17708/Phobos, the Sun Sets

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Phobos, the Sun Sets
Date of Scene: 20 April 2024
Location: Roof Landing: Triskelion
Synopsis: Red Sonja and Phobos talk of hunting, war, and a worthy death.
Cast of Characters: Mary Jane Watson, Alexander Aaron

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
The sun is going in, cresting over the horizon and getting ready to fully vanish. The night waits to come out and cast it's shadow even as the darkness readies to deepen. Up above the rooftops sinks down..
    One of SHIELD's many Hellicarriers. Cresting in while going to land, large repulsorlifts gliding it downwards as it would come in. Ramps going down it for personnel to deploy and for supplies to come in.
    Fro the redhead on a rooftop, watching it come in.. The view never got any less spectactular.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
The last rays of sun glinted in Phobos' eyes, as he arrived by her side to take in the same moment in silent. Disconcerting as they where, his eyes seemed like windows into some inner world where something living behind them stared out.

"Sonja, I think something has declared war on me." then he turned to measure her reaction, the brilliant light from the fleeing sun reflecting off his uncanny eyes beyond the pale for what should have been a romantic moment.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
The son of Ares is one of those that Sonja regards as an equal. So she would glance along over at it, "It makes for an enjoyable spectactle. Almost bearable. Something those dim-witted Cimmerians that had their skulls crushed upon glaciers might even appreciate." What was it with the ancient woman of Hymkarian origin and Cimmerians anyways? A tale for another time.

"So, what brings you back to this realm? Slaughter and conquest?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
Alexander Aaron offered distantly, as if he didn't much care for the notion. "I'm supposed to be studying at NYU, but having been attacked twice in as many days, I've called for a meeting with Hell's Attorney." he paused and then pronounced slowly, "L'avocat de la main gauche."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would nod over, "Oh? I was not aware that the denizens of the abyss cared to have thier legal affairs on the surface handled directly." Mephistopoles already had enough lawyers for him in the depths of the real thing, after all.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
Alexander Aaron admitted, "Its a shot in the dark, but I need some answers. I need to know what I am dealing with." he glanced to Mary and then back to the sunset. "One of these things attached itself to me on 5th avenue and tried to make me walk into oncoming traffic." he glanced to her again, "Why would it do that?"

Its not like he hadn't been attacked before, he understood militaristic violence at a level that was second only to his father. "There must be some...suicide loophole." and then he nodded to himself as his brilliant mind peeled the onion. "I will not fully assume my role until I die a mortal death. Then I am presented before the pantheon for rebirth with the name my father gave me. If I were to arrive having appeared to take my own life, they would be forced to honor my decision. That would leave Phobos unclaimed."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would fold her hands together over and nod thoughtfully. "Of course. One must have a worthy fall to assume a position of worth." The killer in her agreed. "To build up a legend." Stories held power within them. Faith had power. Names spoken in fear or basked in idealism would last far longer into the taptestry of the universe.

"Wretched things of witchcraft." She hated, hated sorcerors. Whether or not it had anything remotely related to do with one after all.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
He listened to Sonja carefully, she was an older soul than he, and despite his accomplishments at a very young age, vastly more experienced then he. "Would you take the fight to them directly, plan an artful counter offensive, or negociate to reduce the loss of resources in this case, Red?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would consider, "One needs intelligence first. Whom the enemy is, what they are capable of. One must know thier enemy to defeat it." Normally she was the type to just grab an Asgardian's worth of mead and go slaughtering. That wouldn't do here.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
Alexander Aaron seemed to agree. "Its pretty." he mentioned as if he'd forgotten to comment on the sunset, as if it merited at least cursory notice. His brow was knit over his eyes, he seemed vexed but willing to conceal it now, and unwilling to burden the redhead any further. "Its very pretty." he confirmed, further signaling his pre-occupation.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would shrug, "All the better to know what your enemy is and make the glory ever greater when you disembowel them and lay waste to them. Glory must be earned after all. One has to familiarize yourself with your adversary. Few will be so kind as to directly present themselves to you for dismemberment."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
The young man nodded, "These things plot in shadow, they cannot afford direct confrontation because it does not achieve their objective." he paused, "If I'm right." he conceded the possibility he was wrong as a part of his methodology. "It could also be some sort of test." he pondered.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would nod at Alexander, "Quite possibly. You must learn what they are before you can make it what they -were-." There was a difference, after all. A sadistic smile on Sonja's face fully evocative of the different states of being.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
Alexander Aaron cracked the vague hint of a smile, so rare on his face. He held it toward the sun, but she could see it if she looked his way. "You do not multiply unnecessary factors." he said complimentarily, invoking the famous words of a fourteenth century friar.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would look over at Alexander with a complete lack of comprehension on her face at the quote and of it's origins. "Also remember it as a test of your own skill. One must show they have learned how to hunt, to stalk, to challenge." Though that was more of Artemis' domain..