17393/In The Wrong hands - Through the Gauntlet
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In The Wrong hands - Through the Gauntlet | |
Date of Scene: | 10 March 2024 |
Location: | Berlin, 1976 |
Synopsis: | Alfred and KEnesha keep alien tech out of AIMS hands. Alfred gets a promotion (in the past) |
Cast of Characters: | Alfred Pennyworth, Kenesha
- Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
The White Tail Group is part of AIM, but they dont know that They consider themselvss a group of patriotic forward thinkers for the East German Government, hell bent on advancing the status of the state among Warsaw Pact no matter the cost. So when they got their hands on an advanced alien battery that would make power generation revolutionized when oil was peaking in price for much of the world (United States and Europe excepted due to Tesla generators) then it was something they were super concerned about.
To the point of being willing to murder, rob kill or steal to do it.
Alfred had been sispateched by MI6 (Technically an even more covert group but we'll say MI6) while Kenesha had come on her own recognizance but used Russian contacts to do it, they both sat in a car, staking out the entrance to the former German Noble estate that had been turned into a walled compound.
- Kenesha has posed:
Glancing towards the compound, Kenesha looks back to Alfred and murmurs, "You said you can get us past the first two gates, but not the third, correct?" She's eyeballing the walls of the compound, her lips pursing up lightly. She could get them past all of the gates, technically, but it would mean they couldn't disable any of the guards at the gates along the way. That would leave them with a LOT of gun-toting Russians to deal with.
Flicking a glance back to Alfred, Kenesha murmurs, "We have a few options for breaching, but I'm not sure you'll like most of them."
- Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
Alfred Pennyworth says, "I can. But I meant the security gates in the inner sanctum. That doesnt solve the problem of the nice men with guns; we've got forged credentials which is my preference. We have brute force since I can make a call and have commandos but they might have a way to move the damn thing, or we can stealth in through the storm drains but they might have more advanced sensors..I wouldnt try that route without you but..." he shrugs and smiles, "You bring more to the table than me.""
- Kenesha has posed:
"Well.. there is a fourth option, but it could mean fighting waves of the guards if they discover us. It's definitely a stealth option, but with the drawback of not knowing what we'd be walking into until we're there." Kenesha glances at him and lifts a brow, "What sort of hardware are you packing? I assume it's light carry since you were expected to manipulate your way inside." She flickers a faint smile, "I might be able to provide you with a temporary upgrade."
- Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
Alfred Pennyworth pulls out a Desert Eagle, "I know I'm supposed to be loyal to queen and country but when I carry a pistol, I prefer something with a little kick." He shudders at the thought of a tiny Walter PPK. "Heavy for a pistol but nothing like what I truly enjoy in a pinch....I'm more of an assault rifle fellow from my days in the service."
- Kenesha has posed:
Laughing softly, Kenesha nods to the DE, "I understand. Let me see if..." She reaches into that satchel at her side, impossibly drawing out an AK-47, sliding it across to him with a wink. Another reach into the satchel has a belt with extra mags for the AK tucked into the pouch. There's spots for additional magazines if he has extra for the DE, and a few clips for grenades as well. "Normally I would offer up grenades as well, but since we aren't certain what the security is around the battery, I don't want to risk damaging it. That could be catastrophic."
- Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
Alfred Pennyworth laughs at the AK-47, "And here I was worried I was going to be called Buck Rogers by the lads for the rest of my career...." he smiles, "An AK-47 is coming home....soemtimes you have to use hardware that can be traced and AK-47 is the model T of guns these days..." he takes them all with complete comfort. "And I will take your word for the nice battery not incinerating Berlin....."
- Kenesha has posed:
"Yes, well, that's my personal AK-47, so I'd like it back at the end of this," she winks at him and chuckles before letting out a breath. "I can teleport us into the compound. I've memorized the blueprints of it, so I can try to port us into a space that's unlikely to be in use.. but I can't guarantee it. We already know the rotation of the guards, there's likely to be some gaps shortly with the shift change. So if we're good, and lucky, we could catch them unaware. We verify the battery is here, then we clean house and I'll take the battery, you take the glory."
Kenesha glances at him with a smile, "Sounds like a plan?"
- Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
Alfred Pennyworth smiles, "I would never presume to steal a lady's gun. Gentlemen do not do such things." He is about to make a second quip until he says, "I'm sorry, did you say ...teleport? I am game but no word to anyone about it. I'll fudge the report to include cunning and guile. Elsewise, I'm good and I like the plan." Doctor Who was as worse a nicky as Buck Rogers.....
