17635/Plans within plans
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Plans within plans | |
Date of Scene: | 13 April 2024 |
Location: | Office - Fisk Towers |
Synopsis: | A mission is given to Maya, to find the Cain Marko. |
Cast of Characters: | Wilson Fisk, Maya Lopez
- Wilson Fisk has posed:
The day is just started, Mr Fisk is looking out over the city, his eyes studying it in that massive frame in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. His eyes studying it for a long time, waiting for his suit to be pressed and delivered. Too early for meetings, but it is never too early to start the plotting, planning, wishing for it all to go his way. His massive hand is holds that mug, that appears tiny like a china cup in his hands sipping it slowly, grumbling softly to himself.
- Maya Lopez has posed:
The message came early that morning. Mr. Fisk wishes to see you. It was not an invitation that one could consider or turn down. When Wilson Fosk requested your prescence you abided without question. Especially, if you were Maya Lopez. Her relationship with Mr. Fisk was different than most. He was to her like a father figure, a man who raised her upon the death of her father. She owed him more than she could ever begin to calculate, and all she could really manage to give him regularly was a matter of loyalty.
She knew where his office was, she had been there many times before, thus she did not require an escort. She approached the door to the office an opened the door, stepping in and standing in the doorway, clothed in a pair of jeans and a black leather coat.
Her eyes drifted to the woman who was often on hand when she visited with Wilson, an interpreter that bridged the language gap that they had. Her eyes fell on the large man by the window, wrapping once on the wall to get him to turn.
- Wilson Fisk has posed:
Wilson Fisk turns slowly to look at the man his hands is moving in synch slowly to greet her, he tries to learn it but never finding the time besides the basic. He walks towards her, looking between the man that will translate and her with a dipping of his head. "Good morning." His voice is friendly, his eyes studying Maya for a long time, waiting for her to settle. "Coffee?" His voice is directed at the man, hired to translate, waiting for him before he moves into the next phase of the meeting.
- Maya Lopez has posed:
The interpreter is well-trained, their hands moving fluently as the words are beginning to be spoke. The slightest of smile is given to the large man, but her eyes also focus on his lips, choosing to lip read as well as watch the hands of the interpreter standing beside him. She gives a small nod and then her own hands raise, offering her reply with rapid movements, the words be spoken by the translator.
"Good morning. I would love some coffee. Just black."
She has yet to move from where she is standing watching him with a raised brow of curiosity.
- Wilson Fisk has posed:
Wilson Fisk walks over slowly to the coffee pot one of the few tasks, he stills does for himself pouring it slowly into a cup. Walking that little cup over to her placing it between her fingers with a nod of his head. "Enjoy." His fingers make the simple signs, clumsy in the motion but he is trying before he turns to close the window with a nod at her. "Now, tell me of your recent work, break it down for me everything and in the end we will discuss our next steps dearest one?"
- Maya Lopez has posed:
The coffee is taken and she draws on a long slow sip, savoring its bitter taster before making her way over to the desk to set it down. She needed both hands to communicate for the most past. Her glance turned to face the interpreter as Wilson began to speak once more, taking in all the hand motions with a slow and steady nod. Once ahgain, she offered her reply, making sure the man saw all of her signs clearly as his voice spoke out her words form Wilson to hear.
"I have carried out what you have asked. The prescence of the Track Suit Mafia is strong in the neighborhoods you wanted them to take control over. You will have no trouble setting up your shipping operation and within a day or so, we should have the slip at the arranged."
She paused a monent to let the interpreter catch up.
The interpreter seemed had a confused expression on his face with her next signs, but he translated it correctly. "The Tuna has been removed."
He would know "The Tuna" was another major player in ther portside neighborhood."
- Wilson Fisk has posed:
Wilson Fisk nods slowly his hand is moves that cup slowly to his lips for a long sip of his coffee, with a nod of his head. "You have done well, I'm very proud you. Work is good to get over with, now than has this one served his purpose." His head is moves towards the man that is translating, walking over to the man to offer his hand at him with a warm smile. "Has he heard and done much yet or been out of the room for your work?" There is an edge to his tone, that Maya will have known well in the past, that hint of danger.
