17546/Easter Sunday at the Embassy
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Easter Sunday at the Embassy | |
Date of Scene: | 01 April 2024 |
Location: | Themysciran Embassy - First Floor |
Synopsis: | No description |
Cast of Characters: | Caitlin Fairchild, Mercy Thompson
- Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
The Themysciran Embassy is (unsurprisingly), very very Greek in theme and feel. So it's not exactly the place one might normally expect to see some kind of an Easter celebration. But, that's what it's getting today. Or at least, it's getting a mutual celebration. There's a very tall, very leggy redhead in a pretty white sundress and brown leather wedge-heel sandals moving through the Embassy, and setting little Easter baskets full of candy here and there, at the main desk, on a table, and so on. (As an added benefit, the little plastic eggs in the baskets are done up in the colors for the transgender flag, as it's also Transgender Day of Visibility.)
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy had her own gathering a bit earlier in the day but wanted to stop by and bring some of the cookies and sweets she made. As such in her 'church' best Mercy will show up at the embassy. She has a few Tupperware trays full of cookies and sweets. Mind you her church best for today is a light green color with a kind of flower print that plays off well with her darker skin. She is surprised at all she is seeing and says, "Too late to bring in some offerings? I didn't think anything was happening here, but I made lots of extra sweets."
- Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin looks over and smiles. "I'm glad to see I wasn't the only one who had the thought. Honestly, who's ever going to say no to a few extra cookies?" She asks, looking over to Mercy as she sees her. "Want to add some of them to the baskets?" The super-leggy redhead offers back with a smile.
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy THINKS she's sniffed this redhead before but they've never really spoken together. "Sure. These going to anyone specific or just whomever shows up?" Mercy will head over to some of the baskets and her colored wax paper wrapped items. Keeping it to one of those an a few frosted and decorated cookies per basket. "Just you here right now? I'm Mercy by the way," the mechanic offers with a small smile. Damn is everywhere here tall and beautiful?! Talk about giving a normal girl a complex.
- Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
The redhead makes Diana look short. She'd be 6'4" in her bare feet; in the sandals she's wearing she's a little taller than that. "I was just putting them around for anyone who happens to come through. I mean, there's plenty of Embassy staff here. I don't know if anyone "important" is in." She makes air-quotes with her fingers for that. "And I'm Caitlin." Very Irish name for very red-haired girl. "Nice to meet you."
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
Which puts Caitlin a foot over Mercy in height. "Well that is nice of you. I try to leave something here from time to time. Makes me feel less guilty about the training I pick up." Mercy will keep dishing out about all but ten percent or so of the cookies she brought. Those she may leave for those who just want to pick and choose a bite or two and not commit to a full basket. "Didn't know how 'yay Christ' they be here or not." Mercy herself admits, "all the crosses we see around this day always bothers me."
- Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"I expect most of the locals are Greek pantheistic. But that doesn't mean we can't all share in celebrations with each other." Caitlin says. "That's sort of the point of an embassy. Being a place to help understanding between different cultures." She helps get things divided into the baskets, and looks over, curiously. "Why is that? I mean...it's sort of an accepted symbol, especially for THIS holiday."
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
"I'm sure this holiday belongs to someone they pay respect to. Wasn't there an Aester or something? Now I'll have to google that when I get home." Hence the egg and bunny cookies that Mercy made. Mercy shakes her head about the question, "I don't care about what others think. Using it as a sign for Christ feels wrong to me. It's a symbol of execution that was used on LOTS of people. For me it is the faith about the man and what he did for us. That's why I wear this." Mercy hooks a thumb around a chain she always wears. A sturdy one with a bit of silver glint to it, and hanging from it is a little silver lamb. "That's what I use." Lamb of god.
- Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"Eostre or Ostara, depending on whether you follow the Saxon or German pronunciation." Because yes, Caitlin is enough of a nerd to know that off the top of her head. "Hmm. I can see the argument. Of course, faith's personal, everyone should use whatever symbols have meaning to them. For me, the crucifix would be especially relevant for Easter, because He did die for us. But I can certainly get your viewpoint."
She looks curious. "What brings you by here with Easter treats anyhow? I mean, I know my reasons. But you said you get training here?" She asks, interested.
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy snaps her finger, "That's right. There was the fun scene in American Gods even. With Zeus and Shadow." Tucking the lamb back into her dress top Mercy says, "Well I know this works and it gets missed by those who get testy with crosses. Though it can still keep some vampires at bay. Win-win." Mercy will snag a cookie herself to nibble one, since it broke. "Here, enjoy it." Offering the other half of the broken cookie to the redhead.
Mercy gives a small bob of her head, "Yeah I come here from time to time. Both to work with one of the Kangas, to train, or just visit some of the women here that I know. Mostly been focused on spear and shield. My unarmed is okay, but I need to keep my speed up with armed combat too. Helps even out when I can't throw a truck at someone. Well I guess I could DRIVE a truck at someone, but you know what I mean." Since the Amazons are known for being pretty strong. "I don't live far either, just over in Harlem."
- Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"Most times I'm over in the Upper West Side, by Columbia. So not far from Harlem." Caitlin offers verbally, while offering to swap a cookie with Mercy so she can try one of hers, while Cait tries one of Mercy's. "If you're looking to train today, I can help spar with you. I mean, I don't know if you are. But if you are."
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Nope. Been to the campus from time to time for work." Mercy moves to rest her hip against one of the tables they been putting stuff on and looks up at Caitlin. Let's be honest, how can she NOT look up to the tall redhead there. "I'm happy to try and spar, I keep spare clothes with me always. So I can go change and stuff."
- Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"Yeah, I've got a room upstairs. Let me go change and I'll meet you after." she says.
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Sure I'll meet you out there." Mercy will leave the rest of the cookies and treats out. Then she goes to her car and will see about changing. Before too long she'll see about being out there into the training field. Though it will take her a while to get everything together and ready out there.
- Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlyn heads upstairs to go change into her actual suit. She comes back down into the training field, with her bracers on, Amazon armor, and a big, two-handed hammer. She looks like the Amazon she is now, and carries that obviously-heavy hammer as if it didn't weigh a pound. She rolls her shoulders a little.
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy looks...like 'Rocky' next to Apollo. Mercy herself is just in some sweat pants and a tee shirt. Not exactly good looking or Amazon looking. Just a woman in braid with workout clothing. "Woah,' she says in return to seeing Caitlin showing. "If you hit me with that I'm going to go splat like a cartoon Coyote."
- Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"Well, around this place, it's not safe to assume what people can do, so I figured I'd ask. So, no superhuman resistance?" Caitlin asks, as she looks over to Mercy. "I mean, you don't have to tell me...I would have pulled my punch on any of this."
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Not to getting my skull caved in, no. I have faith but let's not test the resurrection type limits please." Mercy is amused and says, "I'm stronger then a normal person but not really Amazon style. Speeds i my best thing I can usually try to press people on." She motions to herself. "I'm a weirdness magnet."
- Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin tosses the hammer to the side, where it lands head down with a loud THUD. "Okay. Let's see what we can do with this." She crosses her arms at the wrists, bracing the bracers in front of her. "When you're ready." she offers, looking over to Mercy.
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
"You want me to just throw a punch so you know my strength or we just going at it now," Mercy wanting to be sure as she shifts her posture to be a bit more ready. Ever since that little mix up with Supergirl she tends to be a lot more careful with force she applies to others. She will wait for an answer before she goes in for a fast jab at the woman testing the reflexes, rather then trying to land a hit.
- Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"Sure." Caitlin offers. She takes a more relaxed stance, arms at her side. "Go ahead and let's see what we're dealing with." she offers, letting the Native American woman take the opening strike to judge what she has coming in."
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy will step up and give a solid straight cross punch for Caitlin's midsection. She won't through her full force into the redhead, but she is going for a strong punch. The other reason not to throw her strongest punch is Mercy would like to not break her hand.
- Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Well, she probably wouldn't break her hand on Caitlin, but she might on the Amazonian armor. It IS armor, after all. Cait doesn't flinch or react, though...clearly either the armor or her has some level of physical resistance. "You're welcome to use a weapon if you like." That WAS what Mercy had mentioned originally.
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Just didn't want to assume you wanted that kind of training or fighting." Mercy will head over and get one of the spears she uses often for training. Not a live head tip, but still pointed and can hurt, just not fine metal point sharp. She gives a few spins and twists to get ready and will even get herself a shield to use on her off arm. "Okay. Shall we?" Mercy gets into a ready stance and gets ready to spar.
- Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"Well, it's the training you said you needed. Besides, it'll give me a chance to practice too; I'm not likely to have that hammer out in the field." She is more likely to have the bracers, though, and takes her ready stance again. "Let's do it."
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Well if you want to practice avoidance," Mercy smiles and goes on the offensive. That's her best trait, along with her being super sneak. She thrusts right for Caitlin's face, but that's again a feint. Then she kicks in her full speed with a fast spin to try and bring the haft of that spear right for Cait's knee and legs. Chop the tree down right?!
- Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin's spent quite some time training with the Amazons at this point. She moves an arm high to try to block, but she doesn't expect the first move of the fight to be a feint. Plus, she's been more worried about the point of the spear than the haft. And when your legs are two thirds of your body height, it's a little harder to get them out of the way in time. She has some increased speed and agility, but it's not as much as her strength or toughness, so she lets her legs start to go loose.
