17703/Fancy Trouble
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Fancy Trouble | |
Date of Scene: | 19 April 2024 |
Location: | VIP Lounge - Hellfire Club |
Synopsis: | In an unexpected twist, Selene gets not one but TWO sword wielding scrappers under her wing in a single encounter. Surely this can only end well for everyone involved. |
Cast of Characters: | Rose Wilson, Selene Gallio, Spiral
- Rose Wilson has posed:
Money's starting to get tight, which means Rose needs to get off of her duff and do something about it. For someone who has a moral compass which is best described as 'chaotic neutral' it only makes sense to go where the money is and she's had this weird Hellfire Club legacy membership card just sitting in a dresser drawer for a while. Those guys have lots of money, right? They already know her, so they also know what she's about.
A few calls, several cigarettes and a lot of frustration later, Rose gets her 'in.' Around here it also involves an escort which she's none too thrilled about but the short wiry girl with one eye and long white hair walks in dressed to the nines in ratty old sneakers, ripped blue jeans, and a snug red shirt with a skull and crossbones printed across the chest, and a worn blue denim jacket which looks like it's Seen Some Shit.
She fits right in!
She's led to a booth and, other than getting a quick drink order, is left alone, if not constantly being watched on the sly. Being a member is one thing but she hasn't quite gotten VIP privileges yet.
Of course, a job or two just might change this. Fortunately for her, someone's investing in new talent.
- Selene Gallio has posed:
Money is never truly tight for Selene Gallio. Is it because she has caches of buried treasure around the globe? Antiquities to pawn off from the dawn of civilization? Or has she simply achieved the momentum of the ultrawealthy where money is literally no longer a concern?
Yes. All of those. All of those and more.
Which is fine, because who has time for a job when your presence is required to smooth the friction of movers and shakers? To oversee the environs of the Hellfire Club, ensuring the machinations of the rich and powerful play out as they expect, or at least seem to, while they play out as /you/ demand?
Which is why no one reacts with shock or surprise when the Mistress of the Night glides into the VIP lounge. Figuratively.
And while the Hellfire Club's inner circle is renowned for daring decorum, the daytime business of the VIP lounge with its business and commerce is a time for discretion and composure. Which is why Selene's pale body is covered from throat to thigh in glistening black silk, a snug choker neckline wrapping that elegant neck to hold up that flowing silk, widening from that narrow strip to a wider flow that covers her chest... mostly. Lush outer curves display in a show of flesh that would be brazen and daring in any other environs, to say nothing of the graceful lines of her ribcage and abdomen that are on display, that fabric narrowing to a thin strip before it joins the fabric around her hips to form a long skirt that covers front and back, with slits on either side that seem likely to run up to the very limits of decency. And that slit dress does allow for glimpses of stiletto heels that crisscross with narrow black straps up to her knee.
With the arrival of the Black Queen, there's the expected ripples of conversations paused as patrons stop to acknowledge her... or to gape and stare, at the least. Though the staff move with smooth, practiced grace uninterrupted by her arrival.
In fact, it's upon her arrival that a smartly dressed waiter is depositing a glass of red wine opposite Ms. Wilson, moments before Ms. Gallio is settling herself at that glass, dark painted lips spreading in a slow smile as she murmurs softly, voice low, throaty, with an accent that is truly unplaceable. "Ah. Ms. Wilson! I'm glad you didn't have any difficulty in arriving on time." Her dark gaze is intent, focused, unerringly locked on Rose's face. "I apologize for the... vagaries of the job offer but I'm afraid it was unavoidable."
Her head tilts slightly, right eyebrow lifting archly, "You see, I do not need a... hired gun to handle one simple, specific task. One can't throw a wineglass without hitting someone who can perform such a duty. I need something better. Special. I need you."
- Rose Wilson has posed:
Up front, Rose is looking bored. A foot rhythmically taps the floor. Her lone eye wanders from person to person, sizing them up, studying their motions. Things with her father may have been ...troubled, to say the least, but she was taught the tricks of the trade by a master in every respect and she'll be damned if someone around a hoity toity club gets the better of her for any reason!
It's honestly a blessing when someone of Selene's caliber shows up, providing something to study which doesn't happen to be yet another simpleton. Body language tells a lot about a person and Rose has already read most all of it from everyone else here. Anything worth reading, anyway.
