks have dropped away from it and there's a plume of exhaust as they race ahead, straight towards the freighter.


Cain Marko has posed:
"Mother fucker," Cain intones with obvious annoyance. It doesn't take much for the Juggernaut to reach his destination and along the way there's the screech of aluminum and low quality steel as something is readily ripped away from the deck. The last step brings Juggernaut to the railing of the deck and he doesn't bother to steady himself. Largely because he doesn't feel like bending the railing without any sort of purpose. He heaves the object in his grasp - about the size of a standard washing machine - in the direction of the oncoming missiles. He obviously hopes to death two birds with one stone; but he's not leaving anything up to change.

A few stomping steps later and the cargo container that acts as his personal residence is swept up. The muscles of his arms bulge, truly showcasing the titanic power of the Juggernaut as he prepares to hurl that cargo container over his head and away from the ship in a bid to stop the incoming missiles should his first attempt fail.

For the moment Roger Brinkley is forgotten and the Juggernaut's committing himself to exactly what he was paid to do: keep his protectee safe.

Norman Osborn has posed:
The chunk of metal that used to be a winch used for pulling in things over the side of the boat, flies through the air and right into the path of one of the missiles. It hits it, and the detonation that results sends the second missile off course. It plummets rapidly into the ocean before it can right its course, if it was capable of that. A plume of water results from the explosion. Most of the people on the ship are likely thinking of the magnitude of those explosions, and what they would have done had they happened on the side of the ship.

The cloud of smoke hanging there from the air detonation is suddenly disturbed, flying apart as Green Goblin flies through it on his warglider.

"Brinkley! Did you think there wouldn't be repercussions for trying to screw me over?! Did you think there was anywhere you could go that the Green Goblin wouldn't find you?" he yells down at the boat as the warglider arcs a path above, circling it.

The large form of the Juggernaut is hard to miss and harder to ignore. Green Goblin calls down to him amidst maniacal cackles, "Juggernaut! I don't know what brought you out here! But tear Roger Brinkley's head from his shoulders and we can part on amiable terms. Or just stand aside while I do it. You can enjoy the show!" The villain who terrorized New York for over a year circles overhead. The two bodyguards step out from the bridge, pulling handguns from their shoulder holsters.

Cain Marko has posed:
The growl of the explosions are only rolling into the distance as the warglider bursts through the acrid smoke hanging in the air. "Goblin?!" Juggernaut almost sounds amused as the warglider's rider begins to circle overhead and makes his sales pitch. Or his bargain. The Juggernaut wastes no time in answering, sounding more than amused at the offer and the implications of it, "I got hired to keep your man Brinkley alive!" The Juggernaut's voice cuts through the air like thunder. As though another explosion had just gone off above the ship's deck. The cargo container that he holds - still spilling some of the furnishings that had been placed within it and other amenities onto the deck - is given a little shift as Cain adjusts his grip on the massive box.

Up does Juggernaut's eyes searching, watching the path and trajectory of the warglider before he calls out, "I made a deal! I ain't breaking it! You want to fuck with my payday, I'll fuck you!"

Juggernaut doesn't seem too concerned with the potential play on words.

He worries about deciding exactly where that warglider's headed next and that's where he decides to hurl the cargo container. It takes minimal effort and hardly a grunt for the Avatar of Cyttorak to hurl the tractor trailer-sized container into the air with a cruel, mocking laugh. Even as the cargo container lifts his powerful, crushing grip - Juggernaut's already moving to wrench a whole exhaust cover from its bolted position atop the deck and prepared to fling it after the cargo container.

Norman Osborn has posed:
Upon hearing Juggernaut's pronouncement that he's there to -protect- the target of Green Goblin's ire, the villain lets out an angry growl. "And here I figured you had the sense to work with me!" Goblin yells back at his sudden adversary. "Though I'd have hoped for a better opponent if that's what it comes to. Unstoppable Juggernaut? The way you look in that costume, I'd say the only thing that's been unable to stop you is the line at the all-you-can eat buffet!" Green Goblin hurls down to the Cyttorak-powered behemoth.

The shipping container hurls through the air at him. Green Goblin leaps off his glider, which dives to dart under the container, while Green Goblin vaults over the flying metal. Pushing off with his hands to flip overtop and come back down on the warglider that has zoomed back up to him.

"Alright, we'll do it the hard way then!" Goblin yells. The two bodyguards open fire at him with their handguns. Green Goblin's arm sweeps out, sending a spray of four pumpkin-shapes flying their way.

The two bodyguards dive out of the way, the pumpkins hitting the ship, the explosions smaller than the missiles, but lethal had the men not dodged aside. Green Goblin brings the warglider back around as if lining up Juggernaut with more missiles!

Cain Marko has posed:
"You should've hired me to go after Brinkley then, HUH?!" the angry shout is spat back into the sky at the warglider and Green Goblin. The exhaust cover follows the cargo container, but the Green Goblin's acrobatics cause it to miss by a wide margin. A few moments later and the cargo container makes a large splash into the ocean, followed by a much small splash of the second piece of debris hurled into the air.

