17341/Visit at the Big Tall Clock

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Visit at the Big Tall Clock
Date of Scene: 05 March 2024
Location: Barbara's Penthouse (Clocktower - 25th Floor)
Synopsis: Barbara and Scott Lang meet up. They make some very unexpected plans.
Cast of Characters: Scott Lang, Barbara Gordon

Scott Lang has posed:
Scott Lang is at the base of the clocktower. He will knock. When the door goes unanswered, he'll wave at spots he thinks cameras are. "Hey. It's me. Somewhat tall, not dark, seven out of ten handsome, guy you tolerate," and then to another "camera."

"Hey. It's Scott."

And another, "I'm not doing any pig-based nursery, despite temptation."

Honestly, he remembers the entrance. Sort of. The tower has several points that look the same. So, he knows it's one of the sides he goes to.

Yes, he does eventually send a text. To those possibly around, he probably looked like a crazy man, an ex employee of the clock tower let go, or someone somehow kicked out. Alcoholic, or other substance laced, presumptions may be involved with these views.

The sun going down tends to bring out the weirdos.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
The Historic Clocktower of Gotham City is known publicly as an apartment building for upper echelon socialites in Gotham City, with a parking garage that is accessed on the east side of the property. Scott has elected to come to the main front doors that rest at the apex of a set of concrete stairs, with a patio lining the front of it adorned in flowerbeds that still are in off-season of being filled with colorful plants. Gothic statues line the front facade of the building as well, lending that undertone of darkness to Gotham City as it is known for.

The call button that Scott presses suddenly turns green, and a screen display an image of Barbara's face.

"Mister Lang." She speaks, a small smirk showing on her lips. "You should call ahead some times, it might serve you well. At least to get the doors unlocked in preparation." She laughs softly, and then the doors click as they open up the lobby and elevator within.

"Come on up." Barbara says, before the screen flickers and darkens again.

Scott Lang has posed:
"But would it have made you laugh?" Scott asks as if that was the plan. It's not, but he'll take the credit. Then Scott strides inside the place as if nothing happened. And then he'll just wait to get to her door. So, that's when Barbara will need to let him in.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
The lift ride up to the penthouse is a quiet and pleasant experience, with screens inside the lift showing off video footage of the city, and a pleasant voiced female narrator giving facts about this part of Gotham City. The building IS supposed to be a public residence afterall, and it does have floors dedicated to personal apartments other than Barbara's, but they're all either unoccupied or reserved for membrs of the Birds of Prey, if they ever need to use them.

When the lift reaches the penthouse, there is a moment of a security check, and Scott might wonder if he's being scanned by some special technology, because he is.

Babs is a careful woman, when it comes to people coming to her home without her knowledge, and if one knows her history, they'd understand why.

When the doors open, he'll find himself in the familiar apartment, with the open floor plan. A small set of three wooden steps lead down to the living room area, with the kitchen (designed like Fallout 4) to the left, and the stairs leading up to the outdoor balcony beyond.

Barbara is in the process of emerging from her bedroom door on the southern wall, wearing a dark blue tshirt with golden writing on it for a Gotham sports team, and a pair of denim jeans in black. "Hey there, Scott. Welcome back to my humble abode." She states, smiling his way as she motions to the kitchen. "Want a drink? Beer? Wine? Ecto cooler?"

Scott Lang has posed:
"You have Ecto Cooler?!" Scott asks with honest surprise. "I was told I look like Gary Grooberson. I don't see it," shaking his head. "I like the character though. I like the cut of his moxy," he shrugs and then waits for Barbara to get the drinks.

His pale green eyes look over the place. "I always thought this place was cool. Albeit, the owner is cooler if you ask me," he gives a soft smile and a nod to Barbara. "How are you?" he asks.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara, standing a handful of feet away, just grins at the man as he strides further in from the lift. When he speaks of his likeness to a character from the recent Ghosbuster film, she tilts her head to the side as though she's curiously investigating that claim. "I guess I can see it. You both have a timeless quality to your face." She states, grinning at him. "And yeah, I order my Nuka drinks, and Ecto cooler online. Gotta keep my nerd cred up, right?" She asks, as she motions around. "Feel free to explore, settle in, claim your favorite seat." She states as she moves in to that open kitchen plan, and toward the mint green and blue fridge styled after that sci fi aesthetic.