But THIS chick... It gives the little one eyed girl pause, head tilting slightly as her gaze narrows a few degrees. While Selene is getting the usual attention she's accustomed to from everyone else, the new girl is studying completely different layers. Layers which have had the same number of decades to be honed to wicked perfection.
The real surprise comes when Selene takes a seat at the same booth as Rose. The smaller girl's drink is provided with her escort quickly making himself scarce.
Now, the most critical point of any job interview: First impressions.
"I didn't expect to be hired by Morticia Addams."
She's probably out of her league but Rose also kinda doesn't care, between youthful arrogance and being jacked up on super soldier serum she rather stopped caring about a lot of things other than what happens to irk her. But now, she's legitimately curious. Intrigued. What could this sort of lady want with -her?-
"The theatrics are top notch. Does this 'one simple task' also reach your standards?" Surely it must, this is not the sort of lady who would be asking for outside help busting up a drug den.
- Selene Gallio has posed:
Selene doesn't pause, doesn't wait for a response from Rose, once she mentions she's hiring, she raises her glass for a slow, discerning sip, making a show of judging, appraising... all those things mortals do with wine. Without all the pomp and feigned joy and pleasure. It's probably downright unsettling, the cold way she settles the glass back down and lets out the barest ghost of a sigh.
That remark about any similarity she may have to one Morticia Addams earns a fractional lift of an eyebrow, as black lips press in a thin line. "People say that so often. I really must investigate what you could ever possibly mean." The delivery is deadpan, soft spoken... genuine? A double bluff that Selene doesn't know what the Addams family is? Her body language is nearly alien. Oh, there's a fine, honed veneer of normalcy. No one else in the room would pick up on it.
But Rose Wilson's training and skills see deeper than most, and something about Selene is alien. Distant and cold and... vacant. Empty.
Something about the dark haired woman is a yawning, endless abyss of nothingness. Her lips quirk in a wry smile, "Oh, I'm sure you'll find my tasks very simple, insofar as... method, resources available, rules of engagement? All will be quite flexible. Results, my young woman are my sole concern for those I bring close."
And those dark eyes flicker, ever so slightly, that emptiness for a moment is replaced, cold and dark transforming to /hot/ and dark, a black flame of consuming hunger as Selene leans forward. "Flexibility is key. You will find your tasks incomprehensible at times, seemingly pointless. Even trivial for your skills. But understand I am going to pay you /because/ you find them so."
Her hand gestures vaguely to encompass the lounge, "Many who conduct business here worry about return on investment. On paying the least possible to get the job done. I care not for that. I pay extravagantly because paying for the best to guarantee success because my needs are eclipsed by their talents? I find that far more reassuring than some... paltry savings of currency. At the same time, there will be times I send you to do things, to go places that beggar belief. And for this? For your service? You will be rewarded in means you truly cannot imagine."
- Spiral has posed:
Spiral has come all gussied up, though she's dipped into her sorcerous ways to advertise what would be considered the usual number of limbs. Just two arms at the moment. Exiting the bathroom wearing a power suit, in the business sense. Here's my card, we'll have my people talk with your people, let's do lunch sort of vibe. Maybe she's stealing a bit of style from Magik, the way her bangs are framing her brows, and she's allowed a bit of blonde feathering at the ends of her silvery-white hair that's restrained in a ponytail.
She doesn't seem pleased, blinking rapidly like she'd just appeared from places distant from here, transitioning from darkness to light. In one hand are a pair of thin gloves, which she squeezes rather tightly until the material makes a protesting sound. Further abuse upon them, and herself, as she swats them against her thighs in irritation. This little moment of consternation runs its course and she turns to take a gander at the clientele. She's not seeing her quarry, but there is a consolation prize in that there are different things of interest. Her head tilts, taking in Selene and Rose with her odd eyes. Spiral's jaw sets and a new set of alternatives plague her with choices to act on. The differences between the two women in terms of attire rankle her. Or maybe it's something else that's poking and poking at the Sorceress.
Spiral murmers to herself, "A small respite then. Lucky girl." She stalks over towards the nearest place of hydration and tosses down a small key into the ashtray, while ordering a shot. "...finders keepers." she grates and pushes off to get her feet in motion. Motion is important, stillness a challenge.
- Rose Wilson has posed:
How interesting... This lady in the black dress is seeming as bored and disinterested as Rose had been. Like she's seen it all and nothing provides excitement anymore.
