17756/A Ninja Walks Into A Bar
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A Ninja Walks Into A Bar | |
Date of Scene: | 24 April 2024 |
Location: | Luke's Bar |
Synopsis: | Elektra comes to Luke with the potential of information. |
Cast of Characters: | Luke Cage, Elektra Natchios
- Luke Cage has posed:
Luke's is one of those places where there's activity at a low hum throughout working hours. Bailey is on bar duty now, though, and Luke is using the free time to go through his books, make sure everything is adding up. It's not his favorite part of the day, but it's not the worst. He gets to have a drink and relax while someone else takes care of things. He's also enjoying the time he has, because after Matt and Jessica were attacked by the Russians in retaliation, he figures there's not much of a chance he won't get hit too, eventually.
- Elektra Natchios has posed:
It's not a Russian hitman that walks into the bar right now but in some ways perhaps that would had been preferable to the (former) assassin that does? Black silky hair tumbles down her shoulders and back, dark gaze always with that mix of amusement and aggression as she takes in the various occupants of the bar eventually coming to rest upon the familiar form of one Luke Cage and she starts her approach.
Each step is made with an elegant nimbleness that only the finest assassins have, danger exuding from her mere presence. It's always a toss up on whether Elektra is on the side of the Defenders or against them considering their past. Yet Matt vouched for her. And surely he wouldn't be biased, would he? Whatever the past they have is. Which seems to be quite a lot.
Her shadow is visible first, covering some of the light Luke is using to read his books before Elektra's steps are heard, "I never expected to come in here and find you reading a book. Having fun?" she inquires, even if she already knows the answer.
- Luke Cage has posed:
"It's a ledger," Luke says, looking up at Elektra. "But I'm not sure if I should be insulted or not. You tellin' me I don't give off bookworm vibes? Do I seem like the kinda guy who doesn't like books? Cuz I like books." He flips the ledge closed and leans back in the booth seat, looking up at Elektra.
"Hi, Elektra. What can I do for you?"
- Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Even worse." Is Elektra's response when Luke reveals it being a ledger, the corner of her mouth turned up in that trademark little smirk of hers. Yes, the infuriating one. "And the last thing you give off is bookworm vibes." she admits back at the large man.
"Was in the neighborhood." She lies, "Thought to drop by and get some of that infamous Cage hospitality." she settles down on the seat across from the man without even asking for permission. The nerve!
"Hello Luke." She finally greets the man. Whatever she is up to most likely isn't because she 'was in the neighborhood'. But then again Elektra's agenda has always been a mystery to many.
- Luke Cage has posed:
"Uh huh." Luke doesn't look very convinced that she was in the neighborhood. "You were in this neighborhood. Harlem. Just out and about, and decided to come by my place?" He looks amused, if nothing else, but he doesn't seem to mind when she takes a seat across from him.
"Well, it'd be rude not to show it to you." The hospitality. "What's your poison, Elektra?"
- Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Would I ever lie to you, Luke?" Don't answer that. Elektra seems just as amused though, folding one long leg over the other, elbow propped on the table. She considers that last question, fingertips tiptapping over her lips. "I am often partial to a good martini but ..." a beat, "... I feel like being surprised today. Any suggestions?" she asks of Luke, eyes resting on his. Is she testing Luke to see what he will choose for a drink? Maybe!
- Luke Cage has posed:
"Elektra, I'm pretty sure you'd lie to God Himself if you were of a mind." Luke smiles and shimmies out of his booth, taking his ledger with him --assassins and spies and curious people often cohabitate in single bodies, after all-- and then heads for the bar without much more of a word.
He comes back a little bit later, he sets a drink in front of her. "Manhattan, original rye recipe. If someone makes it with bourbon when they have rye available, you should stab them."
He left his ledger somewhere and is now standing next to the table Elektra is at, looking down at her.
- Elektra Natchios has posed:
That first comment has Elektra opening her arms to the side in a 'what-can-a-girl-do' kind of pose. Besides lying to God. She doesn't dispute that claim at all, leaving Luke to go figure out what the best drink for today would be.
And in the meantime? She is taking a look around the bar. At Bailey. At the other occupants. Looking over each of them, perhaps making sure they are not a threat. Old habits die hard after all. Or is it why she is here? Attention goes to the Manhattan when it's served, she looking at it in an appreciative manner, "Don't tempt me." about stabbing people.
"Are you going to actually join me for a drink or will you just be standing there?" She asks him, brow arched just so. Is she inviting him in her own way? Seems like it.
- Luke Cage has posed:
"I gotta make sure you like it before I can sit down again," Luke points out. Is that an actual bartender thing or just a Luke thing? The world will never know. He leans forward and puts his knuckles on the table. It creaks a little, likely less from his weight than the sheer pressure he can employ with just his hands.
"Russians attacked Matt and Jess," he tells her with a raised brow. "Retaliation from that other thing. I doubt they'll find you, but they'll be coming around here soon, probably. I doubt we scared them off."
- Elektra Natchios has posed:
"One day someone will take advantage of that rule of yours." Elektra points out when Luke speaks of her trying out the drink before he can sit down. Though today doesn't seem to be the day someone will take advantage as the (ex)-assassin takes the glass up to her lips for a sip, eyes staying up on Luke as she is doing so. She takes a brief sip. Just enough to wet her lips and tongue. "Old fashioned." she comments. Of the drink or Luke? "But good." she dips her head, as if approving of his choice.
