17517/The Couple that Fights Together...

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The Couple that Fights Together...
Date of Scene: 29 March 2024
Location: Abandoned Nuclear Plant
Synopsis: Mark and Sunny go on patrol, come across the Mauler Twins and put a stop to them.
Cast of Characters: Mark Grayson, Sunny Harlow

Mark Grayson has posed:
It's been a few days since Bunny has headed off to Italy. Things are quiet in the apartment that Mark and Sunny show - mainly because they aren't there at the moment. The pair were out on partol when Cecil comes over their earpieces. "Incredibelle, Invincible - we got a lead on the Mauler twins, they're trying to build some kind of device at an old nuclear facility. Sending you the coordinates - you two can handle it. Consider it a date since your girlfriend's overseas."

Mark grunts as he looks at his phone for the map. "He's such an asshole." he grunts, dressed in the familiar blue and yellow togs after claiming them back from Sunny. "We're only about five minutes away. Shall we?"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Sunny was, less than impressed with the blue bald menaces. She had plans, homework maybe or otherwise had been hoping for a quiet finish to the evening. At least for the pair of them, radiation didn't tend to be a big problem, thanks to their own space-proof nature. Still, once more in her own snug bodysuit and with the cropped jacket, she was left to tie her hair back and gestures. "Well, I guess we shall?"

Mark Grayson has posed:
"Can we say no?" Mark asks Sunny, a glance aside to his girlfriend. He really kinda wants to say no. But seeing her face, he reaches over and squeezes her hand. She's still here. He's still here. They can do this. "Okay." he offers, and releasing her hand, increases his speed, making sure that Sunny can hold pace.

As they get close to the former site, suddenly, from the ruubble, a giant robot rises up, straightening up, as it looks around. And within the cockpit? But Mauler twins are in their power suits, using the large mech like a Jaeger from Pacific Rim.

"Ah man." Mauler 1 says, seeing the incoming Viltrumites. "I really wanted to use this on the kaiju!"

"Too bad." says Mauler 2, we'll just have to squash these two! Letting out a blast from a cannon on it's head, it slams into Mark, knocking him towards the ground as it turns, trying to slam their hands together to squash Sunny! "We have to work together!" One yells at two! Two yells back. "But I wanted to laser her and squash him!"

"This is why you're the inferior clone!" they yell at the same time.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"I feel like if we did, he'd yell at us...and teleport into our living room while we were trying to enjoy ourselves so...guess we should punch them quick." A giant robot? Sunny gives a little exhaled breath. Well, she figured out how the others located them it seems. Still, as lasers start flying, she glances back to Mark before she's forced to spring upwards, avoiding the -squish- and instead zipping up the length of one arm to circle the robot.

One would think the two clones would work in synch being the same mind...but only if they didn't already know that mind was...kind of an ass.

Mark Grayson has posed:
As he pushes himself off the ground, Mark grunts, smoke rising from him, parts of his uniform destroyed to the point where Sunny is going to get some fun views. "...right. Two heads are /not/ better than one with these two!" he grunts, watching Sunny circle around.

And he gets an idea, since he's already on the ground. Setting up, his uniform hangs off a shoulder by a strap, "You hit em high, I'll him em low!" With that, he rockets forward, aiming towards the robot's legs! Hopefully Sunny gets the hint to come at the mecha up high from behind!

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Two targets was only going to make the indecision worse, that had very quickly been Sunny's thoughts and clearly Mark was able to follow it. The couple were more in synch than literal clones it seems! Zipping forwards, she does indeed flip herself over, driving both her feet in a 'kangaroo kick' into the back of the machine's 'head'.

Mark Grayson has posed:
That's because Mark and Sunny have had plenty of practice! As Sunny kangaroo kicks up high, down below, Mark takes out the mecha's legs and the large robot stumbles forward and slams into the ground, face down. "Ow!" comes out the cry in unison.

As Mark comes around, he calls out to Sunny, "You see a hatch back there?" he asks, looking to see if she sees a door - it's there. "We've cracked the shell, let's get the nuts inside!"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Read my mind," Sunny offers, grinning as she looks over the robot. She'd seen enough anime, tokusatsu and otherwise with giant robots to know the pilots tended to be in the head or chest...and most were too lazy (or didn't want to weaken the structure) so the hatches tended to be close to that point. Inspecting as she went, she spots it quick and bends to start to rip and tear.

"Got it!"

Mark Grayson has posed:
With Sunny tearing open the door, as soon as it opens, there's a massive fist that slams into her face, lookiing tio surprise sucker punch the woman as she gets the shell open. As soon as it connects, Mauler 2 is coming out. "HA! Who's the nut getting cracked now?!"

Bad move! Because Mark rushes in, grabbing the Mauler by the arm and flings him to the side, where he flies almost a football field before slamming into the ground.

As Mark goes chasing after him, the other Mauler is trying to use the chaos and hopefully Sunny's confusion, to escape!

Sunny Harlow has posed:
She wasn't -that- surprised by the attack, after all it was pretty easy to figure out where she was coming in and it wasn't that hard to work out where they'd be coming out. Frankly, she half expected to be shot by some sort of energy cannon thing again. It was still a big fist coming her way, it still impacting against her forearms as she shielded her face and sending her knocked back onto her behind.

"Son of a..." she mutters, but as Mark goes for the one that hit her? She turns to scoop up the same door and frisbee it with all the vigor of a pissed off Sailor Moon at the back of the retreating Mauler.

Mark Grayson has posed:
As Mark slams Mauler 2 to the ground and lays into him, he turns his attention to Sunny. She doesn't seem that hurt, as she flings the door at the other Mauler -- somehow she manages to miss the Mauler by a country mile!

The Mauler actually turns around to look at Sunny. "...you really do /suck/!" he taunts her as he continues to escape.

In the meantime, the other Mauler is not so lucky as Mark is dragging him back over. "If we keep this one alive - he won't clone." he points out to Sunny.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Taunt the annoyied viltrumite. That really -does- seem like a good idea, Sunny looks back at Mark's captured target, frowning. "I'm not settling for half the idiots," she offers back to him before there's a sudden shock of a sonic boom and she was racing towards the other mauler, lining up for a heavy punch as she appeared before him.

"And you're too slow."

Mark Grayson has posed:
And before Mark can say anything, Sunny is gone. And when she reappears in front of the fleeing Mauler, he doesn't get any type of chance to flee from Sunny as her fist pile drives into his face, caving it in and crushing his face into a pulp.

Mark, watching over at the fallen robot, nearly drops his Mauler. "...oh my god." he whispers. "I love that woman." he confesses.

The Mauler looks up at Invincible. "You're an id..."

Mark knees him in the face to shut hin up.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
He might survive...probably, but there was no way they'd be unable to tell which was which if he did. Sunny herself sighs as she gives a flick of her hand, gloves coated with the burst of blood the blow had brought about. Stooping down to hoist him up from his collar, she was headed towards Invincible, not exactly dignified in how she was hauling the Mauler.

"Alright, call the boss man to come pick up the rubbish..."

Mark Grayson has posed:
Tapping his comm. "Two for pickup. We'll leave them here with their destroyed toy." Mark comments, getting Cecil's attention. Cecil pauses and responds. "And where are you two going?"

There's no answer, because Mark has pounced Sunny and gives her a firm and affectionate kiss, before breaking away and glances to Sunny, before responding.


Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Consider the timecard punched," Sunny affirms, her forehead pressed to Mark's own for that first moment of contact after the kiss before she comes to stand and await the GDA agents to turn up. As soon as they're there? She takes to the sky with almost as much speed she'd pounced on the Mauler twin earlier.