This is what Rose is able to read, the part of Selene which she allows the world to witness. What comes after, her response about a certain fictional TV character, just about sends a chill through the young scrapper's spine. It's not common for her to have trouble reading anyone, but this gal... Again Rose narrows her eye, puzzling over what would otherwise be a completely trivial matter. Familiarity with Morticia isn't at all important to anything else in this meeting.
Despite usually being the one who stares down everyone else, when some unseen switch changes in Selene and /she/ leans closer Rose actually leans /back/ as if self-preservation instincts are pulling her by the shoulders. Just a little, but far more than enough to ever try to discount it as being anything else.
With it comes one heck of a sales pitch. At first the scrapper's head tilts in the opposite direction, attentive but suddenly a good deal more cautious than the reckless abandon she had arrived here with. Rose just wanted money for rent, booze, cigarettes, maybe a few nights out at various clubs... This interview is getting pretty intense, and fast.
Then again, how the /Hell/ could she turn it all down?
The timing could not have been any more perfect. A third woman steps into view with hair almost the same as the shocking white of Rose's. Spiral, too, has unique body language and Rose can't help but try to study it and learn about what seems to be something special, something unique. It has her distracted, her attention divided. Her thoughts not focused on what really matters at this very moment when she almost absently responds to Selene on a brain shifting solidly into autopilot "Sure, whatever you got."
- Selene Gallio has posed:
While it's impressive that Selene keeps a running catalog of the comings and goings of the various functionaries, members, and hangers on of the Hellfire Club and associated high powered individuals, she takes no pride in immediately recognizing the figure that her gaze slips to as Spiral enters the lounge.
Because much like Selene in full Inner Court regalia, there are some people who are simply recognizable in an instant. And Spiral is certainly amongst those ranks even without that casual display of consternation and frustration. And who knows what Selene sees with her otherworldly magical senses? What thoughts she might pick up from the chaotic minion of Mojo?
Whatever it is, be it just a shift in the air from the motion of the cybernetic mistress of magic, or the chaos of her thoughts, Selene seems to animate more as her attention slides between Rose and Spiral, her lips quirking in a slow, predatory grin. Oh, she had meant to hire /one/ capable person today.
But why not hire one and make an alliance with another?
And those dark eyes spark, light up with wicked delight as Selene murmurs softly, "Oh my. What an unexpected day it is." She gestures with her wine glass to draw Rose's attention to Spiral as the white haired woman moves with... well, with the intensity of needing to keep in motion of a prowling tiger or the need to constantly swim of a great white shark. It's surely the sort of motion that anyone sensible should try to avoid. Should be unsettled and concerned by.
And yet Selene's just smiling all the wider. "Oh. Excellent. I admit, 'whatever I've got' is... quite the broad range. But that can be covered further in the future."
Her eyes narrow slightly, her gaze locked on Spiral more thoroughly, flicking towards Rose as her voice murmurs softly, "So, tell me, Ms. Wilson... what do you make of her?"
Oh my. Is this a test? Selene seeing what Rose's talents and experience can tell her about the multi-armed magician?
Oh, certainly. Because everything Selene does is a test. Even casual conversation has purpose and meaning and entertainment.
- Spiral has posed:
Spiral lifts her chin and angles her head the other way to stare at Rose, like she maybe had stolen the best seat in the house. That's not someone applying for a job with the Helpstaff. What has she walked in on with a belly full of steam and a head buzzing with curiosity. Remembering her guise, Spiral lifts the hand not holding a drink and finger waves at Rose while she inwardly gets jealous at how comfortable dressing down would have been. And let's not think too much about that one eye. Because if Rose's Rep wasn't enough, there's such a visual statement in that. Dimples threaten to appear as Spiral forces what she assumes will look like a congenial smile. It's flawed, failing, because her hackles are raising. Social decorum, of who to stare at, and then pretend not to fixate too much. Of the dangers of trying to look too hard. She's got self-preservation instincts as well, glitchy though they are, that have her flicking glances to Selene.
If this is a test, Spiral would very much like a cheat sheet. Nothing is forthcoming, and her brows start to furrow as she doesn't easily grok the situation she's willingly put her foot into. At this moment, she'd actually welcome being in Mojoworld. As unpleasant as that can be, she knows where she resides and where she measures up. Her surface thoughts, to those raking up the audible ones, are wondering how good Rose is with a pair of swords. A little tempest of comparisons ranging from who is more cool as a cucumber, to who is taller. More suitable to someone less mature, and easier to get hot under the collar.
