17459/Laundry Day!

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Laundry Day!
Date of Scene: 20 March 2024
Location: 4B - Mark and Bunny's Apartment
Synopsis: Invincible(?) battles a neferious villain. With pillows.
Cast of Characters: Sunny Harlow, Mark Grayson

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Sunny Harlow, cheerleader, design student, heroine and student of Amazonian combat training...was currently doing none of those exciting things. Instead? She was occupied with the normal mundane tasks of maintaining their home. Feeding beeper, washing some of the dishes and now? Doing laundry. With her own clothing in the washing machine she stretched out, hair down while she drifted through the house in her underthings, looking over the items she'd set out to dry.

Her eyes come to the sight of a particular item, a familiar suit in yellow, black and blue. One that wasn't hers...

She grinned.

Mark Grayson has posed:
Mark had been tasked with securing lunch. So he was down at the deli nearby with his and Sunny's sandwich orders. And a fresh garden salad for Beeper. After placing the orders, he waited for them. After about ten minutes, his number was called, and he collected the meals, grabbed a couple of bag of chips and a couple of bottles of water.

He paused, buying a cookie for Sunny as well.

With that secured, he made his way back to the apartment he shared with the two women he's promised himself to as he comes back through the door. "Lunch!" he calls out for Sunny's benefit as he moves to set the bags on the table.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Lunch? The call doesn't immediately get a response, instead there's a little giggle that might give things away from the direction of the bathroom, amusement across her features as Sunny viewed herself in the bathroom mirror before his movement around the apartment was met with the door clicking open and a few steps bringing her out to the loungeroom.

Hands on hips, dramatic pose...and a rather familar suit even if it was sitting a little differently on the frame of the grinning blonde.

"How has stumbled into the secret hideout of Earth's mighty champion, Invincible!" she declares, clearly doing a playful 'dramatic' voice.

Yep. Sunny Harlow, the beacon of maturity.

Mark Grayson has posed:
"I did what now..." Mark starts to ask as he turns and finds himself face to face with...

A slow draw of breath. And he's drinking her in. Mark has the height and build on Sunny, that's true. But Sunny's... ahem... bust... is more than making up for filling out the costume, despite the legs and arms fitting loosely on her.

He stares at her for a moment and then breaks into laughter, unable to help himself. It takes a couple of minutes, but he's getting into the swing of it.

He grabs a domino mask left over from Mardi Gras and slips it on over his eyes. "Aha! I have found you at last, Invincibelle!" he calls out to her, still trying not to snicker more.

"I... the mighty..." Uh uh... a glance at the sandwiches, "...Club! The mighty Club has found your lair and now I will unmask you!"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Finally, a worthy foe!" Sunny, or 'Invincibelle' declares, a step towards him before she grins. "Unfortunately for you evil-doer, you stand no chance against the power of my awesome muscles!"

The sleeves might be a little long, but she'd made it work, she was a tailor after all! Lifting an arm to punctuate her point, there was a flex of her bicep for a moment with an exaggerated grunt, transitioning into a stretch meant to show off her 'abs' with all the posturing of Johnny Bravo.

"Pray for mercy!"

Mark Grayson has posed:
As Invincibelle goes into posing mode, the Club finds himself breaking chararcter with more laughter. "I do not do that!" he starts to protest, but he falls back into character soon enough. "I am more than worthy. I will conquer you, Invincibelle!" Mark declares.

"And then you will be the one praying for mercy!" he responds, letting that promise hang in the air, as he backs away from their meals so that they don't end up casualities of the roughhousing.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"You might think you can beat me villain," she offers, only her exaggerated posing added to her humor. "But you have no chance against a hero like me. After all, don't you know that I'm..." She pauses dramatically, puffing out her chest and lifting her chin almost like she were waiting for some dramatic introduction.

"Invincible, and you're going to get your butt kicked!"

Case in point, he'd suddenly find a thud of a pillow gently flung his way bopping him.

Mark Grayson has posed:
Did she just title card shame him?

She did.

She so did.

The pillow bops him in the face, and he goes down to a knee. "Oh no! How did you know that sham pillows were my greatest weakeness? How!" the Club bemoans, remaining down on one knee.

Surely, he is not baiting Sunny to come closer. Mark would never ever be so underhanded, would he?

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Victory for Invincible!" she declares, hands lifted with fists of triumph. "Now I'm going to go home and celebrate with my beautiful, wonderful girlfriends! Huzzah!"

Still grinning, she steps closer, reaching towards the table. "And I'm definately going to bring home sweets on my way, because I'm awesome like that!"

Mark Grayson has posed:
"Not so fast, Invincibelle!" Mark says suddenly when Sunny gets close. "You have fallen into my trap, and I, the Club, know your only weakness!" His hand grabs her, but it's not a tight grab, but a loose one. And while he's down on one knee, he takes out a small box from his pocket. "I've been waiting for the right moment." he admits.

Looking up at Sunny, he grins. "You see, Invincibelle. I have travelled into outer space - and I found this - and I shall win the day with it." He opens the box, inside is a small ring made from a meteorite - with a small diamond set in it. "But I know the ring alone will not defeat you, but also, these magic words."

"Sunny Harlow..." Mark says quietly to Sunny. "...will you accept my promise to be with you? And hold your hand, and go on dates, and continue to fall in love with you?"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Truly an unexpected and dramatic twist, Sunny actually gives a little suprise gasp as he moves and drops down onto one knee, the expression on her face making it pretty clear that her brain hadn't quite worked out how to process what was happening, let alone keep up character.

Sunny Harlow isn't here at the moment, leave a message after the beep.

It took a moment, a moment more before she exhaled a breath, dropping down to her knees with him. "Mark!" she exclaims, her hand taking his and the blonde leaning in to touch her forehead to his own. "You goober...you Jerk...of course I do..."

Mark Grayson has posed:
There was a moment where Mark held his breath. He had held onto her ring since Valentine's, waiting for the right moment to ask her. But there never seemed to be a good one. But in this moment, where Sunny was being her most self... it felt right.

It takes her dropping to her knees and them forehead to forehead to assure him that yes... yes she said yes. And his smile is wide as he looks up at her. "Good, cause it'd sucked if you said no while wearing my suit." he points out, as he takes out the ring, and takes Sunny's hand to settle the ring on her left ring finger. "I love you. Even if you are a goober."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
A promise ring on her finger, even if she was currently wearing his suit (minus the mask because there was no way all her hair would fit under that). She grins, leaning in to kiss him, soft and loving as her answer offered non-verbally. Then? She leans back, standing up and lifting her arms to that fist raised 'Rosie the Riveter' pose and grinning brightly.

"Goober? Me? No." A smirk, feet apart for maximum dramatic pose she looks down at him.

"I'm no goober. I'm..."