17556/Spider Squared
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Spider Squared | |
Date of Scene: | 01 April 2024 |
Location: | The Rooftops of New York City |
Synopsis: | No description |
Cast of Characters: | Peter Parker, Miles Morales
- Peter Parker has posed:
Ahhhhh, procrastination.
At the end of the day it rarely is a good idea. Putting off what one can do today until later rarely actually works out. But given the choice between locking himself away in a lab or taking to the city skyline isn't much of a choice at all on a night like this.
While it might still be chilly, the weather is more cool and wet rather then out and out cold and snowy. Even with the light drizzle of rain that falls from the sky overhead there is something very satisfying about webbing one's way across the city, the lights laid out on the streets below and the buildings to each side.
It admittedly helps that he has gotten an upgrade or two to his costume as of late, focusing some on the whole climate control thing. Sometimes it pays to have old friends. Really, really, really old friends. Like pretty ancient, though it might be rude to point that out.
Either way, Pete fires off another webline and swings deep, letting the arc carry him back upwards before he lets go of that line and flings himself through the air with limbs flailing -- only to land safely on the waiting rooftop ledge.
- Miles Morales has posed:
Of course Peter isn't the only person out and about tonight, Spidering it up.
While Miles has been spending more of his time in Gotham as of late given his own college experiences, there is always a pretty good reason to stop back in and check in at the ol' home front. Which is what brings him back to town.
And while he might be thrilled to get the chance to visit with his parents, much like his slightly older namesake, he too felt the need to get out and about. To take to the streets and rooftops and swing away some stress before he heads back to school.
And in this case it is also an opportunity to catch up with a fellow Spider and chat without resorting to an email or a qucik text.
It might due, but it really isn't the same.
So Miles too comes hurtling out of the dark to land on the opposite side of the same building, a dark shadow on this cool and drizzly night.
- Peter Parker has posed:
While he might be a friendly NEIGHBORHOOD Spider-Man, his neighborhood can encompass a whole heck of a lot when he wants it too. It usually includes the entirety of New York and those core five borroughs for instance, and it's not that unusual for it to include a little beyond even that.
So it only makes sense that it also includes his fellow spiders. Particularly one that has taken up his name part and parcel.
While Miles might not be a threat, in the cold and dark and rainy it would seem that finely honed sense is a little extra sensitive, pointing out the approaching figure on the other side of the rooftop with just the faintest of tingles.
And while Pete can't always tell exactly what a particular tingle might signify, he has had a lot of practice at least, enough so that he can usually narrow things done enough to make a pretty educated guess.
"Evening, my fellow Spider-Man. I trust things are going reasonably well for you," he offers up by way of greeting, the grin beneath that mask still somehow managing to be present in his tone as he turns towards his fellow costumed do-gooder.
- Miles Morales has posed:
All of these abilities are a little newer to Miles, but he feels that he is starting to get a good grip on them. It might have taken awhile -- and he will freely admit that he still has a fair bit to learn. But things are definitely coming along.
He left New York City to go to school in Gotham for a lot of reasons. And while the chance to sort of fly on his own, to operate without having that safety net of having other Spider's about looking out for him wasn't the primary reason certainly. But it didn't hurt either. Sometimes making one's own mistakes is the only real way to learn.
He has made the odd one, admittedly.
"I'm wet. And kinda cold," Miles offers up drily. "But otherwise pretty darn pleased to be back home, even if just for a few days," he admits freely.
"You're pretty chipper for someone standing out in a cold spring drizzle," he counters, amusement coloring his own words.
- Peter Parker has posed:
"Hey, it beats ice and snow. Which is not entirely out of the question even at this time of year," Pete points out wryly before wagging a finger in his fellow Spider-Man's direction. "So don't you go jinxing anything. I've had some nice little toys fall into my hands of late that make dealing with temperature extremes a little more tolerable, but that doesn't mean I'm going to go asking for trouble," he points out with a snort.
Probably because trouble tends to have plenty of luck finding him all on it's own, without any real effort to go looking for it on his part.
It's a gift. Though definitely the sort of gift that Pete wishes he could return sometimes.
"Look, I'm just glad that you dropped me a line and let me know you were in town. Anything to have an excuse to put off doing my lab work for another night. We're not exactly in the most sintillating chapter right at the moment. Definitely the dog days of this particular course," he conceeds with a shake of his head.
Motioning Miles over, he hops back up onto the rain-slickened ledge, sticking easily with that superhuman grace. "So what do you say? Up for running a quick patrol despite the weather?"
- Miles Morales has posed:
While Miles has been looking forward to the chance to catch up, to find out how things have been going and maybe share a little of his own recent experiences, the nice thing about being a Spider is that they tend to be pretty good at multitasking. Why sit around a coffee shop -- or even a rooftop -- when they can chat and hunt down deserving bad guys to thrash at the same time.
Really, it's the best of both worlds.
So Miles doesn't need to be invited twice. He might be able to do without the chilly drizzle that seems to seep right through his costume, but a good way to banish some of that chill is to find a little trouble.
"New tech huh? I am definitely jelly," the younger man says lightly. "You'll have to tell me about it," he agrees as he hopes up onto that ledge beside Peter.
"While we're swinging though," he adds, flinging out a webline before leaping from that rooftop perch.