17161/What's Wrong With Great-Grandpa

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What's Wrong With Great-Grandpa
Date of Scene: 11 February 2024
Location: The Maximoff Estate
Synopsis: Pietro learns that Micola's family is filled with Werewolves.
Cast of Characters: Micola Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff

Micola Maximoff has posed:
It was a few hours after Micola's grandfather had dropped the Werewolf news so abruptly on poor Pietro. Everyone had went inside and checked on the girls and then there had been a moment he'd stepped out to call his wife and let her know that he was alright. Now he was back and he was ready to sit down with Mic and Pietro.

"I apolgize for not calling ahead. I had the oddest feeling and I didn't want to scare either of you...so I just came up myself." he tells them as he lets his coffee cool.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
The speedster was pacing a bit, not sure of what to make of the new situation. Not so much the werewolf news, but moreso the need for her Grandfather to make such an impromptu visit. At least he was moving at a 'normal' pace. "Is something wrong, then? Normally you tend to announce your visits beforehand." A slight smile to the older man.

He glances over to Micola, watching her reactions to the wolf reveal, as well as the visit.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"I had a dream. Sometimes they come true. I just wanted to get out here as fast as I could to see what, if anything, was going on." he states to Pietro. "When I got here there was nothing wrong, but I figured I should make Micola aware that I was close by. I wasn't sure how solid of a sleeper you were, Pietro." he tells him. Looking a little bit sheepish at that.

Micola doesn't have any reaction to the news, she's know for a long time about her grandfather. "Are you sure that was all?" she asks the older man.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
There's a nod from Pietro. "Should we ask after the dream?" He looks to both. "So far, everything is fine - nothing amiss." He mentions. "The girls are healthy, and happy - I am hoping the same for Micola." A wry grin to his wife.

"I am a very light sleeper, alas. Part of my metabolism, I fear."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola's grandfather shakes his head, "No, it was something that just comes up. I think since my great-grandaughters have been born that it has gotten worse." he chuckles to that. "They aren't in danger. I did the same thing with Micola when she was a baby. Her mother hated it." he admits. "Just an old man being overly worried." he admits.

"I think we're all happy and healthy and very spoiled." she muses to Pietro. She reaches over to give her grandfathers hand a squeeze, "I had not talked to Pietro about your being a werewolf as I hadn't ran it past you first, so that is why he is surprised." she explains.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
A nod of understanding. "Premonitions are not to be taken lightly - and there's no harm in checking in." A slight smile from Pietro. "If you're ever uncertain, our home is open to you." Pietro offers, in earnest. "I know how it is to get those feelings about loved ones."

"It is a heritage thing? Not a curse?"

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola's grandfather gives a grin to Pietro, "We are sort of dead give aways with the last name sometimes." he states. "And thank you, Pietro." he tells him. "It is not a curse for us, no. I think Micola is not a werewolf by having a mutant gene. And given some of the things that happen with us I am glad of it." he admits with a look to her.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
A smirk from the man. "I tend to not take too much from names - else, others might do the same." Pietro offers. A look to his wife. "It is hereditary though - overwritten by the mutant gene. Fascinating." He looks to the cieling briefly - in the direction of the girls. "I suppose that is something to look for, in the future."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"It isn't always a garunteed thing. I have other grandchildren that are not werewolves." his states. "I don't love them any less. Their father on the other hand...he's a gem." he sighs, giving an apologetic look between both of them.

"He is trying though. He needs to try harder." he admits. Then there is a look to the time, "My wife is going to murder me if I don't get home and she is the only thing on this earth I fear." he muses to that.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
There's a chuckle from Pietro, the man offering a hand to theo older fellow. "I am sure it will make itself apparent. Human, mutant, werewolf - none of that will keep us from loving our children." He assures. "We can hope that those who have wandered off the path will better themselves and right themselves."

He nods again. "As always, our home is open to you and your family. Feel free to come by again, of course." A grin.