"This place has been a massive work in progress for the past decade... But I'm happy with how it is turning out. It's come together just like I envisioned it would." She states, retrieving the drinks from the fridge, and hip bumping the door shut.

She moves toward him, offering him one of the drinks in the little Ghostbuster themed box. "These are great with vodka." She states, grinning at him as she preps her own for sipping.

"What brings you by? You're not here to try and sell me a time share, are you?"

Scott Lang has posed:
"Ordering it online even, doesn't that double your nerd credit?" Scott grins as he takes his small little box. Then he peers around for a moment, trying to find a chair. "Any chair I want?" he asks and then tries to find the biggest, comfiest one.

"I mean I could find you a good place in Santa Fe. Something with a great view and a pool. I wasn't here to sell you the place, but I can try. Maybe I wanted to visit a nerdy and confusing redhead?" he asks with a brow raise. Then he takes his first big sip of the Ecto Cooler. "Besides, in my eyes you're Ecto Cool," he holds up the drink and waits for the groan.

"Yeah, that was bad, even by my standards. Sorry."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
The biggest of the chairs within the open apartment is the living room sofa chairs, both a rich dark chocolate leather, that when sat upon feel like the embrace of an angel's arms. Babs meets him at this spot, a rug on the floor with the sofa and chairs set situated in the center of it. She grins at him, as she sits down on the sofa's edge, her own juice box ready to be sipped, and thus she does sip from the straw!

"Triple nerd cred is making it yourself. But... I'm not that great of a cook. I can rebuild a car engine, but I can't put Kool-Aid powder in water and walk away feeling it was a success."

His bad humor gets a visible grin from the redheaded woman. "We gingers, and sunlight, don't mix well. Santa Fe looks beautiful though, but I... don't want to be burned up to a crisp. Maybe if I invested in a collection of big hats, though, we'd talk."

She grins at him once more. "How's the Avenging going? how is your daughter?" She inquires as she sits on the edge of the sofa, taking another sip of her sugary children's drink.

Scott Lang has posed:
% "You have quad nerd credit in my book," Scott is amused that Barbara feels she's that bad of a cook. His pale green eyes flick to her. "Well, we find a lot of sunscreen. You can make it work," he grins about Santa Fe. "I'd make a Simpson joke about a big hat, but I think it would be lost on you," he comments.

"Avenging is good, I guess. I caught a space ship like a football and got set on fire before I could do a touchdown dance. So, just an average Tuesday." Scott shrugs as if that's just the norm for him. Even by his standard it's not. That's far outside of normal. To him, it's just being a hero.

"Cass is good! She's getting at me about dating. It's annoying when your child has valid points despite the age difference." He shakes his head a little bit.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Babs lowers the juice box down to the top of her right knee, after sipping another time upon its straw. She grins at the Simpson comment. "I know the best episodes, or sorta do. I used to watch them with my dad when I was little. He was a big fan of it, at least the first... what ... seven or eight seasons?" She lightly shakes her head.

"Oh! Yeah, I saw that footage from the Starport. You were definitely not an Ant-Man at that situation. It looked tense, from what I saw... I didn't know your suit let you grow... big, like that. That has to be wild. I'd be terrified I'd step on a dog, or something." She states with a big smirk, before her hand goes back up to brush some loose strands of her red hair behind an ear, the majority of it is tied up and clipped back by a silver hair clip.

She grins at the talk of Cassie. "Dating is rough these days. I don't envy kids growing up in this world... Make sure to play the part of the intimidating father when she brings a boyfriend home. Show them the growing huge part of your suit, that might do the trick." She tells him that, chasing it with a playful laugh.

Scott Lang has posed:
"It's from the first few seasons," Scott doesn't remember the exact season. "It's about the hat having one day until retirement." The hat had a giant camera in it and belonged to the news.

"I could make a really bad joke about my costume and growth right now," he admits honestly. His gaze stays on her for a moment then he chuckles. "And yeah. That's a scary thought I have. The situation merited the change, but I always fear that. I don't go Giant, in that way, too often."

"She was talking about -me- dating. When she dates, I'm going to shrink an object then crush it in front of the boyfriend. Give him ideas, and add 'I'm an Avenger, too. I have the Hulk on speed dial.' I don't, but he doesn't know that."

