17538/Another Archer In The House

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Another Archer In The House
Date of Scene: 31 March 2024
Location: Avengers Mansion - First Floor
Synopsis: Kate Bishop and Cap run into each other at Avengers Mansion, while Thor returns from smiting demon slugs and needs decontamination.
Cast of Characters: Steve Rogers, Kate Bishop, Thor

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve Rogers comes up the stairs, walking with one of the doctors who is part of the Avengers medical staff, working in the infirmary downstairs. Steve is in the midst of relating something to the doctor. "So he just touched me, and he kind of glowed. He's got golden skin actually, all the time. But he glowed more. And I could feel things shifting about in my arm, even inside the cast," Steve says.

He holds up an arm as if illustrating the story with it. "Felt good as new. I had some lingering bruises that were better but still a little tender. Completely healed as well. I went in the bathroom and ripped the cast off, took off the arm sling," Steve says.

The doctor looks amazed. "Well, sounds like someone we could use on our team then?"

An affirmative nod is given by Steve. "I was thinking the same thing. Even if he's not here full-time, to have him on call if someone is in bad shape would be a great boon. I invited him to come by the mansion."

Kate Bishop has posed:
    Kate uses, maybe abuses, the ID card she was given for the second time in so many months. Ditching her bike in the garage she heads into the Mansion proper. She is hoping to catch a specific Avenger or two, she did tell Widow she would, but she also needs a break.

    The missile looks eepy is an understatement as Hawkeye, also known as younger better Hawkeye according to her sass at Clint, comes in and pauses catching a snippet with Cap and the Doctor. "Something actually broke your arm?" her filter or not interrupting switch is a bit broken due to the eepy.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve glances up and spots Kate Bishop there. He flashes her a welcoming smile. "Yes, one of the Serpent Society shoots vibrations out of his tail, and hit me right in the forearm while I was grappling with another of them," he tells Kate. "Thankfully was still able to bring them down, but the good doctor here put me in a cast until it healed."

Another movement of his left arm, without cast is given. "But a bunch of us were out at dinner together last night. T'Challa, Nat, Dr. Banner, Scott and Pepper, plus another friend or two. And Sara's boyfriend came over to introduce himself. Apparently he has mutant healing powers, and healed it for me," he says.

The doctor gives Kate a friendly smile as well. "I'll be sure to tell the rest of the staff so we can talk to him if he's interested in joining the team," he says. He gives a nod of his head to both Steve and Kate, and then continues on, heading for the kitchen. While Steve walks over to Kate. "How are you doing, Kate?" Steve asks her.

Thor has posed:
There is a significant crash of sound outside, with a reverb through the floor. Perhaps more familiar to some than others -- it has been perhaps a year or two since Thor has arrived this way. The grass outside had recovered... but no more. The impact from Thor will once again destroy the poor lawn in that area.

And for other reasons, as well, though for now, Thor is still out in the back yard, not visible due to being beyond the edge of some of the other greenery. A little bit later he appears at the door to the backyard - but is a visual mess of some kind of dark ichor, splattered pretty heavily in it. He's in his heroic gear - full battle version, but pauses at the door, reaching out for it, and then catching himself. Perhaps he can hear JARVIS at the doorway asking him to kindly not track that horrible blackish muck inside, and he's considering what to do.

Kate Bishop has posed:
    Kate considers the story and then nods slowly. "Gods that would be useful on either of my teams... " she covers a yawn reflexively and then considers the how she is doing.

    "I'm frankly exhaussss..." she breaks off bracing by pure reflex at the crash noise, her hand already on her bow drawing it off her back and turning towards where the noise came from. Eyes much more awake suddenly, and only relaxing when JARVIS asks the Thundergod who is visible to not track in muck. "... huh.. I'm surprised JARVIS doesn't have auto cleaning door funcitons..."

Steve Rogers has posed:
"I believe that is Thor arriving. Or perhaps an alien ship," Steve says, the latter part a joke as he knows the sound of the Bifrost by now. He turns to look towards the door. "We do have a decontamination facility downstairs."

Steve lifts his voice. "Thor is any of that toxic or harmful to humans? If so we can get you washed off downstairs, entrance through the garage! Or even just if you need it cleaned off!" He doesn't walk down the hallway yet, waiting to see Thor's response.

But Steve does glance back to Kate. "Indeed, I was thinking Josh would be very useful to have on the team. I haven't had a chance to talk to Sara about him yet, but hoping to soon."