The man then leans forward and she mmms, "I know." about the attack, "I can take care of myself." of course she does, "But maybe I have an in on where some of them may be." she says, "Before they can attack."
She takes another sip.
- Luke Cage has posed:
"No. An Old Fashion is a different drink," Luke tells Elektra with a wink.
When she says she might know where they are, Luke crouches at the end of the table. He's tall, so he can still look her in the eyes despite crouching, and he folds his arms over the table's surface, turning to face her. "Yeah? I've been waiting on Batgirl to get back to me about that, since she's the one that warned us, but if you've got information, I'll take it."
- Elektra Natchios has posed:
There's a brief snort back at Luke's comment on the Old Fashion even if seems to amuse her somewhat, Elektra's dark gaze remaining fixed up on Luke, "You seem eager to put those hands to use." she points out, a call back to the way the table creaked when he leaned in a few moments earlier, "I have info on where they will be receiving some guns in the future. To be used to attack your bar? Perhaps." a beat, "My contacts only go so far. It merits investigation though.."
"And perhaps you can handle some of that pent-up aggression." she says, her eyes skimming the overall demeanor on Luke. It takes one to know one after all. She has a -lot- of unchecked aggression as well after all.
"It's not tonight, so you will have to cope in other ways." She tells him, some more amusement on her expression.
- Luke Cage has posed:
"Sounds like a decent lead, and if we can get to them before they fuck up my bar, all the better." Because if they throw grenades in here like they did Jessica's place, there's going to be a lot _more_ superheroes that'll be pissed off at the Russians.
Her suggestion that he find some other way to cope for the night gets an amused smile and he tips his chin up at her. "Yeah? What do you recommend?"
- Elektra Natchios has posed:
"That's the idea. Of course you will be owing me a favor in the future." Clearly Elektra isn't the type to help just for the sake of helping. Blame Matt for her cynical outlook on life. Her grin then twists just so as she lifts the glass, "This is a good start."
Those last words get her to laugh and she leans forward, elbows resting on the table, "I got a few ideas. All depends on how far you are willing to go." she muses, eyes looking him over thoughtfully.
"I am sure you must have a few of your own already." she chinjerking towards the seat across from her.
- Luke Cage has posed:
"Imagine that," Luke says, standing and sitting down across from her. "Elektra Natchios, _not_ doing something out of the kindness of her heart." It's not that he's making fun of her, but he is quite a bit amused.
"Well, you put us on a path, and I'll tell you when I've gone far enough, how do you feel 'bout that?" He leans back in his seat and smiles at her, shoulders settling.
- Elektra Natchios has posed:
"I don't want to spoil you." Is the immediate answer out of Elektra, "Because what would happen next? People asking me for help all the time, and even calling me some kind of hero." she mimics shuddering at the thought, "I have a reputation to uphold."
Another sip from the Manhattan.
A path though? That amuses her greatly. "I am not your sensei to put you on a path." she notes, "Though I could be. I am -rather- demanding though. I am unsure if you can keep up.", she taps a couple of fingertips to her lips as if in thought.
- Luke Cage has posed:
"I wouldn't worry too much about your reputation, Elektra. It's firmly in place, as far as I can tell." Not that Luke seems to have any problem with that. After all, she might be a ninja assassin, but at least she's not tryna ninjassassinate him or the people he cares about, including her blind ex-boyfriend, so that's _progress_, as far as Luke is concerned.
"Not the kind of path I was thinking, though when it comes to keeping up, I don't think that's gonna be a problem."
- Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Matt seems to think I can change. Even after all these years." Elektra replies about her reputation, the Manhattan left in peace for now, she continuing to lean forward on her elbows, "What do you think?" she then asks, keeping her eyes up on the man's.
As they talk of paths there's a brief lift of her lips into a smirk, her amusement only growing, "No? I thought you'd be the kind of man that enjoys being told what to do. Or am I mistaken?" she questions, "At least you show confidence in being able to keep up." a pause as she considers the large man for a few and finally asks,
"What was the path you were thinking, Mr. Cage?"
- Luke Cage has posed:
"I think you're only gonna change if you wanna change, and right now, ain't nothing making you _wanna_ change, so you ain't gonna change." It's pretty simple logic, but then again, Occam's Razor tends to win out (even if it's a poor application of such). He shakes his head at the idea of taking orders. "Uh uh. Never been much for being told what to do and I did plenty of it while I was inside already.
He smiles at her. "You one of'em always switches it back to the other person, huh? Wouldda thought you'd be more decisive, given your... well, everything else." He points to the door, and then he points to the other door, leading up. "There's two exits. One's the street, the other's my place upstairs. You pick."
- Elektra Natchios has posed:
"You assume much." Yet Elektra doesn't dispute Luke's logic. Maybe she just doesn't want to get into an argument about it, specially considering all the other things on her mind right now. The kind of things that get her to look over at the two possibilities offered by Luke.
"No." She tells him, "I am the one that always keep them on their toes. What kind of a ninja would I be if I was too predictable?" she muses even as she slides up to her feet, almost like a cat.
"Come." She finally tells him, starting to walk to that door leading up to Luke's place, beckoning with a finger over her shoulder, "Time to try out this famous hospitality of yours."