17724/Al-Ghuls Attempting Association
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Al-Ghuls Attempting Association | |
Date of Scene: | 21 April 2024 |
Location: | Family Room - Wayne Manor |
Synopsis: | Damian and Talia talk about exercise. And Talia admits that she can dance if she wants to. But she can never leave her past behind. |
Cast of Characters: | Talia al Ghul, Damian Wayne
- Talia al Ghul has posed:
She's come to the Family Wing of Stately Wayne Manor. Somewhere to relax. Also perhpas somewhere to try and get more of a feel for how the Manor works in a.. Family sense. Despite the months she has been here, Talia has acted more the role of an exile. Staying isolated and within her own small space. Occasionally going to the library but keeping out of the way, or small things with Alfred. But.. She now sits, seeing amongst the coming and going, but not approaching.
- Damian Wayne has posed:
It's not long after the arrival of Talia and her settling in to watching the comings and goings of the various members of the Wayne family or associated members who fall into the category of family-by-choice, that Damian Wayne can be found. It seems that he's freshly showered and out of the gym, drying his black hair as he treads on bare feet from the gymnasium and into the family room. He's dressed a set of athletic clothing, though likely a second pair as they don't seem to show the efforts of an intense workout with dark stains or signs of exertion. He does still have that towel though, rubbing and patting at his hair to absorb the moisture from it.
He pauses upon finding another in the family room. It's an immediate halt and likely a result of an unexpected presence in the room. The young man's face darkens for a moment, adopting his more stern demeanor and countenance while he looks toward Talia, his mother. He sniffs once as he begins to move again, offering a greeting as he continues in his walk through the room, "Good to see you moving around some, mother".
Just when it seems that Damian's about to venture onward and totally ignore the presence of his mother, aside from his brief acknowledgment, the younger Wayne halts. He shifts and turns, turning his attention back toward Talia before he asks, "The pool's great for a relaxing workout. You know, if you were wanting to get some exercise. Or are you more the couch and soap operas sort?" The question is presented with a slight twinge of a smile at the far corner of his mouth, obvious that he's making a valiant effort at not smiling.
- Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia's still unsure of her place. She doesn't feel quite like she has the capability to approach others. Which is likely rather fair. At least in ehr mind, accurate or not, she's tolerated here. Not trusted. She'll never be trusted. That's quite a reasonable thing in her place. It's still a private irony that with the Justice League Dark they're more open to her than the Waynes are. But the JLD doesn't particularly care about history. It's still a private sort of irony that she won't ever be able to comment upon.
"Greetings Damian. I thought I might alter some of my routine. have you had the chance to talk wtih Alfred? Some recent events have left him somewhat.. Distressed. He could use an ear." And perhpas some assistance. Even if that's his own burden to bare and whether to accept it.
"I do things somewhat more invigorating than swimming. I do not quite find it so relaxing as others do. I do however make occasional use of the gymnasium." At the mention of soap operas she would openly smirk at him. A rare enough sincere smile.
- Damian Wayne has posed:
The greeting in answer to his own results in a slight nod from Damian, an acknowledgment of his mother's greeting. He doesn't continue wandering through the family room. Now Talia's garnered his attention and for the moment the former assassin-turned nocturnal crimefighter seems content to socialize with his mother. The talk of Alfred though does earn a tilt of his head and furrow of his brow, clearly concerned by the comment from his mother, "Alfred? I'll drop a hint or two that I'm willing to help. So long as it doesn't conflict with other matters that I have to attend," Damian answers with a slow, measured manner in which he speaks.
He shifts on his feet, moving his weight from his left to his right, and then back to a more balanced posture and position. The towel that he's used to ruffle at his hair is allowed to fall down and around his shoulders, his chin inclining as his mother speaks on her own workout regimens and his chin inclines in answer, "More invigorating? Like running? Fencing? Or what?" The question is presented and the curiosity as to Talia's potential answer seems to keep Damian's attention.
- Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would close her eyes over and bring her ankles together. "Fencing is an act of play. It teaches focus." But it might as well be waving a toy rather than being of any use. It was an act of ritual and formality. W hich wasn't a bad thing in and of itself. But it might as well be completely choreographed. "And I prefer things as close to reality as I can." Sparring. Fighting. Going through a full combat training routine.
"But.. I do have one thing which I feel is an acceptable substitute." It's a little bit of a leadin - Damian hasn't heard his mother likely bring up this sort of thing before.
- Damian Wayne has posed:
The towel around his shoulders and neck offers a bit of padding when Damian's head tilts back and aside, sending a curious glance toward Talia as she elaborates. Though the opening that she leaves to further draw Damian into the discussion results in his taking the bait. Whether he's oblivious to his taking it or not, is another story entirely. He shifts ever so slightly in order to angle his body slightly in comparison to Talia's own position, resulting in his chin turning ever so slightly to his left in order to keep his bright green eyes on the Demon's Daughter, "I like fencing; sure, the motions are predictable, but it's like playing chess with the body. You're looking for the opening, trying to lure your opponent into it."