Thor has posed:
Thor had looked around him, and spotted the big garden hose. That seemed reasonable at first as a quick solution, but then Steve's voice comes in. Thor raises his voice automatically -- which was entirely unnecessary, as Thor's loud enough in his usual voice. So this is WAY too much.

"Possibly so. It could threaten their health." Thor has no idea, but it is possible, and he'd like to protect his human allies. Thor looks down, in a way that is clearly him deciding if he should take his boots off (as if that would be enough?) but he discards that idea for the moment while he's still outside, and tromps off towards the garage. He parts with a friendly wave towards both Steve and Kate. It carries that he'll be back shortly through the proper passage!

Kate Bishop has posed:
    "I'm also surprised that JARVIS doesn't have sensors that wouldn't alert us if it was actually toxic or dangerous to humans... like... well I'm glad there is a decon facility..."

    She lifts a hand waving back to Thor as he vanishes back into the backyard.

    "Healers are exceptionally rare... hope he takes you up on it. What I need is a mutant that can caffienate you...."

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve motions towards the stairs down to the basement, for Kate to join him. "He probably does. Tony tends to think of things like that," Steve concedes. "But if nothing else it'll keep him tracking that down the hallways. There's a door straight from the garage into the decontamination room, as well as the service entry there," he says.

Assuming Kate comes with him, as they pass down the stairs, Steve says, "As my latest foray into cyberspace on my laptop has shown, I'm still not the best at modern technology. Had to get someone to stop all these advertisements from popping up on the screen whenever I tried to use it," he says as they head down to meet Thor.

Thor has posed:
"My change of clothes is still here!" Thor calls with pleased exhuberance towards where he presumes Steve and Kate are. His hearing is excellent, and he doesn't have any of the louder decontamination equipment going yet regardless.

Thor was somewhat surprised that the clothes he had -- kind of abandoned?-- for years were still present and available to him to change into. It's nice both to have them for comfort while his gear is cleaned up, but more, that the team didn't put them away or get rid of them after passage of time. Sometimes humans have a diferent view on time than he does, of course.

Thor makes use of the decontamination, but also, "I will be out momentarily. I suspect I do smell most horrific!"

...So a quick rinse, after, before he's presentable. "But I have news of monstrous demons that need further smiting," Thor calls.

Kate Bishop has posed:
    Kate follows Cap down to the basement.. she hasn't seen all the mansion parts really so this is sort of fun if she was honest with herself.

    "I am pretty sure no one really calls it Cyberspace, I think people just call what you are doing the net or internet Steve." she sounds amused "Also Cyborg built a really good antispam/virus thing for the Titans in his spare time."

    "Also.. is it me or is it funny that they kept his change of clothes right by the decon room. That just makes sense...."

    "Demons.... are awful.... are they coming to Earth.. ur... Midgard..."

Steve Rogers has posed:
"Probably one of several," Steve says as he and Kate are on their way to the decontamination room. There are also science labs and the medical facility, as well as a secure vault down here. "Until you've seen him in board shorts... well," Steve says, not finishing the thought but just grinning over to Kate.

"So speaking of your team, how are they doing?" he asks as they approach the room then. "Demons, Thor? Here on Earth or were they off somewhere else in the Nine Realms?" Steve inquires. Hoping for elsewhere, if he's honest. Which, you know. He is.

Thor has posed:
Thor isn't visible during decontamination, nor the other rinse facilities. Privacy, of course, though Thor isn't the most private of the Avengers by any means. And he's chatty, during, fully willing to call through the chamber's wall as if he weren't being actively decontaminated and samples of goo weren't being scraped by the weird little Stark-bots. Normal!

"Ah, this very city! I found one atop a roof, and it led me to two more. Enormous slug-beasts, most horrible in smell. I had seen one another time as well, two weeks past. It was a short fight, they do not resist direct force," Thor explains cheerfully. "I could not determine their source, sadly."

Kate Bishop has posed:
    "I was really really hoping it was some other realm..." she sounds disappointed too. Not too alarmed. More tired and resigned.

    She did catch Steve's question though. "Titans are doing great. They thankfully have more than me to rely on. The Young Avengers are more of a struggle because between Titans... school.. family drama.. I feel like I am not doing enough for them. The whole OmniMan disaster was bad news... I thought Invicible was going to die to be honest. I need teleportation tech but apparently the governments is like millions per use of the stupid thing..."

Steve Rogers has posed:
"I'm not really sure that the world is ready for that kind of technology yet," Steve says thoughtfully to Kate. "If I can help your young Avengers would be happy to do what I can, as well."