Thank the stars she's standing and not having to sit right now. Ants in the pants and bats in the belfry, she runs her tongue over her gums. "Was passing through." she says by way of introductions. "Was checking the lost and found." Third time is the charm. "Ladies." Spiral offers a fanning wave, a cross between a salute and greeting. This is the type of gal that wonders what everyone is whispering about her, even if they aren't. Someone who can't sit through commercials if they aren't seizure-inducing spectacles. "Three's a crowd, or Three's Company?"
- Rose Wilson has posed:
There's just so much to study in this peculiar VIP lounge! It's like a feast for Rose's abilities, the non-skull breaking variety, but to come across TWO people in short order who both have her puzzled also happens to make her feel ...insignificant? Surely not. The planet fucking orbits around ROSE, dammit. Nor is she losing her edge, not a chance!
Selene's almost taunting response about 'covering things in the future' finally pulls the young scrapper's attention back to where it probably should have never veered from, right in time for a test.
Rose takes a moment to answer, finally reaching for her vodka which had certainly originated from the top shelf somewhere as her single eye returns to the enigma which is Spiral.
"Dangerous. Restless. Hiding something..." Her eye narrows somewhat again. "Not a weapon. At least not in the usual sense."
Spiral's wave in greeting is returned but the way the two are staring at each other the gesture only goes so far as passing for formality. Spiral can learn a fair bit about Rose in return. Definitely a hot-headed fighter, she probably has as much patience and cool as a cornered honey badger. There's a glint in her lone eye, an itching to be causing others harm. All she needs is an excuse, if even that much.
"There's more to her than what she shows" Rose continues with her evaluation, though here her cold stare flicks back to Selene. "She's not the only one. You both carry power like a sword, but in different ways. For different purposes."
A quick point to Spiral when she adds "That chick's more like me. She's waiting to break someone physically. But you're more of a type to break them mentally, aren't you." It's a fair assumption without having Rose's abilities, all one need do is think of how the room had reacted to Selene's entrance. She's got this place wrapped around her little finger, total Queen Bee vibes, and this Queen be rockin' it.
There's also the matter of how Selene herself reacted to Spiral's entrance. Now that the other lady with silvery white hair is standing beside their table Rose almost eagerly hop-scoots further in, opening up the bench. "Three is absolutely company" she chimes in with something of a predatory smile.
This just got WAY more interesting... Two enigmas within Rose's immediate proximity, two eclectic titans about to clash, and she gets to ride its event horizon. Study hour begins now.
- Selene Gallio has posed:
Selene can't resist her indulgences. Be it in showing up to this meeting in a dress that really only counts as 'appropriate' in the environs of the Hellfire Club, or brazenly, blatantly refusing to play the back and forth game of paying attention while pretending not to. Those dark, alert eyes have focus only on two figures in the lounge, and if that's unusual? The staff are paid and trained well enough not to let it show as business marches on and Selene cups her chin in her palm with a little sigh, a sound of excited delight.
Because this meeting is... unforeseeable and unknown and downright delightful.
There's that dynamic charge in the air, that buzzing, tempting vibration of the unknown, of unexpected and unpredictable chemistry being mixed without a guide.
It is, in fact, a good thing that Selene predates chemistry and the scientific method. She would have burnt down her high school. Also, she would have burnt it down accidentally in chemistry class.
As Selene tastes, savours, drinks in Spiral's surface thoughts, she's already planning, shifting schemes, wheels turning... dancing. Yes. These women will dance. For is not swordplay a dance of sorts? And she's got an inkling they'd both be quite excited to test themselves. And any contest needs a referee. Selene's generous enough to fill that role.
Eyes drift back to Spiral and she murmurs dryly, "I do not recall you coming to knock at my door."
That's right. Selene Gallio, Mistress of Death, Ancient Evil Sorceress knows Three's Company but not The Addams Family. You figure it out.
And then Selene's back to staring at, into, and through Rose all at once as both eyebrows lift and her fingers lace together, chin resting atop her knuckles as she sighs out and murmurs. "Oh, no, I think you and here have things in common. Not just hair color mind you. I think both of you /are/ all the weapon you need." Her lips quirk and she murmurs out, "Of course, one can never be overly armed... so... why should I settle for one fine sword... when the world offers me two?"