- Kenesha has posed:
"I did indeed. If you need to, tell them we came in through the sewers, I'll make sure to disable any sensors there before your people arrive to cover our tracks," Kenesha flashes a grin at him. Reaching up, she rests a hand on his shoulder and murmurs, "Ready, Alfred?"
- Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
Alfred Pennyworth nods, "You are thoughtful my dear," he smiles, "I appreciate it..." he shrugs, "I mean, I'm as ready as a man can be having his molecules scrambled and reassemlbed or sent through hyperspace or however we are gonna do this. Its by far from the weirdest thing I've dealt with in service to her majesty...hit the button or...whatever." He grins and brings the AK to bear, ready for action.
- Kenesha has posed:
Laughing, Kenesha shakes her head and murmurs, "Not this time. This is magic." He doesn't get the opportunity to ask about it, however, because in the next instant, they're inside the compound... in a supply closet. Cleaning products and implements, sheets, towels, even jerry cans of gas for the generators.
"Alright, we're about twenty feet from the center of the mansion.. left out the door and ten feet down will take us to the command room. There's absolutely going to be guards in there, but we can disable the alarms and block the door so nobody else can get in." Kenesha murmurs softly, then motions to the wall behind them, "There's a secret door there, passage to get the family out in case of trouble, that connects to the sewers. That can have been our 'in'."
- Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
Alfred Pennyworth blinks and laughs quietly at the twist. "Magic? Well...I'll be Gandalf..."
He chuckles. He looks around and lowers the AK without immediate combat. "And that sounds like a plan to me. They might even believe it, but its not the first I've fudged a report for the service...
- Kenesha has posed:
"Magic is just another means to achieve ends science can't, yet. Instead of changing the laws of science, it just sort of... skips over them," Kenesha murmurs softly with a wink and a smile. While not seemingly carrying a weapon herself, she doesn't seem worried, either. Seems there's likely more to her than the British monarchy is aware of. Which, given the teleportation, Alfred is likely not to be surprised by.
Moving quietly up to the door, she holds still for a few moments, listening intently for footsteps, conversation, or even the breathing of any guards on the other side. Glancing back to Alfred, she lifts a brow, "Do you prefer alive for questioning, or dead for simplicity when we hit the command room?" Apparently her way of saying the way is clear.
- Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
Alfred Pennyworth supposes that exaplanation would make both scientists and mages cringe, but somehow he finds it satisfactory. He holds his breath during the transport previously and is breatiing a bit more relaxedly now. "These guys are AIM. Dead is too good for them." He suddenly wonders about necromatic items Kenesha might have and...decides not to ask.
- Kenesha has posed:
Giving a small nod, she motions for him to follow, "Hallway's clear, sounds like most of the activity is centered around the barracks, the mess hall, and the command room. Expect a fight when we breech the door." Then Kenesha is easing the door to the supply closet open and glancing out, looking up and down the hall before starting off to the left at a quick, quiet trot. They'll find the hallways clear as she said, though that's not likely to remain so for too long. Shift change only allows for so much overlap. Best they hurry along.
When they reach the door to the command center, she gets on one side of the door and uses military hand signals to suggest that she can kick in the door and he can spray the room before they enter to finish off anyone still moving. There's the chance that some of the electronics will be damaged in the spray, but Kenesha has faith in Alfred's accuracy and control.
Listening at the door briefly, she holds up four fingers, two and two on either side of the room. Counting down on one hand, she watches him intently during it, then spins and kicks the door open swiftly before spinning back around and ducking down to give Alfred space to clear the room.
- Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
Alfred Pennyworth covers her every time she moves forwar dand trusts he to do the same. He knows a professional when he sees one, looks and charm aside, he knows someone who understands the trade. One entering, he listens for sounds in the directions she points and nods, sliding down low where they are unlikely to shoot first and takes out the two on his side of the room with two quick bursts of three shots each. All his shots hit his targets and they go down immediately.
- Kenesha has posed:
Moving fast, faster than she has any right to, Kenesha is inside the room and headed towards the two on the side of the room opposite from where she'd stood. One of them was quick enough on the draw to have pulled a pistol, bu the round simply.. bounces off her cheek. She grips the pistol-holding hand in a bonecrushing grip, doing the same for the second AIM as well, forcing their hands upwards and shooting the pistols each of them hold... it will look like they killed each other. And the spray of the AK-47 will suggest that someone is maybe getting greedy and selling out their AIM buddies.