The haft hits her in the back of the knees, but since she was already going loose, she lets herself fall backwards as her knees are taken out. She lands on her back, but then pops herself back up in a quick kippup. "Good move!" She says. She backs off a couple steps, considering her options. With Mercy having the spear, she has the reach advantage. Cait has height, and she has leg length. She jumps in, kicking out at Mercy as she comes in. She's pulling her blows, obviously; nothing more than a strong athlete for this.
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy has been in too many fights to pass on an advantage, even a given one. She rushes forward as Caitlin is recovering, as she tries to use the tip of the spear to score a hit as the kippup is about to happen.
"Thanks," but Mercy doesn't stop her advancing movement as she tries to circle the redhead. The kick coming in is not attempted to be blocked, Mercy is a bit shy about that fact of how heavy that hammer sounded. So she jumps, normally a dumb move, when the leg comes out. Trying to use her speed and strength to get up over the attack and thrust down with the spear. Only she's totally in the air and exposed.
- Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
It's likely to be a doubled hit. Caitlin throws her weight around to rotate, and try and get the hit with the other leg. But she gets caught with the spear too, in the armor. "Oof!" She lands, and tries rolling to the side, to get back to her feet.
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy is in the air and not able to dodge the in coming other kick. So all Mercy can do is try and not go splat. That means folding around the kick and letting it send her flying. She can do her best to use the spear to help avoid landing in the wrong position. She's not too proud to eat dirt, she's done that lots of times. So the mechanic is going to tumble and roll as she land.
With both women going to their neutral corners Mercy and use the spear to stand up again. All be it with a bit of a struggle. "Something tells me the oof was more for effect then any real pain. You feel really solid, Red."
- Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"Still gotta breathe." Caitlin points out, as she moves to stand. "Physics is a fickle mistress." She looks over. "But you've got some pretty solid training already." She seems to approve. "Not a lot of people could put me on the back foot like that, even holding back to human levels." She rolls her shoulders once. "I'm probably not the best one to train you; if I go all out, I might hurt you, and if I don't, then I'm pretty sure you'll take me down."
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Lots of practice," smiles Mercy at the compliment. "But yeah I've had to train a lot. I'm always smaller and weaker then the other guys." She dips her head, "Thanks for the kind words. You're also pretty impressive. Most don't adapt and think as fast as you." Mercy will set the spear to rest as she stands up and says. "Well. Then what if I help give you practice on unexpected foes and speed? I tend to be far quicker then most. That and I haven't shown you all my tricks." She waits to see if Caitlin is interested or not.
- Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin smiles a little. "I'm more of a thinker, than a fighter. The Amazons had their work cut out for them with training me. And I've learned to fight pretty well. I'm just not so good at simulating being vulnerable. But sure, I'm happy to try any kind of training you like." She looks back to Mercy, and smiles. "Or, talk, or have a snack...whatever you like, really.'
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy considers the options and then will shoulder the spear in a casual way. "Sure. I'm happy to talk with another smart woman. I mean the world be doomed without us." She will casually walk over. "Besides I don't have any fancy fast healing really. So I have to be careful with my training, but it's good. Deeps me from being too sloppy. Most times." She waist until she is almost up to the taller woman. "So what should we talk about? Things that break the laws of mass conversation, the timing of a BMW Z3, the history of sporks or something else?"
- Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin will go move to return her spear to one of the racks. "I heal a little bit faster, but mostly I get by on not being able to get hurt. Or not easily, at least." She smiles over. "Well, I don't have a lot of experience with practical automobile mechanics. I could talk THEORY with you all day. But I'm good with almost anything. Let's start with...how did YOU get tied in with the Amazons?"
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy will see about returning her own spear to where it belongs. "That's an easy question. I do know about auto mechanics." She offers and will relax against the wall a bit. "But Diana's BMW did need some work and she came to me. We got to talking and that was pretty much the start of it. I helped her out, and she offered me a chance to try some training here." She will motion to the area around here, "Not sure how tied I am to them. I want to be able to visit their home and like to help out. Then again, I don't know what sort of status I have in the eyes of the Amazons."
- Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
That gets a laugh. "Well, THAT is a huge coincidence. Talk about lucky. The Amazons treat everyone pretty equally. If they've taken you for training, that's all it takes. I officially became an honorary Amazon, but that's not something that people need to do. I just thought it was...well, really neat. Plus I've worked with Donna Troy for quite a while."
- Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Far as I know I'm just a friend and not honorary anything. Then again maybe its a species thing too. Don't worry I won't tell anyone. Not sure who I would tell anyway." Mercy will go on and say, "Part of me loves the idea of seeing Diana's homeland, but also not sure what me being there may do. I tend to have odd reactions with magic at times. What about you? What's your story Caitlin? Magic glow up, dedicated training, PhD in bad assery?"
- Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"Oh, I'm human too." Caitlin pauses. "Wait, are you human? I just assumed. Sorry, I shouldn't have done that. Technically, I'm a clone. A specially designed clone with extra genetic advantages, engineered. Sped-grown in a virtual environment."