Eyebrows perk and she hums out a thoughtful noise, "My my. Already worth your salary, Ms. Wilson. So insightful for being so young." Has Selene even covered what that salary will be? Of course not. Because it will be enough. Always.
Eyes drift back to Spiral and eyebrows lift high, "Tell me, dancer! Have you attended any of our events? Our galas or the more private affairs? I do believe my next exclusive soiree will have to have two guests of honor. We'll see to appropriate attire for whatever theme happens to come to mind when the time arrives."
- Spiral has posed:
Spiral isn't sure how to feel about the expression on Rose's face. It makes her want to recheck how well her magical veil is holding up. What's more, is she sensing that this other woman would throw down if the situation went pear-shaped? She tries to get a leash on her emotions, percolating inside, and definitely feeling like she's walked into a card game where she hasn't been paying attention to the hands played. "Hrm." Her bluff is called, and she reaches down to unbutton her jacket, because the air is thick with possibility. There's never enough air, the temperature isn't quite right, and it feels like cameras are rolling. The paranoid feelings of an audience beyond the fourth wall. A love/hate relationship with things that thrill and keep her on edge. Sweet agony.
The spot opening up to join the duo has Spiral suddenly moving to it like someone patted a couch for a golden retriever. It would be worse to pause after she's already in motion. Commit to it and try to hide the indecision. A hard sell amongh those that can read thoughts or effortlessly analyze and replicate physicality.
And she ruins it all by pausing in mid-sit when Selene speaks. Was it planned to make it look like a half-assed attempt at a bow, or just terrible timing on Spiral's part? There's little success at a Poker face now for the six-armed sorceress. She's flummoxed, wrong-footed, and looking a little sour. You can dress for success but still slip on a well-flung banana peel.
Spiral seats herself, leans forward and raps her knuckles on the top of something solid. The nearby table will suffice. She casts a glance to Rose, to give a look like ~look how clever and cheeky I am~. It's probably not adding to anything approaching an unflappable soul. She sucks in air past her teeth and addresses Selene, "Zilch." she admits, this being her first foray, as much as she can recall. "Being young isn't so special. So what?" she blurts and tries to get back on track. "I might have not read the fine print, missed a few steps before appearing. This kind of place, social graces and protocol, isn't in my wheelhouse. My clients don't frequent it, though they'd freak'n well wish they could. You'd not appreciate the spilt hydraulic fluids I think..." she trails off before adding, "Hold up, someone turned over two pages of the script at once...offered? Two swords?" Spiral uses two fingers to point to herself, contemplates, grunts, and then extends a thumb and little finger to mean Rose ~and~ herself. "You can't sneak stuff by me, I'm insightful too, see. See?"
- Rose Wilson has posed:
Whoooa wait a minute now. Is Selene already splitting Rose's new job with some other chick? They haven't even shaken hands yet and it looks like her pay's about to get carved right down the middle! So much curiosity gives way to a flash of the defensive. Spiral is /interesting,/ sure, but if Selene is implying they'd be /sharing/ the work? Oooooh...
A hand darts out to swipe her vodka off the table and take a longer than normal drink.
"I have my talents" she replies to Selene, her tone having gone as flat as folded steel along with a notable amount of its edge. Definitely lacking patience, this girl.
With a bit of awkwardness the third gal joins their booth. If Rose happens to be intently staring (which she totally is) it is done so unapologetically and with no amount of intended subtlety. At this point Rose might be outwardly /trying/ to trip Spiral up and shake her off of her game, whether all a part of the game or the idea that Rose might be getting assigned a ...ugh... partner.
This lady's proving to be quite peculiar, all the same. Plenty to learn about her, along with something of a record-scratch moment when she mentions a 'script.' Rose is so confused as to actually let out a "Huh?"
Hang on, more important matters. /Swords./ Spiral outs herself as a blade mistress before the spotlight comes to also shine upon Miss Wilson. Rose gives Spiral a double-take, all squinty-eyed while having the reaction of someone who /somehow/ missed something /incredibly obvious./
"How did I miss that?" she wonders aloud for the other two to hear. She shifts along the bench to turn more toward Spiral, back to staring. Pointing. Investigating. Flummoxed for an entirely different reason.
In the end she has to shake her head, not content with the conclusion which is reached. "You don't move like anything I know." Not anyone. Any/thing./ "What /are/ you?"