With the room cleared, she gives a nod to Alfred and moves quickly to the console to pull up video of the compound, flipping through screens rapidly until she has two fixed on the hallway looking in either direction outside of the command center, and is using the others to find where the stolen goods are being held. When she gets a hit, Kenesha motions Alfred over. "Okay. It looks like there's a center courtyard that has a stairway to an underground area. Security there is beyond what they should have access to, guessing someone's been reverse engineering off of stolen alien tech. Battery is in what looks to be a nuclear bunker. And there's a loooooot of stolen goods and artwork being held in the main room. Probably more in the bunker. If you don't get a promotion from all that, you've got an enemy inside the ranks with some serious pull." She flashes a quick grin at him.
MOving to a map of the compound that's tacked up to a corkboard, she glances at Alfred and grins, "Want to pick us out a route and I'll keep an eye out for any incoming trouble?"
- Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
Alfred Pennyworth grins widely as the bullet bounces off of her, "Cheating at life and death? Capital, I approve." He winks and immediately follows when the goons are dealth with. He points to the corkboard, "The old gates I have codes for are here and here" he points to a circuouts route, "Its apparent they're mainly using this as an egress for if things go south. Its a crime against humanity for them to have all this...they're likely to melt them all if we let them. I wonder if we can disable the base's self destruct before they press the button.....
- Kenesha has posed:
Laughing lightly, she lifts a shoulder into a shrug, "Is it really cheating if it's just who I am? Bulletproof is just part of Kheran physiology." Kenesha looks to the screens, making sure they're still clear, then glances back to the map, "Okay. Circuitous route it is. Just means more AIM for us to take out." She offers a smile, then shifts over to a separate pc console and starts typing rapidly, "Maaaaaaaaaybe we can. This is the command center, we should be able to access EVERY system through this console... if I don't fuck up and can get us past the security..." Chuckling, she continues typing, then halts, reaching into her satchel to pull out a small case of floppy disks. Selecting one, she inserts it into the drive and types in a command on the popup. "Okay... give it three minutes to smash the security and we should be able to access everything." Pausing, she glances over at him and grins, "We could set off the fire alarm and sprinkler system, too. Make them think there's a fire. Won't fool all of 'em, but we might be able to get a few of them to run away."
- Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
Alfred Pennyworth says, "I mean, if it it disorients them I am all in favor of it....and I dont mind shooting these guys in the back. I know its not sporting, but these people are not the sporting kind..." he shrugs and smiles, enjoying her attitude and attention to detail; he's working and having fun, covering her as she works.
At one point he shoots someone who comes in, and drags them from the door while her timer works. "Say when I should pull." He stands next to the alarm when he drops the body next to it."
- Kenesha has posed:
Offering a quick grin towards him, Kenesha winks and looks back to the screen, "Hey, if there's one thing I've learned across all the time here... you do what you have to. These guys won't hesitate to shoot us, front or back. Don't see why we should treat them any better." Straightening when the program finishes running, she grins, "Okay. Self-destruct is offline. Pull in three, two, one... pull!" She hits the sprinklers at the same time that he pulls the fire alarm, the blaring sound and sudden spray of icy cold water leading to a lot of shouting and running around. Chuckling, she pulls the floppy disk out and then quickly smashes a fist through the 'tower' of the computer console. "There, they shouldn't be able to access anything from here, which means they'll have to do a lot more running around to get everything turned off. Sprinklers should run for about 90 seconds so lets shake a leg, shall we?"
Moving to the doorway, she winks at him, "You have the codes, lead the way. I'll catch any gunfire coming your way." Then she's motioning for him to lead them to the first gate!
- Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
Alfred Pennyworth pulls it enthusiastically, and grabs a plastic placemat in the mess to drape over his gun to keep the rain from affecting the powder. Yes, its not supposed to, but experience has taught him to hedge his bets. As he does, he arrives at the first gate, shooting three guys and taking a hit in the shoulder...the same one that Kenesha patched up before as he swears and enters the code.
Of course, Kenesha stops the other five from hitting him at all as they bounce off him and he focuses through the pain.
- Kenesha has posed:
Kenesha moves with Alfred, covering him from behind, though when the first shot rings out, she's quick to move up front and catch the rest of the bullets aimed Alfred's way. The men are taken out quickly, quietly, while Alfred works. He doesn't even hear them drop. But when the code is entered, they're on the ground, dead. She gives him a nod and murmurs, "And I'd just gotten that shoulder fixed up, too... looks like I'll be patching you up again after this." A flicker of a smile and she ducks through the gate first to make sure he's not lit up again. Moving towards the second gate, she'll focus on keeping Alfred safe, taking shots from AIM agents, disabling or disarming them and leaving Alfred for some 'fun' of his own. When they reach the gate, she looks at him, "You got this. We're almost through. One more gate, through the courtyard, into the bunker. Then we're golden."
- Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
Alfred Pennyworth says, "I get shot there a lot" its ironic but true. That or the leg, but at least he's never gotten his knee caps shot off. He initates the code on the lock, this time ducking, aying more attention to his surroundings and (much to his chagrin) moving out of the way to let Kenesha take ALL the bullets this time. His pride is stung, but his pain center is not and so his brain tells his pride to suck it as he finishes entering the code and the final gate opens."
- Kenesha has posed:
Kenesha tsks softly, "Keep this up and you'll need full reconstructive surgery on your shoulder." She flashes a grin at him before letting him get the code input. When the door opens, she steps into the opening and murmurs, "I'll take point, you watch our six. We're about to hit the courtyard and that's going to be a shooting gallery." Pausing, she glances at him, "Actually, maybe that can work to our advantage. I'll go into the courtyard, draw fire. You sneak around the edges and take them out while I keep them distracted." A means to salvage his pride at not being bulletproof? Or perhaps just smart tactics. He's definitely better trained in blackops and wetwork. She's more of a blazing target.
- Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
Alfred Pennyworth says, "Sounds like an excellent plan. Stealth, I can do." He nods in approval and moves with her to the court yard, already moving to the edges, looking out for Cameras and and slowly careufully ready to shoot, and once things start sniping from the shadows as he moves to the prize in question."
- Kenesha has posed:
Winking at him, Kenesha strides confidently and loudly into the courtyard, stepping right out into the middle of it and turning a circle so every camera picks her up, flipping the British version of the bird. "My, AIM has fallen when a single woman without a gun can get this far into one of their facilities! Cheers, wankers! Guess I'll just have to go raid the super secret bunker full of stolen art and artefacts!" Calling them out to come try and stop her!
And giving Alfred the opportunity to get around the edges and take down the agents as they rush forward to light up the intruder!
- Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
AIM does not take kindkly to this and she really draws their attention. Small arms fire is directed at her making it very easy for Aldred, who is actually using his brain unlike most of the agents, snipes them from cover and the shadows, knocking them down one at a time. However, as they swear back and forth in Russian, English or German, two go back to the armory to grab something heavier. Alfred finds the battery on a work table and picks the thing up after ripping off the diagnostic connections.
- Kenesha has posed:
Once the AIM agents have been taken down, Kenesha moves to go after ALfred to get the battery. However, hearing two surviving agents talking about 'heavy artillery', she races after them instead. It takes her only a moment to catch up to them, grabbing each by the back of the neck and twisting sharply, then dropping the bodies where they lie.
Moving quickly, she catches up to Alfred and smiles, "You found it. Here.. I'll take it and get rid of it now. There shouldn't be anyone left in the compound that can get in here... and your backup should be here in maybe ten, fifteen minutes." Holding a hand out for the battery, she smiles, "Let me get rid of it before the world's governments start fighting over it."
- Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
It was a good plan, since one was going to grab a Bazooka and the other a heat ray from WWII....but alas, if one can't GRAB the weapons, one can't USE the weapons as Franz and Hans, now staring at each other in horror, necks snapped on the floor have found out....
"It was rather....standing out" he smiles. Technically, he shouldnt do this. But the phone call was the deal breaker. One boss will be pissed and some unseen face in the government might be pleased at his actions. Its a gamble, but knowing Kenesha at this point its one he is willing to take, and hands her the battery.
- Kenesha has posed:
Taking the battery, Kenesha leans in suddenly, kissing him briefly but passionately. Pulling back, she winks at him, "For luck. Catch up with you after the debriefing.. we have so much to talk about. Don't forget to get rid of those diagnostics.. can't have any mention of the battery existing. This should destroy the information." She hands him a small device that he can attach to the machine that will completely wipe any information on the battery. Not realizing that it's going to be much, much longer before they're reunited, she takes the battery, carefully handling it before she disappears. Teleporting away to safely dispose of the battery before anyone else can get their hands on it.
- Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
Alfred Pennyworth says, "Consider it done" he presses the radio detonator and the thermite he planeted on the table turns all the paper and reverse engineered hardware (being AIM they were quite far along) to absolute slag. All of it. Acride wicked smoke goes through the room. He also attaches the demice to the main computer and lets it do its thing.
10 minutes alter, he stands in a room full of dead bodies and gets a reputation of punching above his weight. Which is true, but...not technically THAT much weight, but he does in fact, get sacked...again...and receive a very interesting phone call....again.