He pauses however and finally vocalizes his taking the path laid before him by his mother, Talia, "What is an acceptable substitute to sparring, fighting or full contact?" Again the young Wayne falls silent and his brow remains etched ever so slightly by the lining of focus and deep consideration.
- Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would fold her hands together, "Fencing is ritualized. It can be useful for calming, and I suppose that I can see the appeal when it comes to honing your mind. When it comes to strategy, I prefer Go." Her resting her hand over on her lap, thoughtfully looking over then. For one of those rare times, actually relaxed.
"Dancing. Whether to music or not. It pushes your body, you must get creative to lose yourself in the beat, and you must maneuver to the full of your ability."
- Damian Wayne has posed:
"Dancing," Damian repeats with only a droplet of disbelief lacing his response. He considers it for a moment and his lips purse together, his brow furrows, and he seems to consider the concept of it in terms of training and utilizing the act of dance to further hone a training regimen. He does finally give some ground, illustrating that despite his moment of disbelief, he's capable of embracing ideas of some potential value, "Agility, strength training, response times, honing muscle memory. All of it is valuable and all without being punched in the face". He pauses for a brief moment, considering his own words. Then a nod is given and finally he speaks again, offering his agreement eventually, "I can see how dance could be considered an acceptable substitute to a full contact spar."
Damian shifts and sends his glance toward the doorway that would lead from the cozier family room and into the more daunting grand hall. He doesn't move toward it. Instead Damian's gaze ticks back toward Talia and a question arises, carried upon the wings of curiosity and the desire to know more, "Did you enjoy dancing when you were younger? It occurs to me that I don't know about your own youth, upbringing, and all of that. Not to get into the more," he pauses a beat before he offers his next word with a tinge of distaste, "uncomfortable... aspects of your upbringing, but the good things. The things you enjoyed."
- Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would nod gently, "Yes." It was never something she considered a vice or something to conceal. It was an acceptable thing. Reinforcing ritual and etiquette. For how many formal events did not require it in some form of another? Or fluency? And all of those styles that one had to know? And those combat styles inspired by it. "It is better than most other things that I have found." WHen one does not quite have the space to practice those acts of sheer brutality which involve pushing the body to it's limits.
"I did not have the chance to know when I was younger." She's being open here and honest. Not concealing anything. Her tone sounds completely sincere here. While she is skilled enough to fake it.. There don't seem to be any signs upon it.
"I do not remember my mother. Only that I was in the care of my father from as early as I could recall."
- Damian Wayne has posed:
"And he didn't have time for such frivolities as 'fun' or 'enjoyment'?" Damian asks with a lone eyebrow that shifts ever so slightly upward. One could argue that Damian experienced much the same upbringing, but it's not a point that Damian seeks to make. That potential observation is never made. Now it is Talia's opportunity to impart some of her own upbringing and for Damian to attentively listen, without prejudice or judgment. He takes in a long, slow breath before he exhales it with a slight nod, "I understand," and he did, to some extent, given his own upbringing. "You've discovered the things that you love and enjoy later in life. As sorrowful as that may be? At least you have found those things."
Damian shifts then, adjusting his footing as he seems prepared to continue on. His eyes turn toward the doorway leading to the grand hall again, then to the floor. When it seems that he might be prepared to offer a farewell and be on his way, he remains rooted in place. Damian's attention turns again to Talia, seated and relaxed as she is, as he presents another question, "When did you first learn to dance?"
- Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would sigh, "Since when has father had time for anything over but his plans?" Well, they were always his priority. To make the Earth perfect as he saw it. Freed from equality and suffering. A utopia. One that Talia in her own way believed in. But that her father saw no restraints when it came to doing anything to achieve it. Even if it was not within his unnaturally enhanced lifetime. "I find it another way to center myself and to train." She's honest over in that. Her life never gave her the period of discovery to do so.
"I never did beyond what was required for etiquette. I tis not something that one learns. It is something that one does." Dances might have rules to them and times when appropriate.
- Damian Wayne has posed:
"You learned what you could though. That's important. It weren't told to enjoy it, but you do," Damian answers with a slight nod of his head. A hand lowers from where it was clutching at the towel, holding it loosely within a fist near his shoulder. He doesn't smile, but there is at least some warmth to his voice when he speaks with a chin that raises while his bright green eyes rest upon his mother, "You may not think it? But that was an act of defiance. Every time you find something you enjoy and embrace it? That's an act of defiance against a tyrant."
Damian's expression remains as carefully neutral as ever, but the way that his lips purse together however briefly, seems to indicate some confidence that he has in his mother to keep defying tyrants. Another nod is given, though this one smaller and more apologetic. Now he shifts, beginning to move again as Damian comments as though in parting, "Thank you for sharing, mother. We'll have to do it again sometime. For now I have to go get changed. I have some plans tonight that'll take me into Gotham."