- Selene Gallio has posed:
Selene's mind reaches out, silent, invisible, and in a moment, all but the staff of the Club and the attendees of this little meeting will simply... not remember the table the trio occupy when they reach the end of the day. She lifts her wine glass for a slow, generous pull of wine and sighs out as her eyes measure Spiral's motions. It's surely not /morals/ or foolish qualms about personal privacy that keep Selene from trying to read that chaotic mind. It might be a bit of caution. But mostly it's just... entertainment. After thousands of years, one finds genuine excitement and novelty so rarely that to peek behind the proverbial magician's curtain is unthinkable. A waste of the experience.
Selene smiles all the more cheshire-like as Spiral pauses in her smooth motion towards sitting down. Oh... such a risk. Risking the ire of a magician whose true capabilities she doesn't know. But that's the joy of (almost) total immortality.
Risk taking becomes a way of life. She might not be the sort to find herself dangling from a literal helicopter during a dramatic escape attempt. But that just means she savors these metaphorical helicopters.
She sighs out and shakes her head slowly, "Oh no. Spilt hydraulic fluids? Much like other fluids are not destined for this fine establishment. The lounge is strictly for conversation and drinks. We have other locales for... excitement of all sorts."
And that smile, oh that smile is... is that too large? Should her mouth be able to stretch so? The tilt of her head almost seems to flicker, like she's on a different framerate of reality than her peers. "Oh! No, no, I surely cannot. I /do/ mean the two of you. I'm so glad we understand one another. And you so often run up at odds against those... mutants yes? The costumed ones. You see? Already we are bound by our... hm... enemies? Foes? Lessers? By our friction with them."
And it doesn't take a mind reader to see Rose's reaction as Selene sighs and purrs sweetly, "Oh, don't worry dear. I don't intend to pay you less for working alongside someone else. I simply want to ensure that in the event you require... assistance, you realize the full breadth of what that can entail in my service. I assure you I will pay you in generosity you cannot imagine, for tasks you may not even comprehend."
She shrugs those bared shoulders smoothly and murmurs out, "No no, consider this more a... delightful chance for us to seize and manipulate the potential of coincidence. We all walk in circles where one can never have too many friends."
Her lips quirk, twitch as an actual laugh nearly escapes at Rose's reaction to Spiral's arms as she hums softly.
"Oh, you see? Already you wish to get to know each other better!" Her hands clap softly, more whisper than gunshot. "Oh the /potential/ we have stumbled upon! I swear I am almost disappointed I do not have any pressing matters that could measure up to needing us to cooperate now..." She frowns slightly then, far less unsettling, and far more... mundane a frown after that brief moment of animation.
"I suppose we could overthrow a small nation. Really, if anything it would be a mercy. No one /ever/ talks about Paraguay right now. We'd be giving them exposure."
- Spiral has posed:
"Shucks, I'm just a girl trying to make her way in a big universe." Spiral delivers with the worst country girl accent on the planet. With a huff, she folds one arm up under her chest and repositions her caboose. Another couple of buttons near her neck get snatched at, abused until they slip free from the slits. Only thing is, it's not her visible hands that do it. Some poltergeist is throttling her, impressions upon the fabric of her jacket and shirt betraying there are invisible palms and digits that are busily at work. Flaws in her disguise creating small optical illusions like the Predator's camoflage was glitching. This doesn't seem to upset Spiral, because she's too busy staring back at Rose. "My big fat baby ex-boss had a limited run on me. No jello molds for more of me." she quips, flushing and about to go on a rant about her past. This one-eyed girl is confident and dangerous. It's an itch she can't scratch at, no matter how many appendages she's got.
"She and me are going to get acquainted." Spiral promises Selene, gesturing at Rose with little finger jousting motions. Hands that now only have three fingers and one thumb. "She's freaking me out. Why doesn't she exist everywhere like most muggles?" Spiral raises a hand to cover her eyes, despite there not being a Sun. "This better not be a Firestar situ-" she trails off, eyeing Selene's smile.
Almost comedically, she drops the hostility towards Rose, so she can sit back and listen to Selene explain a few things. If there's a chance for a moment of unity or solidarity with Rose in taking a breath while the Queen of the place delivers oratory, Spiral will hold up her end of it. Her chin lowers and she peers past her bangs, listening and gazing guardedly. Her lips make little puckering movement, the tongue inside her mouth uppercutting her palate. The M-word has been used, and that's on her top 10 things that can polarize any situation. Spiral feels very, very strongly about mutants.
"Muties. Muties on parade. Lessers, yeah. Oh yeah, they chafe the dugs." she adds darkly.
