17226/Mayday in February

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Mayday in February
Date of Scene: 19 February 2024
Location: New York Harbor Docks
Synopsis: While pursuing Bi-Plane, Mark and Sunny meet Kitora Alua, who helps them save a plane in distress. Pizza and information is shared!
Cast of Characters: Mark Grayson, Kitora Alua, Sunny Harlow

Mark Grayson has posed:
Air traffic over New York is not for the faint of heart. Between the commercial traffic and the superheroes that zip to and fro as well as the various supervillains, it can be a harrowing experience for the uninitated.

Let's add into the mix the size of the aircraft. An executive jet - not very large, but carrying a small group of executives from New York to a meeting in Washington DC. Unfortunately, it's path came into contact with an elderly man that is wearing a jet engine on his back with a pair of wings that are double stacked. Bi-Plane turns around and growls. "Invincible and Indestructibelle are going to catch up to me... need a... ah-ha!" Flying directly at the passenger jet, he takes out a pistol and fires several shots into one of the engine, causing it to smoke and flame.

The engine blows out and starts to fall towards the harbor, the pilot calling out a Mayday over all channels as it descends rapidly!

Off in the distance, the pair of heroes are on their way, but it's doubtful that they're going to catch up to the plane in time, even as Mark reaches a hand for Sunny. "Grab a hold! I'll try to slingshot you!"

Kitora Alua has posed:
Kitora Alua was at the harbor returning from Genosha. She helps out with the reconstruction efforts. She was just getting off the boat when a plane's engine blew and it's heading towards the water. "Oh dear..." she mutters softly. "I can't wait." She slips into an alley - and starts to glow eerily. Gone is the mostly-regular-looking girl - in her place is one with an eerie glow that almost seems to come from within her body as she zooms towards the plane. "This... might be tricky..." she states as she quickly lands on the plane. She puts her hands down on it as a red glow emanates from her to engulf the whole thing. The vermillion glow could probably be seen from a distance as the plane starts to slow. But somethng moving so fast takes a bit of time to correct - at least it's not nosediving into the water at so steep of an angle.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
The problem with Viltrimites and their flight was that their physics defying really only counted for themselves, stop someone or something too dramatically and you'd just shatter it. Catching planes was doable, but super tricky to pull off flawlessly.

With the 'play' called, Indestructibelle nods and reaches out for the well-practiced maneuver that sends her hurtling towards the plane in trouble...although the glow that was intercepted was...unexpected!

Moments later, the blonde girl in the black and yellow bodysuit paired with a half-jacket and belt was blinking at the sight and reaching to find the stabilizing point to catch the plane properly, her blue eyes blinking once more.


Mark Grayson has posed:
Mark is marginally faster that Sunny, which is why he was the slingshot in this case. But as the plane starts to glow and it seems that they have help. "Indestructibelle, you got this? I'll be right back!" Once he's sure that she has the plane secured with the help of the other girl, he turns his attention to the retreating Bi-Plane.

Once upon a time, Bi-Plane would have easily outrun Mark, or at least pushed him to the limit. But with everything that Invincible has gone through as of late - he's not going to get away at all this time. But it's going to take a little time to seperate him from his machine and drop him off with the police.

Kitora Alua has posed:
Kitora Alua blinks as suddenly, another woman shows up, rocketing in at incredible speed - there's also someone in the distance. The red aura surrounding Kitora (also known as Horizon) and the plane would probably feel strange to everyone present as gravity is going in reverse, straight up. Horizon's efforts are much easier when someone else is helping and soon enough the plane is suspended in midair, mere feet from the water's surface. The passengers might have some motion sickness from going from free-fall, to negative gravity, to zero-G, but they'll be fine. "Thanks for the help! So hard to stop something moving so fast! I'm Horizon!" She hasn't started moving the plane yet - trying to catch her breath - that was a LOT of effort expended on short notice after working all day - she's tired.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Got it!" she calls back, gently supporting the vehicle as the glowy girl introduced herself. Gravity -did- feel weird, and though she didn't want to admit it until she got used to it it was probably turning Indestructibelle's stomach a little...thankfully it wasn't going to stop her from being able to fly, it was just really strange.