- Maya Lopez has posed:
Her eyes fall to the interaction between her father figure and the interpreter. She cannot tell his tone, but she can certainly see his actions. She had used the interpreter once before. However, she was not going to let Wilson know this. Afterall, it was not for a major meeting of sorts. He had witnessed very little to be honest. Yet, she had no real attachment to the man.
She couls see the man tense up, as he did heard the edge to the words as he struggled and fumbled a bit to translate. Maya picked up on it, furrowing her brow as she tried to make sense of what he was telling her.
When the man translated, there was a quite quiver in his voice.
"No. I have never seen him. He must work in your building?"
She once again paused andnarrowed her eyes at the pair.
"I am sure he is aware of what happens should he speak of any of this."
The man spoke the words with that same quiver and nodded his head vehemently.
- Wilson Fisk has posed:
Wilson Fisk nods slowly his hand is moving towards the man with a little wolf like smile at him. "Keep your toy for now, but attaching yourself to the help leads to exposure, it leads to feeling and connects, to care, which leads to weakness in the end. It leads to a hand not willing to do what needs to be done, keep that in mind. You are my hand, my only HAND in the light of my office, never forget that and what it means to those you trust with your words." He walks over to the balcony opening stepping outside to look at the city, waiting to see if the pair follows.
- Maya Lopez has posed:
The interpeter's hands are moving quickly as he tries to transate what Wilson is saying, repating the words as he does so to the bets of his ability. It is quite obvious in his tone that he is quite flustered and nervous about how the conversation has shifted to him and he is forced to translate it all.
Maya cannot hep but smile, trying to make the man feel a little bit of comfort, but only gives a casua shrug in reply as if to say: Whatever. I don't care who translated for me to be honest.
She takes a step to follow her the man out onto the balcony, taking a moment to sign to the translator a quick message that would go unseen. "You'll be fine. Just don't fuck up."
As she reaches the balcony, she takes a moment to stare out on the city, resting her arms on the railing before turing to face the two men again, her hands once more signing.
"There is much on your mind Uncle Wilson."
- Wilson Fisk has posed:
Wilson Fisk leans over the edge of the railing that bulk making it let out of sigh of pain from his weight, but it had been built to almost support him. "There is always much on the mind of a king, and that is what I'm Maya. A king of this city, a king of the underworld. There is many pies, many subjects, many tasks that need to handled and now I will be assigning two of those things to you. You will find a man named Marko Cain, he is to be hired to attack a shipment of armored trucks." His hand is motions towards a building down below. "Of that bank in few days, when he is hitting this bank you and your little friends are to break into a tech warehouse on the other side of the town. I want him to be so loud, that folks have to rush there and have to all hands on deck, do you understand? I need that tech all of it, in one swoop for a project."
- Maya Lopez has posed:
There was a lot to interpret there. The man;s hands were flying quickly and Maya had her eyes solely focused on the translation, making sure she got all of it correctly, even taking a moment to repeat back what she had seen to make sure she had it right. Her hand raised to brush her hair away from her face before she offered her reply back to the King of the Underworld.
"Find Marko Cain. Attack the trucks. Got it. Break in and steal the tech at the warehouse on the other side of town. Make sure he causes a big scene, to draw the law."
She allowed a msike to come to her lips and she patted him once on the shoulder before signging.
"That's all?"
There was another small pause before she simply asked, making sure the man translated it correctly by reading his lips.
"Leave no sign of us being there? Harm nobody?"
- Wilson Fisk has posed:
Wilson Fisk looks out over the kitty his hands are moving to throw the cup over the edge as he laughs softly. "Do it as you will, you have your mission carry out as you wish." With that he is strides over to his suit picking it up slowly, taking it over his arm as it just got dropped off. "I have meetings, show your friend out and yourself. I will wait to hear of your good news, make it as quick as you can."
- Maya Lopez has posed:
The Choctaw woman shrugs her shoulders and narrows her eyes as he moves to depart, signing quickly so her final words can be heard by the Underworld King.
"Consider it already done. Have I ever let you down before? You do not need to reply. I know the answer."
And with that she walked off the balcony and out of the office with a casual waving of her hand.