17467/Hamming It Up: Crossover Chaos!

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Hamming It Up: Crossover Chaos!
Date of Scene: 01 April 2024
Location: The City
Synopsis: In which your intrepid scene runner, the sporktactular Spider-Ham teams up with Power Girl for a one off cameo with The Tick!
Cast of Characters: 2625, Karen Starr

Spider-Ham (2625) has posed:
It was a bright and ireeparably cheerful day. And yet a sense of oddness to it. There were no signs of Mxypktlkh (for whom the editor refused to continuously cut and paste his name). Or Mojo (Jojo or otherwise). What was amiss was the wailing sirens of the OScar Meier Weinermobile, being chased over slinging through the air by a.. Pig.
    Yes, a Spider-Pig. "I have a two for one coupon! It's not past it's expiration date! Come ON!"

Karen Starr has posed:
Power Girl is out and about doing a quick patrol. Too late for work, and too early to enjoy the evening. So why not get a little fresh air, get back home a little faster, and oh, try to thwart any badguys out there too. The sirens catch the attention of the superhearing, so she looks over with telescopic vision.

Then she looks again.

Okay. Nope. It's actually there. Looking a combination of confused, bemused, and other things possibly ending in "oozed", the Kryptonian blonde soars through the sky in that direction, trying to match pace with the swinging spider spam. "You know, I've seen the Simpsons episode, and yet you never really expect to run into something from it. I guess they really do predict the future."

Spider-Ham (2625) has posed:
Slinging along, Spider-Ham waves, "Hey, I loved Amanda Conner's run on.. Wait, we're not that meta here, are we?" He would chase after the Weinermobile, "It's rude for them to decline a perfectly valid coupon!" He would hold out a very, very smudged looking coupon that she probably didn't want to look any closer at.

"I'm just using one per customer, even!" He would fret. "And I'm really hungry." The Weinermobile was making a break for it, and he would look rather forlorn.

Karen Starr has posed:
That's okay, she'd love Amanda Conner's run on...herself...if she'd seen it too. But she does, briefly, take a look at the coupon, before looking back to the swinging porcine form.

"You know, the Weinermobile is really just kind of a mobile mascot. They don't actually serve the hot dogs themselves. Besides, you're in New York. There are better dogs. Tell you what; let's stop scaring the nice Weinermobile..." Good god, she's used that twice in conversation now. That's more Weiner than PG generally deals with for a deay. Maybe even a week.

"...and I'll buy you a couple Nathan's dogs. They're better than Oscar Meyer any day of the week, anyway."

Spider-Ham (2625) has posed:
And Spider-Ham perks up, "You're the best! I'm really hungry and I'm getting a sense that this crossover is off to a bit of a slow start. So, how did you get your powers? I was a spider originally. Till I was bitten by a radioactive pig."

Yes, true believers, that was Spider-Ham's origin back in.. Spider-Ham would start punching the editorial note. "Sorry, he does that sometimes. We're not the Legion of Super Heroes."

Karen Starr has posed:
"I was--" She interrupts herself. "Wait. Spider...bitten by a pig. Wouldn't the pig just--" She shakes her head. "You know what, never mind." Roll with it, PeeGee. You've dealt with Vartox, he's no weirder than this. Okay. He's less weird than this. And that's saying something.

"Rocketed away from a dying world, to survive here on Earth. Then my dimension blew up and I ended up here. It's a thing. Coney Island?" she offers.

Spider-Ham (2625) has posed:
Spider-Ham would look to the side, "Yeah, at the very least the creative team was desperate enough to try and do something unique! But they ruined the gimmick with the whole 'world where it's animals, and everyone has animal pun names huhuhuh it's funny." Then..


One of those eternally convenient incidents where spontaneous universal transfers happen has Ham leaping up to the arms of Power Girl, "We're all gonna be rebooted!"

Karen Starr has posed:
Power Girl looks over to Spider-Ham, nodding, but then she more or less reflexively catches the pic as he jumps up. That lasts for a single comedic beat before she drops him. A) He's a Spider-Person, so he should have great agility. B) The area where she'd catch someone in her arms is already pretty well-occupied.