"How is the batgirling? Anything else fn or exciting going on?" he asks criously of her. His gaze stays on Barbara as he loves the chair and takes another sip.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Yet again, the melodic laugh comes from Babs as she shakes her head. "I thought you were refering to the Stacy doll, and her new hat that Mister Smithers just /had/ to have." She counters his Simpsons knowledge with a bit of her own. "I absolutely loved that episode, since ... well... I get the Barbie moniker from time to time in my life." She admits with a little grin showing once more.

As he speaks further, she sips her Ecto cooler once more, her free hand tapping fingers against the top of her knee. She lowers the drink box down again, and shakes her head. "The Hulk threat would work on everyone in the world. hell, even I wouldn't want that kind of heat threatened at me."

Her grin remains, even as he asks about the Batgirl lifestyle. She considers it a moment, with her green eyes glancing toward the balcony windows, before she looks back toward him in the sofa chair catty-corner from her own place on the sofa. "It goes. Ups and downs. I'm off patrol tonight, but I need to check in on those we do have out there here in a bit. Tomorrow I'll be back out there, though. As I've been working on some leads pertaining to alien weapons being trafficked between here and Manhattan..." She draws in a breath, and rolls her shoulders a little. "Hey, I should take you out in my car sometime. I think you'd enjoy it." The Batmobile? Yep!

Scott Lang has posed:
Scott grins, "SHE HAD A NEW HAT!" He grins and takes another sip of the drink. "You're more good looking than Barbie and Malibu Stacy," he grins.

A nod comes from Scott, "Who wouldn't? That's the point. And I -can- have the phone number. It's not out of the realm of possibilities. So, it's an effective threat at least once," he grins.

"Are you inviting me out on a date?" The brow raises upward. "Bribe me with drinks and now a car? Miss Gordon, you spoil me so," he would like the car. However, he sees an opportunity with the question. Either she can give a serious response to run with or she can keep it going as a joke. Win-win, but one would be a heck of a curveball for him.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
The compliments just get received with a earnest smile, but not commented on. She gently nods her head, though, and after another sip from the drink, she draws in a breath. "Maybe it's time I give the Simpsons a rewatch, then." She replies, before softly laughing at the question of the date. "I mean..." She starts, "I suppose you could call it that. But we'd need to be in uniform, er, costumes. Really it'd be more like, inviting you out on a patrol with me. But, if it helps, we could get Chinese food, or something. That would be date-like, right?" She asks, tilting her head.

With a light smirk for him, she admits then. "I'm really not that experienced with the dating game myself. I dabbled in my teens, but after I was ... put in the wheelchair, I kind of coiled in on myself. Outside of a few friends, I rarely have gone out at all for dinner and such, in the entire past decade of my life. I was driven toward the cause of helping the other members of the Bat-family, I guess you could say. All my nights were spent in the role of being the Oracle, to make sure they were a little safer, I hoped."

Another quick smile is shown to him. "But yes, nerd has to be bad at dating too, right?"

Scott Lang has posed:
That goes in a direction he doesn't expect. Scott looks at Barbara not quite flondering with her words, but seemingly caught off guard. "I didn't expect any less for the uniforms. You said patrolling and car," he says pointing that out. It's not a big deal to him.

"I don't mind takeout and don't stakeouts include all the fun stuff like eating midway through," it could be the movies. The movies do make a point that stakeouts can be jarring.

"Nerds flounder with the steps, but find the rhythm. We can see how it goes. No pressure, but we both need to get out there. I have a daughter getting at me. You have your conscience getting at you," he grins at Barbara.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
With her juice box making the telltale sounds of being empty, Babs glances down at it, giving it a little shake, before she raises her eyes up toward him again, and smiles at his response. "Fair enough." She quietly says as she moves to stand up. "Yours tapped out too?" She asks of his drink, offering her right hand toward him to take the empty if-so.

"You want to take a peak at my setup downstairs?" She asks him, in a way that might be a bit of a 'throwing off' phrasing, and as she catches herself, she smirks at her own words. "I mean my garage, where the car is, among a few other toys." She stops herself then, and rolls her eyes. "I don't think there's a way to say it without making it sound bad." She tells him then as she turns toward the kitchen, and moves to stomp back toward it. "You should bring Cassie by some time too, I'd love to show her a better side of Gotham than what makes all the headlines. I swear there are good parts to it!"