17775/To the Moon and Back

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To the Moon and Back
Date of Scene: 26 April 2024
Location: The Moon
Synopsis: Mark and Sunny go to intercept an asteroid and run into a surprise.
Cast of Characters: Mark Grayson, Sunny Harlow

Mark Grayson has posed:
Cecil had contacted them earlier in the day, apparently an asteroid had started to drift a little close to Earth. It wasn't a threat that needed like... the heavy hitters, so there was a message sent to both of the Vilturmites. "Alright kids, need you out of the love nest. There's a rock the size of a small city on it's way to Earth, I figured the two of you can handle it."

Which is how Invincible is now floating just outside of the Moon's orbit, dressed in his costume, telepathic ear piece and breathing apparatus in his mouth as he glances towards Indestructibelle and smiles slightly. "I'm trying to decide what the better view is." he admits, looking between her and the Earth. "I think you're way way better." a wink before he turns towards the darkness beyond.

And there, just now coming into sight, is the asteroid they were told about. "What do you think? Want to just push aside, or bust it up?"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Flatterer," she teases back, Indestructibelle herself was floating nearby with a grin on her lips. She moves, staring the thing down. "Start with a nudge, let the orbit do the work. If that's not working? Crack it?"

A shrug, but it seemed a sensible start for Sunny!

Mark Grayson has posed:
"Just being honest." Invincible responds and then smirks. "So, come here often?" To space, that is, before he gives her a playful wink. "Race you there?" And with that, he starts to push off, waiting to see if Sunny picks up on his challenge and ups the ante.

He's not going terribly all that fast as he seems to be just testing her. "I was looking at the table earlier. You considering a new costume?" he asks. "I mean, I'm a fan of you in a skirt. But I don't know how other will handle it."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
She was better in space than atmosphere, but he still had her beat at the upper limits. Still, there's a rush of motion as she gives it a solid attempt, laughing lightly as they erase the miles in a mere moment.

"It's classical. Like Supergirl...but then I need to make sure I've got like...good shorts or hotpants beneath. Hazards of flying."

Mark Grayson has posed:
"I won't complain about any costume you pick... unless, you know, you decide that you want to dress like someone from the Hellfire Club, and then I may just have questions that are better asked in our bedroom." comes his responds as she starts to catch up with him. As they get closer and closer to the asteroid, there's a small item that seems to be imbedded into it. A handle of some kind, which Invincible hasn't noticed as it's closer to Indestructibelle's side. "Let me know when you're ready!"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"The what now?" Sunny questions, a blink at his comment. After all, she didn't quite have the same resources or knowledge.

A twist and shift, her hands move to reach for the surface only to blink and frown.

"Hey uh...come take a look at this. It's meant to be an asteroid, not debris, right?"

Mark Grayson has posed:
"Hellfire Club. Apparently it's this rich and elite place where all types of carnal and other delights are carried out. Apparently all the women there wear corsets. At least, that's what the file on it said." A glance to Sunny. And thanks to the telepathic earpiece, she gets to see how Mark would imagine she would look in a form-fitting corset that is as golden as her hair. And that his cheeks are bright red at the idea of it.

"Uh, right, what did you find!" he says, quickly trying to change the subject as he floats down and ends up next to her to look at the textured handle. "Huh. You pull on it, I'll try to knock the rock loose around it?"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Sounds like a fetish thing," Sunny murmers before shrugging. "But then some of the costume things I've seen..."

Topic shifted, she moves to grasp the handle and shift her momentum in space, shifting to try and pull.

"Uh...if we're about to find an alien stowaway..."

Mark Grayson has posed:
"I hope not." Mark responds, before grinning a little at Sunny. "I'm glad you remain uncorrupted." he says teasingly, but turns his attention. As Sunny pulls on it, Mark draws back and hits the rock. When he does, it splits off, and crumbles, sending debris about.

And Sunny finds in her hands is what looks like a blaster pistol. The barrel is about a foot long, it looks like it has a handle and trigger and a small magazine shaped box.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Perfectly sweet an innocent, that was Sunny. Still, she blinks as she comes away with what looks like a firearm of some kind. Huh.

Well, she brings it back, examining the device before tilting her head.

"That's...concerning. Does this mean that this asteroid is like...debris from something?"

Mark Grayson has posed:
With Sunny holding onto the gun, it takes Mark a couple of moments to realize. "I've seen this before! Well, not seen, but heard about it. In one of dad's books!" he explains as he turns his attention to Sunny. "You know how he wrote travelogues, right? He also wrote like... these sci-fi books that didn't do all that great. I remember he wrote one about an alien that had a weapon like this called..."

                       The Man With The Invincible Gun                        

"...I wonder if this is it. If it is... we should move this asteroid and take the weapon back to Earth."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
An invincible gun found by Invincible's girlfriend? What are the odds. "I mean...there's a lot of laser guns out there, right? I've been shot with a few on earth...or those robots on New Krypton..." she points out.

Still, Sunny shifts, looking back to Mark before tucking the device in her belt carefully. "Lets get this rock sorted and then have Cecil and his people look at it...moon vacations will have too wait."

Mark Grayson has posed:
"Yeah. Maybe. But I remember he said he hid the gun in an asteroid. But that was before he came to Earth." Mark frowns and then nods. "Right. Let's move this thing along and then head back home."

A small frown. "A shame. You could have worked on your moon tan." he comments. "Though there's probably so many cameras and stuff on the moon that may be a bad idea."