"Re...booted? I'm guessing it's not just a pun about someone booting us in the rear end twice?" She frowns, and does take a quick look around, making sure that no one who seems threatening is there.

Spider-Ham (2625) has posed:
The duo are in a city. A billboard flashes in bright neon 'THE CITY' which is indicative of the name of the place (or just a placeholder that made it past the scripting phase). It's night. Clear. Murky. And yet still bright and shiny.
    "Whew, we're not in a Noir place. Have you ever ended up in a noir place? It's all narrating and monologuing and eww."
    However, the moon up in the sky has a large C-H and about three quarters of an 'A' carved into it.

Karen Starr has posed:
    Power Girl looks around. "No...never been in a noir place." She looks up skywards. "Someone doodled on the sky. This...okay. Different dimension." She may have only traveled them once, really, but HER moon doesn't have writing on it. "Any idea how we got here? Or more importantly, how we get home? I don't want to be stuck elsewhere."

Spider-Ham (2625) has posed:
Spider-Ham would tap at his chin. "Well, we're in a crossover, so that means we.." He would take out his script. "I can't make it out, it's too dark." Then above his head a lightbulb would go on. "There we go! We have to accomplish whatever the weird, ridiculous scenario is for this convoluted catastrophe!"

    And then, making more sense than a graffiti'd moon would be the sound of THUMBA-WHUMBA-WHAMS indicative of someone being punched through several buildings.
    "I bet that's our team up!"

Karen Starr has posed:
She doesn't need superhearing to notice that. "Then let's team up. I want to get home!" Power Girl reaches to grab Spider-Ham, and if she manages to get the grip, she'll fling him in the direction of the noise. He's a Spider-Person...it's just a really indirect fastball special. Then she leaps into the air to fly back towards the sound herself, checking out the destination with her vision powers.

Spider-Ham (2625) has posed:
"YOINKS AND AWAY!" Spider-Ham goes to be hoisted, hurled, and flung through the air towards a bulky, blue, boisterous.. Bug?
    Stomping out through the hole that the boisterous big blue had been bashed through is what can best be described as an evil commie robot. That's it. That's simple. Big. Red. Hammer and sickle.
    "TO THE TICK!"
    Dut dwee.. Dut dut dut dwee dswum dway!

Karen Starr has posed:
You know, in this day and age, you shouldn't just ASSUME that the communist is automatically the bad guy. But there's doodles on the moon and a talking Spider Pig. She's rolling with it. Power Girl soars down to reach up and try to catch the swinging buzzsaw. "Look, Red Menace. I don't know what your beef is, but this city's clearly American Capitalist, so how about we not try to cut up the blue bug guy?"

And she thought Blue Beetle was a lame costume.

Spider-Ham (2625) has posed:
The manhandled aphid goes to bounce back to his feet, "Nay, say I! This is America, land of the free, home of the brave! Where the littlest kid can start with their lemonade stand on a street corner, and work their way up to riches! America, where dreams are made and brought into reality! And no matter when it takes us down, we can get up!"
    The Commie-Bot styled 'Red Menace' goes to circle with Power Girl. "I do not intend to 'Cut Up' the Big Blue Guy. I intend to DESTROY and OBLITERATE him like the masses shall the corrupt oligarchs that run this country!"

Karen Starr has posed:
Power Girl sighs. "Right. So we're in the Bombastic Speeches verse." She runs a quick X-Ray vision on the Commie-bot. If it's an actual robot, she can cut loose. If it's a guy in a power suit, she has to hold back in some ways. Despite this, she doesn't have to hold back on the SAW, so her eyes briefly glow red as she focuses them on the buzzsaw. It can't cut anything if it's a liquid.

She addresses the blue guy. "Hey Big Blue. Anything I should know about this guy?" she asks.