"Wanna make me a better deal? Come on down here and lets talk. All civilized and such!" the Juggernaut calls out with a fierce, devilish grin from within the confines of his domed helmet. If he takes umbrage at the insult paid to his gargantuan physique; he doesn't seem to show it. Instead he lifts a hand to wave the Green Goblin and his glider down, as though summoning them for a face to face meeting. Even as the glider lines itself up; whether for a strafing run or worse, the Juggernaut begins to walk. He steps in the direction of the glider and maybe as part of some act of bravado or sheer, unmitigated confidence the brutish Juggernaut seems prepared to take whatever Goblin can throw at him on his metaphorical chin.

"Maybe if you weren't so CHEAP... you'd have hired me to pull him apart, but now YOU get to deal with ME! Come down here and talk!" The avatar's fist that coils at his side may very well indicate that there'd be very little talking to be had.

A little closer.

A little closer.

When the warglider's path seems to center itself on its attack run on Cain's position, he quickly reaches aside and scoops up a tool box filled with tools. Sure, the mechanic who they belong to will surely be annoyed later, but if the job's completed? Cain can always make it up to the guy. The tool box is launched like a god hurling a small child's plaything into the sky. A scatter shot of wrenches, hammers, pliers, spare nails, loose bolts, and all manner of other amenities are launched into the path of the warglider along with a vicious, thunderous laugh.

Norman Osborn has posed:
"I don't -NEED- you to kill him, Juggernaut. I can do it myself! With you or against you. I was just offering, let's call it 'professional courtesy'!" the Green Goblin yells back to Juggernaut as he lines up on him. Within his mask the glider's sensors seek out a lock on the enormous man.

Just as Goblin sees the little flash of the targeting bip that indicates a lock for the guided missile, that shotgun-like spray of tools is flung his way. The villain is agile enough to go blow for blow with Spiderman, but evading the cloud of heavy metal tools proves too much.

Goblin tries to flip over the tools only to take a heavy wrench in the side. It knocks him off course for landing on his glider and he falls, plummeting into the water with a sploosh.

The glider dives after him, disappearing into the water close on the villain's heels. Only a few seconds pass before water is burst aside as Goblin jets back up into the air, one arm held over his side where the wrench hit. "Broke my rib I think. Done playing Mr. Nice Guy now."

The bodyguards have gotten back to their feet, and cleared their heads from the pumpkin bomb explosions enough to begin firing again.

Cain Marko has posed:
The Juggernaut storms toward the railing, practically causing the boat to rock with the booming footfalls as the Big Red Meanie begins to laugh at the success of his Craftsman shotgun is made evident. The Green Goblin struck by something and plummeting to the water. That laughter fades however when the warglider pursues the fallen Goblin, diving into the water to return to its master.

"Gah!" he growls out with obvious frustration. He plants himself near the ship's edge, without arriving too close to it, because he's not feeling too crazy today!

The burst of water as the glider and its master explodes from it anew is met by a sneer from the Juggernaut, "Fly away and I won't twist your fucking head off!"

The threat is made and as the bodyguards begin to open fire anew, Cain turns away from the railing. He moves to collect the old couch that had only moments ago acted as his arm chair and bed in equal measure. Carelessly he flings it, sending the broken down old lump of fabric and wood careening overboard and in the direction of Green Goblin and his glider. Still Juggernaut does not stop. Rarely does he.

He storms toward the bridge, snarling through bared teeth and wide, bloodshot eyes as he practically roars at the bridge and captain, "Get us closer to the shore!" Then a giant finger the size of a Pringles can jabs in the direction of Brinkley, wherever that little slick-haired weasel's hidden himself away, "Brinkley, get over here! If I gotta cover you quick, I don't need to go searching for you!"

Norman Osborn has posed:
This time, Goblin is ready for the makeshift anti-aircraft fire. Furniture as it turns out. The warglider agilely banks, moving out of the path and bringing Green Goblin around at the front of the ship, as if to make a run down its length.

"I'll try," the captain says, peeking up and out the window from where he's crouched since the explosions started. "But we're a good ten minutes out from shore!" he yells.

The man turns back to look out the bridge's window. Roger Brinkly rises from where he was hiding behind a console. "Yes, you have to get me out of here, he wants to kill me!" Roger says. The scorn that his voice held earlier has given way to the shrill sound of fear.

But the attacking villain doesn't seem to intend to give the boat a chance to race for land. Even as the ship's bow is swinging around, Green Goblin flies in from in front of it. Four missiles drop from the glider and ignite, two flying away to either side before arching around to come in from either side of the ship, the missiles separated by a good distance to avoid one taking out the other again.

And as he jets overtop the ship, a shower of pumpkin bombs falls from above the ship, at least two dozen of them spread out all along the ship from bow to stern!

"Save me!" Roger yells, moving to Juggernaut quickly.

Cain Marko has posed:
The Juggernaut twists as the whine and roar of the warglider picks up in its intensity. The bombing run has begun. The Juggernaut roars out something between a battle cry and titanic annoyance before he turns away anew. He rushes forward, covering the distance of a normal man's ten strides in two and a half.

Even as Mr. Roger Brinkley rushes toward the Unstoppable Juggernaut, Cain's arm sweeps out to pluck the man up beneath it like a child's doll. He pulls the man in close and into an intimate embrace. He doesn't speak, he doesn't chastise the man for telling him how to do his job. Now cradling the fully grown man like a mother carries its unruly toddler to her chest, shooshing and offering softly spoken reassurances.

Unfortunately for Brinkley there isn't much soft to the Avatar of Cyttorak and he's instead squeezed into a tight hug as the explosions begin to go off and the sound of twisting metal screeches out...