The young woman shifts, spreading out her contact points and trying to support the plane on her shoulders and upper back to minimise stress. This wasn't her first catch.

"Indestructibelle, or just 'Belle' if you like. I'd shake your hand but...plane," she offers, a little nervous chuckle despite herself.

Mark Grayson has posed:
Inside the plane, air sick bags are being used liberally, as the pilots are throttling down the engines, to make it easier for Belle to guide the plane to safety. Glancing outside, the people on-board have out their camera phones, filming the two women as they work and converse. Now. Where does Sunny want to take the plane to, now that she is effectively got it under control.

Kitora Alua has posed:
Kitora Alua nods as she shifts and starts to help Belle go towards land, and with the combined effort of Horizon's gravity-shifting and Indestructibelle's flying, they land safely on the ground. Horizon releases her hold on the plane and collapses, panting softly. She reaches into a pocket and starts to devour an energy bar, before she says anything else as she walks down the side of the plane and lands on the ground, looking a bit unsteady, and still glowing. "It's nice to... be with a team... I don't get to... flex very often..."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
The gravity shift did kind of help with the balance, Sunny bringing the plane down gently towards the land of the street. Of course, moving the plane off the street wasn't particularly handy for most people. Still, they were safe for now!

Exhaling a breath, Belle eases out from under the plane and stretches out. It wasn't heavy, but she'd still had to stoop to do it safely.

"It's nice to have a hand, that was a neat catch, and it brought us some more time."

Mark Grayson has posed:
The wheels are lowered so that the plane can be set down upright. As it's placed gently on the ground, already there's the sounds of fire and police on their way to help those that were on-board. They'll be there in a few moments.

Arriving back on the scene, Invincible grins down towards Sunny. "Nice catch, babe." he says with a wink at her, before his attention turns to the other girl. "Hello." comes his greeting. "I'm Invincible."

He sometimes forgets to fix that greeting. But that can come later. A glance to Indestructibelle, and a question. "Want to grab a bite to eat?" he asks. "Uh. We usually get a burger or something after a successful mission. If you're interested. I can put it on my account."

Kitora Alua has posed:
Kitora Alua nods towards Invincible. "I'm Horizon. Apparently you guys are strong - but I slowed the plane down - it's hard to stop something cold that's moving so fast but Invincibelle and I got it. I assume you two know each other." She then wears a predatory grin. "Not sure you can afford buying me lunch, but I'm game..." She glances around. "But... I'm not sure I can do much more with my powers. Getting a bit faint-headed. Tired myself in Genosha and this wore me out. Not sure I can get far..." She frowns. "Also, I know I look weird like this - I should power down to not draw attention...' She then sinks to her knees, and on its own, the glow disappears - she now looks mostly normal - a young Asian woman with bright red hair and eyes. "S-sorry..."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Sunny would actually take the time to help people off the plane, but she grins a little at Mark's praise and gives a little blown kiss his way before stepping to the side to let the others talk for a moment. A little shift, she comes to return with a little giggle at Kitora's comment on the food before folding her arms under her bust. "It's only fair! You did half the work, you should get half the lu-" she begins before letting herself trail off as Kitora sinks (and powers) down. "Uh...are you okay?"

Mark Grayson has posed:
As Kitora slumps, Mark flies down to join the two women. There's a frown on his face as he considers his option. Part of him is tempted to let the paramedics handle it when they arrive, but no telling how thst will go.

"I think we better take her to get her some food." he offers to Sunny, bending down to pick Kitora up off the ground. "Upsy-daisy." he comments as he holds the mutant.

A few minutes later, they are away from the scene and landing on a rooftop nearby. "Want to grab us a couple of pizzas?" he asks Sunny. "Or you want me to do it and you stay here and babysit our new friend here?"

Kitora Alua has posed:
Kitora Alua just smiles faintly. "Sorry... I just got tired... and HUNGRY." She gazes at her two new friends. "I guess you can call me Kitora... Horizon is my codename." She smiles softly. "A pizza sounds good... or two." She then murmurs, "So... are you two mutants also? Or... from out of town or... something else...?" She is curious after all.