Spider-Ham (2625) has posed:
It is an actual robot. Running on gears, servos, pulleys, built from good old-fashioned communist know-how and work ethic!
    "I'm never one to turn down a good team up to thrash the bad guys that take away the shiny smiles of children! The grim, dirty grime of crime will go away with a brush of your teeth! Sometimes you just have to brush extra hard and extra long, but it all comes out bright and shiny at the end!"
    Spider-Ham would be sitting on a conveniently placed wall outcropping, biting hard on a large corndog. "Hey, I was really hungry! Keep at it!"

Karen Starr has posed:
"Yeah, no big. I got this." Power Girl breathes a sigh of relief. If it's just a robot, she doesn't really have to hold back.

"...right. Got it." The pig is hotdogging it, so she draws back her right arm and gives the bot a full-on Kryptonian haymaker, putting the "Pow" into Power Girl.

Spider-Ham (2625) has posed:
The big blue bonkers goes to likewise twirl up his fist to punch! There's a double WHAMMY and a SLAMMY as Red Menace goes to get the clobber and be bonked away! "NOw, vile fiend! It's time to go to sleep and dream of robotic sheep, and may their baas lead to the sheering of that dark, twisted nature of crime!" The Tick goes to leap through the air.. Lands on the side of a building, crushing much of the beautiful masonry that would fit perfectly well on the streets of a Gotham cathedral.. And then leaping over to the next bit,a likewise gorgeous outcropping.. Judging by all the foot impressions in the rooftops, he did this a lot.

Karen Starr has posed:
    Power Girl blinks. "Okay. Yeah. It's gonna be one of those days." She pinches the bridge of her nose. "Do we get to go home now?" She asks, looking back over to Spider-Ham. "Can't you...I dunno, paint a door in a wall back home or something?" Toon weirdness.

Spider-Ham (2625) has posed:
Spider-Ham would nod, "Well, yeah, but do we really want the scene to be over this fast?" Looking at the robot shaped crater, the jumping Tick.. "Yeah, we probably should before we run into Freakazoid." Going to take out a paintbrush. "err.. You have some ink?"

Karen Starr has posed:
...crap. "No? I..." She looks down to the place where Red Menace got double-clobbered. "Maybe try oil?" She nods to the ground where the pummeling happened. "Don't ask me...the Road Runner never needs to buy his ink. He always just HAS it." she says, gesturing to an uninterrupted patch of wall. "I may have a laundry list of superpowers, but "Toon Doors" isn't on it."

Spider-Ham (2625) has posed:
Spider-Ham would huff, "Well, that means we have to do it the older fashioned way. Uh.. I'd say we could click our heels together but we're wearing boots and mine are kinda more like hooves. Acutally.. Wait! I know." He goes to take his hands up and goes over to one of the word bubbles with speech that came out of his mouth. "Can you twist this like it's a towel?"

Karen Starr has posed:
"Uhhh...that is a great question. Let's find out." She'll reach out to try and get her hands on it. If she can, in fact, make contact with it, she'll twist it up, like asked. She should be able to wring out anything out of the thing that's wringable.

Spider-Ham (2625) has posed:
She goes to wring it out! And from the words comes whiteness as the dark blotched ink goes down to the brush. "Here we go!" Spider-Ham goes to quickly do a splotch-dash door on a building wall. "So Dorothy, shall we say there's no place like home?"

Karen Starr has posed:
"I have a nice bottle of wine waiting for me. There is DEFINITELY no place like home." Power Girl moves over near Spider-Ham. "It's been weird. And...fun. But definitely weird." She gives a grin, before heading to the drawn door.

Spider-Ham (2625) has posed:
The door opens, and Spider-Ham gives a wave, "Till next time!" And he goes to hop, thwip-skekaddle.
    Even as on the other end of the crossover Power Girl is met with Captain Carrot and the Amazing Zoo Crew. "We're looking for a Spider-Ham." Captain Carrot speaks.

Karen Starr has posed:
Power Girl blinks, then wordlessly points to the door behind herself. "He's in there." She says. "Enjoy!" She lifts into the air, and gives the crew a jaunty wave.