He looks up then and calls back to Thor, "Demon slugs you say? That doesn't sound particularly good. I've heard some reports of some activity, but the Avengers largely weren't needed for it so far. Was going on around the time that the mansion was attacked. We could do some patrols of that area though if you think there might be more."

Thor has posed:
"I think Hawkeye saw some. I was attempting to catch up on reports. But there are many," Thor dryly adds. And he maybe went through two before his interest was lost on the reports that are often full of a lot of details or things that don't concern him, or things he can help with. He made the effort, though!

"But this could be the last of them, and I destroyed their evil demon-birthing mother slugs," Thor supposes. "They were very large, after all. Size of vehicles." Which might explain the muck level on Thor.

Soon, Thor has appeared: damp, but dressed in casual things quickly-- such that those are now ALSO sort of damp. Sweatpants, socks, gray t-shirt. None of it masks Thor in particular, or the dripping water in his blonde hair. As god of Thunder, though, rain or being soaked isn't really something he is concerned with. It'll dry soon enough!

"Teleporting, while useful, can sometimes be a hindrance. Then you feel like you must be everywhere, all at once, since you can!" Thor 'advises', with a warm smile to Kate.

Kate Bishop has posed:
    "I do think the Young Avengers could probably use Captain America to stop by and give them some pointers and make them feel supported now that you mention it. They have all been dealing with so much...."

    "That is... disgusting... and disturbing... truck sized slugs... from hell... lets hope you managed to get them all Thor." she considers all the advice about teleporting.

    "Fair, I just wish I could get places faster than the hyperloop or my bike is all. Makes it hard to bounce between teams and school in two seperate cities..."

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve Rogers greets Thor with a hardy handshake as he emerges from the decontamination facility. "Well hopefully that was all of them. But we can definitely check the area, and get word out to the police so if they encounter something they'll know to contact us," Steve offers.

Turning back to Kate Bishop, Steve Rogers smile to her. "I'd be happy to work with them," he assures her. "We can work out a training session in the Training Room here. Or maybe go do some work together in the field if we find an appropriate mission?"

Steve leans against the wall looking thoughtful. "Getting from New York to Metropolis in just one or two dozen minutes was something unheard of in my day. But maybe instead of trying to handle everything at once, you could spend some time with each, a length of it, and not bounce back and forth so much?" Steve suggests.

Thor has posed:
"Multiple teams? That must be exhausting," Thor says with a lift of brows. "Spreading too thin doesn't benefit either team, does it?" He wonders, but it's just thoughtfully. "I already feel split... between Asgard, and the Avengers," Thor explains, empathizing with Kate on it. "Fortunately, father has awakened, and I may spend my time here, with you."

Thor brighens up considerably, approaching Steve, to attempt to clasp his shoulder warmly in a squeeze. "I have needed this. Being of service here, with mine friends."

Kate Bishop has posed:
    "Yeah well I need to help the Young Avengers, but I wont be quitting on the Titans they are basically my family... but yes exhausting."

    She stretches and pops her neck and her back. "I really can't stay too long... need to do an easter thing with the family.... not the Titans."

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve Rogers clasps Thor's shoulder back in return. "It's always good to have you with us, Thor. We're never as good of a team when you're not about. Though we understand when you are needed in Asgard of course." He gives a few more claps on the back before turning back to Kate Bishop.

"Kate," Steve says, "Let me know when we want to do that training session and we can set it up. And I hope that you have a great Easter. Glad we got to run into each other," he tells the young archer.

Thor has posed:
"And my eye is much improved," Thor says in a whisper to Steve. Thor's whispers are easily audible, there's no doubt Kate heard ALL of that whisper -- and also saw him gesture to his eye. There's only a bit of bruising left. But whatever happened may be a mystery, now.

Thor turns to look at Kate, then, curious about the training session, but all smiles: glad to hear a young hero will be having Steve's advice!

"Easter," Thor says, abruptly. "That is the holiday of spring fertility, yes? With eggs."

Kate Bishop has posed:
5tKate looks amused, then waves to both of them. "Good to see you both. Will do Cap, will send you some details and all."

    She turns to see herself out, letting Steve deal with explaining Easter and Jesus to the Thundergod.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve Rogers bids Kate Bishop goodbye. "Sounds good Kate. Enjoy the rest of Easter," he tells her warmly, watching her depart.

And then Steve turns back to Thor. "Spring fertility," he repeats, and draws in a deep breath, as if realizing just how much it is going to take to explain the holiday to Thor. "Let's go upstairs and get a few drinks. It's... quite a long story really," Steve says, clasping Thor's shoulder again as the two start heading back upstairs.