17765/This isn't Sparta.

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This isn't Sparta.
Date of Scene: 25 April 2024
Location: Courtyard: Themysciran Embassy
Synopsis: After destroying Earth, the pair lament the lack of snack cakes in the universe and restore the planet from an 1873 backup.
Cast of Characters: Alexander Aaron, Sofia Maroni

Alexander Aaron has posed:
Something about the courtyard at the Themysciran Embassy feels like home to the Son of Ares. A rare sense of safety and calm set over his features like a hooded cloak. His posture seems measurably relaxed, even with hands stabbed halfway into his pockets, his body kicked delicately contrapasto as his unruly eyes surveyed the area; unwilling to settle on anything in specific and seeming to soak in the terroir.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia Maroni has been actually living at the Embassy more often than not, lately. Training, reading, learning traditional music, and generally embracing more of her mother's heritage. This morning she has been swimming laps in the pool, and she climbs out to take a break. Wearing a one-piece racing suit in sky blue, she is drying off when she spots a familiar figure in the courtyard. The blonde smiles broadly and waves.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
Alexander Aaron lifted his hand to wave back, bending the tops of his fingers. He shifted his weight and strode to meet her halfway. "Did you know that Hell has a lawyer?" he wondered, as if this was not only true but somehow ridiculous. He was looking right into her eyes as she dried off, trying to harvest her reaction to his statement; his own eyes were uncanny, appearing always to have something hiding behind them and peering out. "I bet you did know that." he finally credited her.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia Maroni pats-dry her long, blonde hair, draping the towel over her shoulders as she pads towards him to close the distance. "I'm not surprised, but I haven't had any first-hand experience." she replies. Brows lift, her expression turning a bit playful. "I mean there's probably a big pool to choose from, right?" There's a pause, then she offers. "If you're looking for legal representation, this really isn't the place."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
Alexander Aaron shook his head, dropping into the conversation comfortably and easily for whatever reason. "No no. I need information, and I am pretty sure this...guy has it." he used the word 'guy' as a placeholder, he had no idea who he was going to meet or what to expect. "I forgot to say hello." he mentioned. "Hello." he said, resetting the conversation. Then he looked at her, really looked and was quiet a moment.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia Maroni has always looked good for her age, thanks to Aphrodite's lineage, but the effects of her workout schedule are still very apparent. A bit more toned now, she has even a healthier glow. Her head tilts a little, perhaps noticing that he's noticed, the smile touching her lips again. "It's good to see you as well, Alex." she offers, after that moment of quiet. "I've decided to embrace my mother's heritage, or at least to stop fighting it for a change. Diana had some very good advice on the subject."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
"What did she say?" he said, softening his voice a touch and allowing his tone to rise interrogatively. He folded his arms across his chest in unconscious defense, as if the notion of embracing his heritage was still complex and daunting, or at least currently un-navigable. He looked almost braced now, and the gaze of his attraction was trapped behind his posture.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia Maroni shifts her weight more to one foot, both hands lightly clinging to the towel about her shoulders. "First, she gave me a few books about my mother. First-hand accounts and stories written by Amazons. They present a remarkably unbiased view, I must say. But in general, she reminded me that my divine parent... OUR divine parents... have had a long time to live and make mistakes. The stories tend to focus on the mistakes, because that's by far the most interesting." She shrugs, then. "I'm not saying that I'm going to start calling her every day or anything, but it's been enlightening. And I'm also really enjoying the training, even if I'm told that I fight like a thug."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
The younger man nodded in concession, "They have a...different notion of what it means to be a parent than the humans we spend our lives with." he offered diplomatically. He chose his words, they where few but delivered with enough gravitas. "I guess you'd been suffering a bit until now?" he offered, seeming to recall some prior conversations. "But maybe you needed to, allowing you to be receptive to this new perspective." her admission that she fought like a thug got a merry twinkle from his otherwise unsettling eyes, which had the effect of amplifying the carefully concealed horror of them. He reached out to clasp her hand, just to bond his skin to hers for a moment in a jovial way, "Imagine if we lived as they do. The peaks of their highs, the valley lows. So much more dramatic, I think, could you handle it?"

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia Maroni chuckles softly at that. "Oh I wouldn't go straight to 'suffering', Alex. I was abandoned by my mother and raised by mobsters, yes. But my father doted on me completely. It wasn't a bad life at all, while it lasted." He reaches for her hand and she laces fingers with his own. Chuckling softly, she replies. "I don't think I could -ever- rise to that much drama, actually. And I don't see you ever living up to your father's stories, either." She gives his hand a squeeze, then steps up close to kiss his cheek.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
Alexander Aaron allowed the woman to offer her lips to his cheek, he even turned ever so imperceptibly to assist her in the endeavor, but there was something entirely exclusive about his demeanor; only her and only this. "I don't think there is anything you can't do, Sofia." he affirmed his faith in her, bolstered her, perhaps even pedestalled. There was a moment where his posture telegraphed a hug, wrapping his arms about her in a warm and safe embrace, that would allow her new success and confidence to wash over and infuse him; but he resisted it. "But that you choose to be a sensible woman, I concede, is further proof of your virtue."

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia Maroni smiles warmly, easing back from the cheek kiss and pressing her palm to the other cheek. "Someone also pointed out to me recently that my talents are wasted by only singing in bars." she replies. She is a good read of people, and definitely catches the shift in his posture; the telegraphed move that is suppressed. Sofia steps back in and embraces him tightly anyway, pressing her cheek to his chest. Yes, she is still damp and now so is he. She holds the hug for a few heartbeats before relaxing, comfortably lingering without being awkward. "Well I'm working on my swordplay, but the shield isn't quite as natural for me." she offers. "And you know that you can call me anytime. I've always got your back, cousin."