"Well, when you put things like that, collaboration is easy." Spiral cooes and feathers at her bangs with her extra hands and fingies. "Does a Country have a ~good side~ when a camera is on it? It bears experimentation and expenditure of energy on. I know a shortcut there, I do." she licks at her lips, and then remembers, this is all spitballing at the moment. She tamps down on the light in her eyes and takes a series of steadying breaths and folds her hands in her lap. "That M-word is like grapefruit juice in my eyes." She blinks and then side-eyes Rose and her one visible peeper. By way of long-past the point of missed introductions she leans over and offer a daintily-poised hand to Rose. "Spiral. I love what you've done with your hair."
- Rose Wilson has posed:
It would seem that Selene is enjoying this encounter far more than Rose now, which simply will not do. She was caught off guard once by the mysterious Spiral. She's determined to make sure it doesn't happen again, least not during this encounter, and fails miserably a second later as she's suddenly staring at the front of Spiral's outfit in a way most men would do around here with the notice of world-class cleavage. What...the /Hell/ is going /on?!/
Rose's first instinct is to bunch up her legs and boldly kick Spiral straight out of the booth and onto the floor to see if anything unusual comes out of such a cause and effect but their hostess manages to keep the girl's focus divided. As it is Selene is molding words and events to perfectly fit her narrative and this mildly bugs Rose. Selene has the mannerisms of a politician, albeit one which is far more pleasant on the eyes and ears than anything to be found on TV.
"That is your reputation" she's quick to fire back about the 'all sorts' of excitement. Sure, Rose has done some digging. There are itches which need to be scratched and a place like this could cater to all facets of sin. They have the place right, though the same cannot yet be said for the time.
Besides, Selene's smile here is a /teensy/ bit off-putting.
"I bet you do all sorts of 'seizing and manipulating'" Rose says with a somewhat sour note as she goes back to her drink.
H...hey... Now wait just a second... Selene calls it like it is, as obvious can be, and Rose is already starting to hate herself for having provided such an obvious slam dunk. She IS wanting to know more about Spiral, and even if her interest is hardly the norm it doesn't make Selene's remark any less true. While Selene's busy hyping up the moment Rose is slowly dropping her face into an awaiting palm, elbow already braced against the table for the inevitable impact.
/Paraguay?/ Well, Spiral sure seems keen on the idea. "You're kind of weird" she cuts in, just for the sake of putting the thought out there.
Next that lone eye refocuses on Selene. "You mentioned mutants. Are they who you plan to send us after?" It wouldn't be the end of the world. A good challenge, certainly. Unique fights to keep Rose on her toes, now with motivated support in the form of Spiral. But...she kinda happens to know some mutants, herself. They don't ALL suck...
Just most of 'em.
As Spiral takes the initiative on introductions Rose stares at the offered hand well before accepting it. "Rose. You're a few pieces short of a high-five."
- Selene Gallio has posed:
Selene's eyes roll ever so slightly at that county girl accent... but, well, even a terrible attempt at an accent can only distract so much. And ghost hands? Oh, ghost hands are so much more interesting than 'Sugah' or other southern colloquialisms! Of course, what those arms are doing also draws attention. And then Spiral and Rose's conversation draws yet more. But Selene has self-control. At times.
So she doesn't make any sort of predatory noise of approval when Spiral proudly declares there are no other Spirals.
Eyebrows lift and lips spread in a smile once more, less... off putting and terrifying, far more Selene-as-Hostess smile as she nods solemnly, "Oh, I am sure you are. In fact, I insist you two enjoy our amenities for the day and evening. Consider it a gift and a gesture of my appreciation for this opportunity! And... oh, gosh, I forget not everyone knows me. Especially here."
Selene slips from the booth like liquid, only to be rivalled by the fluid, flowing motion of her dress that means that when her leg stretches out from the booth, there's nothing of that dress to hide from heel to hip. It's surely dark sorcery that prevents her from showing off even more as she stands smoothly, "I am Selene Gallio, Black Queen of the Hellfire Club... and ladies? I am going to be your best friend. ...Well, except perhaps for one another. I have a feeling about these things."
And then, having stood, she sighs softly, "But alas, I must handle some business... don't worry though, I shall return, and we can hammer down the details of our arrangements, beyond, of course, my current generosity of covering your expenses for tonight's revelry. Do ensure to revel thoroughly."